r W». T he MILL CITY Air Princess Contest Here ENTERPRISE MILL CITY DETKoi 1 ELKHORN OATU IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGOLD Winner of the Mill City princess contest w’ill be announced from the ON' THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE stage of the Mill City theatre tomor row night about 9 p.m. according to plans announced yesterday by Frank Vol. VI—No. 26 MILE CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Hunter, member of the Chamber oi Commerce air show committee. The preliminary contest was to end at midnight, tomorrow, but the dead line may be advanced to 7:30 p.m. to permit the winner to get an early start selling tickets in the final con test. It also has been decided that there will be only one princess from Mill City. The three lpsing contestants 1 *’* will be eliminated with the announce Mill City i:r ~r, residents . i__ rallied 88 strong ment of the vote. behind the drive for blood by showing One princess has already been se [ up at the appearance of the blood- lected. She is Joan Ryal of Gates, | mobile here Tuesday. Three members of the Mill City who will represent her community Once again, Americans are paying reverent respect for their found- Seventy-eight pints of blood were chamber of commerce greeted the in the inter-community competition collected in the drive sponsored by ing fathers by celebrating the Fourth of July. 1950 caravan of the Willamette River to furnish a queen for the air show, the American Legion and the Legion For a number of days, citizens of Mill City have been startled out Democratic candidates for high I Basin commission at Detroit last Joan's selection was announced this Auxiliary. stat« and national offices addressed Saturday. of their britches by sudden firing« of fire crackers by the noise-loving week by Frank Hunter. The Portland regional blood center the reorganizatlonal meeting of the youngsters of the city. C. E. Coville, George Veteto and Among the first ceremonies at the sent out the vehicle that made the Marion County Democratic Central Frank Hunter passed out literature Noise-making a» an expression of one's inner desire to be Inde- Mill City air show, Sunday, July 16, collections. |H-ndeni and of our nation's insistence on its Independence has long been ' committee in Salem last Thursday. on the dam, the canyon and the tour will be the dedication of the airfield Mrs. L. V. Benson^ Mrs. Charles D. Gubernatorial candidate Austin to members of the caravan. The De at 9:30 a.m., Byron Davis announced Food, Mrs. R. Hendricks and Mrs. accepted as traditional. Flegel promised 146 committeemen troit damsite was the start of the this week. Traditions are necessary for the survival of any society, but no Conrad Paulson of the supervisory and committeewomen he could be "a annual two-day tour which covered Jack Bartlett, director of the Ore staff of volunteers from the Red society can survive on tradition alone. governor of whom you will not be principal features of the Willamette gon State Board of Aeronautics, will Cross assisted local women in setting Tradition give« a man a handy reference whenever he faces a new ashamed." river development project. dedicate the field as "Davis Airport”. up operations here. situation. It should be a reference only. It should show him the differ- Howard Latourette, candidate for Bartlett will also be master of cere Flood conditions in the Portland Following is a list of those who ence, not lead him on In blind subservience. the U. S. Senate, said Oregon needs monies for the breakfast hop. area prevented Col. O. E. Walsh, contributed blood in the campaign: a "senator in Washington who is on As he surveys the new order If his old tactics will serve best, he Another talented guest of the Mill division engineer of the corps of Mrs. Axel Anderson, Mrs. A. E. speaking terms with the president. should decide to use them. If tradition should be modified, he should City air show will be Evelyn Whit Armstrong Jr., James Barton Jr., engineers, and Col. Donald S. Burns, There has been no democratic senator modify. maker, informational representative, Julia Bassett, Thomas R. Beardslee, district engineer of the corps of ■ from Oregon for 35 years." We doubt that our founding fathers expected their posterity to be engineers, from attending opening publicity and promotion of the Oregon Lewis F. Beers, Catherine L. Blazek. Flegel warned his fellow Democrats State Board of Aeronautics. She will Frank Blazek, Jessie Bodeker, Eddie weak-kneed folks who had all their thinking carved out for them. They | that elections “are not won by regis ceremonies at the damsite. make a dead stick landing on the Brand, Ed Calkins, Wayne Chamber- In their absence Marshall Dana, left their Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution tration figures." Walter Pearson, his field. Witnesses on the ground will llain, Mrs. Allura Chance, Kenneth editor of the Oregon Journal; Percy not as the final word, but as a perpetual guide. ' opponent in the primary election, told |C. Othus, special assistant to Colonel also participate in an altitude guess- ■ chanre Betty Christensen and Kath- 1 the county committee he would sup- ing game as her plane hovers over-1 ryn Colburn Burns, and C. C. Davis, resident | port Flegel 100 per cent. He also engineer at Detroit Dam addressed head . , . . . ... . . Mary Jane Cox, Phyllis M. Cox, urged an all-out effort to elect Demo- rT,V» ri/NTN Will Kii flrion TCI l the group. The kivnnlzroüt breakfast hop will be open to Mrs. Rosa Daly, Arthur L. Davis, 1 crats to the state legislature. the public. Breakfast will be served George R. Ditter, Mrs. Arlene Down Dana stressed the magnitude of the On the local level, Luis Martine- Detroit project by indicating there to 11 a m. to the visiting pilots. ing. Mrs. Barbara Enlow, Jack Enlow, Lally was re-elected chairman of the Last year more than 175 planes F. F. Faling, Charles Faris. C. H. county committee. Mrs. Roy R will be enough water in the Detroit reservoir to provide New York City participated in the air show. An even Ferguson, Ida L. Fleetwood, Mary J. Names of party precinct committe- Hewitt was remained to the post of larger number of planes is expected Haun, Ruby Herman, Alice Hoeye, men and committewomen were re vice-chairman. P W. Hale is treas with water for 150 days at the rate of a billion gallons a day. this year. Dolores C. Hollingworth and Dean leased last week by the Marion county Voters of school district 129-J will urer. Mrs. Alvin Whitlaw of Salem 1 Othus pointed out the flood control Riders of the Santiam will be pres W. Jackson. elerk. Included in the list were: replaced Arthur Davis of Mill City as hold their second election of the features of the over-all Willamette ent at the show to patrol the grounds Precinct number 182, Mehama? Mrs. H. E. Jeffries, Norman C. the committee secretaiy. and to keep order. The Mill City fire Jensen, Theodore J. Johnson, Alva Republicans, Luther Stout and Doro- month tomorrow when they consider Andrew Burk, candidate for Ma project. When completed, the project a proposed boost in the tax levy. department will also be present. will reduce flood damage in the val J. Johnston. Lucille C. Jones. Mar- thy Draper; Democrats, Walter A Election time is 8 p.m. daylight sav- : rion county commissioner, and Mrs. ley by about 85 percent, he estimated. Jane Frances Peterson, the cham thetta Jones. Howard Kanoff. R. F. Bevier and Frances M. Randall. Betty Templeton were elected alter ing time. Davis, dealt with the power ber’s contestant in the Mill City prin Kelly, Ruth Kerr. T. A. Kimery, Jim Precinct number 184, Mill City: I Ten days ago in a record vote, Wll- nates to the state central committee. cess contest, attended the Tuesday King, Otto J. Koeneke, Cecil Lake, Congressional committeemen and potential of Detroit dam. He pointed Democrats. Frank Rada and Loretta - liam B Shuey was re-elected to the out the features of the dam to those meeting of the chamber. and Norma McDonald. J. Ziebert; republicans. David M Reid school board. Tomorrow's vote will committeewomen are George L. Bec It was decided at the meeting to at the damsite. He compared the Mrs. Wilbur Meinert, Frances Mer and Lettie P. Cline. be to approve or reject a supplemen ker and Mrs. Cornelius Bateson. have ribbons printed for the visiting rill John A Muir, Ruby Murray. J. L. Allan Jones, Earl Reynolds, Donald present stage of production with that Precinct number 186. Gates: Re tary budget providing $3.500 for new «ii inen. Myers. Vera Nelson, Kenneth A. Niel publicans, Richard Nystrom and Hal furniture, equipment and replace Freel, Mrs. Earl Reynolds and Mrs. , of a year ago. Though severe winter weather prevented fulfillment of a In another move, the chamber has son. Mrs. V. A. Palmer, W. M. Pen- lie Millsap; Democrats, Walter M ments for the elementary school. $300 Lawrence Koch were elected to the , promise made to last year’s caravan decided to invite the governor, Doug- ! nick, Minnie C. Personett, Ledona district nominating committee. Brisbin and Mary L. Garrison. Jor new furniture, equipment, and re that cement would be pouring at the las McKay to the ceremonies. Pinkston. Mrs Tyier Pinkston, Robert Precinct number 188, Detroit: Re- placements for the high school. $500 The menu for the visiting flyers’ Pratt, Earl Ragsdale, C. O. Redmond, lime '• the 1950 caravan, the changes ahd publicans Howard J. Baldwin [for repair and maintenance of ele- of the pust year have been remark breakfast will be sliced turkey served Mrs. W. S. Remine, Arthur A. Rick Ella Johnson; Democrats, Gerald T. jmentary school grounds and $100 for able, Davis said. He added that con with a sandwich and gravy, coffee etts, Alice I. Roberts, B A Roy. Lillie Pittam and Betty Jo Pittam. alteration of the elementary school crete would be pouring late next and com, if available, the chamber Roy. and Verne Shaw. ! building. month. learned. Bertha Shepherd, Margaret R. The total expenditure of $4.400 will At the second stop of the tour, the Three Mill City girl scouts are at Siler. Joe D. Slater. Carmen E. Staf ! put the tax levy that much above the Smith Creek Camp at Siiver- Creek recently completed Marion Forks fish ford, Nellie L. Stahlman, C R Ste- six per cent limitation. hatchery, fish problems arising out Falls this week. ! wart, C. W. Stewart, __ _ Jack M. Ste- In the interests of securing a good 1 of the construction of the dam were wart. Mary Ann Stewart, S. W. Ste- Barbara Podrabsky. Penny Gould turnout for this election the Enter explained. I wart. William R Stewart. R. L. Stiff- prise is publishing in this issue a list and Caroline Iverson left Sunday for Arnie Suomela. master fish warden . Edwin D. StFone. Marie ler, e Mrs. a week at the camp. Horace Heidt will be in Salem with Of the voters in the June 12 election With the end of the Independence of the state of Oregon, pointed out Eight different sessions at camp __________________ savings bond drive less than three Stover, Lettie A. Swan. Edna L. his “Original Youth Opportunity Pro- that one-fifth of the spring Chinook Tucker. Mavis Wargnier, Carl J. await the local girl scouts this sum- gram" on August 5 under the sponsor weeks away. E bond sales in Oregon I spawning in the Willamette river mei Each girl in the local troup will were still less than halfway to a Watt, E. C. Filson, and Barbara Yar ship of the Marion County polio chap enter the North Santiam system. Of nell. attend at least one session. ter. quota of $5.892.000 on June 17. 1 these seven of ten have for ages Girl scout meetings will continue | Signing of contracts for Heidt's The drive began May 15 and will meet- . rpaWr”‘d nbove Delrolt Dam- throughout the summer. 1 Next ------------- appearance was announced last week last through July 4. Suomela stressed the reasons for by Elmer J. Church, chapter vice- A 1948 Hudson was virtually de- ing date is July 12, except time and ' Marion county has been holding 19th (Continued on Page 8) president. ’ molished in an early morning accident place will be announced later. place in the competition among Ore The show will be at the senior high Monday at Rainbow between Mill gon counties Sales in Marion have school auditorium with performances , city and Gates, reached $110.309 of a quota of At a joint meeting Monday of the at 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. Owner of the automobile, Hemy W. PARADE IN SALEM FRIDAY $302.000 i Stayton and Santiam Lions clubs, Local talent will have an opportun Casebeer of Route 1. Lyons, suffered Oregon’s 1950 Veterans of Foreign new officers were installed for both ity to try out for an appearance with a crushed shoulder, and his compan-iWars encampment began in Salem clubs. the show and will be considered for a ion, Donald E. Naue, also of Route 1, Tuesday and will continue until Sat- Frank White, district governor, in Sunday night broadcast. James Ran .Lyons, fractured his collarbone. unlay noon. Earl G. Mason was reelected chair stalled the following officers for the kin. talent scout for the show, will Major General Thomas E Rilea, man of the Linn county Democratic Police said the car left the highway A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Santiam Lions: Shields Remine, presi hold the auditions sometime in July and overturned. The men were adjutant general of Oregon, will be | Central committee this month. Melvin Warner. Mill City, at the Sa dent; Lowell Stiffler, first vice pres grand marshal of the grand parade Tickets for the two and a half hour lushed to a Salem hospital At a meeting of the committee in lem Memorial hospital. Thursday, ident; George Steffy, second vice shows go on sale at the U. S. National Reports from Lyons state that Naue scheduled through dawntown Salem Lebanon, Mason blamed the failure of president; George Veteto, third vice Bank in Salem next Wednesday. June 22 will be able to return to his home in streets at six thirty tomorrow night. . the non-partisan registration cam A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Harry president, and Jack Colburn, secre- Frank C. Hilton of Wyomissing, paign partly on not having sufficient Sixty of America's top entertainers a few days, while Casebeer's injuries Casebeer, route 1, Lyons, at Salem tary-treasurer. Also installed were were such that a cast could not be Pa , junior vice-commander of the registrars in handy marked places. who have been discovered on three directors Ed Goschie and Dr David General hospital. Thursday. June 22 coast-to-coast tours will present the immediately applied. It will be two national VFW, is principal speaker Confusion on the part of new resi A SON—To Mr. and Mrs Albert J. Ferguson. weeks before the cast can be put on. for this year's encampment. program. dents as to Oregon laws was another Toman. Jr.. Mill City, at the Salem Entertainment for the joint meet- factor he mentioned. General hospital. Friday June 23. i ing was furnished by Jack Spong of "Folks just naturally think the laws A SON To Mr. and Mrs Burnette ¡the Salem Lions club with sleight-of- of Oregon are like those in their home Cole. Mill City, at Salem Memorial hand feats and other occult perform states so we need a better means of ances. Lanny Dibbern offered a few hospital, Monday. June 26 telling our newer citizens the Oregon accordian numbers. requirements concerning registration and voting," Mason said. BRADLEY KENT TOMAN JOINS The annual Democratic picnic is set MILL CITY'!* POPULATION for Jujy 30 at the Brownsville city THURSDAY— Bradley Kent Toman joined a two- park, the committee announced. Softball 6 p.m. year old brother in the home of Mr Linn county Democratic candidates American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. and Mrs. Albert Toman Jr. of Mill include Walter Shelby for state sen Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm. City, last Friday ator. Dave Epps and Mason for the FRIDAY— Bradley weighed 7 lbs 13 ounces. legislature, and Fred Mespelt for Father is the son of Mayor and Mrs I.O.OF. meeting county commissioner. Albert Toman Mother is the daugh Other central committee officers Lyons TWA meeting 2nd Friday are Eva Sylvester, Vice vice chairman: Mill City IWA meeting last Fridav ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Steven of Lyons Cleo Calahan. secretary; Wenonah SATURDAY— Wiley, trasurer; R. F Lueck and Gates Fireman's Dance. Vada Peterson, alternates for the Santiam Riders Dance state central committee; William MONDAY— Goold and Nancy Epps, congressional Lions club meeting. committe; and Tom Jackson, Fred Hi '■ who hesitate« may not vote, Harrison, Don Kennedy, Floyd Owens, A F A A M. No. 180 stated meet Fall election« may «cem a long and Joe Abbott district nominating ing third Monday way off. but unie«« you act now committee and get your name on the IIM of Boy Scouts 7:30 Both CIO and A FL union members registered voter* you may not be TUESDAY— are among the committee’s officers. able to vote thì» fall. Chamber of Commerce 8pm Citizen« de«|ring to regi«ter can Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues now do «o at the Mill City Enter Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. FIREMEN DANCE SCHEDULED prise office. Senior Scouts 7 30 p m. At least one more iiates Firemen City Gives Blood to Red Cross Collection 4 Serving: INDEPENDENCE d M 1 Precinct Leaders of Parties Named Speakers See Canyon Develop Project’s Size Thrills Visitors Central Committee Hears Candidates For High Positions Mill City Men Greet Willamette River Basin Commission at Damsite Voters Asked To Boost Levy For Local Schools Mill City Girls at Scout Outings at Summer Camp Horace Heidt Has Date With Salem Independence Bond Drive To End July Fourth Car Demolished, Riders Survive Morning Crash New Officers installed By Lions In Joint Meet Mason Re-elected County Chairman Just Arrived... (itnuiiiR turnts: REGISTER NOW WEDNESDAY— Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd Wed at 8 p in Altar Society meets 2nd Wed Registration can ai«« be made at Mr«. Arthur Krtrver’« renidence on the Linn county «ide and at Mr«. Carti« M. dine'« residence on the Marion county «Me. BOY SCO IT* ENTRAIN AT SALEM—All «et for «Ight-seeing adventure« which will carry them aero«« our nation and hawk again are *c«>ut« of troop 28. na they walled for thing* to get going nt Salem a week ago Tuesday. Boy« tn the troop are from the ettie« of Albany, laduuion. Sweet Home, Brownsville Mill City and Gates. Included la the group pictured above are Joe and George Burton of fiate« and Mill City'« Gary Petr rood. Photo Courtesy Albany Democrat-Herald «inner alii be heM, It was an nounced ihi«. week. Warn Bridge« and hl« orchestra will play at the Gate« gvm, Saturday, July I.