Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
ELKHORN NEW YORK CHICAGO By ELSIE MYERS Mrs. Louise Roy has spent the past several weeks in Mehama where | she is taking care of a lunch room and variety store. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond of I Portland spent the weekend at their summer cabin near Taylor’s bridge. They were accompanied by their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and PHILADELPHIA TI»: Mill. CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Phil Hammond and family. Mr and Mrs. Phil Hammond will remain at the cabin for a week's fishing and vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart Sr. of Mill City were callers at the Bill Bickett home Sunday. Mrs. Robert Longnecker has been confined to her home the past week with an acute case of sinus. Bill Bickett has completed covering I the roof of one of his barns with aluminum, preparing for the new hay crop that will soon be going in. Bob Van Eaton went to Salem the first of the week where he will try to enlist in the Navy. Bob is the son of Mrs. Roberta Longnecker. He attended Gates high school last fall. Arriving at the Bickett home this week were Mrs. Bickett's brothers from Texas, Jack Billington of Hail this week. Arnold has enjoyed the fishing here catching the limit each trip. Mr. and Mrs. William Athey and four daughters left Saturday for a weekend visit with relatives in Le Liuza? banon. Raymond Adams of Mehama, who is employed at the Union service sta tion, is back at work after his honey moon. . JACKSONVILLE* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Da via moved their tent house Sunday from the Adam’s trailer court to the Santiam 1 lottarn Squadrons court. William Ader received a Father’s Wa*S*m Squadron« day gift, which we wager he would not trade for a million dollars. A baby boy! bom to Mrs. Ader at a Mobil* Radar Network Portland hospital, Sunday, June 18th. 11 U. S. M ARINE AIR RESERVE SQUADRONS, based at 25 V. S. Naval Air Stations throughout This is their first child. tue nation. are poised to make the two largest coast-to-coast mass air movements ever planned for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gordon and American reserve air fighter units in peacetime. 21 Western squadrons will leave home stations family have moved from Gates to a (black arrows) simultaneously, July 8th. 1954). for maneuvers lasting to July 22nd at Cherry Point, place east of Pennicks on the Linn N. C. 20 squadrons at bases east of the Mississippi (white arrows) will leave simultaneously Au- county side of the river. rust 5th, 1950, for maneuvers lasting to August 19th at El Toro (Santa Ana), California. Fast Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald for moving Marine mobile radar equipment will be set up in radar networks in the field to direct in merly of Albany have moved into terception of “attacking” planes. u. s. m . c . psote m < i the Manolis duplex in the west end of town. Mabie Hesseman. of Salem, daugh ter of Renold Hesseman, is visiting her great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Nystrum and other relatives in Gate« Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. and Mill City. Martha Bowes Friday were Mr. and Wiley Muise, who has been a stu Mrs. Everett McKey and son Robert dent at the Oregon College of Edu ' of Covina, Calif., and Mrs. H. O. cation in Monmouth the Jaat semester, i Green from Dayton, Ore. Mrs Green, is at home for his vacation. ! a former resident of Gates and Mr. Ross Klutke spent Friday and Sat McKey are brother and sister. urday on the Little North Fork as Mrs. Walter Brisbin left Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clise. for a weekend visit with her son Dennie, his small brother, suffered ‘Orville Hayward, who has been hos a badly burned hand when a fire pitalized in Portland since last Octo- cracker exploded before he could toss I ber following a car accident. It is it away. He was given two tetanus i feared Hayward will be compelled to shots, which he didn’t enjoy. Mrs. George Clise was hostess at undergo another operation on a leg, luncheon Wednesday afternoon of last ' which has failed to heal. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mr. week, complimenting Mrs. Lyn Baker. and Mrs. Robert Levon, and Mrs. Following the luncheon hour games Gwen Schaer with her daughter Carol were played and many lovely pink and I attended the wedding, Friday in Port- blue gifts were presented Mrs. Baker. I land of Yvonne Hughs, daughter of Those present were the honored guest, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughs, to Otto Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. W. V. An Wagner. The ceremony was held in derson, Mrs. John Todd, Mrs. W. F. the Kenton Presbyterian church in Barr, Mrs. J. L. Robinson, Mrs. Frank VanCleave, Mrs. Paul Mitchell, with Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rebhan of her daughters Betty and June, Mrs. Dallas were Saturday visitors at the A. R. Maxwell, Mrs. Ted Graunke, Mrs. Anthony Lang, Mrs. Norman Norman Garrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Butler, residents ( Garrison and Mrs. Floyd Völkel, all of Gates for several years, left Satur- |of Gates; Mrs. Forrest Baker of Mill day for Santa Barbara, Calif. The _ 'City and Mrs. Paul Clise of the Little sale of their home here was com | North Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke were I pleted last week and they will make their home in the California city at hosts to a number of guests for sev WHEN YOV COMPARE IT TO NOHLGREN’S COMFORTABLE the home they occupied before coming eral weeks. Mrs. Klutke’s brother- AIR-CONDITIONED BOWER OF TASTY TITTLES . . . THAT'S in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Nor to Gates. Perry Mason of Mill City and his man Norby and daughters. Jean and THE I son Harry of Junction City were Jackie, of Billings, Mont., left last Thursday morning after a visit of Gates callers Sunday. Mrs. Maxine Klugman entertained | several weeks. Burt Ebough, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. ! Maryland, who has been attending fl Arnold of Astoria for several days college in Berkeley, Calif., spent last week at the Klutke home, returned to San Francisco Thursday. Ebough and Klutke are cousins. Friday afternoon Mrs. Klutke en- A i tertained at her home, Mr. and Mrs. (Tex McAvier and three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Eddy, all from San [ Diego. Calif., and Mrs. L. W. Kirk land of Mehama. Sunday Mr and Mrs Klutke and two sons and their Down the Famous Nohlgren’s Alley, off State Street guests attended a family picnic din One Mill East of Detroit ner in Mehama at the home of Mr. in Salem and Mi's. Kirkland. Others there 1 from 11 thru noon til 2 daily except Sunday JEWEL MY ERS, Mgr. were Mrs. C. D. Smith and Mrs. Mar garet Brown, all of Salem, Mr and Mrs. J. L Hudgins and Mr and Mrs. I Clay Kirkland and family of Stayton. Guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Saunders last Friday were Mrs. Fred Barker. Mrs. Louis Becktel, Mrs. W. H Gardner, Mrs. Margaret Hoyer, Mrs. Goldia Kyle. Mrs Joe Madison, Mrs Lucy McDowell, Mrs. Daisy Mc Intyre. Mrs. Charles Newbauer. Mrs. Filliam Ogle, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Mrs. Irene Peterson, Mrs C. Arthur Luder, Mrs. George Viesko, Mrs. Ida Draglio, Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. O. L. Scott, Miss Hazel Price and Miss Wild» Siegmund The ladies are mem bers of a Three Links club of Salem. nrwir> â GATES \ l \ ’S Steak House Fountain Meals Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle Owners BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY, OREGON Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE G. E. THOMAS, Mill City (A PALMER CHIROPRACTOR) Recently moved from Astoria to Selo, where he has built an<l & 'It Center and J. P. Billington of Plaini- view, and her unole, L. H. Billington of Cotton Center, Texas. The three will also visit in Scio at the W. A. Billington home. MILL CITY TAVERN That Cucumber’s Warm & June 22, 1950 now <>perat«»> a new, modern office. He give» X-Ray and Colonic North Santiam Hervlce, ax well ax the uxual TAVERN modalities lined by the modern Chiropractor. Open daily except Sunday* Evenings by Appointment SCIO, OREGON PHONE 82F15 On Sale Now FIREWORKS SASH & DOORS THREE PANEL JOORS Sponsored by Boy Scouts Troop 49, Mill City Stintoli Hardware At the Foot?of the Flagpole and Furniture Stayton, Oregon Linn County Side, Mill City SI FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Stayion Mill City »•HONE »215 IFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIÌIIIIII