Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Mr. and Mrs. George Arthurs have moved into their new home here. The place is in the north part of town Mehama Farmers Union held their on property formerly part of the meeting at the Women's club Friday By MRS AIJtERT MILLSAP evening. Steve Dark spoke on the Friday was achievement day at the Klutke place. FOR By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards of coming election and urged everyone Gates grade school. Programs were Mrs. Gale Fagan entered Salem not only to vote, but study your can presented by the different grades, ’ Salem were guests this week at the County Commissioner Memorial Hospital on May 12 where didates and measures carefully be- | during the morning home of her son and family. Mr. and LOWER TAXES; IN THE she is being treated for five fractured | fore voting. Open house was held and work by Mrs. Norman Garrison PRIMARY ELECTION ribs Buffered in a fall a few days A discussion was also held on child the pupils was on display in each Home for the weekend were Bill Pd Adv by A. M. Vistica before. delinquency. room. A picnic dinner was served at and Ed Keith Oliver of Corvallis, sons Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman and The next regular meeting wiU be noon. Tables were spread on the of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver. Joseph Fernbaugh all of Detroit at held on May 26th. At this time a school lawn for the pupils and the Mrs. Paul Davis, accompanied by tended the five county banquet of 1 colored travelogue picture will be large group of parents present. ’ Mrs. W. H. Titmus, Mrs George Nel the Tavern association held in Albany shown as well as colored slides. There Following the dinner competitive son and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap Monday evening. will also be an exhibit of articles games were played by the pupils for 1 were Salem visitors Monday. The Jacob Fischer, L. C. Davis and John made in the countries shown. The the remainder of the afternoon, win party also stopped in Dallas and Cook were business visitors in Salem public is invited to attend. ners were presented with ribbons. Stayton. For All Your on Monday. A variety show will be given by the CANYON AID GROUP I o in < ■ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Capuro accom "Canyon Aid”, a newly organized students of the high school, Friday Plumbing and panied William Ward to Portland on community group designed to help evening at the school. The program Monday. In Salem Ward got a new 1 those in need in the Idanha, Detroit will include skits, musical numbers, Heating Needs car. area, reported splendid community folk dances and athletic stunts. The public is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wright ex co-operation from the citizens, so pect to return to their home in De stated the board of directors this Mother’s Day was observed here by the usual home comings family din troit the last of this week. week. The organization to be of perma ners and lovely gifts. GET THOSE SUMMER Plumbing and Sheet Metal Worta Norway imports all her automo nent nature were able to assist sev Mrs. Lula Collins had as her guests SHOES IN SHAPE Stayton her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and biles, having no motor industry of eral needy families during the past Mrs. C. Rosheim from Lyons; her her own. Contributions of money, winter. Before you buy-see the SPARK food, and clothing are needed to grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sellard and two children from GAS-MAKING DEMONSTRATION on the successful work. carry Mill City Eugene and two great-grand daugh REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Put out your campfire before you ters, Karen and Susie Rue of Mill City. leave the woods. FOR STATE f»o«'xxx“xx,xx.xx.x-xw-: a Ü :: Mrs. Velma Carey had her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and daughter of Portland, Don Carey from Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Gale “A VOTE FOR SOUND BUSINESS Blacksmithing k );T1 Carey and daughter of Gates and her POLICIES IN GOVERNMENTAL Welding son Jimmy, still at home. 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN FUNCTIONS" * • "ggiug “n<l Saw A sharp car in every way. Only Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were Primaries May 10th MUI Repairing $1345 dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Paid Adv. Boring for Representative GENERAL AUTO and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert in Mill City. 1948 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE Committee, Wm. C. Dyer, Secy. TRUCK REPAIR Also present was Mrs. Meinert’a Master.. Truly like new. A real buy. Only $1395 mother, Mrs. Rose Daley and daugh Arc and Acetylene ter Alona Fay. 1948 CHRYSLER CONV. COUPE t Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Champ and Buy this for that real new car driving pleasure. Welding three boys of Stayton spent Sunday Save — Save $2195 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Phone 3452 Mrs. Riley Champ. 1949 DODGE r, TON PICKUP Mrs. Claude Alexander has returned Driven only 6,000 easy miles. Can’t be told from new. (Packet or Bulk Pack) home after several weeks spent visit $1495 ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS ing in Astoria, North Bend and Seattle. Mr. Alexander has returned Various T j | m - s of Garden Tools, Etc to Kodiak, Alaska, where he is in business. - Home of Service - PLYMOUTH Mrs. Blanch Gibson, who is em | CHRYSLER 495 N. Com’l St. 435 N. Court St. ployed in the Gates tavern, has re I 405 N. Comi St. turned from a trip to Myrtle Point. PHONE 3-4117 STAYTON, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson were ac ÌOMaMfflXiltX.KKXiX.'X.x.x.M.KK:« X >: x « x “ x x «X « X’X;X "X iOffiaSMMjCKSCX-jCklkBaiBCHBa companied on the trip by Raymond ■aMWWWMVMaMrai .: iiihuu MnuaMMK nun ■ iiu»u iwumiii non.... mimi im mm im minrww Roberts of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pitt who have resided in Gates for the past year have moved to Billings. Montana. Mrs. Minnie Spoelstra of Salem is spending the week at the home of her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson were her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor of Brownsville. GATES May 18, 1950 MEHAMA FARMERS UNION TO MEET MAY 26TH THE MILL CITI ENTERPRISE DETROIT Vote 25X VOTE VISTICA See Us Spring Is Her«! Spaniol & Co. DICK’S SHOE SERVICE E. E. (Doc) Boring IL A. Schroeder Repair Shop Representative 4 Great Buys GARAGE « Headquarters for Garden Seeds Salem Automobile Co. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Thinking of Building? MASTER yyyjJUs* - - Ixec wy MFAD »I * j END 0’ WINTER CHECK-UP Complete spring check up to take winter creaks out of your car, put it in top condition! LOW-PRICE FIELD! Ford's bit. beautiful, and buyable for '501 A look will show you why Ford was selected as "Fashion Car of the Year."One "Test Drive" shows you Ford's "Big Car” comfort, solid roadability.and'aound conditioned" quiet of Ford's sturdy "life guard" Body. MHMBM BIG ECONOMY Great gat mileage — proved in the Grand Can yon Economy tun. There a Ford Sia with Over drive won from the three fuU tixe, low-prked cor». And with Ford's low Ar»t coat, low operating coat, high resale value, it's the "Big Economy Pack age ’ of its field. ’’TEST DRIVE” THE BIG POWER-V-8 or "B” Vow cho" • of two wonovny .»giaat, Ik. •omow 100 Kp. V only Y-i In H« Anld — or it» companionmquality, '*>• 95-kp FORD AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S Sis. BIG SOFA-WIDE SEATS So economical to buy.,.and to ownl Soft, w>do »eats with the most h.p and shoulder room in the low price Reid. Seats that ore "com fort contoured for the utmost In b>g car hseury. Loc-Bloc C. F. HUNTER Mill City RALPH HAROLD Stayton n Crankcase drained. Hushed, refilled with RPM Motor Oil □ Oil filter serviced □ Transmission and differential drained, flushed and refilled □ Automatic transmission serviced □ Front wheel bearings in spected and re packed □ Battery checked, cleaned and serviced □ Radiator flushed, inspected, refilled □ Tires antf spare cross switched. thoroughly in spected. properly inflated PIUS: A dozen extra safety checks and services! Sen ice to suit your convenience. PHONE TODAY! KEITH We take better care of your car Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton CHECK YOUR CAR • WITH MODERN MATERIALS □ An expert chassis lubrication OF THE White $id«»All Ulti and whwi trim finis opbonal at «atra com COME IN AND SEE MODERN CONSTRUCTION CHECK ACCIDENTS ---------- CHEVRON GAS STATION Roen Typewriter Exchange 456 Court St. SALEM. ORE. Phone 3-6773 mmnniinni aoaöö»»ö«ö»»iö«ft«öHaBKMaHHH