June 1, 1950 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SPCRTS PAGE GATES By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Mrs. Frank Saunders was hostess, at her home, to members of the Gates 1 Woman’s club, Thursday afternoon, i An informal discussion of plans for the coming months was held. Re­ freshments were served at the close I of the afternoon, by the hostess to the ladies present, Mrs. Kay McCarty. Correctly advertised as a thrill to Mrs. Wilson Park. Mrs. Laura Joa- men and women in three big bouts quin, Mrs. Albert Millsap, Mrs. Ace will be the wrestling card scheduled Johnson, Mrs. Lula Collins, Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs. Edmund Davis, Mrs Edward Chance, and Mrs. Walter Thomas. The Commencement exercises of the Gates high school will be an event of Friday evening, June 2nd, at 8 o’clock, in the high school auditorium Those receiving diplomas are Eileen Marie Eccleston and George R. Child. Detroit Dam Softball Wrestling Card Next Thursday Night Schedule is Set Russ Hoffman and C, C. Davis have been invited to participate in the opening ceremonies for the first soft- ball game of the season at Camp Mon­ gold, Thursday, June 1st at 5:45 p m. Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Davis are ex­ pected to be most satisfactory re­ placements for the President and Governor at these ceremonies. This game is the first of the Detroit Dam Softball league, and brings to­ gether the Army Engineer’s mighty Operations nine and the hustling CBI Engineers. Other teams in the league are: REOs (rodmen, engineers, office personnel of the Army Engineers), Mongold Little Shavers (high school boys of Mongold and Detroit), and Detroit (team from town of Detroit). The CBI Engineers are men from in and «around Mill City and half of their league games will be played here. The first one being against the REOs on Monday, June 12th. Their front office will definitely not announce the starting pitchers until game time, but they have re­ leased the probable starting lineup, at the Mill City yieatre Thursday as follows: Simbenl, catcher; Nourse, 1st base; Lowry, 2nd base; Bengston, evening, June 8. The event will be recorded as the 3rd base; Nicholas, short stop; Bay­ I first occasion when the “delicate sex" less, left field; Lowry, center field; 1 took to the mat to prove their place and Jensen, right field. in the athletic world before a Mill The CBI Engineers will play De­ City crowd when June Kelly of Omaha troit here on June 26; the Operations Nebr. meets Thelma Jackson, Salem. team on July 10, and the Shavers Featured again in the preliminary here on July 17. ' bouts will be two Mill City young- sters, Gregory and Michael Peterson. Their appearance at Mill City’s last event brought a hearty applause from the sports enthusiasts. Weighing In at 129 pounds will be June Kelly of Omaha. She will face Thelma Jackson who will weigh in at 120 pounds. The opening bout will be between Scar Face and Clyde Wells. Whitey Douglas 170 pounds and Flash Diem, 166 pounds will com- prise the main event. SPRING REMINDER The early fly’s the one to swat. She comes before the weather's hot And sits around and preens her legs - And lays a million eggs. —R. W. Every. Not failure but low aim is crime. —James Russell Lowell. annual high school picnic was held last Friday. The day was spent in Portland at Jansen Beach ar.d other points of interest. The stu­ dents were transported in the school bus, Harold Wilson driving and were accompanied by several of the fac­ ulty. Members of the local Boy Scouts, troop 45, who attended the Campore,' at Taylor’s Grove, on the Little North Fork of the Santiam Saturday and REAL COWGIRLS—This quintette of comely equestriennes—(standing, Sunday were Rex Herron, George and left) Connie Cross, Salem; and Mardell Bulla, Portland; and kneeling Jon Burton, John Barnhardt, Eddie in front, twins Betty and Pat Zwick, Dundee—«re in the contest for Fields, Jerry Larson, Allan and David of the 1950 St. Paul rodeo. One of these young women will be selected Vail, Otis Chance, Royal Schaer and during the St. Paul trail ride to Horseshoe Lake on Sunday, June 4. Bobbie Masoner. The boys were ac­ several hundred riders, representing numerous Willamette Valley companied by Dick Parker Saturday posses and riding culbs, will be on hand for the day-long festivities, in the absence of the regular scout­ beginning with a buckaroo breakfast. master, Gale Carey. Carey joined the troop Sunday. George and Jon Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Burton received first class awards ter, Mrs. Jack Irvin, Salley, Victoria, and Allan Vail and John Barnhardt Jack and Stanley of Corvallis, Mr. [ second class awards at the Court of and Mrs. Don Miley, Miss Janet Honor. Klecker of Stayton, Mrs. Spencer For Guaranteed Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Ace Johnson and three Long of Albany, Mrs. Cecelia Miller children were in Salem for several of Salem and a large group of mem­ it’s the days over the holiday. bers of the senior class of Oregon Albert MilLsap was called to Wood­ state college, Corvallis, classmates of land, Calif., Thursday of last week the groom, Don Carey. by news of the sudden death of his Robert Wilson of Roseburg, who brother, Wirt Millsap. While there I was unable to attend his sister’s wed­ 24-HOUR SERVICE Mr. Millsap will visit other relatives ding, arrived at his parents home, in San Francisco and Vallejo. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wilson, Saturday Mill City Mrs. Lula Collins was a Salem vis­ night. Mrs. Wilson and two sons who Close» at 6 P.M. itor several days last week at the had been here the past week accom­ home of her daughter, Mrs. Claude panied him home Sunday. Seilard. Miss Helen Wilson was hostess, at Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McCarty spent her home, Friday evening at a buffet r. last weekend in Vancouver, Wash , supper, honoring her bridesmaids and visiting old friends. They were | other attendants preceding the re­ former residents of Vancouver. hearsal for her wedding the follow­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders were ing afternoon. Those present were Salem visitors last Tuesday. Salem ■ Mrs. Robert Wilson, Norma Devine, was their former home. FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES I Donola Oderman, Lois Scott, Frances Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis drove ' Carey, Mrs. Shields Remine and Mrs. to Sheridan Sunday where they were Lee Ross. the guests at the home of a cousin. Mrs. Larry Shelton, daughter Bar­ Walter Davis. They also visited Mr. bara and Mrs. Albert Millsap were and Mrs. Charles McKey in Amity. MILL CITY guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The McKeys were residents of Gates Edmund Klecker Sunday. OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS for a number of years. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. 8 A.M. to 7 PAI. 9 A M. to 4 P.M. Don’t forget the concert to be given and Mrs. Norman Garrison were Mr. v; by the Stayton Choral club the eve­ and Mrs Al Heiderberger and daugh­ ning of June 8, in the high school ter of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. George auditorium. A special program isi Rockerfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred being arranged. This program is a Zunck and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry benefit for the fireplace fund of the Edwards, all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Gates Womans club’s new building. Claude Rebhan of Dallas and Mr. and Refreshments will be served following Mrs. Paul Pennington and daughter the program. A small admission NEW of Lyons. charge will be made, 50 cents for I Mrs. Hollis Turnidge and daughter COMPIATE AUTOMOTIVE AND TRI CK PISTON adults and 25 cents for children. MACHINE SHOP Carolyn motored to Klamath Falls RINGS Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday to see the new grandson Clarence Rush over the weekend were and nephew bom May 20 there to Mr. PEDRIC RINGS their son and family Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Carl Jensen. They report Lyle Rush and baby Diane of Salem. the mother and baby are both fine. TOLEDO STEEL PRODUCTS Mr Alex Robertson of Salem also Burrel Cole spent Decoration day visited recently at the Rush home, in Mollala with his mother, whose ALI. TYPES REBABBTHNG Robertson Is Mr. Rush’s uncle. home Is there. Among the out of town guests who attended the Wilson-Carey nuptials, Saturday afternoon were Mrs. Minnie Spoelstra. Mrs. Jack Spoelstra and daughter Janice Jean of Salem; Mrs. Phone 165? 1st and Broadway W. W. Wells and daughter Florence, Mrs Alyce Walker of Turlock, Cal., MUI City, Ore. of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. J. B. Davis and Tommie, Mr. Carey of San Francisco, Mrs. Ever­ and Mrs. Don Walker and family. Mr. ette Roby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and Mrs. Roy E. Walker and family and daughter, Mr and Mrs G. E. had a family gathering and picnic at Spoelstra, all of Portland. Mr. and Moore’s Grove Sunday. They also Mrs. Clarence Webber of Salem. Mr. celebrated Kenny Walker's seventh and Mrs. Robert Berkey of Tillamook, birthday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmer of Sa­ Marlene Walker left Monday for lem, Mr and Mrs. William Miles of Turlock, Calif., to spend the summer Silverton Mr and Mrs William Kos- vacation with her grandmother. Mrs. Alyce Walker. NU-METHOD Myron’s Packaged Meats Kellom's Grocery Crankshaft Grinding Mill City Ànto Supply JflN M Cflf£ Thrill to Men and Women in 3 Big Bouts EASY TERMS WRESTLING Mill City Theatre MAIN EVENT ____ 3 Fal's 1 Hour Time Limit WHITEY DOUGLAS» Salem v». FI ASH DIEM. Brook. (170 pounds) ( 166 pounds) SPECIAL EVENT ____ 2 Out of 3 Falls. 1 Hour Time Limit JI N I KFI.I I Y. Omaha vs. THELMA JACKSON. Salem (ITS pounds) (120 pounds) OPENER M \R FACE vs. CI.YDE MELIA PRELIMINARY EXHIBITION Greg and Mike Peterwon (HO lb».) ------ Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver I'nme In and see our wide selection» if 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular». Old rimers. Classical, and Semi-Classical Records PORTEE & I.U "First with What You Want Most You Don't Need Cash To Buy the Things You Need Firestone TIRES HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES COMPI ITI: APP1JXNCE SERVICE Radio, Wa»her, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City IM< Stayton Î15 Firestone Stores Crater and Liberty Nta. BALEM OREtiON' (•encrai Admission 41; students >Oc. tax ineluded Thursday, June 8