May 18, 1950 Phosphorus Fertilizer Not Yet Proven Several types of phosphorus fer-, here is the catch: only a small percen tllizers are being offered for sale to tage is immediately available. A substantial tonnage of this rock Oregon farmers this year which may phosphate is used annually with ap; have dubious value. Unproved materials on the market, parent success in the mid-west, according to Arthur S. King, O.S.C. using heavy applications of 1,000 foil conservation specialist, include pounds to a ton per acre. These ap ground rock phosphate and various plications take care of phosphorus fused materials. The latter are needs for several years, and appar manufactured by heating phosphate ently under soil conditions there rock in a furnace with or without ac the system is satisfactory. This sys companying materials. While these tem in Oregon, however, gives little materials may carry upwards of 30 indication that the same results are percent or more total phosphorus, obtained. MILL CITY VARIETY GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR PRICES. * 29c 29c MEN’S ANI» LADIES WORK gloves MEN’S SOX, DRESS AND WORK FREE FREE FRONT ENI) INSPECTION Drive in and let a Factory Trained Expert check your Front End for Tire Wear, Stearin^ Gear, and all Front End Parts. fhe Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co Irene O’Leary Jim O’Leary proved themselves under Oregon con ditions include superphosphate which supplied 18 to 20 percent available phosphorus and some available sul- DI E TO HIGHWAY CONDITIONS AT THE PRESENT TIME NUMEROUS CAR OWNERS ARE DRIVING THEIR AUTOMOBH.ES UNAWARE THAT THEY HIT A SMALL CHUCK HOLE WHICH SEEMED TRIVIAL AT THE TIME, BUT STILL HARD ENOUGH TO KNOCK THEIR FRONT WE CAN SAVE YOU END OUT OF ALIGNMENT. MONEY IF WE CAN CATCTI VOI R CAR BEFORE THE TIRES ARE WORN. MAKE SURE YOUR CAR IS SAFE TO DRIVE. THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN SALEM DRIVE IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS FREE OFFER. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, GIFTS AND • Annual applications of proved a- vailable materials has been substan tially more profitable. Phosphorus fertilizers that have SALEM, OREGON 510 No. Commercial Street Phone 3-3175 phur. In this category, triple super phosphate or treble phosphate carries 42 to 48 percent available phosphorus. Complete fertilizers carry a varying percentage depending upon the indi vidual formula. There is always a chance. King states, that new materials may be better than those offered in the past. But, he is advising farmers to use rock phosphate or other similar materials with caution. Use them on a trial basis until they have proved Remember to Vote on May 19th for themselves, he suggests. Your Candidate! When properly used, any of the tried and proved materials will take care of phosphorus needs of any crop in any Oregon locality. New Loc-Bloc Co. Here Promising new and easy features in modern construction was the San tiam Loc-Bloc and Supply company of Stayton, managed by Ralph Har old of Stayton and C. F. Hunter of Mill City. Hunter is now constructing a home of the versatile new block in Mill City. Hunter stated that not only does the new type of tongue and groove block offer fireproof, rot-proof and termite proof construction but also yields to greater beauty, insulation and strength. The company Is at present con structing a bowling alley in Albany 60 by 140 feet. The mortorless block, company officials stated can be laid by the most inexperienced person with professional results. '■% ............I Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! "Po„, 7°'°" «ee/ «L; '» 'o,'/ ’ “""P'ing OTHER ELGINS FROM $29.75 ¿Áe ¿¿ill Prices Include Federal T ok Baker s Mill City Jewelry Every New GENERAL Tire and Tube in our store including famous Squeegees and Safety Tubes Here is a timely bargain event. The quality is so high and the cost so low that every car owner, whether or not he NEEDS tires TODAY, should take ad Mi nt age of this money sating opportunity. In our big stock of NEW tires there's a tire for evert car at a price for every budget, All reduced ‘!3<~(, f„r 14 days only. Now you can easily afford the great GENERAL Squeegee or th«* nett General Silent Safety ... both with Dual Traction treads for safer running trac tion; quicker stopping traction. Every tire and tulw is full size, full weight, full strength. Each Is America’s top quality tire in Its class. Even the amazing General Puncture-Sealing Safety tube is included in this sale. Take the time to stop In and save inonry. today. Use our Easy Pay Plan LAMIIIIS AlAhFS Trade«I In on new («eneráis Som«' have gone a few miles; some just a few Mink»! All guaranteed! tire prices. Yours up to SO«', off new I'«ed tubes, too. THE GENERAL TIRE IIAIlIiAl\ SI’AIIES Partly worn tire« and tub»« with many thousand« of oaf«* dependable miles In them. All guaranteed! Your chanc«* to replace badly worn tires and tube« at a ridiculously low price. Philippi Tire Service