Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1950)
•—THE MIEI- CITY ENTERPRISE FIREWORKS For Sale by Boy Scouts Stands located at Lyons and Mill City On sale June 20th to July 4th Out of the Woods By JIM STEVENS Pa Kettle’« Forest Fire . . . FOR SALE—1946 Cadillac power en Betty MacDonald's famous story, gine, complete with radiator, 12- THE EGG AND I. has a chapter that FARMS FREE- 160-acre homestead FOR SALE—Grand Plano, recondi volt generator and starter and all is really a parable on the public prob- tracts now available for farming, tioned and recently refinished ma- ! dash board gauges. Ready to run ilem and the popular appeal that the dairying, ranching, etc. Also other hogany baby grand. Guaranteed $300.00 Inquire at Mill City Auto i "Keep Green” movement represents. Government lands as low as $1.00 perfect. $775.00 cash, terms, or Supply, phone 1652. 23-3 j The chapter js on Pa Kettle and his rented with purchase option. Stone I per acre up. For information all FOR SALE — Spinet Piano, $35.00 de-1 forest fire, Here is a liberal quota states sent post paid, send $3 00 to Piano Co , 1540 Fairgrounds Road, Northwest Land Service. 410 E. 8th posit, and $15.00 per month places iion from it: Salem. 16tf Ave., Anaconda, Mont. 22-3t a fine instrument In your home. "Even with the continual rain, July, FOR SALE - One dining room set, six Can be seen locally. Write Stone August, September and even October FOR SALE — Three choice building chairs, buffet, table, two extra Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, were bad fire months in the moun lots in Swift’s addition, water, elec leaves, walnut veneer. Very good Salem. 10tf tains (the Olympics). If you were tricity available, level ground. W. condition, price $75. Lester Warner. unfortunate enough to live on a ranch ROOM & BOARD — $15 week across L. Peterson. 20tf Box 763. Mill City. 23-3p road from 7 Cafe, Lyons, Mrs. B. I near the Kettles, ANY month was WANTED-Setting hens. Mrs Geo. WE BUY—Wornout or broken bat F. Hahn. 22-3p l dangerous. It was said that the Ket teries and radiators. Red's Hill Top Cree, phone 924. 24-lp tles set the original peat fires in the Trading Post. 24 WE BUY —Fir pitch 75c per gallon KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — See us for containers. Red’s Hill valleys and that one summer, Pa. to Fastest service in Portland and sat PLEASE LIST all available rooms, Top Trading Post. 24 save himself the effort of mowing the room and board, houses and apts. lawn, set fire to the grass and burned isfaction guaranteed by Portland's Write, telephone or visit Personnel FOR SALE — 20 acres near Gates, off the front porch. oldest company. Eight exposure The Kettles Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Ore., 5-room house. 2-room cabin, burned brush any old time of year roll developed and one print each Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf garage, outbuildings, beautiful park and if the brush fire got away from 25c Two prints each 35c. Rolls with % mile river frontage, electric with more than eight exposures one FOR SALE — 20-foot eastern built : spring water system, 10 acres sandy them and burned five or ten acres print each 35c. Re-prints 3c each, trailer house, furnished. Behind H. loam. Frank Saunders, Route 1, of somebody’s timber, that was too •end coin. The Quality Picture Co. E. Martin’s Body & Fender Shop, Lyons, Ore., Ph. 757 Mill City 22-3p bad . . . Box 4401Z, Portland 8, Ore. 18tf Mehama, Ore. 23-3p i Home in Danger . . . FOR SALE—Boy’s 24-in. Roadmaster FOR SALE Refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. “It was late October of the second FOR SALE — Highway frontage in bicycle, good condition, $30. Call year,” Betty MacDonald's story goes Norge, reconditioned, clean and ex Mill City, excellent business loca Officer Hunt, police station. 22tf on to tell, "when Elwin Kettle drove cellent condition $115 Red's Hill tion. Phone 1957. 22-3p Top Trading Post. 24-1 WHY PAY RENT 7 Buy income prop excitedly into our yard one morning ■XPERT AUTO and home radio FOR SALE--18 ft. trailer house, good erty. New duplex for sale. W. L to tell us that their barn was on fire. condition, reasonable Fir Grove Mrvlce, 20 years experience, all Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf He said, 'Pa filled the hay mow with Court, west of Mill City on hiway. makes. Guaranteed service. wet hay and the darned stuff’s com Owner, Cecil Fritts. 22-3p FOR SALE—140 h.p. deisel, double busted spontaneous. Stiffler s Radio and Appliance. 3tf The Barn's drum, with lines, $3,500. Jungwirth FOR SALE—Rabbits, does and bucks. FOR SALE — Ford V-8 sedan '35. Sand & Gravel, ph. 9242, Mill City. burnin' and it’s set the brush in the $100 00 Durham’s Grocery, Gates. 24-3 ravine on fire, too. Ma said to warn 08 breeding does, six bucks, good 22-3p you it's probably come up this way price. All does due to kindle within the next 30 days. Write to R. W because the wind’s from the south . . . FOR SALE or TRADE — Will take In Bohroll, M. R Box 706. Clarks Mills “All afternoon cars chugged up our late model sedan on 10 rooms and Rd Sweet Home, Ore. 24-3p [ road and then scooted down toward 2 acres In city limits of Mill City, the Kettles’. Bob had spread the very reasonable. Ideal for rooming jVE BUY—Cascara bark. Red’s Hill alarm and the farmers were answer house, 4 blocks from Hill Top Store. Top Trading Post. 24 ing the call for help. I learned later P. O. Box 96, Gates. Phone 3771. F. Cook. 22-3p that Bob had gone even further—he AVON PRODUCTS I had asked Maxwell Ford Jefferson, C, E. 'Pink* Mason, Prop. FOR SALE Range-Tec glass frying Phone 3424 the moonshiner, to help and Jeff pans 50c. Red’s Hill Top Trading 22-14t SHELL PRODUCTS passed the word on to all his good Post. 24-1 AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES customers. I made gallons- of coffee FOR SALE — Complete restaurant, ZENITH TIRES and hundreds of sandwiches and at kitchen equipment, dishes included, FOR SALE —Half-finished 4-r house, i reasonable. The Cottonwoods Tav with 1% acres land, well, $1,200.00. about four the fighters came filing Will accept trailer on trade. 8ee ern, Route 1, Albany. Ph. 2510R2 wearily in. blackfaced and dirty. They B. J. Wriglesworth, Route 1. Lyons, Albany 22-3p ate sandwiches, drank coffee, and one mile east of Gates. 22-5t i cursed the Kettles. SOAP FREE! -No work, 9 lb. wash "The smoke rolled up the draw and 30c, Why do it the old way. Gates A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per obscured the sun and stung my eyes Automatic Laundry. 23-3p eq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. while I put out the lanterns and fed FOR SALE - Lavatory, wash bowls, the chickens. Each batch of fighters With brass faucets, $7 50 Red's Hill FOR SALE 4-bedmi. modern house, brought more frightening news. 'The approximately 1% acres Just out I Top Trading Post. 24-1 fire was almost to the road in several side city limits on Lyons-Mill City places!’ ’The wind was getting MILL CITY LIST YOUR homes and farms with highway. Warren Howe. 22-3p stronger. ’ 'Once the fire hit the tim me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, i David M. Oates. Detroit. Lyons. ber on our place we would have to A FRIENDLY 3tf Reid, Real Estate. run for our lives'." FAMILY Save That Still . . . ! FOR SALE Kimball upright piano, Such was the bad news. Then, at ATMOSPHERE excellent tone Inquire at Detroit ! around seven in the evening Max Barber Shop. 23-3 PREVAILS Jefferson, the moonshiner, dropped by with a word of cheer. FOR SALE — New home, 4 rooms, GENERAL AUTO and "Just thought I’d drop up and tell modern, wired for electric range, TRUCK REPAIR you not to worry, honey. I’ve got the large lot, fine shade trees, in city Would take late modern trailei ; biggest bunch of drunkards in the house See Bob Thompson, apt 7. I United States out fightin’ that fire Beebe Apts. Ph. 561. 24-3p I ’cause they think my still’s up this | way.” (the time was twenty years FOR SALE Trailer size butane and ago ) Phone 3452 white gas stoves $19 50. Red’s Hill The fire grew worse in the night. | Top Trading Post. Betty tried to choose what she would take with her in case she had to run for it. “It narrowed down finally to the baby, the key of whisky and the ani mals.” she says "I put my sorority pin and my high school graduation VETERINARIAN ring in my purse, my silver in the For your excavating didy bag and we were ready.” and dump truck work STAYTON But the fire burned itself out as a 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel night rain set in. In the end it was PIIONE 4148 Basement«, Trench and only one of the annual thousands of General Excavating fires that never got a line in the Opposite newspapers twenty years ago, and Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Claude lewis’ Servit e Station which the people of the woods and Mill City, Ore. Phone 903 faints endured much as they endured colds, rheumatism and pneumonia in the winter time. Today, all but the worst of the Pa 1 Kettles in both Oregon and Washing ton—the Pa Kettles of the cities, too —are in the line of march with others for forest fire prevention. I we go forward! Wants and Sales MILL CITY Service Station FISHING TACKLE Les’s Tavern A family reunion was held at the beautiful new home of Mr and Mrs. Lenard Cruson in Fox Valley, Sunday. June 11. Those attending were: Mrs. Louise Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith of Vancouver, Washington; Mr and Mrs. Dave Woffard. Mr. and Mrs. Art Comstock and Julie; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent, David and Jay; and Mr and Mrs. Ed. Woffaard, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cruson, Gail and Jerry, of Ashland; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Cruson and Bonnie; Mr. and Mrs Leo Cruson, Buddy and Merry Jo; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holt; Mrs. Pearl Hudson; Mr. Denne’s Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. Len ard Cruson, Mike and Nikki; all of Fox Valley. Mrs. Donald Me Whirk and children of Pierce, Idaho; spent two weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson. They are visiting jn Tacoma, with Mrs. McWhirk’s mother for a week before entering | Errol, the oldest boy, in the Shrine hospital in Portland. Mr. George White of Jennings Lodge, and Mr. Earl White of St. Regis Montana, spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson and family. Earl White is the father of Mrs. Cruson, and George White an uncle. De â öood Tourist Host- Mom & Pop’s CAFE Private Dining Room Best authority on spelling: The beat dictionary available to you. MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY, GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heatin LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING No Job Too Large and None Too Small Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM SANTIAM GARAGE Arc and Acetylene Welding J. W. GOIN Attorney at latw 318 Broadalbin Albany Professional ('aiivon Garage J o Expert Repairing SHELL Oil. PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES Détruit P. E. Fry. Mgr. LIPrOLD - BRENNER Accountant« Bookkeeping Service Auditing Payroll Report« Income Tax Phones: MUI City 207 Salem 3-7615 Detroit Tavern and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETROIT STILL FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rjmearoon Otto Russell Glen Dryden HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery -1 Jn gerie-Dren»en-Smocks 131 High St Salem Phone 4032 ♦ ♦ TRUCK GETS DUNKED A gravel truck belonging of Jungwirth Sand and Gravel plunge«! off the Santiam highway into the river near Tumble Creek Monday morning The driver of the truck. Basil Green, of King's Trading Post, received only minor scratches on his legs The truck had apparently hit a rock in the roadway before being thrown in the river. Tumble Creek is east of Detroit. ■MMM I) WIDM. REID Real Estate Mill City BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves. Dishes Clothing. Housewares MAC’S 140 8 Church next to Salem Parkin» WOOD’S STORE Gearnd Dry Good« NOTIONS IJNGERIE -NEW STOCK r«-»» Print« — Silk and Wool Scarf« New shad«-« in Nylon« Curttaln Material — Ticking Hendricsons Stori In the Daw«*« Bldg. READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY l.l'ZIERS IXfAMETlOH C. E. Coville MIKE’S Septic Service nrptlc Tank« and Sewers Cleaned none SAI.E.M > Mtt. OOUACT I»7» Elm SL, W. Salem CALI, Kimsey’s Ready Mix Phone ll-F-24 Stayton Plant near Mehama JOHN \l) VMS Business - Directory HARLOW L WEINRICK FOR HI-STRENGTH CONCRETE MIXED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS, AT LOWER COST Real Estate MASTER nno Qooà' Went Side Mill (Vty Pb. 34*7 IJSTING« WANTED PopuLr . It«« « It’« Smart! It’« New! MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter