5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IIHHI Jun« 15, 1950 IMI Church Ceremony Joins Local Pair Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Presbyterian church. Miss Darlene Downer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moberg became the bride of Clyde Hathaway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway. Dr. David J. Ferguson officiated at Miss Joan Davis, daughter of Cleve At an afternoon ceremony June 10 the double ring ceremony. Davis, became the bride of Clifford at her home, Mrs. Mattle Roten Mur The couple exchanged their vows Young, May 14 at a ceremony in "Our dock became the bride of George Nay I before an altar banked with peonies, Lady of Sorrows" Catholic church of Ogden, Utah. Rev. Thomas Court calla lilies, and snap dragons. in Portland. ney, Jr., pastor of the Mill City Chris Lighting the tapers were Nellie The bride was given in marriage tian church performed the double ring Hathaway, in a gray spring dress by her brother-in-law, Robert Davis service. ' and Mrs. Donald Nelson in a lime of Valsetz. She wore a white tailored The living room was attractively green spring dress Both are sisters suit with green accessories. She car decorated with pink and white spring [ it the groom. ried a bouquet of white stephonitis flowers. Mrs. Lee Ross was pianist and ac centered with green orchids. The bride chose a powder blue gab companied Kirk Wirick of Eugene Mrs. Robert Davis of Valsetz, sister ardine suit with white accessories for who sang "Because" and “Always". of the bride was matron of honor. her wedding. The bride was given in marriage by She wore a navy blue suit with pink Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson Jr., her stepfather, Russell Moberg. She accessories and a corsage of pink of Astoria, daughter and son-in-law chose a dusty pink tailored suit with rosebuds. brown accessories. She carried a of the bride, attended the couple. Miss Rose Ann McGraw of Mill A reception followed with Mrs. shower bouquet of pink roses and Ctiy was bridesmaid. She also wore Jackson serving the wedding cake orange blossoms. a navy blue suit with white acces and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson of Can Mrs. Lloyd Comtsock, the bride's sories and a red rose bud corsage. She sister was matron of honor, yonville serving the coffee. Gil Young, twin brother of the wore a pale blue suit with white ac- The couple and Mrs. Nay's children, groom was best man and Marvin i cessorles and a corsage of pink rose Dan, Jane and Henry left Monday for buds. Young was groomsman. The groom's mother, Mrs. C. J. Ogden, Utah, where they will make Bridesmaids were Dorothy Downer, Young, wore a navy blue ensemble their home. the bride’s sister, who wore a beige Present for the ceremony and re suit with brown accessories and Mrs. with gardenia and rosebud corsage. A reception followed the ceremony ception were. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dorothy Alley of Salem who wore a at the home of the groom's mother. Roten, Barbara and Bobby of Meha biege suit with rust accessories. Both Following a week's wedding trip to ma; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson, Jr. wore rosebud corsages. Coos Bay, the couple are at home and Judy of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swan was best man and ushers in Tillamook where the groom is em- William White of £«ates; Mrs. Ken- were Dick Downer and Don Nelson. neth Thompson, Canyonville; Mrs. ployed. The bride's mother wore a grey Rosa Roten, Gttes; Mrs. Louisa Ro afternoon dress with white accesso- mey, Gates; Ernest Wrigglesworth, 1 lies and a corsage of pink carnations DEDICATION SERVICES Dedication services wiil be held at Gates; Mrs. Ben Roten and children, and rosebuds. the Free Methodist Church Sunday, Mrs. Frank Jackson, Sr., Mrs. Una The groom’s mother wore a pink July 25. Rev. J. R. Stewart, confer-1 White, Dan, Jane and Henry Roten. butcher linen ensemble with white accessories and carnation and rose ence superintendent, will speak. bud corsage. Pastor L. C. Gould urges all who A reception followed the ceremony have given time, material or money in the church dining room. in building the church to be present. Mrs. John Swan cut the bride’s cake and Mrs. Anna Swift cut the groom’s Quality iob printing at the Enter cake. Mrs. Donald Nelson and Miss prise. Nellie Hathaway presided at the punch bowls. Miss Leola Hathaway SHIRLEY LAIRD » I of Klamath Falls passed the guest § LIN E WEIGHT OR DRESSED § book. Mrs. Darrell Hinz and Miss FRYERS Jeannette Nydigger were in charge Phone 6103 o I of the gift table. CLAYTON BALTIMORE The couple went to Southern Cali MILL CITY Phone 3934 fornia on their wedding trip and upon their return will be at home in Salem. Clifford Youngs Married in May iiEBSGfflii I Home Ceremony Unites Couple SHIRLEYS BEAUTY SHOP TRAILER HOMES Kits - Bales Aero Kenslcill - Angeles 10 to St feet NEW AND USED South Side Trailers ALBANY’ — 2 Miles South on 99E Fir Grove Trailer Park MILL CITY’ — Highway 222 kmbjmbkmbhmimi a®» Ethel Skillings Marries Bill Hutchison Here Miss Ethel Skillings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings and Bill Hutchison, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hutchison were married Saturday, June 10, at 7:30 P.M. at the Mill City Christian church with Rev. Tom Courtney Jr., pastor officiating. The bride wore a pale pink suit, pink hat and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Eldon Hutchison attended the bride. She wore a peach colored suit with black accessories. Eldon Hutchison was best man for his brother. The bride graduated from Mill City high school this year. The couple will be at home in Mill City. The groom is employed at the Detroit dam. Kirk Wirick Sr., and Wayne Wlrick of Bakersfield, Calif., visited with Kirk Wirick Jr., Sunday. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney Jr. Father’s Day IS Sunday, June 18 To find everything for Father Shop •TWELVE O'CIAM'K HIGH" Thursday 7:00—One show Only C ITIZENS’ LEAGUE TOWN HALL at 9 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY JAMES MII.IJCAN and MARY BETH HUGHES in RIMFIRE — Plus — ROBERT I.OWERY In SHEP COMES HOME * The marriage of Mrs. Donald Cecil Carey (Helen Louise Wilson) was solemnized May 27 at a ceremony in the Mill City First Christian church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson of Gates. Mr. Carey is the son of Mrs. Velma Carey. The couple will soon be at home at Monmouth where he will attend college. Rebekah District Meeting at Lyons Lyons -Plans are being completed for the Rebekah district convention which is to be held in Lyons Satur day afternoon and evening. With the sessions held at the Santiam Valley Grange hall, with the six o’clock din ner served at the community club house by the ladies of the Women’s Society of Christian Service. The afternoon session begins at 1 o'clock with the following program: Opening in Rebekah degree Faith 168 I Seating of officers Ideal 223 I Roll call of convention officers, in troduction of assembly and grand lodge officers and district deputy presidents. Address of welcome, Verna West of Faith 168. Response to welcome Eva 92 Reading of minutes of 1949 conven tion, appointment of committees, memorial legislative, president and thanks. Honoring charter members. Faith 168 Roll call and tribute to past chair mans Faith 168 Exemplification, balloting on grant ing a withdrawal card Santiam 166 Draping the charter ..... _....... Eva 92 Paper “Value of Tableaux in degree work" .............................. Ideal 223 Exemplification, visiting in a body Eva 84 Exemplication of emblems by a mem ber of each lodge. Paper, “Duties of a district deputy president” .............. Santiam 166 Roll call and report of lodges. Question box, conducted by Helen Davis, president of the Rebekah Assembly. New business, meeting place for 1951 convention, election of officers. Closing ................Faith 168 Evening Session 7:30 P.M. Opening in Rebekah degree Faith 168 Introduction of Rebekah Assembly and Grand lodge officers and district deputy presidents. Conferring of the degree ... Faith 168 Reports of committees Address, president of the Rebekah Helen Davis assembly of Oregon Ideal 223 Seating 1951 officers Faith His Closing ___ ________ Followed by refreshments. Lyons Christian Service Women Hold Meeting Lyons — The Women’s Society of Christian Service held their meeting at the community club house with a putluck dinner served at the noon hour. A business meeting followed with Mrs. Hargreaves in charge. De-1 votlons were lead by Mrs. Clipfell. Plans were made and committee« ap pointed for the dinner to be served for the Rebekah district convention Saturday. Reports of the committee« were heard and various plans made. Following the business meeting Mrs Vivian Walworth and Mrs. Martha Helen Jewell who were moving away were honored with a handkerchief shower. Present for the meeting were Mesdames Charles Crustn, Eugene Roye, Howard Naue, O. A. Jewell, Art Boitzer, George Huffman, I^aiirence Walworth, Albert Julian, Glen Julian, John Hargreaves, Loren Chamberlain. Willard Hartnell, Wal lace Power. G«orge Clipfell, Alex Bo- deker, Wood Oliver, Mrs. Minnie Smith and Grandma Julian SUNDAY and MONDAY Koitt i;i i i ; i sign . CHILL WILLS and JOHN BARRYMORE JR. in Miss Mary Jane (Sunnle) Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hoffman, whose engagement to Kenneth Chance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance, all of Mill City, has been announced. No wedding «late has been set. Both are grad uates of Mill City high school. He served in the army air corps and is now employed at the Detroit dam. Sundowners In Technicolor TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY PAULETTE GODDARD and JOHN IRELAND In CARD PARTY AT McCULLY Anna Lucasta Lyons - Mrs Kenneth Helemn was hostess for the afternoon card club with the party held at her home on McCully Mountain Wednesday after noon. A one thirty dessert luncheon was served followed by several tables of 500. High scores were held by Ruth Lyons and Frances Mullins, low by Dorene Helemn, and the traveling prize went to Mabel Downing. Pres ent for the party were Bertha Allen, Doors open at 7:20 P.M. H Eulalia Lyons, Ruth Lyons, Carrie Complete show can he seen any J! Naue, Ida Free, Wilma Free, Dorene time up to 8:30 r Helemn, Berneice Bridges, Mabel Downing, Frances Mullins and the 111111111111111II111111111111111111H11111111111liti hostess Mrs. Helemn. Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! l'ei|!|p's lleniil.i Sulon EVENING APPOINTMENTS Ixtcated Next to Furniture Store GATES PHONE 5951 SALEM LAUNDRY SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton I-aundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 183 South High SALEM H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS MASQUERADE SUPPIJES TRICKS AND PUZZLES Use Our Mall Order Service SAIXM’S ORIGINAI. a Toy & Hobby Shop SALEM 163 N. Commercial BROWN SVILII PICNIC June 22-23-24 J for th« «luMial wok to elebrat* th* <onun< of our ofHathtr« Men's Clothes STAYTON Open Friday Nights 'till 9 P.M, Phone 2-15M annnnnnnnHnnnnHnHKtiannGiniantnHnnnnHniannnHnnnaHnBHHH ---------------------------------------- ——-------------- WÄ Len Mitchell Phone 3 9125 ___________ ____________________________________________ ----- ’TTT1--------- -------rm anti' ' •• - • -—------------------- aBBHBHnnnnnnHnnHHHnnnsnnaBnnHHnBnnanHHHnHnnBnnHnH a I I « I B I I I ■ valley. SHAKE SHACK Home of the Famous Mevatdi« •t«s P«w«r C«.