Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE May IS, 1950 PACE IIHHI High School Students Hold Last Party Mothers Honored at Afternoon Tea The high school tennis courts furn Ml FRIDAY and SATURDAY ished the setting for the last party ERROL FLYNN and and dance of the school year honor ALEXIS SMITH ing the senior class. Sophomores sponsored the party. Colored streamers and colored lights inside of lanterns decorated the court. Floodlights were turned on In Technicolor the words "Good I.uck, Seniors" that were colored with spangles on a red background. The court was also SUNDAY and MONDAY marked off with colored ropes and on » DANNY KAYE each post there were long balloons in Miss Hope Baney called for square dancing and the schottishe was also enjoyed. Games were played on the lawns. (( Refreshments of chili were served Miss Darlene Downer (by Paula VanBuskirk, Patricia Cree, In Technicolor daughter of Mrs. Russel: Elnora Albright. Maxine Scott, Jane Moberg, whose engage ' Peterson, and Hazel Neal. Mrs. ment to Clyde Hathaway, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mason helped the girls with the re son of Lester Hathaway, freshments. GLENN FORD and all of Mill City, has been Dick Downer and Donald Ragsdale EVELYN KEYES revealed. The wedding is had charge of the music. Ardith In planned for June 11 at the Jones, Dolores Poole, Thad Roberts, Mill City Presbyterian and Gary Peterson took care of the church. games. In charge of decorating the Warner-Pathe News Photo courtesy The Statesman court were Alona Daly, Leia Kelly, Denny Martalla, Delmer Skillings, and Jackie Jackson. A good number THURSDAY Lyons Garden Club Meeting of the student body was present. MILL CITY The Garden club held their meet Miss Hope Baney, Mrs. Harry Mason, HIGH SCHOOL ing at the community club house and Mr. H. Bayless of the high school Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Otto faculty were also present. Weidman president presiding over the CAMP FIRE LEADERS meeting. Mrs. Kriever, Mrs. Harman, and A general discussion was held. Mrs. Palmer attended a meeting of Mrs. Don Brotherton, Mrs. Percy Camp Fire Girls leaders and sponsors Hiatt and Mrs. Paul Johnston were at Camp Kilowan on Tuesday. It appointed as committee to outline the was an opportunity to become ac Doors open at 7:20 P.M. program and make the year books. quainted with the camp situation and Complete show can be seen any Mrs. Clyde Bressler publicity chair learn a few outdoor skills for the time up to 8:30 man, and Mi-s. Alex Kuiken chair Camp Fire Girls next year. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliuuillllllllt man of the sick committee. It was voted to hold the meetings the second Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Wednesday of each month, and Iris chosen as the club flower. The next meeting will be held at the club house I with i*__. ___ **__ and Mrs. Mrs. Orville ~ Downing P lunibing& Heating John McClurg hostess, with Mrs John Neal in charge ’ ‘ of ' entertainment and • I LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON Mrs. Don Brotherton program chair- PLUMBING AND HEATING man. Angel food cake and coffee was No Job Too Large and None Too Small served by the committee, Mrs. Paul Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM Ph. 2-7390 Johnston and Mrs. Alice Huber to the following: Mesdames Mike Fink, Lynn Lambert, Don Brotherton, MNT j MM Orville Downing, Percy Hiatt, John «7 McClurg, Clinton Hubbard, Alex Kuiken, John Neal. Clyde Bressler, Otto Weidman, Mrs. Barlette and Mrs. O’Neal. SERVING THE CANYON AREA Mr. and Mrs. V. Garrett of Gerry PICKUPS AT visited relatives in Albany, Sunday. Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Bob Free, Clarence Jungwirth, Pat Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Lyons, Merrill Brassfield, Phillip Dry Cleaning -Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit Pietrok, Jim Phelps, Sam Bridges, Altar Society Meets Lloyd Free, Doc Jungwirth, and the 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9125 St. Catherine's Altar society held hostess Mrs. Free their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. George Ditter who was assisted by Mrs. Tony Zeibert. Refreshments were enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Members at tending were Mesdames Russell Hoff man. George Nealy. E. L. Kellom, Robert Majhor, J. O. Murray, Wm. F. Tickle, E. F. Fhaie, Allen Keith. R. Stiner, Roy Kendler, A. F. Lang, and Geo. Kendler. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. F. Tickle. A large group of mothers, teachers, and friends attended the second Gates, Mill City Seniors Lyons Mother-Daughters annual Mother's Tea sponsored by the Girl’s Athletic association. Join in Baccalaureate Set Banquet Record The tea table was centered with a Mill City high school extended a The mother and daughter banquet, bowl of red tulips and blue iris. Pre cordial invitation to the Gates grad an annual event sponsored by the siding at the tea and coffee urns were uating class to join with them in Womans Society of Christian service, Elnora Albright, Patricia Cree, Anna baccalaureate services this Sunday was held at the Rebekah hall, with the Mae Nelson, and Jo Roy. The pro gram consisted of the greeting to evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Presby largest attendance on record. terian church. Approximately 135 mother and mothers by GAA president, Wanda The mutual friendship between the daughters were served in a pleasing Vandermeer; two vocal solos "Mother" two graduating classes was testimony , manner by the fellow men of the and "You Are a Wonderful Mother" to the faith of youth in their fellow community. Potted plants were pre by GAA advisor, Miss Hope Baney; sented to Mi-s. Catherine (grandma piano duet, "The Up-To-Date March", beings. The Rev. T. Courtney, Jr. will Julian) the eldest mother present, LaVetta Powelson and Paula Van- bring the evening address with Dr. Mrs. Robert Carleton youngest Buskirk, Style Show; Lucia de Lam- David Ferguson reading the scrip- mother and Mrs. William Prichard mermoor, piano solo, Ardith Jones. the youngest grandmother. Mrs. "Summertime”, "Parade of the Wood ture. Agnes Booth, Marion county school en Soldires”, "Dear Land of Home”, j superintendent was the speaker of the and "The Rosary”, by the Girl’s Glee [ MISS HUMPHREYS ENGAGED evening. Miss Marlyn Boltzer gave club; "There’s No Tomorrow” and "Galaway Bay” by Betty Lou Cree, Friends and relatives have received j mothers marimba solo, "I’m Always Chasing word of the engagement of Miss Betty Rainbows" by Maxine Scott; and "In Louise Humphreys to Gordon Scar dian Lowe Call”, piano solo by Joan I brough, both of Myrtle Point. Miss Mari-Linn P.T.A. Elects Officers Humphreys is the daughter of Mr. The Mari-Linn P. T. A. held their Johnson. and Mrs. Clare Humphreys. meeting at the Rebekah hall Friday Members of the GAA who took part Both Miss Humphreys and Scar evening to select officers for the in the style show were Elnora Al bright, Patricia Cree. Maxine Scott. ' brough are members of the junior I 11950—51 school year. class at Myrtle Point high school. Elected to be officers were: Mrs. Haxel Neal, Jane Peterson, Paula No date has been set for the wedding. | Robert Fetherston, president; Thomas Vanbuskirk. Donna Cooke, Dolores .Putman, vice president; Mrs. George Poole, Arlone Kulhman, Alona Daly, o«c- <«• Huffman, secretary, and Mrs. William . Leia Kelly. The fashion show was i Prichard, treasure. Plans were made like a magaaine and it was titled | for open house which will be held at "Cotton Carnival” and as each girl in the new school house Thursday even- turn was ready to model her garment 1 ing, May 18. Plans were also made the page opened and she walked out for the 4-H achievement program into the room, showing her garment. ! which will be held the same evening Dresses, pajamas, skirts and blouses were shown. All clothes made were j at the school house. SHIRLEY LAIRD For the entertainment, the girls of cotton. Hobbies were displayed for the chorus sang several selections and at. the close of the meeting. Refresh mothers to look over. Displaying Phone 2603 ments were served by Mrs. Sam hobbies were: canning, Jo Roy, Anna Mae Nelson, Joan Johnson; Bridges and Mrs. Vein Nydegger. MILL CITY baking. Patricia Cree; Knitting, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Wanda Vandermeer, Marlene Ver <«• beck.. Alona Daly, Joan Johnson; embroidery work, Joan Johnson, Dorothy Downer, Patricia Cree; cro cheting. Elnora Albright, Paula Van- Buskirk, Jane Peterson, Patricia Cree; soap samples, Leia Kelly; puppets, Sue Mikkelsen; drawings, Ardith Jones; miniature dogs, Leia Kelly; salt and pepper shakers, Jo Roy, Beryl Mason, Wanda Vandermeer; storybook dolls, Betsy Kriever; cups and saucers, Betsy Kriever; and souviners of Scotland sent by a pen pal, Betty Lou Cree. The mothers were seated at card tables about the auditorium and these tables were decorated with spring flowers. Hope that the tea would become an annual affair was ex- pressed. BEAUTY SHOP NOW OPEN! Pegijc's Beauty Salmi EVENING APPOINTMENTS Ixicated Next to Furniture Store GATES PHONE 5951 Gei ihis Ice Pitcher FfcSE . (Quantity Strictly Limited) for coming in during I MONTANA The Inspector General Mr. Soft Touch Graduation GREENLY’S SALEM LAUNDRY MILL CITY MEAT MARKET SUPREME COURT. POSITION NO.-a” ST. PATRICK ALTAR SOCIETY; Mrs. Herman Free was hostess for the meeting of the Altar society,Qf the St. Patrick Catholic church in Lyons, at her home Thursday after noon. The main discussion was plans for the summer school which will be held at Jordon. Present were Mes- dames Fred Lindemann, John Moore, of Or«6on Quality Meats & Ciroceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special TOMATOES no 2* Cftll ASPARAGUS No. 2 can 19c ? for 37c 13c 2 for 25c .X x"xMJQgKMXMKKiMXX.XÌXN9«.X x X x « x x x x xxxxxxxxxxx xxx x x x XXXIX CLEARANCE Don't mitt this monoy-Mv- in« sol«—fr«« »W»S—««fro volvo effort. Como In now! with Fuit-wiorn (OltZINO COMPAITMINT Yeo. • 7.2 cu. ft. Philco with full utdth free«in< comport ment at «mating low price! Double utility tray«—many other »rfinarerf feature«. SPECIAL V Dresses 3O00 OUT! 50 $30 AND $25 CLOSE OUT! "Ah rfoo’l e««<f «o (boolin' iron, ton. Ah’m Mi»' Amonco« frprote travolort Cho-jv»«." SMART SHOP 115 No. Liberty. SALEM tath M MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSITI ANCE CORP.