8—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE May 11, 1950 ing will be held at the home of Mrs. LYONS J Cal Schlador with Mrs. Vera Alvin -rd Mrs. Winifred Booth as assistant By EVA BRESSLER hostesses. Mrs. Jennie Thompson was brought Mrs. Bob Free was hostess for the back from the Redmond hospital last afternoon card club, and four tables By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT The Fraternal Odrer of Eagles San- week to the home of her son-in-law of 500 in play. High scores were held tiam Aerie 2745 are holding a fishing and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray John by Carrie Naue and Laura Neal, low derby again this year. Entrance fees son, with whom she lives. Weekend prize went to Bee Hiatt, and Dorothy will be 11.00. The derby will close guests of the Johnsons were Mrs. Helemn drew the traveling prize. A to further entries on July 5, but the Johnson’s brother-in-law and sister one thirty dessert luncheon preceeded derby itself will close at the end of Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Leon of Concord, the card playing, with the following the fishing season. Fish can be Calif, and her brother and wife Mr. present: Carrie Naue, Laura Neal, weighed at grocery stores in either and Mrs. C. E Thompson of Redmond. Dorothy Helemn, Bee Hiatt, Bernice Idanha or Detroit. Sign up with any I Mr. Eli Bangs, who has been work Bridges, Thelma Nydigger, Mabel of the following J. C. Gulliford, Bud ing in Washington, visited his home Bass. Dorene Helemn, Ida Free, Ber here Thursday. Mrs. Bangs accom tha Allen Garnett Bassett, Eulalia Gesher or Dorlin Ray. panied him to Washington, Friday, 1st prize will be 50% of the en and will return here by air late Sun Lyons, Effie Heineck, Alice Huber, trance fee, 2nd prize 25%, 3rd prize day EImt Olmstead, Frances Mullins, 15%. 10% going to the good of the order. Pineapple and Cheese Sandwiches Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wert of Stay ton are visiting a few days this week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean. The Star Club I-De-Mo met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louis Helwig. The next meet DETROIT VOTE VISTICA FOB County Commissioner LOWER TAXES; IN THE PRIMARY ELECTION I'd Adv by A. M. Viatica Lay Your Pistol Down I Surrender! NEED LARGE HOUSE Furnished or unfurnished Want Butane Gas. CAI.L AT ENTERPRISE OFFICE Headquarters for Garden Seeds (Packet or Bulk Pack) ALSO HELD AND GRASS SEEDS Various Types of Garden Tools, Etc STAYTON, OREGON E. L. (Ed.) Rogers REIT BL1CAN CANDIDATE FOR Conuty Commissioner Pineapple and cheese slice sandwiches served open face style are a family luncheon treat that you'll repeat for guests. The flavors are proven favorites, and the sandwiches have an easy to achieve attrac tiveness that rates applause for you as an artist with food. For perfect cheese slices buy half-pound packages of pasteurized process American in slices, wrapped and sealed right after pasteuriza tion in the food plant where they are made. Each half-pound package contains eight perfect one-ounce slices that separate easily. Cut the wiapper of each package through the center on three sides. Use slices from the center first. Close package, like a book, for easy protection of any unused slices. Choose these marvelously convenient packages of perfect cheese slices in a variety of flavors from your grocer’s refriger ated case. Pineapple Cheese Sandwich Marion County Round buns Mayonnaise Pineapple slices YOUR VOTE WILE BE Maraschino cherries Pasteurized process American cheese slices Lettuce For each sandwich, split a bun and spread each bun half with mayonnaise Top one bun half with a slice of pineapple garnished with a maraschino cherry cut in quarters. Place a slice of cheese on the other bun half. Arrange on a chop plate alternating the pineapple topped bun halves and the bun halves with cheese. Garnish the center of the plate with maraschino cherries in a nest of lettuce. APPRECIATED Paid Advertising Ethel Huffman and the hostess Mrs. neighbors, the lodges and churched who so kindly helped them in their Free. Carroll Johnston student at the need. Oregon College of Education at Mon Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Walworth mouth spent the week-end at the returned the middle of last week after home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. spending two weeks in Palo Alto, Paul Johnston. Calif. Miss Mary R. Harris returned 4-H club leaders held a party for the home with them for a few clay'd 4-H club members at the Rebekah hall visit. Friday evening. An enjoyable time Mrs. Elma Hensley of Bremertofl, was had by everyone. Wash., is visiting at the home of het The majority of the cub scouts with son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mra their den mothers, Mrs. Orlin Elwood, Mrs. Art Olmstead, Mrs. Calvin Tra Earl Hensley. han and Mrs. Dallas Franklin, at Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Hensley of tended the Scout circus held in Salem Oakland, Calif., is also visiting at Saturday. The cubs from here took (the Earl Hensley home. Mrs. Mike Fink is spending a few part in the Indian attack. Den chiefs. Donald Olmstead and Richard Mor days at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. Daugherty in Salem. gan accompanied them. Mrs. Merrill Brassfield returned Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! home the last of the week from Fresno, California, after spending three weeks at the home of her sis- ters, Helen Queen. Ada Rockwell. and Addie Sestack. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Helneck ara the parents of a baby boy born at a Salem hospital Sunday evening. The young man weighed 8 lbs., 7ozs., and has an older brother and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis of Corvallis visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring. The Lewises are former residents of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiatt of Rose burg visited relatives in Lyons, Tues day night and Wednesday. Leroy is a son of Elmer Hiatt and brother of Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde They were over night Bressler, guests at the Bodeker home. Mrs. S. H. Fasdick and Lynda Cul- well of Sacremento, California. visited at the Howard Naue home. They also visited at the home of Mrs. Naue’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Culwell, where the group held a picnic dinner before leaving enroute to Anchorage, Alaska. Duane Downing and A. B. Culwell of Portland spent the weekend at the home of their parents the Orville Downings and Culwells. John Worden suffered a badly cut REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE leg when a dynamite cap exploded. FOR STATE Mr. and Mrs. Worden were tearing down and burning an old wood shed, and in among the trash the cap was thrown into the fire unbeknown to them. He was taken to a doctor in “.A VOTE FOR SOUND BUSINESS Stayton, where it required several POLICIES IN GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS" stitches to close the wound. Mr. Blaine Dysinger who has been Primaries May 19th seriously ill and was hospitalized for ' some time is improving at his home Paid Adv. Boring for Rep resen tatl V# * /^^»rvsevnst ♦ rszs Urn Committee, Wm. C. river Dyer, Qonv Secy. in Fox valley Mr. and Mrs. Dysinger wish to thank their many friends and E. E. (Doc) Boring HAULING STEERS TO THE STOCKYARDS When It comes to tough, heavy jobs you need a tough, heavy truck! Like this Ford F-5 Platform with Stock Racks. It has a Bonus Built bridge-type platform frame . . . the side rails are riveted to steel cross girders. And for flashing power plus oco- nomical operation only Ford offers you a V-8 truck engine! Small jobs... DELIVERING MEAT FROM THE CORNER MARKET When H comes to fast, light jobs you need a fast, light truck, like tMs Ford F-1 Panel. It has a Bonus Built reinforced welded all-steel body ... a comfortably cushioned bucket-type driver's seat. And you get a choice of a 95-h.p. Si* or a 100-h.p. V-8 engine! Come In—you'll get a big trade-in on your present truck! Lynch Furniture Mfg. Co. is go EVERYONE ¡S ELIGÍALE TO ENTER ing to »wap $1,225.00 worth of beautiful, new Lynch Rastonic Triple-Cushion mattresses for 25 HERE'S WHY AMERICA'S NO. I TRUCK VALUE DOES MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR " ™ W A A choice of two V B’s and two 6-cylinder engines in over 175 models saves more by Atting the job better < Loadomatic ignition saves gas ♦ Aluminum alloy pistons save o*l < Engine top setting of accessories saves on maintenance ♦ New price reductions save money .. up to $80. Ford Trucking Costs Less Because -— Uatog letoot regUtreftee dote eo è, >92,004 trwehe, Ute hsawaoee asporta prove Feed Trocks lest leegorl resses now in use. No letter or jingles to write— nothing to buy. Just come in our store, and fill out an entry and you may proud owner of a Restore Triple now bo the Lynch Find welcome relief with an ettra firm mattress because backaches era fre quently caused by a soft saggy mattress that distorts the spina The Lynch tas- tawic Orthopedic . . . —keeps your spina le»a’ —won t lot it sag into an unnatural position. Mattress or lot Spring Only ’49.50 Cuahion Inner- spring or a now Rostonic Ortho Other Vahro Mattresses— pedic innorspring mattress. Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton . . . of the oldest innorspring matt blank, FORD TRUCKS LAST LONCER BACKACHE SUFFERERS See the RESTONIC Orthopedic III H to |H ♦> TERMS GATES FURNITURE CO.