The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 15, 1950, Page 4, Image 4

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June 13, 1950
Brothers Win Athletic Trophy
St. Paul Names Talent
For Big Rodeo Show
Coming July First
Some of the west’s most popular
roping, riding and clown teams have
been signed to play special feature
entertainment during the 15th annual
St. Paul rodeo, July 1-2-3-4, secretary
I of the association Pet Kirk reports.
Traffic accidnts killed 28 persons
Buff and Ruby Brady, husband and
in Oregon last month according to all
The Teamsters enter the Detroit
trick riding and roping duo,
reports received to date, Secretary of Dam Softball league this week play­
from Newhall, Cal., top the list. They
State Earl T. Newbry said Friday.
ing their first game against the
have performed at most of the major
The month’s toll brings 1950 traffic Operations team at Camp Mongold
rodeos in the United States and Can­
deaths to 107, as compared to 102 at today.
ada, and for seven years appeared at
the same time last year, and equals
They are a hustling group of play­
Madison Square Garden in New York
the 28 deaths recorded in May of 1949. ers repreesnting CBI Warehousemen
At least 11 victims died when driv­ and track drivers. As most of the
During the last three years the
ers lost control of their vehicles at boys live in Mill City, they will share
1 Bradys have made their home in Cali­
high speed, Newbry said. Motorcycle this community with the CBI Engi­
fornia and have appeared frequently
accidents killed two.
Accidents in neers as their home town. Judging
as special attractions and in the Hol­
rural areas again proved more deadly from the King-X game they had last
lywood moving picture and television
than those occuring in cities or towns, Monday with the CBI Engineers, they
industries. The son of a former all-
claiming all but seven of the lives should be one of the stronger teams
around cowboy and trick rider, Brady
It may be too early in the season
Lawrence Poole, l«ft and Leo Poole, Mill City brother
started his trick riding career when
Officials warned that peak travel to predict the outcome of the league
who received the senior award for being outstanding athletes in
he was 12 years old.
loads are expected during the vaca­ standings, but as it looks now, the
Mill City high school graduation exercises recently. Both were star­
One of the most spectacular accom-
in football, basketball and baseball during their four year* at the
tion season, a factor that annually CBI Engineers, the REOs, and the
j plishments of the arena is the Roman
increases accident ’’exposure" on Teamsters will be the top three.
riding, which this year will be done
rural highways. This calls for care­
The two games between the CBI
by Arlene and Maxene Kuehe Carl-
ful speeds to maintain car control Engineers and Teamsters will be J
¡ ton, Ore., schoolgirls who have per-
in the event of sudden emergency played in Mill City on Thursday, June
i formed their specialty act at many
situations, traffic men stressed.
29th, and Tuesday, August 1. These I
Visitors at the George Cree home ' rodeos and horse shows in Oregon,
games are rightfully classed as the |
the first of this week were Mr. and Washington and Idaho.
"battles of the century” because the |
Arlene, 18, and Maxine, 10, the
Mrs. J. L. Sorahan of Salem, Mike
Teamsters are out to avenge their |
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
pre-season defeat. Both squads will I
Í Kuehne, were bom and raised on their
Theodore Sylvester who was shot be pointing to these two games.
of Stayton.
and killed by a police officer at Leb-
L. P. Queener, who has been visit­ ' parents 2,500 acre stock ranch be­
Another league game this week, and
Warning that agriculture today
anon on June 5 was a former Mlll on the same Thursday, June 15, as stands to lose all its gains in the ing at the home of his cousin, Mrs. tween Carlton and Newberg.
City boy. He was the son of Mrs, the Teamsters play in Mongold, the way of farm legislation because “the Gearge Cree the past two weeks, left Kuehne sisters were featured in the
recent Universal moving picture
Eva Sylvester and the late ’’Hank" CBI Engineers will be playing host public is disgusted with all farm leg­ for Harvard, Idaho, Wednesday.
Sylvester. The family moved to Leb­ to the REOs in Mill City. The REOs, islation and is in a mood to junk the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness and "Bronco Babes”, filmed at the Kuehne
anon about 10 years ago. Hank was too, are out to avenge a pre-season whole business", State Grange Master daughters, Carol and Shirley, at- ranch.
electrocuted a few years ago while defeat at the hands of the CBI En­ Morton Tompkins told the delegates tended the Rose Festival in Portland
While the audience shouts and
working on the power lines.
to the organization’s 77th annual con­ last week. The children remained in cheers, clowns "Munda” and "Trixie”
The league standings this week are: vention in Ontario Monday that farm­ Portland with their grandmother, with their trained mule, Rastus, their
Don’t Borrow—Subncribe Today!
Won Lost Pct. ers and their organizations should be while Mr. and Mrs. Veness left Sun­ dummy, Oswald, with only a barrel
1000 advocating the steps necessary to cor­ day for the Lions convention in Med­ to hide in will risk their necks to
annnnnnannnuuiaiaianuannnniaia^ ICBI Engineers
1000 rect the weaknesses in farm legisla­ ford. The parents returned to Mill the recklessness of wild-eyed stock.
REOs ...................... ... 1
Among the youngest clowns in the
1000 tion.
City Wednesday.
Shavers _________ ... 1
Operations ............. ... 0
Mrs. Grace O’Leary of Cherrydale, business, the pair (who in real life
Tompkins, who will end a ten-year
0 period as head of the state’s largest Kansas, has been visiting at the home are H. G. Moser, 23, and Charlie
Detroit __________ ... 0
0 farm organization, reiterated his be­ of Mrs. Russell Hoffman the past Weeks, 25, of Albuquerque, N. M.)
Teamsters ...... ........
Games This Week
lief that the Brannan plan should be week. Mrs. O'Leary is the mother will do all manner of bull hazing and
Today—CBI Engineers vs. REOs at given a trial run.
of Mrs. Hoffman and Mr. Jim 1 arena antics during the four wild
west performances.
Mill City.
"If we can clear away from it (the O’Leary of the Mill City Variety.
Operations vs. Teamsters at Mon­ Brannan plan) the smokescreen of
Mrs. Fred Grimes and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Albert Toman leaves this
partisan politics, there are several Fred Duffy were in Salem Tuesday
June 19 — Detroit vs. Teamsters at features of the plan which have a lot evening at the graduation exercises weekend by plane for Los Angeles to
Mill City.
of merit," Tompkins asserted.
for Richard Morris from junior high i visit relatives.
Shavers vs. CBI Engineers.
Tompkins praised the 1,800-unit school.
Mill City
June 20- REOs vs. Operations.
limitation feature of the bill as a
Six Mill City youths and three
June 22 Teamsters vs. Shavers
"forward step toward maintaining adults are spending the major part of
the family size farm," a basic feature this week at Harmony Lodge at Nels-
of the long range program of both cott on the ocean. The group left
the national and the Oregon State Monday morning and will be back
The outing was sponsored
"That part of the Brannan plan by the Christian church.
Rev. and
which has received the most fire," Mrs. Tom Courtney, Miss Alice Smith,
said Tompkins, "has been the pro­ Beryl Mason, Mary Jo Wolverton,
duction payment method of support. Jane Peterson, Bob Shelton and Gary
Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road
The national Grange program . . . i and Ramon Peterson made the trip.
favors the use of production pay­
Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock
ments as a last resort. I am in full
agreement with that, and I would use would take from the people these
them only when accompanied by mar­ basic rights."
“The Grange in Oregon worked
keting quotas which had previously
been voted by two-thirds of the pro­ long and hard for the initiative and
I 294 Days
referendum", Tompkins said.
ducers of a particular commodity.”
MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days
have been attacked for our efforts to
I 297 Nights
Tompkins also praised that part of retain those rights. History would
Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road
condemn us more, and rightly so. if
which recommends the establishment
we surrendered them without raising
of a bi-partisan 12-man commission our voices in most vigorous protest.
which would consult with the secre­
tary of agriculture in working out
'And it costs
agricultural policies and programs,
SO IrHie
"Farm legislation," said Tompkins,
to buy*
"makes excellent political fodder and
I think that by the creation of this
bi-partisan board, we might be able
to take some of the politics out of
Yes a look will show you why it s
this particular field."
Ford tor Fashion, again tor '50! One«
He was not so enthusiastic over a
again Ford s modern styling earned
system of flexible support prices ad­
it the Fashion Academy s coveted
medal as "Fashion Car of the Year."
vocated by the national Grange.
No other car at any price has re­
Tompkins asserted that this type of
ceived such an honor 2 years in a
support program militates against
the small producer.
the so-called
Commenting on
Operating on Daylight Saving Tino-
'And you 90 to Aar
Grange purge of legislators who
for so 1*8«
voted to amend the initiative and ref­
erendum provisions in the Oregon
constitution last year, Tompkins,
quoting from his annual address at
You c>n hardly hear the 50 Ford's
last year's session, reiterated that
powerful V-8. or its companion in
"we cannot stand idly by and let men
quality th« 95 h p Sii-both are
continue in public office who have so
"hushed " to a whisper Your ride is
little regard for democracy that they
quiet too. because sound condì
Traffic Accidents Take
28 Lives During May
Teamsters Added
To Softball League
Brannan Program
Should Be Tried
Says Grange Head
Sylvester Lived Here
Is Here!
Sand and Gravel Co
Shovel and Trucks for Hire
ifs light,
Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today!
■ LIT2 Kt NHAtO CO*>'*NT
soihano otrcoN
Honing" throughout Ford's roomy
and sturdy "Lifufuard'' Body keeps
noise out1
One Test Do»« »nd you II know
the luiury comfort of Ford's "Mid
Ship R>de
. the sifety of its
"lifeg >trd'' Body and king Suo
Bi ikes .
its bit car roadability.
Then check Ford's lew first cost,
gioat nuieage low upkeep and high
resale value You'll agree— Ford's
the Bit Economy Package' ot the
low or.ce held
Chattamx’ga Shoe Shine Boy
Rag Mop
Johnson Rag
Wedding Samba
Come in and see our wide selections
Jf 45 RPM and TO RPM Popular», Old
Timer». Classical. and Semi-Classical
PORTER «K l.\l
First with What You Want Most'
So •conomical to buy .. . and to own I
Radio, Washer, Refrigerator
and Electrical Appliance
Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton
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