T—THE MILI- C ITY ENTERPRISE IDANHA SEE JOHN ADAMS For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel Silver Saddle Trailer Camp LITTLE ILLS MAKE BY© * • True, that "little illnes«” you’ve been mentioning in an offhaad way, may net seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms^ But, neglected, these "little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding. Capital Drug Co. Salem PRESCRIPTIONS M(ilX) TRADE MARK STAY-WHITE Regularly $1.39 Until Moy 31, 1930 Try a pint of KEM-GLO, in white that stays white, at only 984, Today! A pint covers up to 50 square feet. ■ 10 lovely colors in quarts and gallons. Pints in Stay white only. »2.39 Qt. »7.98 Gal. Get your PINT of KEM- LGLO Stay-white at only 984, TODAY! Bring this ad to FRERES Building Supply Mill City Myron's Packaged Meats | Vote 24X Douglas R YEATER State Senator Your State Representative in the Legislature for the past four years’ say Republican leaders across the nation . . . men and women you know and trust. , , SEN. ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG Venice. Italy, is rated as one of the most» beautiful cities in the world. Of the 26 bones in the foot, the smallest is only three-eighths of an inch long, the largest 2ft inches. ”1 want to thank you for your relentless and consistent support for what I believe to be a sound foreign-policy for our country. You have been a tower of strength io defense of indispensable cooperation with our anti-Communist allies and for the collective security which not only protects us but also sustains the hopes of free men for a free world.” Elected «O ‘ 'Odt( Sector *»*°**nint memb«* °( lh‘ ,ly lo(|uenC« mil- tod.y th. v«.< Armed S*n*ç«^ of *« °f'* ?.nd decreed o' «« r‘duC,,On0( the pow«rf» SEN. MARGARET CHASE SMITH Welfcr« »nd h»« ippointment to the foreign A^’rll,on h»»^«»*^' * **** ‘ Comm*«** 00 r Senate Sen»*®* Senwoe Morn■ ,b< Trade want« Many Republican and independent voters in America give great heed to the Republicanism of Wayne Morse. The Republican Party is fortunate to have such a dynamic, forthright Republican spokesman representing it in the Senate of the United States." SEN. HENRY CABOT LODGE, JR. ”1 feel ihst Senator Morse's public csreer typifies the spirit of reform, liberalism, idealism and regard for human rights which gave birth to the Republican Party and which is vital to Republican success io the future.” SEN. EDWARD J. THYE "As a member of the Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee. I can assure the farmers of America that Wayne Morse is a Republican leader who thoroughly understands the relationship between stability in our agricultural economy and a sound national economy. His work in the Senate is a source of Strength to the Republican Party." LLOYD GIROD — and similar statements acclaiming his leadership and ability from . • « * • • Sen. William F. Knowlaad Rep. Joseph V. Manin, Jr. Sea. Harry Darby of Idanha Sen. George D. Ailtea John Sherman Cooper Sea. Leverett Saltonstali Sea. Forrest C. Donnell Sea. If Alexander Smith Sea. Homer Ferguson Sen. Ralph E. Flanders Sen. Charles W Tobey Sen Robert C. Hendrick »on Sen. Alexander Wiley Sen. Irving M Ives and Philip Wilihie “Re-elect SENATOR WAYNE MORSE k A * * ’ ' A4».- a«*»«' » J Cea. '»*•«*♦* f C S< Weew, a»o<b 5. luii.auMumj Phone 903 FOX VALLEY Kellom's Grocery Basements, Trench and General Excavating Mill City, Ore. home from a visit with her sisters in r. Fresno, California. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman were Mr. and Mrs George Clipfell have another grandson. He is the second Sunday callers at the home of Mr. By MRS FRANK NEW baby and son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Albert Ring Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and The North Santiam Willing Work- Tumidge of Talbot. Mrs. Tumidge FRESH DAILY — VERY REASON ABLE PRICES : er a club met at the home of Mabel will be remembered as Evalyn Clip son Kenton were Monday callers at Barney Wednesday afternoon Nine fell, the youngest of the George Clip- I the Tom Courtney home in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest have members were present. Mrs. Lon fell family. Everly became a member of the or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan were started the building on their land ganization. The club’s food sale was Mother’s Day dinner guests at the near the old Fox Valley school site. MILL CITY held Saturday at Van Someron’s | I home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Deetz It is understood they plan to put in stock for a small grocery when the OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS atore with $15.90 being realized from ; in Stayton. 8 A M to 7 P.M. 9 AM. to 4 PM. I the sale. The next meeting of the I Mrs. Clifford West and Mrs. Jack building is finished. remember It is hoped everyone will club will be with Mrs Orville Hansen [ Johnston were business visitors in the All-day Clean-up time set for A son was bom to Mr and Mrs Mill City Monday afternoon. May 28 at the Fox Valley cemetery. UMNt Quincy Smith Monday morning at John Worden had several stitches Each family interested should try to 8:30 a.m. Mother and baby are doing taken in his leg as a result of an in-; get their cemetery lots and graves I well. jury caused by the explosion of a1 cleaned on or before the 28th. If you A pot-luck dinner was held by the dynamite cap in some trash he was can’t be on hand to help why not have Boy Scouts of this area Wednesday burning in a "clean up” fire. His some one do the necessary work to ¡evening in the basement of the high condition is satisfactory. help make the local cemetery look I school building. About 50 parents Mrs. M G. Brassfield has returned its best on Memorial day. ■ and committee members and their | wives attended the dinner. Eric ( Soderburg, supervisor for this district I showed pictures of camp life at Camp Pioneer. The Detroit high school will present its first operetta Friday night at 8:15 I o’clock in the grade school gym. | The Operetta, "Marianne”, will be, given with Delphine Tucker singing REPVBLICAN CANDIDATE the leading 3olo role. Other soloists FOR will be Marlene White, Ronald Mor- ! gan. John Davis and Dick Thornton I The entire student body is taking part in the production. Mrs. Sam Palmerton. Mrs. Wilbur Chestnut and Mrs. Vem Alvin left I last week by train for Chicago. MARION COUNTY After a short visit in Chicago they | will go to Flint, Michigan, where they will pick up a new auto in which to continue their trip. They expect to Wff ■Vui ' ■*- . . . make stops at Louisville, St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver before re turning home. The adult Sunday school class of PRIMARIES MAY 1», 19.50 the Idanha church enjoyed a "child” i party at the Engineer’s building at i the C. C. Camp. The evening was Paid Adv Yeater for Senator Committee spent playing games, after which the "chili feed" was enjoyed by all. Edna Golden and Eva New took care of the children at the Pittam home during the party. Dinner guests at the Frank News’, Friday evening May 11th were Mr. and Mrs. George Streff and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert and Harold Ray. Charleen Hanan presented her pi ano students at a recital Thursday, May 11th at 8 p.m. in the Grade School library. The following pro gram was presented to a large and interested audience: “Pomp and Pageantry”, Sally Fletcher; "Waltz of the Toys", John Hanan; "The Sphynz”, and "Sunny Skies". Della Hansen; "Follow the Brook", and "Tomahawk Dance", by Jimmie Girod; "Blossom Time", Judy Haseman and Caralee Whitten; , "Water Sprites” and "Sunrise” Lo retta Nygaard; "Song" Merrily Han an; "March of the Wee Folk”, and "Dreamy Daisies", Caralee Whitten; “The Elephant Marches", "Little Lead Soldier", Jimmie and Alan THOMAS E. DEWEY Girod; "China Doll", and “Wood "1 want you, my good friends of Oregon, to know that I am deeply Nymph’s Harp”. Judy Haseman ; "Mexican March” , Gale Parker; grateful for the fine job of campaigning Wayne Morse has been doing "Skating”, Carol Hansen; "Planta- for the National ticket all over the country. He is a great friend and a mighty fine Senator.’’* tion Memories”, and “Woodland Echoes", Alice Fryer; "Blue Lagoon’’, and "Chinese Scene”, Sally Fletcher; has the ability# HAROLD E. STASSEN “Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2”, and "Theme from Tachaikowsky’s 6th Senator Wayne * ||)e rMgge<l honesty "Wayne Morse is an exceptionally able, courageous, forward looking Symphony”, Alan Girod; “Serenade Republican Senator. His loyal campaigning for Republican candidates political courage for Strings", and "Garden at Eve has been very effective and very helpful." ning”. Mary Gordon; and "In a Per )no4C (h.o Oregon wonts in sian Market", by Eva Lou New. May IS, 1950