VOTE VISTICA for County Com missioner and lower taxes In the Pri mary Election May 19th. I’d. Adv. AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver LYONS COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons Rad io, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 CHADWICK GARBAGE SERVICE PORTER & LAU "First with What You Want Most" From Other Editors: By EVA BRESSLER The regular meeting of Faith Rebe kah lodge was held at the hall with a good attendance. The regular routine of business was carried out with the following officers in the chairs: Blanche Wagner, noble grand; Beulah Lewis, vice grand; Garnett Bassett, secretary and Celene Taylor, treasure. Sixteen members from Eva Rebekah lodge of Stayton were guestb of the evening. At the social hour guessing games furnished the entertainment, and at the close of the evening refreshments were served by the committee, Blanche Wagner, Celene Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor and May Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bass and children, Patsy Katherine, Deloris and Diana went to Lebanon Sunday where they Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical Records. SENATOR MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Stayton 215 PHONE IMS LEONARD HERMAN Thomas Housing Project i LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE : G.E.THOMAS, Mill City i » a » 5 » B B » » B B MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEI. AIRPLANES B B TOYS AND DOLLS B SPECIALTY CARDS B B MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES B B B B Use Our Mall Order Service B B B B SALEM’S ORIGINAL B B B B B B B SALEM Phone 2-1588 B 163 N. Commercial B e H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment § Toy & Hobby Shop K I JUNGWIRTH 4 I » < < Sand and Gravel Go. 4 4 4 Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock 4 Jess Shortridge County Commissioner Good Roads Don 7 Forget to Vote! Dave Hoover "Real Republican?" Since When? Shovel anti Trucks for Hire MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days attended a dinner at the E. L. Rich 8—THE Mil I (Tn IXITKPRISE__________ Max 18. 1950 ardson home. The occasion honored five birthday anniversaries. Albert money is coming from the timber But why pursue this sordid Hoover When Mrs Ruth F. Stovall wrote barons, who have exploited the campaign further. Bass of Lyons, Mrs. Everette Cramer of Silverton, Joe Burkie of Eugene. to The Enterprise last week and in people’s timber resources, and now He is foredoomed to defeat, Mrs. Helmer Brokke of Silverton and quired of Senatorial candidate Dave have an eye on their forest reserves. Even Crow, who exudes vemon from Hoover the best answer as to who he Mrs. E. L. Richardson of Lebanon. It is whispered also that some of the every 1>or* whenever Morse's name Mothers Day services was held at is, who is behind him and where he money is coming from the medical IS nlent>oned, admits the Hoover can the Lyons Methodist church Sunday comes from appeared in the editorial monopoly which is exploiting sick, didacy is doomed morning. Sunday school was held at coluine of The Capital Press in Salem. suffering humanity And n ls nlake no mistake about the usual hour, and the worship serv Their descriptive editorial follows: that. ice at 11:00 a m. Rev. Jewell had as It is whispered further that some of The republicans of Oregon are not DIRTY POLITICS his topic "Mother of Mine" and spec Lying comes easy for Dave Hoover, the money is coming Ironi the going to nominate a carpet bagger ial selections were presented by the aspirant for Wayne L. Morse’s seat in National Manufacturers' Association, ex-deputy sheriff, without a single Girls chorus. whosewealthy members have been qualification, to replace United States the U. S. senate. A family dinner was held at the Lying also conies easy for Hoover’s raking n millions through exorbitant Senator Morse, who has served his home of Mr. and Mrs. George Nydig- political hatchet men. prices from the people. country and state with fidelity, ger Sunday, Present were her par Be that as it may it is hardly rea- ability, distinction, and honor, So does political filth. ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Trask of Mill In an ad last week Hoover accused sonable to presume that Hoover saved City, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gescher, 1949. 1,564,000 Americans were Eugene Labor Press, and a Portland the money from his salary as a Donnie. Judy and Garry of Sublimity, , Injured in traffic accidents. school director, of having "time and deputy sheriff. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Williams, Ronnie again" denounced Morse as "a commie and Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trask, sympathizer and political racketeer.” Doffer, Nancy and Johnie of Mill City, EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED Hoover said these denunciations and Miss Jeanette Nydigger of Salem. had been made in the presence of Joe Miss Mary and Theresa Pietrok of W. W. BILL* Battaglia, and Heinie Detloff at Hil Salem spent Sunday at the home of aire's restaurant in Portland. their parents Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scarcely had the scurrilous ad Jiit Pietrok. Covers were laid for a Sun the press of the state before Allen day dinner for Mary, Theresa, Clar ence, Louise, Louis, Frances, Jean and issued a statement calling Hoover a Candidate for liar. Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Pietrok. Republican Nomination Said Allen: Mrs. Lawrence Pietrok of Stayton For State "A candidate who maliciously and was a caller in the afternoon. Harold Ayers who has spent the falsely, and with, slanders him is past year at the home of his uncle utterly unfit for office. "And so that lie is nailed." at Heppner. Oregon is visiting at the Battaglia, a Portland insurance From home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. man, and formerly a member of the MARION COUNTY Art Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and executive committee of the Multno Primary election May 19 son Donald of Tillamook visited Sun mah Republican County Central Com mittee, joined Allen in denouncing the "EQI Al. REPRESEN TATION day at the home of his parents, Mr. KIR ALL” and Mrs. George Berry. They also ad as a lie. So did Detloff, a prominent labor (Pd Adv. Chadwick for Senator Com., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. leader, and a republican party worker. John H. Carson, Chairman) Haynes in Mill City. The lie as Allen said had been Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Oimstead were nailed. Simultaneously C. C. Crow, editor his parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olm of Crow’s Pacific Ciast Lumber Di stead of Mill City. Mrs. Don Naue was hostess for a gest, a propaganda sheet for the tim- shower honoring Mrs. Harry Case I ber barons, visiously attacked Senator beer, at the Casebeer home Friday Morse editorially. Crow accused the late President evening. After opening of the gifts refreshments were served to Mrs. Roosevelt of "planting the seed of Casbeer, honored guest, Mrs. Oscar Communism'’ in the U. S., adding "it Naue, Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs. How was only natural that he and his red ard Naue, Mrs. Abel and Mrs. Don colleagues should discover a kindred soul in Wayne Morse. Naue. He had reference to Roosevelt’s REPVBIJCAN The small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Collier underwent an appendec appointment of Morse to the War FOR tomy at a Salem hospital Sunday Labor Board............. While villifyittg Morse, Hoover's morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston hatchet men are significantly silent were hosts for a dinner held at tpetr as to Hoover’s political past in Los home Sunday. Covers were laid for Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gavette, Mark, | They are significant!}’ silent about Garry, Dorothy Ann and Mary Jane Hoover having served as secretrg-y of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs, Earl to chief jailer, Clem Peoples, who was AND Wagner. Gene Wagner, Mr. anil Mrs. 1 ousted, because of favors showered Oral Toland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert on Bugsey Siegel, notorious gangland chieftain, slain a few years ago. Fetherston, Ann and Leone. Dr. Ben Blank, jail physician, who { Mr and Mrs. William Prichard and family were Sunday dinner guests at admitted receiving $32,000 in checks the home of their son an daugnter-tn- from Siegel was ousted in the same JESS SIIORTR1DGE BELIEVES TIIE PROPER PLAN- law, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Prichard at house cleaning. Before the house cleaning Hoover NINO OF AVAILABLE TAX MONEY SHOUIJi GIVE A Falls City. Miss Lucille Lewis of Philomath had been promoted to a prowl car. COMPLETE PATTERN AND NETWORK OF GOOD He was in fine company........... spent Mothers Day at the home of They are also significantly silent ROADS THROUGHOUT LINN COUNTY. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde about Hoover's party registration in Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thayer of Albany California. LET’S GIVE EASTERN LINN COUNTY THE CON- He was not the "real republican" visited friends in Lyons Sunday, and attended church services at the Meth in those halycon days that he now SIDERATION IT DESERVES. ■ professes to be in his senatorial cam- odist church. * Mr and Mrs E. L. Roye with Miss ' paign. Incidentally people are beginning to Imogene Roye of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye of Corvallis ask where all the money is coming visited relatives at Cottage Grove from to pay for Hoover's far flung bill board, radio, and newspaper adver Sunday. Mrs Alice Huber spent Mothers Day tising campaign. Paid for by Mill City for Jess Shortridge Committee Morse has no such slush fund. at the home of her daughter and i It is whispered that some of ,the son-in-law/. Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley in Portland. Mrs. Gordon Heineck and infant son Ted Raymond were brought home from the hospital the last of the week., STATEMENT OF TRANSFER OR CHANGE OF NAME 1 last registered under the name of • '294 Dayi LYONS NlfhUi I last registered at and removed from \ IV S Steak House Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road Meals - Fountain I herrhy author tt the cancellation of said COUNTY OF LO» ANC1LC4 Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK BUILD Precinct registration GLENDALE AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION }SS t The undersigned affiant, being duly «worn, says: I will be at least twenty-one years of age at the time of the next succeeding election, a citizen of the United States ninety days prior thereto, and a resident of the State one year, of the County ninety days, and of the Precinct forty days next preceding eich election, and will be an elector of this County at the next succeeding election. ; JS> I have not registered from any other precinct in the State since January I, 1934. ( If a»pl>eaat baa aa proviwuelp r««irur»4. mark «at tba »ord ”M Chuck Fajlor and Sam Engle Owners David I Hoover My full name is ( ! nel ad i a* Chriatiaa or gi-aa name, and mid dl» naata «r it 1340 My residence *a Anw«» Your Own Home With No Money Down I I $. J ORIGINAL N.V. No. HarnoilU ...... oPice vJJr.M I was bom in «No If ,n«i S4< fro Anden«» __ Stretta, 1340 CiplMruw Mr orcupation h My height io Capistrano Ava (Nama rrooi or raad I intend to affiliate at primary election with the Dppuly Sheriff USC1UMS ..... 5 to sute the enaumg I I .. .. Party. Indiana IV« I acquired Citi ( when » THE You Don't Neod Cash To Buy the Things You Need ... Santiam Construction Co. read the ComtitutMxi in the Fng|,»h language, I can by reaarjn of having been uti October IU, 191 'Firestone WILL BUILD YOU A HOME ON YOUR OWN F H.A. APPROVED IXlT WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT.’ I I j rite my name, I md entitled to vo<e .. Javid I. Hoover TIRES HOME and day of AUTO SUPPLIES FOR Ft ETHER DETAILS SEE W M KERR, fUgutr.r Signed i A. T. Barnhardt PHONE 5M2 r*« name <s (waa) ... ■Vo Votera, J J Alpert* < Drpwty Regsocrar of Voters Firestone Stores I Center and IJberty Sta. SAUM OREGON Above la a reproduction of a certified copy of the re«lalratlon record la I-oa A a«eleo county Cali fornia. •< Dave Hoover. Lane county dairyman, a candidale for th« republican nomination for U. S Senator who la advertiaed aa a "Kral Republican." Thia «ho*« M' U m Mank for party afflltoUon that Hoover 'DECLINEN TO NT ATE” bta party He .ver moved to O-c»ea la l»4t.