Muy 1«, 19.50 LEGAL ADVERTISING A—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales Seven rooms WANTED Want to buy used piano HOUSE FOR SALE and bath plastered, basement with See Mrs. E. Skinnarland on North furnace, new GE 64-gal. electric Alder street near Kellom’a grocery. hot water heater, 4 lots with lots of U 20-3p fruit, nuts and flowers. A beauti ful home. Willard Allman, Scio, RELIABLE CHILD CARE, at your home anytime. Also house work. Box 182. 19-3p Inquire Stewart’s Grocery for Mil dred Wilson. 18-3p ¿XPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. FLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. [ Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated FOR SALE—Washbowls, heavy cast iron with brass fittings $7 50. Red’s Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Hill Top Trading Post. 20-lt FOR SALE Boy’s bicycle, baby play ! WHY PAY RENT? Buy income prop pen, basket, rug. See Mrs. T. R. Burton, next to Gates school. 10-3t 1 erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf FOR SALE — Chests of drawers, Fl d'. BAL* Kitchen wood range, see priced to sell quick, good selection. Ed Chance, 1 mile east of Gates. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 20-lt 18-3p FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi- ■ tloned and recently refinished ma-| WE BUY Cascara Bark Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 20-lt1 hogany baby grand. Guaranteed perfect. >775.00 cash, terms, or A GOOD SELECTION 'of linoleum rented with purchase option. Stone j yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Salem. 16tf KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — FOR SALE — Three choice building Fastest service in Portland and sat lots in Swift's addition, water, elec isfaction guaranteed by Portland’s tricity available, level ground. W. oldest company. Eight exposure L. Peterson. 20tf roll developed and one print each 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls LIST YOUR homes and farms with with more than eight exposures one me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, print each 35c. Re-prints 3c each. Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. Send coin The Quality Picture Co. Reid, Real Estate. 3tf Box 44O1Z, Portland 8, Ore. 18tf FOR SALE- Electric airline phono FQR SALE 32 Colt automatic, belt graph $20, man’s bicycle A-l condl- | tion $30.00. Mrs. Joe Novak, Phone • and holster, $35 takes all. See K. C. Snyder cabin 4 Deerhorn Motel 1484. 20-3p Mill City. 20-3p FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, $35.00 de FOR SALE Sewing machines cheap. posit, and $15.00 per month places I a fine instrument in your home. I Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 20-lt Can be seen locally. Write Stone FOR SALE — 6-room house, bam, Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, I chicken house, orchard, several Salem. 16tf acres of good garden soil goes with this place, can all be irrigated, at FOR RENT 3-room modem apart tractive terms can be had. Phone ment, furnished. E. D. Cooke, Mill 742, Royal Johnson, 2 mi. east of City, Ore., 2 blocks west of high Gates in Linn county. 18-6p school. 20tf FOR SALE Striking clock; reduced FOR RENT — Clean new sleeping rooms for 4 men, new building, 2 price, see at Mill City Jewelry. blocks west of high school. Also 18-3p cabin for rent. E. D. Cooke. 19tf FOR RENT Two-room apartment, FOR SALE — Fishing poles, steel completely furnished for house- j telescope $3.95. Red’s Hill Top keeping, including electricity for 20-lt cooking. Suitable for two men. j Trading Post. Enquire at Enterprise. 20-3p FOR SALE Attractive 3-bedroom home in Mill City on 1 acre fenced FOR BAL* Large wood circula and landscaped yard. Plenty of $15.00; home made ripsaw with closets and cupboard space. Mod Maytag gas motor $18.00. J. O. ern bathroom with tub and shower. Herron, Route 1, Lyons, Ore. 20-3p Modern electric kitchen with double sink. Full basement. Automatic FOR RENT Partly furnished duplex Manolis Santiam Cafe or at The j oil furnace, 42 gallon electric hot water heater. Laundry trays. Enterprise 20-3p Good garage and bam. Everything . \i * i.. t i ¡0 by i.. I high in excellent condition. Ph. 3534 for appointment to see this fine ground, good view, inside city. See place 20tf Ernie Brown. 20-3p DAV IS Electric & Tavern Supply Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service 2134 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. Phone 3-7193 No. 12641 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my final account in the estate of W. L. Oliver, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 3rd day of June, 1950 at 10 o’clock A M. and the Circuit Court Room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said CLYDE ROGERS. Executor of the Estate of W. L. Oliver, Deceased. Bell & Devers, Stayton, Ore. Attorneys for Executor. First publication May 4, 1950—5t GETTING BALD? Stimulate blood supply to starving roots with SCALP-MAS-SAGE. $3.15 C.O.D. or $3 with order. R. Behm, Sil Box 338, Lebanon, Pa. 19-4t Mill City Hotel MILL CITY Mrs. John Nelson, Anna Mae and I Donna were Salem shoppers Saturday. Cpl Bill McClintock, who is sta tioned with the army at Fort Law ton, Washington, spent a few days at the home of his brothers, Lee and Jack the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tinney are the parents of a son, bom May 11, at the Salem Memorial hospital. This is the second son for Mr. and Mrs. Tin ney. Ryan Arthur is the name of the new son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swan on May 8, at the Salem Memorial hospital. Mrs. Swan and Ryan re turned home last week. Mrs. Swan is the former LaNay Goble. Gran | parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Swan and Mr. and Mrs. V. Goble. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton, Lloyd and Dale and Mrs. J. C. Dickinson of Salem visited at the Lowell Cree home last Saturday. Mrs. Gorton and Mrs. Cree are sisters and Mrs. Dickinson is their mother. Coach and Mrs. B. B. Burroughs and family were in Eugene for the weekend visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hansen and family were in Silverton Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Cree and grand-son, Donnie Cree were callers Sunday afternoon ot Scio at the home of Mrs. Cree’s mother, Mrs. Alice Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten and children of Mehama were Sunday dinner guests at her parents, Mr. Remember to Vote on May 19th for and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd. Your Candidate! Ramon Peterson, who is attending school in Portland, visited at his home over the last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dimmitt and three children of McMinnville were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Craig. In the afternoon the group drove over to Bend and Red mond. Mom & Pop’s CAFE Private Dining Room i :iw!uii;in!'iniiiiniiiii:iiii!iiii uiriiiriituiiiiiiHFiiiiiiiiiiiiii iMi.iiirini'fin,iin'’«HHimiiiiU'» North Santiam TAVERN One Mill East of Detroit JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. i miMbiui fumuLuii iiiLHiiniLmiiMinMu-mi iiiiiiui.iiti'uiiiuiMUifliiiiin.'iKraiiiMiuiaiaa! Ai MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” and LYONS Boarding House i MILL CITY, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask of Al bany spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring. Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the weekend at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Summer in Portland. Mrs. Effie Heineck and Mrs. Hazel Lewis left the first of the week for Astoria, where they will attend the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon as delegates from Faith Rebekah lodge of Lyons. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian and Grandma Julian were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs.Oliver Julian of Album, Washington. Mrs. Ruth Lyons Postmaster of the Lyons office went to Newport, where she attended a Postmasters conven tion. She also visited at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor at Taylor’s landing near Walport. I------------- FAMILY STYLE MEALS Under New Management Les’s Tavern MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS A Friendly Place To While Away SPECIAL Your Idle Hours MILL CITY Service Stiltion KICKARDS C. E. 'Pink' Mason, Prop. PAINT VALUES TAVERN SHELL PRODUCTS AI TO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES NOW! GATES FISHING TACKLE Business - Directory - Professional MW' on MARSHAll-WEUS ONE COAT HOUSE PAINT! IMiUHIttl HARLOW L WEINRICK Attorney at Law 318 Broadalbin Albany LIPPOLD - BRENNER HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments MAC’S 145 S Church, next to Salem Parkin» WOOD’S STORE Genernl Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TOAVEAR HOSIERY Ll'ZIER-S COSMETICS ; Farms, Subdivisions, City Lots. City Maps and Water Rights B. F. "Sparky" CUSHING 641>_. N. High St.. Salem, Ore. Ph. 2-6041 Eve.: 2-1669 J » RALEIGH HAROLD FLOWERS GOODh’S H OW ER SIKH’ Phone Blue 64B Stayton, Ore. Detroit Tavern ( and Trailer Court III ‘ndricson’s Store In th«- l»nwr* Bldg I J MIKE’S Septic Service Septic Tank* and Sewer* Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9468, COLLECT 1079 Elm St., W. Salem WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month Also light hauling "•>nard llmnan Phone ?SW mmiiwiosHnoBtintiotHiiu Take ads antage oj this special price nou ' Bring in your bouse measurements . .. ue'll be glad to tell you just hou much paint you'll need. White only. SAW! on Amazing New SYNTHO-SATIN ENAMEL! Marshall-Wells SYNTHO-SATIN a soft gloss, intense white enamel famous for its amazing non- veilowing qualities. SYNTHO-SATIN adds new beau ty to walls and woodwork It's washable, durable ...the practical, economical paint for surfaces that need frequent cleaning. SYNTHO-SATIN Hows on easily ... produces a smooth, hard surface. One coat com pletely hides on most surfaces. Miles readily with colors-in-oil Regularly IA or "«.•ustom colors . Saxe hv buy ing now at this special low price! $5.39 Modern Funerei Service STAYTON OREGON Mil l CITY DISPOSI! SERVICE ; FIRST IN DETROIT STILL FIRST IN DETROIT • ♦♦♦ Red Rynearson Otto Kn-s. 11 ‘ l.b ii l>r»d.n I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ <aavunnHTinavncinQOQODVt>aaiBH JUST ARHIl ED— Isullea and chitaren'* Umbrellas Bath Tnweln — Aprons Handkerchiefs Sheets — Embroidered ('aneo rable, loth* One Coat HOUSE PAINT... the easy, economical way to renew your home with oneapplication. Marshall-Wells ONE COAT HOUSE PAINT possesses unusual hiding qualities. It is a con- t rolled-chalki ng, $¿1.95 telf-cleaning, dur GAL able house paint that Regularly $5.95 produces beautiful results. Expert Repairing « BUD I. oil. FRODI CTS I Ü. S. ROYAL TIRES tr.dt I’ F Fr». Mgr. | .................................................................. FLORIST and NURSERY Special Attention Given to Fittings 319 W. Wash. Street |ij block* on Hosiery - LI n gerlo-Dre**«-« Smocks W. Stayton Hlwny Phone 3684 111 High St. Salem Phone 4032 N_________________________ ________ » BARGAIN'S In Furniture. Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Housewares LAM) SURVEYOR ('anvon Garage “j Accountants Bookkeeping Service Auditing Payroll Reports Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 OREGON FO» LIMITED TIME ONLY (’. E. Covi I le Real Estate Went Side Mill CKy Ph 3407 IJST1NGS WANTED COME IN NOW! HILL-TOP GENERAL STORE AL TOMAN. Owner MILL CITY