Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
Should The People Know? T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SerUng: MILL CITY m I mi I ELKHORN <. \ I I I IDANHA iA ons MEHAMA MONGO1 I» Dear Mr. Petersen: It is with sincere regret that I again find the Mui City school board receiving a broadside ironi the pages of the Enterprise. Anyone in public office expects a certain amount of criticism but when the publisher of a newspaper takes up a campaign against him, his way is indeed hard. ON THE SCENIC NORTH 8 ANTI AM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE You make much of the fact that you are presenting the TRUTH to Vol. 51—No. > MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 25. 19.50 $2.50 a Year. 5c a Copy the people, but it is quite obvious to any thoughtful person that it is not the WHOLE TRUTH. For instance you fail to answer the following questions: 1. Is there any evidence whatso ever that the members of the school board were not acting in good faith in selling property, believing they were serving the best interests of the School board members of Mill City’s in failing to comply with the proced people in the school district? district 129J and the board's clerk ure demanded by the law that the 2. Has anyone on the board per were summoned to appear in court sale of property be duly advertised sonally profited from the transaction in answer to a civil suit filed last and voted upon with a majority con mentioned ? week in complaint of irregular ex sent. The legal complaint said 3. Have you taken a poll of all the change of district property and ap further, people who lived in the district at parent discrepancies in the indebted “. . . . and the members of its the time of the property sale to de ness of the school district. Damages board and each of them, have failed, termine their reaction, or are you neglected and refused to assert the of $5,000 were asked. depending on newcomers and trans Linn county sheriff, H. A. South title and ownership to the said THOSE THINGS live today almost as fresh and terribly terrifying ients to back your campaign? ard, stated In a letter this week that premises and to cause the said dis as they were five, six or seven years ago. Thoae tMngs happen trict to repossess the same. Plain The businessmen of the town have again every night and tear the soul with as cruel slashes as they did the papers were served Thursday eve tiff has denounced that the said on the beaches of a thousand islands, in the hedgerows, mountain given the board a vote of confidence. ning, May 18, by sheriff’s deputy board repossess the said district of passes and deserts of the fronts all around the globe. Is your understanding and judgment Frank Caraway. According to the its premises and they have refused The hurt and the memory of the hurt still lingers. In the minds better than theirs? legal summons, the defendants are and continued to refuse so to do.” of the men whose bodies and minds were torn in the holocaust the 4. Most important is the question recollection never grows dim. required to appear in court in answer New Building Cost Those thousands who have spent every day since then in —will justice be served by branding to the complaint within 10 days or hospitals have had to live dose to it. They have not had the grace Further complaint was directed at these men as criminals? j at least by May 29th. and goodness of civilian life to spread a thin veneer of insulation the board in lieu of apparent irreg When some dire fault is discovered, over scars and burns of those days.. ( Deed Not Valid ularity In the financing of the new we are so prone to let it obscure the OH, I KNOW HOW easy it is to forget things which are painful Attorney for the plaintiff, Roy R. grade school building. The board had good in a man. These men have to remember unless such have been branded so deeply that Hewitt of Salem, further stated in in a sinking fund a sum of some $43,- served long and well, discharging conscious thought is never free from the ugly recollection. I the complaint that the deed to the 594 to be used for the proposed build their duties with courage and fidelity. Thus it comes as a shock, a hurting shock to hear that more Presbyterian church and later trans ing. District taxpayers voted a bond than fifty two thousand disabled American veterans have been in They have made mistakes, being only the hospitals for an entire year without a single visitor. ferred to R. S. Corbin and Clara B. issue of $101,700 in September of human, but certainly the good work 'rhe gray walls, the gray corridors, the gray bathiulies, the Corbin 1948 for the construction of the new they have done deserves sober consid gray ceilings and the gray faces of the patients in the veteran’s “. . . are of no legal force and building and equipment, making a eration before branding them as crim hospitals are so easy to forget. So easy to put out of mind in the effect and they are totally in-op total of $145,294. rush and color and goodness of life in these United States. inals. erative for the purpose of convey But we must not forget. We must not forget so soon. We A special election was called in The aim of the law is to establish ing the title or any claim or right promised a lot of times that we wouldn't forget them. Now it is 1949 and the taxpayers voted to ex- justice. With that as a standard, is in the said premises; and the same, time to pay the debt and it is a real debt. their crime so great? After all, who IT IS THE TIME NOW when tlie veteran who has been and each of them, are null and void, t coed the 6% bond limitation by Borne awarded a compensation payment under the law is looked upon as among us has not, at some time or and the said school district is now $26,000 of which $10,000 was allo- a tax liability and moves are under way in both houses of congress the owner and entitled to the pos | cated by the people toward the build- other, been guilty of some minor in to effect some economies in this part of governmental expense. | ing fund. The schoolboard further session of the said premises." fraction of the law ? This, too, is further evidence that we are forgetting The complaint was brought about transferred from the general fund The wisdom of Thomas Jefferson Good to relate is the fact that the Disabled American Veterans (the DAV) are organized in order to help each other. No other because of the school board’s action the sum of $14,326 for building pur might well be applied here—"The program or project is on their agenda. The idealism of the organ poses bringing the total to $169,620. sword of the law should never fall ization is not left to walk on clouds. It is practical and hard headed Credit claimed by the schoolboard but on those whose guilt is so appar in its approach to the problems of the disabled veteran. Of course j for the tremendous saving in the con- ent as to be pronounced by their there are some mistakes made, but they ara few and hundreds of ■ struction of the new school began to worthy, needy and honest veterans are honestly helped. friends as well as their foes.’’ So it behooves us who arc fortunate to remember - to remem ! look dubious when board president It seems to me that your denuncia ber that the war isn't over—that it won’t be over that it comes 1 Donald Sheythe revealed in an argu tion, resulting as it does in increased back again and again and again, into the lives of those it hurt in ment at a recent PTA meeting that strife and dissension among the citi- body and mind. Hospitality was the keyword as he and the other members had be zns of the town, is just as reprehen Fifty two thousand completely forgotten disabled American the industrial committee of the Mill come personally liable for the amount veterans is a national disgrace. Add to that figure tho u other sible as anything the school board hundreds of thousands who still bear the burden of war with a tiny City Chamber of Commerce and busi of $4,000 each to further finance the has done. money payment as compensation. ness people from every canyon com . construction program. The latter According to the law, it is the duty THAT ’S ALL FOR TODAY:—Don’t forget those who can’t forget munity welcomed over 1,000 visitors I figure raises the construction cost as of the county superintendent to deal •J. M. HofleM, ' Sounding Off“. Paul» Valley Democrat, Pcul» Valley, Oklahoma, last Sunday when the Detroit dam far as is known to $181,620. If the with the situation. Wouldn't it be a w« winner of Disabled American Veteran» onnual newtpoper column award. declared open house. i board’s chairman was truthful at the good idea just to leave it to him and Special guests for the day was the meeting, at least $12,000 of the the school board to work out a solu tion to the problem ? It is quite pos Cherrian Queen and her royal court ■ amount was spent without the con- who claimed the honor of being the ' sent of the district's taxpayers. The sible that they would be much more willing to 'o-operate with him than first women to be allowed Into the building is not yet completed and a with those of you who have seen fit ’ excavation area. The Mill City bond for further oanstructlan has el- to set yourselves up as critics. | industrial committee maintained a ready been rumored. Contractors have repeatedly ques- Sincerely yours, literature and information booth for MRS. J. C. KERBER. the benefit of the tourist. In addi ( tioned as to whether such a building May 15, 1950 DeLake, Ore. tion to the statistics furnished by the \ could be constructed under the $200,- • • • corps of engineers the chamber of 000 mark. Lowest bid submitted for commerce passed out pamphlets ad the completed building was In the The above letter came early last vertising the industrial potentiality neighborhood of $193,000. week but due to shortage of space of thia canyon area. and time I was unable to give it publication. I am happy this week Construction details of the huge to take the opportunity to publish it Santiam project were explained by in full qnd also answer several ques Jack O. Murray, personnel head of tions which Mrs. Kerber has poised Consolidated Builders, Inc., and Harry Stiffler's Radio and Appliance store at me and also ask a few myself. W. Rutherford of the army engineers On Friday and Saturday of this announced today their plans to move This paper is not guilty of starting Prior to the inspection of the con John A Feeley, 37, husband of Mill Instigated by a request at a recent any campaign against anyone. We week, May 26th and 27th, all of us into their new structure now under City grade school teacher Mrs. J. A. struction area such dignitaries as PTA meeting that the a««'>< iation ap only published the facts that exposed will be asked to wear a little red construction on Santiam Boulevard Feeley, succumbed to injuries suf U. S. Senator Wayne Morse. Gov. point a committee to investigate the neglect of certain septic tanks on poppy on our coats or dresses. Once about June 10th. fered in a construction accident at Douglas McKay, Col. O. E. Walsh charges of illegal transfer of school the school grounds, which has ap each year, we of America pay tribute, The building 44x26 is located on Myrtle Creek, Oregon, May 16. and Col. Donald S Burns of the army land and misconduct against the Mill by wearing their memorial flower, the highway on the east side of Mill parently caused quite a stink! Feeley, who died in Sacred Heart engineers spoke to the group. A full City school hoard, newly elected pres If any campaign was started it was the poppy, to those who gave their City. The floor is of concrete with hospital in Eugene, was injured when description of the dam’s physical ident Mrs. Kenneth I. Crosier made started against The Enterprise be lives in America's service during the the latest material in building blocks he sought shelter under a truck dur properties, power potential, flood con the appointment after consultation being used in the walls. cause we chose to point out facts World Wars. ing a blasting operation. Another trol and irrigation development was with the Oregon Congress of Parents The addition was noted as another truck smashed into the one he was made by the engineers to the public. Poppies are made all during the and Teachers, Inc. In answer to question No. 1, I be year by disabled veterans in hospi compliment to Mill City's rapid mod under, pushing the vehicle over him. The band from the Parrish junior In question as to whether such an high school in Salem furnished music lieve it is self evident that the board tals. The veteran receives 2c for ernization among the merchants. Feeley was employed by the Kuck- was not acting in good faith by sell each poppy, which ' means monetary during the ceremonies; and a squad investigation should fall under the enberg construction company as a PTA sponsorship Mrs. Crosier re ing property when they certainly help for the necessities and comforts Tl'RNIDGES HAVE GRANDSON flagman and his family had planned ron of planes from the Salem Naval ceived word from the Oregon con must have known that they must not supplied by the hospitals, or help Air Faciilty, saluted the project in Mis. Hollis Turnidge received word to join him at the close of the school a formation flight over the dam site. gress stating the action of the PTA, get the permission of the voters to toward buying food, fuel and clothing today of the birth of a grandson, born year. Doctors had amputated his Also introduced to the crowd dur in appointing a committee to Investi sell property of the school district. for his family at home. The bulk of to Mrs. Carl Jensen, at Klamath left leg shortly after the accident and The board was composed of at least the poppy funds remains in the com Falls, Ore. ing the program were Marion County gate the school board's action, was his chances for survival had been one lawyer at the time the first trans munities where they are raised, being Judge Grant Murphy; King Bing Paul legal and made in good faith. The Mrs. Jensen was a former Gates stated as limited, Hale of the Salem Cherrians; Sidney letter addressed to Mrs Crosier fol action took place. They must know expended by the local Legion Posts resident and will be remembered by Surviving Feeley beside his wife L. Stevens of the Cherryland Festival lows: that they have access on legal points and Auxiliary units in relief work in her old friends as Pat Kerry, Her Oregon Congress of Parents and at all times through the county school the communities throughout the year. son, Michael Roy, weighed 6 pounds are four children of grade and pre association; C. C. Davis, resident en Teacher«, Inc. school age. gineer of the Detroit dam; and S. T. superintendent. Poppies will be sold in Mill City, 2> 2 ounces and was born Saturday, 311 Education Center Bldg. Funeral services will be held from Moore, district forest ranger at the In answer to question number 2, Gates and Lyons by the women of the May 20. Portland 4, Oregon the Poole-Larsen funeral home at Detroit station Master of ceremo I might answer that by asking an local Amreican Legion Auxiliary unit May 16. 1950 11th and Charnelton Streets in nies for the program was W M. other. Why is a certain gentle and the Girl Scouts. Eugene Thursday (today) at 2:30 (Jack) Bartlett, state director of Mrs. Kenneth I. Crosier President man so interested in stopping any Mrs. J. T. King is chairman of the Mill City PTA p. m. aeronautics. publicity in the local paper if no one poppy sales committee and her head The industrial committee of the Mill City. Oregon has profited in the numerous trans quarters will be in the Mill City jail, I !ll IlSDAY— Mill City chamber of commerce Dear Mrs. Crosier; actions of thiB school board ? If no which is the place designated by the High Schsool Commencement to wishes to thank the following mer profit was taken would there be any chairman for the workers to obtain Due to Mrs. Moorhead's absence night. chants for their fine co-operation in from the state, your letter has been thing to hide ? Don’t the voters have supplies and turn in funds. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. the building and outfitting the booth referred to me, as you seem to re a right to know the truth? Hasn't Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm the board refused to enlighten the The turkey dinner given by the from which literature was distributed quire an immediate answer. FRIDAY— people and stated that they were not MRS. ENGELS SERIOt SLY First of all. I would say that the Gates Woman’s Club, Saturday eve and will be used during the summer 1.0.0 F meeting. responsible to the people for their INJURED IN C AR ACC 1DENT ning was a success. The generous to distribute information: Gillespie’s problem you have presented is a Lyons BVA meeting 2nd Friday Mrs. "Rusty” Engels of Mill City actions. servings of turkey and "fixins" were Store an Van Summers of I<f!tnha; local problem and the state board In answer to No. 3, I can say that was seriously injured in an accident Mill City TWA meeting last Friday delicious and more than $100 was Detroit Core Saw Mill; FrereS-Frank, would be very reluctant to pass on I have asked a great number of on the highway while traveling west sATI RDAY— realized" for the building fund. The Kelly Lumber Sales, Hill Top Store, any such matters as they should be people who were here and they are on highway 222 Tuesday morning members of the club are grateful to Mill City Enterprise, and Mr. Lam- solved by and In the community. Legion Dance at Legion hall greatly concerned over the affairs about 8:40 Her little boy and baby the large attendance of Mill City folk phear of Mill City; Brassfield's Store I can only advise you as to the Santiam Riders Dance. as they are. I have been informed girl were with her at the time the who helped to make the affair suc and Heinlck’s Store of Lyons: and parent-teacher policy in such mat by many that a certain few have accident occured. The baby received MONDAY— ters. cessful Among those from Mill City Ken Golliet of Mehama Lions club meeting. The literature was well received anil run the school affairs and nobody bruises and was driven to Salem Gen It would seem that the action of were Mr and Mi’s D. B. Hill, Mrs. A F. A A M. No. 180 stated meet Mel Robinson, Mrs W. W Allen. Mrs. everyone felt it was a very success your PTA, In appointing a commit else has been welcomed to take an eral hospital along with her mother interest unless they were in the by Officer Hunt of the local police ing third Monday Frank Potter, Mr and Mrs Charles ful event Thanks are also extended tee to investigate the school board's "right" group It matters not today department Mrs. Engels was uncon Boy Scouts 7:30 Harman and two children, Mr. and to Col. C. C Davis of the army en action, would be legal and made in whether those interested are “new scious when the police arrived and n ESDAY— good faith. However. I would sug Mrs. Don Sheythe and two Hons, Mr gineers for their co-operation. The comers" or "transients" so long as removed them from the car gest that it be a very unbiased com Women’s club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mr and Mrs. they are taxpayers and voters, their boy apparently was not injured. mittee and that other interested Curtis Cline, Mr and Mrs Bob Ve- Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. WE SEE BY THE ADS: vote is worth as much as anybody groups be included. The business Mrs. Engels was taking her little ness. Mr and Mrs Geo Veteto, and Senior Scouts 7 :30 p.m. Bids with springs $4.75. else's Furthermore, we "newcomers" boy to school at Lyons. The front of the schools is the public's busi Mrs. Richard Saucier. Model A Ford $85.00 are going to be called upon to pay of thecar was badly damaged when it WT.DNESDAY— ness, for the schools belong to the The benefit dance given in the gym 5 lb. Sack of Flour Free. the taxes, and we have a right to went out of control and ran into a -Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. nasium Saturday evening by the vol- tax-paying public, but we do elect Carnival coming to town. Santiam Rebekah 166 lit and 3rd unter firemen was well attended It know how they are spent. a school board to carry on the de power pole just after crossing the New spuds, 4c pound. Answering your question No. 4, I railroad tracks on the way out of Wed. at 8 pm tails of the business and they should wax announced another dance would (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) town Altar Society meets 2nd Wed be held in two weeks. Summons Served on School Board For Appearance In Court Canyon Welcomes Visitors To Damsite Legion Auxiliary to Jail Friday A.M. Stiffler’s Radio Shop in New Home Soon Feeley Services In Eugene lhursday (ionium Eurntfi: Turkey Dinner at Gates Weil Attended Parent-Teachers Ask (nvcstiaction w