Johnnie Nelson spent Memorial day at Quartsville with Mr and Mrs. L*e McClintock and family. Mrs. Alyce M. Walker of Turlock. California, and Mrs. J. B Davis and I son Tommie of Roseville, Calif. ar- [ rived Friday to spend the holiday with Mrs. Walker’s sons and families Roy and Don. D. B. HUI has been attending the county budget board meeting in Salem the past week, Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday. Mr. Hill is chairman of the Marion county board this year. Mrs. Clair Wilson and baby are visiting at the Rainbow hotel before flying on next Wednesday to Fair­ banks, Alaska, where she will join her husband. June g—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Heart Patient Aids Other Victims Mrs. Etta Gallea, Lebanon visited [ijy m] friends and relatives in Mill City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman were dinner guests Monday evening of Mr and Mrs. Frederic Rugh. Mr. and A. P. Hoffman, Bill and Sunnie, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Andrews / 77* A and family of Portland and Kenneth Chance spent Sunday at Silver Creek Falls. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mis. Carl Chance were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and Diane of Portland, Mrs. J. M. Miller, Salem, and Mrs. Velma Carey and DC â 6ood Jimmie of Gates. Picnicking at Silver Creek Falls TRADE MARK Tourist Host" Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest STAY-WHITE Preston and Jorretta Jean of Long- Regularly veiw, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pt. Howe and Donnie, Joe Harlan, Mr. $1.39 Until May 31, 1930 and Mrs. Morris Howe and Wilma C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. May and Bobby Howe. Try a pint of KEM-GLO, in Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steffy vacationed white that stays white, at SHELL PRODUCTS at the beaches of Newport over the only 989, Today! A pint AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES Away back in 1928, almost a When Kenneth Cloud was stricken with a severe heart attack in ' weekend. covers up to 50 square feet. ZENITH TIRES 1944, and confined to hia apartment at 1200 Lake Shore Dr:ve in quarter of a century ago, automobile Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek leave Chicago, he was beat known as a well-to-do publisher of trade maga- 10 lovely colors in quarts tires were not so rugged as now and Monday to fly to Detroit to accept the highways of the state were not so I FISHING TACKLE and gallons. Pints in Stay­ During his long confinement in bed. Cloud got restless, and to pass ' delivery on a new car. Their many white only. smooth. Also farm wagons and time he learned to knit. During the last year of the war he knit l.z friends wish them a pleasant trip, horses shared the roads and over the long scarfs, and through Bundles for Bluejacket« sent them all over Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sally of Los »2.39 QI. »7.98 Gal. the world. ’ Angeles, Calif., are visiting their son- miles they and the old Model T Today, the samh man who took up knitting torsoothe his nerves Get your PINT of KEM- sprinkled hardware, nails and screws, in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. not only continues to he a successful publisher, and an expert with GLO Stay-white at only 989, bolts and staples, and other puncture Gordon Knox. knitting needles, but is the inventor of the Jenny Wren arn Winder. producing junk along the right of TODAY! Bring this ad to Recently a news correspondent ask' d Cloud about the yarn winding Verl Moberg, son of Russell Mo­ machine. "Oh that," said Cloud, "that’s just a little mechanical device berg left Portland Tuesday night for way. In those rough days if an auto retailing for $2.98. It winds a one-ounce skein of yarn into a pci feet | Pennsylvania where he will spend the tire stuck it out for more than 3,000 ball in Tess than five minutes.” lie arranged to have the young lady, miles it was rated almost as a summer with relatives. pictured above, demonstrate th* Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howe of museum piece. Punctures and blow­ "I have organized the Cloud Foundation, with headquarter» at 400 West Madison St., Chicago, to manufacture the Winder and make it southern Oregon visited relatives in outs were the rule, not the exception, of the day and every wise guy who i available to all persons who knit. Profits from sales go through my Private Dining Mill City Sunday. doctor to the aid of cardiacs in hospitals who are not as fortunately went very far away from the home I Mrs. Grace Dart is visiting her situated as I was when a heart attack hit me . . . was the modest daughter, Mrs. Joe Reveal in Salem. plate carried an extra inner tube or I statement of Mr. Cloud as he brought the interview to a close. Room Mrs. Frank Caraway accompanied a patching and vulcanizing set under Mill City the driver's seat. her daughter Frances, to Portland 1 Tuesday where she will visit another Roy Klein, who was state highway engineer in 1928 was a kindly and daughter Mrs. Louis Forsman. GUARANTEED Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hollyman and sympathetic man whose heart was family and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree hurt by the sight of so many puncture WATCH and family spent Sunday picnicing patchers sweating over their tire tools along the scenic reaches of the and fishing near Marion Folks. Linda, Johnnie and Terry Sigfrit highway map. They sort of cluttered REPAIRING j will go to Bend Sunday where they up the landscape, so he did some­ will spend the summer with their thing about it. » grandparents. It appears that a young professor in Mr. and Mis. Leslie Craig of Sand­ engineering at Washington State point, Idaho, aer visiting his brother college at Pullman devised and con­ and family, Mr and Mrs. Tommie structed an electro- magnet attached Expert work. Craig. to the under side of a small truck, and Finest mate* Mr. and Mrs. Merle Minton are Roy Klein had a similar machine rials. Work done promptly ... receiving congratulations on the birth built for Oregon. and guaranteed. l et us give of a 5 pound daughter, May 25, at It is probable that very many more you a free estimate. Home of the Famous the Salem Memorial hospital. The of today’s crop of graying motorists ! little girl has an older sister and still harbor harrowing memories of FISH AQUARIUM LUNCH brother. She has been named Linda the punctures of the early 20’s than WATCHES COUNTER Lucille. visual recollections of Roy Klein's M DIAMONDS Miss LaVetta Powelson and Duane Specializing in remedy, called the “nail picker.’’ K .JEWELRY McFadden attended the Ice Follies in It isn’t stowed away in some cosy Milk Shakes Sandwiches Portland Sunday afternoon. FOSTORIA | corner of the state highway’s shops Ice Cream Chill Payton Queener of Portland is but is used every year on many miles Stimile« Pie a hi Modo Adin.: 75c each Adults, incl. tax Children 25c each IncL tax X ( visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. of road, and has saved many from Soft Drinks tinker s George Cree. I that depressing sound. the hissing CLOSED TUESDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Preston and tire. What was it ? Let the record On Hi way 222 East of Mill City „ Jorretta Jean of Longview, Wash., ; spent the weekend at the home of speak. It says the 1928 report: “A XIX XDLX1X1X XX X « « X XXX X XiXiXiX'XWiX X X I Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe new piece of equipment which has Miss Betty Class and James Staley been placed in operation this year is a B | I of Salem were at the Charley Day road magnet mounted on a truck In « | residence over the weekend six months time this truck traversed 0 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig of practically all of the state highway B « O Sandpoint, Idaho, arrived Tuesday routes and picked up many thousand x IN THAT PRESENT USED CAR, OUR USED CARS ARE for a visit with their son and family, pounds of metal, a large proportion of X X E COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED AS NEEDED, Mr. and Mis. Tommie Craig. Thurs­ which would be productive of tire X 0 TROUBLE FREE FOR YOU. PRICED A NICE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, GIFTS AND S i day - evening they will attend gradua- punctures” And in the 1930 report: X 3 WITHIN YOUR POCKETBOOK ® . tion exercises at Newberg high school "The use of the road magnet, begun « (¡ENERA!. MERCHANDISE AT where their grandson, Martin Craig, 1 it in 1928. has been continued during I GOOD TRADES GOOD TERMS £ will be a member of the class. the two-year period. Thousands of «* POPULAR I Mrs Bertha Slater of Albany at­ pounds of metal, much of which K Up to 24 months to pay. Reasonable finance rates. Come In now, 0 X • a 0 tended graduation exercises here for would be injurious to tires, are picked K Check this list of recent trade-ins: 0 her granddaughters Phillis Timm up each year.” X B from high school and Virginia Timm ( 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE CLUB COUPE « t mix CHRYSLER NEW YORKER CLUB COUPE M M from grade school. MENS \NI> LADIES WORK ES Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Berg of Glen­ X O 1947 DODGE CUSTOM 4-DOOR SED AN Mr and Mrs Floyd Shepherd vi»- 0 0 ited the cemeteries near Stayton,! dale, Calif, are visiting at the home 0 of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. WE ALSO HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS MEN’S SOX. DRESS 'ND "ORK ■ Sunday where their relatives are and Mrs. Tommie Craig. They are 0 burled 0 here to attend graduation exercises Irene O’la'ary S> Mr. and Mrs George Cree and Pay- for their grandson. Martin who will Jim O’Iæary E ton Queener attended the "clean-up graduate from Newberg high June 1. " day” at the Bilyeu Den cemetery Miss Juanita Thomas will leave CHRYSLER Home of Senice - PLYMOUTH BOoanBMBBBja.BBiaBBBn»BBBBnBBBaBBBBBfiBBBBBBBa«BBBBfiBnBWH ] Sunday. Saturday for Kansas and will be gone 405 N. Com ’ l St, 495 N. Com ’ l St. 435 N. Court St. jptgqjqXQgXDaxixix x:x x : x x . x . x x x x.x x.x.x x x x xixXx.xix xx x « xx x:x xx xxx x*x x kx x Mrs. Walter Kay was surprised on a month. She will visit friends and PHONE 8-4117 ■ her birthday when a group of friends relatives there and will »etum to | gave her a one o'clock luncheon. Bums. Oregon, on her return. • Those present to honor Mrs Kay were Mr and Mrs. Eldred Burton and Mrs. Rose Daly. Mrs Wilber Minert family of Scio spent Memorial Day i and sons. Mr». Clyde Golden. Mrs. with her parents. Mr and Mrs. John Verne Shaw and Martin. Mrs Charlie Angelsy Powelson, Diane and David Minton, Mr and Mis. Deb Turnidge of and Mrs Elmer Shaw. Drain spent the holidays with hisI Here for graduation exercises parents. Mr and Mrs Bert Turnidge Thursday was Mrs Marvin Cunning­ Anna Mae Nelson. Jack McClin-. ham of Canyonville. She will be re­ tock. Pat Cree. Bill McClintock and I membered as IxiCretta Thomas and 5B a w » » « V o V b n >> av. b » » s c hb » » her sister was in the class of '50 3M-GLO Sen ice Station Flat Tires Keyword Of Early Highways Mom & Pop’s CAFE : : : FRERES Building Supply Gates Firemen’s BENEFIT DANCE GATES GYM SHAKI SHACK Saturday, June 3 * s MILL CITY VARIETY Sam Bridges and his Santiam Playboys Vacation Time Is Here Don’t Spoil Your Fun I 29c 1 Salem Automobile Co. NOTICE! Thinking of Building For the convenience of our patrons, we nil I be open every Friday eveniny from 5 P. M. to 6:30 P. M. beyinniny May >6. 7.950 <<>'11 IN IMI 'll MODERN CONSTRICTION «ITH MOI» RN MATERIAL« mill cm Loe-Bloc Construction Co. . C. F. HUNTER RAIJ>H HAROLD 'till City Atavton