COLLEGE GOSPEL TEAM May 11. 195S B—THE MILL CITY 1 NTERI’RISE A Gospel Team from the Northwest Christian College of Eugene con ducted the evening service at the Idanha Community Church. The team consisted of a girl's trio, Chloe Simon, Eleanor Bower, and Marthella Isaacson; pianist, Anita Redelsperg- er; speaker, Leonard Galer. The team was at Gates for the morning service. Church Activities COMMUNITY CHURCH Full Gospel Preaching Sunday school 10 A.M. Morning worship 11 A M. Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Preaching services Wednesday and Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wavne W. Watkins, Pastor • • • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH * Morning worship 11 a m. Music by choir. Dr. David J Ferguson, Preaching Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs Arthur Kreiver, leader. • . . SBX. '“fe1. * S P E C I A L IDANHA COMMl MTY CHURCH Sunday School 10 A M. Morning Service 11 A.M. Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. Evening Service 7 P.M. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M Eldon Haley, Pastor • • • ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH. MILL CITY Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass. Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Father C. Mai, Pastor • • • L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Detroit Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. in high school building, Detroit. Priethood meeting 11 a.m. Zealand Fryer, Presiding • • • GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Walter Smith, Pastor • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH TRADE MARK STAY-WHITE Regularly $1.39 Until Moy 31, 1950 JUNIOR FIRST CITIZENS GET PLAQUES—At a Junior Chamber of Commerce ceremony Monday night eight men, all of them still young, were awarded plaques for having been chosen Junior first citizens of Salem. The first awardee, Roy Harland, was not preseat. In the picture, seated, from left, Douglas Y’eater, Carl Greider, Steve Anderson; standing, from left, Coburn Grabenhorst«. the 1949 winner. Rev. Clay Pomeroy, now of Portland, Howard Higshy, and Ralph Johnson. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Try a pint of KEM-GLO, in white that stays white, at only 98f, Today! A pint covers up to 50 square feet. 10 lovely colors in quarts and gallons. Pints in Stay white only. Uebel Rites Held at Stayton Harrisburg Democrats Asks Morse’s Viewpoint SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagles Mrs. Margaretta Uebel passed away 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall in Salem Friday, May 5, at the age each Tuesday at 8 p.m. of 83 years. Asking that Senator Wayne Morse She was born in Germany 1867, and announce his viewpoint on the Me- ■ Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.O.O.F. meets every Friday came to this country at the age of I Carthy charges, Dr. Louise A. Wood, 18. Was married at the age of 24. Demcoratic candidate for the U. S. night. Visiting brothers welcome. and lived in Washington county for Senate, highlighted the Democratic a good many years. She is survived rally at the city hall in Harrisburg »2.39 Qt. »7.98 Gal. by three daughters, Mrs. Emma on Sunday. Get your PINT of KEM Clark of Creswell, Mrs. Bertha De- "Other Republican senators have GLO Stay-white at only 98 c1, Shiell of Washuagal, Wash., and Mi s. taken stands against the McCarthy TODAY! Bring this ad to Letitia Lengescher of Lyons, ten charges,” said Dr. Wood. He also grandchildren and seven great grand discussed the CVA as necessary to children. Her husband, one daughter maintain the family-sized farm. and two sons preceeded her in death. Fred Mespelt, Democratic candi Funeral services were held Monday date for county commissioner, ex afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Wed plained his program for developing dle funeral home in Stayton, with county roads whereby a fair distribu interment at the Stayton cemetery. tion of road money would be made Phone 2243 to all sections of hte county and Mill City MILL CITY where the facts concerning county MOTHER'S DAY 8KRVICE AT roads would be aavilable to all. iz FREE METHODIST CHURCH Earl G. Masn, candidate for the The Sunday morning service will state legislature, pointed out the need be given in honor of Mothers. All for better administration in state DR, MARK having children on the cradle roll are I enterprises. Other speakeds were given a special invitation to attend. Paul Plant of Eugene and Miss Mar ■ The oldest mother present, the moth garet Clprk of Portland. er of the largest family, and the Arrangements for the meeting were REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST mother of the youngest baby present j made by Tom Jackson, Jim Jacobs, will be remembered by a small gift. I and Mrs. Bessie Tweedt of Harris- Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson will , burg. Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. sing a special number in honor of Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. Mother. Open Friday Afternoons McEWAN PHOTO SHOP FRERES Building Supply I HOME OFFICE: SIS W. FIRST, ALBANY Crankshaft Grinding NEW PISTON RINGS COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE AND TRUCK MACHINE SHOP GARBAGE SERVICE TOLEDO STEEI. PRODUCTS ALL TYPES REBABBITING 1st and Broadway J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON PHONE 4U« Opposite < laude lewis* Service Station Myron’s Packaged Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES Kellom’s Grocery MILL CITY X SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 A M. to 4 P.M. OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. if TOOZE PEDRIC RINGS Auto Supply Services every Lord's day Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. I Evening worship 7:30 P.M. T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor • • • FREE METHODIST CHURCH North Mill City Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Junior church 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor A message in keeping with the day Franz Held on Heavy Bail will be given by the pastor, Rev. L. Bail was set this week at >3,500 C. Gould. for Mr. and Mrs. Vem Franz of Idanha as they were placed In the Marion county Jail in Salem by state police. Names were not released of two material witnesses who were also held. The Franz's were connected ananHnHnnnnnnHnnnnannnHsnHnHHHniannHnHnnHnHnHn with a rooming house in Detroit that I recently burned to the ground. LICENSED Phone 1652 Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Y’outh meeting 6:45 p.m. Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. Warren Knape, Pastor $1 por month and up Also nerving Gates and Lyons W,rV.«'”"N ......... PRIMARIES MAY 19, 1950 MILL CITY Friday ¿F Saturday Specials TOMAN’S HILL TOP STORE DISPOSAL SERVICE FREE I'HONE 2152 LEONARD HERMAN With $10.00 or More Order 2 Large Cans HUNT’S PEACHES Junction City s Annual FAT LAMB SHOW Saturday, May 20,1950 GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRYERS “A” GRADE. Colored, each IGA SNO-KREEM 3 lb. IDA (IT GREEN BEANS Here’« an invitation to attend one of the finest Fat Lamb shows in the state. Market lambs, purebred« and wool types will be exhibited by 4-H’rs, Future Farmers of America. Prizes, ribbons and troohies will be awarded during the all day show. Rest wishes for a successful program from Red dy Kilowatt. IGA WHOLE KERNEL (OKN This <idvertisement is apprarin< in 13 newspapers with in company service areas of Linn. Benton. Polk, Marion and Lane counties. l< Y W ATER TUNA GRADED Mountain States Power Co. “A Self-Supportine, Tas-Parine, Private Enterprise" IGA SALAD DRESSING, qt. IGA J ELICIT, pkg. SUNSHINE GINGER SNAPS, 1 lb. pkg. VELVEETA CHEESE FOOD, 2 lb. FRISKIES IXXJ FOOD, can $1.19 .75 .23 .15 .49 .05 .29 .89 .13 COFFEE, All Brand«, lb .27 .72 .75 SPUDS, 25 lb«. No. 1 .93 BOREN E, Giant Size HILL TOP GENERAL STORE MILL CITY ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. WE DELIVER in an n aaaajan n n iiaan n D fifiaiafi! KEMGLO DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH