Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1950)
Labor Advised to Save for Future Kith U. S. Bonds GATES 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Maim Street By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Mrs. Kay McCarty was hostess to a group of her near neighbors last Wednesday afternoon. Fancy work ! and "chat" provided entertainment ! for the afternoon. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Leslie Allen. Mrs. Frank Saundrs, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mrs. Lincoln Hen- ness. Mrs. Theodore Burton and Mrs. i Harold Wilson. A group of old Salem friends were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Frank Saunders Thursday of last , week. The day was made complete by a picnic dinner served in the grove, by the river (Moore’s) to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. Ina ! Dene Hubbard. Mrs. Tinnie Simeral and Mrs. Coral McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carey have Washington, D. C.-The Secre-' been at the homes of their parents, Mrs. Velma Carey and Mr. and Mrs. tary of Labor Maurice Tobin today urged American worker* to partici Harold Wilson, since the graduation pate in the Independence Bond of Carey from Oregon State College Drive by buying a '«hare" of at Corvallis. Thursday the couple America in the form of a Saving* left for a fishing trip to the Deschutes Bond. He said: river. They will soon be at home in "Today millions of American Monmouth where Carey will attend workers have the good thrift habit of investing their saving* in Bonds • I summer school. Most of them are buying Bonds Guests from out of the state at the regularly through Payroll Saving* home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadine are Plans where they work. her mother. Mrs. Mattie Root, from "I urge every American wage earner to save for hi* personal fu Ladysmith, Wise., her daughter, Mrs. ture security and. at the same Vernon Gunderson and daughter, time. Buy a Share in America,' by Linda Anderson of Milwaukee. Wise. buying United States Saving* Bonds Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and regularly." family, formerly of Mill City are be ing welcomed as new residents of Gates. Last weekend they moved into the apartment house they pur chased recently. Mrs. Rop Llpley of Portland was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. I Tex Allen this week. Mr. Lipley ar- I rived Saturday and both returned to | Portland Sunday. The Lipley’s and I Allens were next door neighbors, in ' Portland for a number of years and | even "Fibber", the family dog, was OPEN SEVEN DAYS I glad to see them. A WEEK Mrs. Larry Shelton and daughter at the home of Mr. Shelton's parents. Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle i Barbara left on the Shasta Daylight Upon their return they will move to Owners I from Salem Thursday morning for Salem where Mr. Shelton is employed. San Francisco where they will visit Mrs. Velma Carey and son James and her mother Mrs. Cecilia Miller of Salem attended the graduation ex ercises of Oregon State, in Corvallis last week. Mrs. Walter Brisbin, accompanied by Mrs. Guy Moore of Detroit, at tended the postmasters state conven tion in Bend, last week from Tuesday to Friday. Mrs. Brisbin is post master at Gates. The community picnic, which was to be held in Moore’s grove Sunday, was called off because of the heavy down-pour. It is planned to give the picnic later when the weather is more settled. The volunteer firemen have an 2 for no . 2Vi can nounced a dance to raise funds to pui chase equipment, will be held Sat urday night, June 17. This dance 2 for No. 2 can will be the last of a series given in the local gymnasium. The San dam Playboys wil’ furnish the music and 'S the firemen state this will be the best dance so far. A good time is assured everyone attending. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klugman moved into the Lord Motel over the weekend. They were formerly at the Oak Motel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zunck and son of Salem were visitors at the Norman Garrison home Sunday Mrs. Zunck is Garrison's sister. Gerald Garrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison has accepted a position with the Bonneville Power Co. and will be stationed at Eugene. GOODYEAR ACCESSORIES: Mr and Mrs. John Lahay left for Portland Sunday, where they were BATTERY' CABLES TIRES called by the illness of her brother. RADIATOR HOSE BATTERIES Mr. and Mrs. Buster Burgess and SPARK PLUGS FAN BELTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, all from Prineville were over Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ryal. Elmer Cooper of Lakeview was a guest at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe WE HANDLE GUARANTEED RECAPS BY Joaquin, over the weekend. Cooper had been in Portland where he re ceived medical attention prior to his visit here. Carolyn Tumidge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Tumidge, took part in the recital. Tuesday evening at the Parrish high school, Salem, given by students of the Wiltsie studios Carolyn is studying the guitar. Walter Beiver of Lyons, but for many years a resident of Oates, is reported to be seriously ill at his home in Lyons. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Oliver. Jackie. Donalee and Jean spent the weekend in Corvallis with their sons. Bill. Ed. Keith. Bob and family. While there they attended the baccalaureate serv ices and the graduation exercises at Oregon State college Their son Bob was a member of the 1950 class. was a singer. Bill Sawyer Don Clev enger. pastor of the Detroit church, attended the evening service. Eva New. Edna Golden and the Olace Savage family started picking berries near Stayton last Wednesday They are staying in Mehama during the picking season. R. L. Turner, of Silverton, is now Planerman for the Idanha Lumber Co. mill. Turner is now occuping one of the Silver Creek houses owned by the Company. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gordon, went Thursday to Portland to attend the funeral Friday morning of Mr. Gordon s father They returned Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Fouts re turned Sundty afternoon from a 10 day visit with relatives In Port Angeles, Washington they were guests of their son. Craton and family. About three months ago, while flying a kite with a steel leader on a fish ing pole, while entangled with a live wire, Craton was seriously burned and has not been able to work since. In Portland the Fouts visited with her sister and his nieces. On their return they had as their Sunday night guests his nieces, Mrs. Duvall and Mrs. Dostall of Hebo. Joe. Pat, Jimmie and Jockie Hop- son came Saturday to spend the sum mer with his father, Lee Hopson and family. Arriving here Sunday night for a weeks visit with her men folks was Mrs. Paul Hopson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thomasson moved the past week into the Fred Martin house. The past week of rains have brought the Santiam bank full. Much more will find it flooding the bottom land in many places. VI VS Steak House Meals Fountain Sweden Soft Freeze MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special 19c 13c TOMATOES ASPARAGUS 37c 25c June 15, 1950 North Saul ¡am TAVERN One Mill East ef Detroit JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. Mill City Hotel Boarding House FAMILY STYIX MEAI-S t'nrfer New Management Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! IDANHA By REBA SNYDER Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Clark, Tuesday p.m. June 6. in their home, a boy. Mother and son both doing nicely. Frank New and Buck Storey fished in East Lake with good luck the past! weekend, but were driven out by snow I Sunday noon. Present at the Theatre group meet ing Saturday night at the Pittam res idence were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod, Warren Stoll. Georgia New, Mr. and | Mrs. John Ray and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. I Snyder. I At the short business meeting with Mrs. Ray presiding, it was voted to disband the group for lack of interest in the members. Canasta was played and the hostess served ice cream and cake. James Fouts of the Christian col lege in Eugene, delivered the two sermons at the Idanha Community church Sunday. Accompaning him Friday & Saturday Specials COFFEE. ALL BRANDS BORENE BISQI'ICK M. J. B. TEA BAGS .73 Package .25 Large Site .43 1« for .18 lb. FATHER'S DAY (JUNE IB) SPECIALS FISHING TACKLE, TOBACCO, PIPES, CIGARETTES and CIGARS Gates General Store Richfield Station Open Under New Management Frank's Richfield Service O.K. Rubber Welders The Lineman it on« of a largo group of em ploye* who*« long torvic« experience I« a valuad •••et to th« company and its customers. Th« Lineman braves th« element* 24 hours • day to that electricity can be broufM to your home, farm or butinett and provide the necettitiet. A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours comforts and convenience* essential to modern living. Through his experience and teellnical knew- how, electrical service it extended te yew at the RICHARDS TAVERN GATES leweet ceet in hietery. Mountain States Power Company __ "A UM SeggeeHug, Ten-Peying, P Hr efe tatorgriee"