Quality job printing at the Enter­ LEGAL ADVERTISING prise. STATE TIMBER SALE I S P E C I A L a LM(ilX) TRADE MARK STAY-WHITE Regularly 11.39 J ' • Until May 31, 1930 Try a pint of KEM-GLO, in white that stayt white, at only 98*, Today! A pint covers up to 50 square feet. • 10 lovely colors in quarts and gallons. Pints in Stay- white only. »2.39 Qt. »7.98 Gal. Get your PINT of KEM- GLO574_>-trZ>i/eatonly 98*, TODAY! Bring this ad to FRERES Building Supply Mill City Notice is hereby given that oral bids will be received by the State Forester or his authorized agent, act­ ing in behalf of the State of Oregon by and through its Board of Forestry, at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, at 10:00 o’clock AM.. daylight sav­ ing time, July 24, 1950. for unesti- ' mated volume of mixed old growth Douglas fir, western hemlock and red cedar designated for cutting by the ! State Forester or his agent upon the following described lands located in Linn County, Oregon: N\Vt4NEii, StiNEti, S»i Section 4; NWi4SEi4. SuSEi, Section 5; S4NEi4. S4SW i 4, SEi4 Section 7; All Section 8 except SUSWi4NE<4 and NI3NWf4SEt4; All Section 9; I All Section 10 except NEt4SE>4; Stj Section 11; AU Section 14; All Section 15; All Section 16; All Section 17; N4N14. SEi4NEi4 Section 18; NEv4, NV s NW i 4 Section 20; | N*£ Section 21; W% Section 22. All in T 10 S, R 3 E E4 Section 12, T 10 S, R 2 E. No bid will be considered for less I than $5.00 per MBF for old growth Douglas fir and $3.00 per MBF for western hemlock and red cedar. A certified check in the amount of $1.000.00 must be in the hands of all bidders at the time of sale to be ap­ plied on the purchase price by the successful bidder or retained as liqui­ dated damages should the bidder fail < to execute the contract and furnish I satisfactory bond In the amount of I $10,000.00 within 30 days following acceptance of his bid. Before submit­ ting bids, prospective purchasers should secure a copy of the bid pros­ pectus from the State Forester, Salem, Oregon or Elmer Taylor, Me­ hama, Oregon. The State Forester reserves the right to waive minor technicalities or to reject any or all bids. Signed: G. SPAUR. State Forester. First publication June 22, 1950—It JUNGWIRTH STATE TIMBER SALE Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Shovel and Trucks for Hire LYONS t 294 Days I 297 Nights Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road 'iiiiiiiiniimiiuinuii «:m ira.niij it Dr. G. A. Serf ling (A PALMER CHIROPRACTOR) Recently moved from Astoria to Scio, where he has built and now operates a new modern office. He gives X-Kay and Colonic service, as well as the usual modalities used by the modern Chiropractor. Church Activities (,. E. THOMAS, Mill City Bonneville Calls for Bids On Transmission Line SCIO, OREGON OFFICE NEEDS $20,784.84 The Bonneville Power Administra­ tion called for bids last Friday on | EXPENDITURES: invitation No. 5219 for construction' GENERAL FUND of the Maupin-Detroit section of the j Judge Salary and Recorder Salary .... $ 960 00 Goldendale - Detroit - Goshen 230 kv transmission line. LAW ENFORCEMENT: Bids are scheduled to be opened in $5,240.00 Police Salary Portland July 10, This section of 150.00 Jail Maintenance 75 00 transmission line will be approxi­ Prisoners’ Board 450 00 Police Car Exp mately 17 miles in length and will 200 00 Mise. Expenses consist of 87 single - circuit heavy­ 450.00 Insurance steel section towers. The conductor 150.00 Park Fund to be installed on the transmission SOO 00 Police Car Payt. line will be 1,272 MCM ACSR con­ This conductor has an ap­ $ 8,475.00 ductor. Total proximate outside diameter of 1.4 STREET FUND: inches. The invitation provides that Maintenance and the work under the contract will be Repair ............ $3,200 00 completed within 460 calendar days Salaries ............. 4.200 00 after notice to proceed. 500 00 Equip’t Repair 2.200 00 Street Lights Corvallis jumped 92.7 per cent in $10.100.00 population between the 1940 and 1950 Total EMERGENCY FUND: census, according to unofficial figures $ 2,209.81 released this week. Emergency Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES $20,784.84 Public hearing date set for 23rd of June, 1950, at 8 p.m. in the City Hall First publication June 8, 1950 3t SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eaglee 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mill City Lodge No. 144, I O.O F. meets every Friday night. Visiting brothers welcome. Open daily except Sundays Evenings by Appointment PHONE 62F15 June 22. 19M Thomas Housing Project TOTAL INCOME iiiiimiiiii nn:iin™imiiim>i«iM;im'irr i mi 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE Sand and Gravel Co. MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days No Po/io Increase Despite Weather Notice is hereby given that oral bids will be received by the State Morning worship 11 A.M. Forester or his authorized agent, act-1 Evangelistic service 8 P.M. ing in behalf of the State of Oregon Preaching services Wednesday and by and through its Board of Forestry. 1 at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, The recent onset of warmer, IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Friday 8 P.M. at 9:00 o'clock AM. daylight sav­ weather brought no increase in Ore­ Sunday School 10 A M. Rev Wayne W. Watkins, Pastos ing time. July 24. 1950. for 1 339 MBF gon's polio incidence, and the state Morning Service 11 A M. • • • old growth Douglas fir. 409 MBF board of health commented that "so Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. FREE METHODIST CHURCH second growth Douglas fir, and 50 far, this year's pattern is reasonably Evening Service 7 P.M. MBF western hemlock, more or less, North 51111 City Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 PM designated for cutting by the State encouraging”. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Those were the highlights of a: Forester or his agent upon the fol­ Eldon Haley, Pastor Morning worship 11 a.m. lowing described land located in Ma­ report made to the Oregon office of • • • Junior church 11:00 a.m. the National Foundation for Infan-1 rion County. Oregon: GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Evening service 7:30 p.m. NW1.4 of Section 2, Township 9 S., tile Paralysis today by Doctor Sam-1 OF CHRIST Range 2 West. pel Osgood, sate health board epidem-1 Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. Sunday school at 10 a.m. No bid will be considered for less ioligist 1 Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor • • • than $10 00 per MBF for old growth Morning worship 11 a.m. Dr. Osgood said that the state's Douglas fir, $5 per MBF for second infantile paralysis rate is slackening Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC growth fir. and $3.00 per MBF for after getting off to a somewhat faster Evening worship 7:30 p.m. CHURCH, MILL CITY hemlock. A certified check in the Walter Smith, Pastor Mass at 9 A.M. amount of $500 00 must be in the start than was noted in the corres­ • • • hands of all bidders at the time of ponding months of 194(9. Thirty­ Confessions heard before Mass. sale, to be applied as part of the seven cases had been recorded in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 pjn. 1950 up to the beginning of this week. ! purchase price by the successful bid­ Father C. Mai, Pastor Morning worship 11 a m. as campared with 33 cases for the 1 der or retained as liquidated damages, . a • Music by choir. should the bidder fail to execute the . same number of weeks in 1949. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH contract. Satisfactory bond for Dr. David J. Ferguson. Preaching The medical man said that the only | $1.000.00 must be provided and ad­ Services every Lord's dry Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs 1 "unusual number of cases ” this year I vance payment made in the amount Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Arthur Kreiver, leader. : had been reported in Clackamas of $10,000.00 within 30 days following Morning worship 11:00 A.M. • • • acceptance of his bid. The balance I County where an earlier onslaught Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. of the bid price shall be paid within of the disease inflicted seven persons. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ] Evening worship 7:30 P.M. 90 days following acceptance of bid , He added, however, that the Clacka- Sunday school at 10 a.m. or prior to commencement of logging, | mas tuation seemed to have im­ T. Courtney, Jr.. Pastor Morning worship 11 a.m. whichever may be the prior date. prove^ materially in recent weeks. • * • Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. Before submitting bids, prospective The Clackamas County cases ap- L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. purchasers should secure a copy of the bid prospectus from the State I parently resulted from a new out- Detroit Warren Knape. Pastor Forester, Salem. Oregon, or Elmer I break as distinguished from most of • • • Sunday school each Sunday 10 aA. Lane County's eight cases for the Taylor. Mehama, Oregon,. The State In high school building, Detroit. COMMUNITY CHURCH Forester reserves the right to waive ! year which, Dr. Osgood said, were Priethood meeting 11 a.m. Full Gospel Preaching minor technicalities or to reject any left-overs from the epidemic the or all bids. Zealand Fryer, Presiding Sunday school 10 A.M. latter county experienced in 1949. Signed: G. SPAUR, Latest figures showed that the last State Forester. complication on a national scale First publication June 22, 1950—4t gave a weekly total of 103 cases, in BUDGET OF (TTY OF MILL CITY comparison with 168 for the corre­ sponding week last year. National For Year 1950-1951 Foundation offices in Portland said INCOME for Year 1950-1951: that the county-wide incidence is run­ UENERAL FUND: ning about one-third under the rate Liquor $ 70000 LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE for the first five months of 1949, 2.000.00 Fines which was America ’ s most severe Licenses 1.500.00 IF YOU’RE A G.L, SEE polio year. Pinballs, punch- Nearly 43,000 cases were recorded boards, etc. 1.500.00 in the nation for 1919 325 of them In 150 00 Telephone Oregon which underwent its fourth $ 5,850 00 , worst year from the polio stand­ Total . STREET FUND: point. Chapter officials throughout State Highway the state are stressing to parents the Commission . $7,000 00 need for avoiding fatigue, polluted County Road Tax 2,200 00 water, and large public gatherings, 900 00 Public Utilities as precautions against their children $10,100 00 contracting infantile paralysis Total SALEM EMERGENCY FUND: Phone 8-4634 141 N. Commercial St. $1,500.00 Cash on Hand Tax Levy .......... 3,334 84 Has Everything for Your 4,834.84 Total ..... Oregon produced 40,000 pounds of copper and more than 12,000 ounces | of silver in 1949. Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Richfield Station Open Under r New Management GOODYEAR ACCESSORIES: TIRES BATTERY CABLES BATTERIES RADIATOR HOSE FAN BELTS SPARK PLUGS Frank's Richfield Service Mill City Hotel FRANK BARNEY WE HANDLE GUARANTEED RECAPS BY and O.K. Rubber Welders Boarding House FAMILY STYLE MEALS Under New Management WHICH KIND OF CHECKBOOK IS count here — choose the type of checkbook you like best. Then enjoy the bill-paying ease of writing your own personal checks at your convenience. MILL CITY STATE BANK 8 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSITRANCE CORP. ■ 1 ■