May 11, 10.50 LEGAL ADVERTISING -THE MIU. «TV ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales Seven rooms RELIABLE CHILD CARE, at your HOUSE FOR SALE and bath plastered, basement with home anytime. Also house work. furnace, new GE 64-gal. electric Inquire Stewart’s Grocery for Mil hot water heater. 4 lots with lots of dred Wilson. 18-3p fruit, nuts and flowers. A beauti PLEASE LIST all available rooms, ful home. Willard Allman, Scio, room and board, houses and apts Box 162. 19-3p Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated FOR SALE — Feather pillows 75c. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 19-lt Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, baby play EXPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, all pen, basket, rug. See Mrs. T. R makes. Guaranteed service. Burton, next to Gates school. 19-3t Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf FOR SALE Bunk beds and springs, $4.75. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. FOR SALE- Modem 5-r. home, all 19-lt white enamel Monarch range goes, large wood shed, store room, fruit FOR RENT—2 bdrm house on S. E. room, also 2-room cabin on 4-acre Juniper St. Inquire Mrs. R. C. Berry wooded tract, adjacent Gates school across Gates brides, 3rd house on See or write J. J. Butler, 1674 N, left l»-3p Liberty, Salem or ph. 2-3839. 17-3p FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi WANTED TO TRADE — Equity in tioned and recently refinished ma 2-bedroom house for late model hogany baby grand. Guaranteed car. House 2>A years old. Inquire perfect. $775.00 cash, terms, or at Stiffler’s Radio. 17-3p rented with purchase option. Stone Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, FOR SALE -Kitchen wood range, see Ed Chance, 1 mile east of Gates. Salem. l#tf 18-3p r.1ST YOUR homes and farms with FOR SALE- TentB, waterproof, fire me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, proof, mildew proof, 9x9 $24.50. David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. 3tf Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 19-lt Reid, Real Estate. FOR SALE—One small Frigidaire in GETTING BALD? Stimulate blood supply to starving roots with good condition and one bus suitable SCALP-MAS-SAGE. $3 15 COD. for trailer house. % mile east of or $3 with order. R. Behm, Sil West Stayton. 17-3p Box 338, Lebanon, Pa. 19-4t FOR SALE— Deluxe steromatic baby buggy. Up 1st street to Kingwood, FOR SALE—Striking clock; reduced price, see at Mill City Jewelry. turn left, then first lane right. Mrs. 18-3p Roy Kelrsey. 17-3p FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, $35 00 de FOR SALE Plymouth pickup, good rubber and condition $100.00. Phone posit, and $15.00 per month places 2203. 19-lp a fine instrument in your home. Can be seen locally. Write Stone A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Salem. sq yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. FOR SALE — Complete household furnishings excellent quality, used KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — Fastest service in Portland and sat only 2 months. Enquire Hathaway isfaction guaranteed by Portland’s Garage. 17-3p oldest company. Eight exposure FOR SALE Two 50x100 lots on high roll developed and one print each ground, good soil, fruit trees cov 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls with more than eight exposures one ering one lot. See Paul Mason, two blocks east of Red’s Trading Post. print each 35c. Re-prints 3c each. 17-3p Send coin. The Quality Picture Co. M«a>i to an miMmm»».wun»«."1 :»»«• 1 1""" Box 4401Z, Portland 8, Ore. 18tf NU-METHOD 2134 Fairgrounds Road MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours RICHARDS C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. TAVERN SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES GATES FISHING TACKLE Directory HARLOW L. WEINRICK Attorney at l.nw 318 Broadalbin I r ? <s> iW* ' V- •Mill City A truck driven by Bob Gwynn, driver for the McCune Food Sales Co. of Salem, overturned on the North Santiam highway Thursday forenoon. The accident occured about six miles east of Idanha near the turn off leading to Whitewater Creek. The truck slide some distance on its side, but did not go over the steep em bankment. The driver escaped with out any serious injuries. GATES FIREMEN The second of a series of dances to be sponsored by the Gates Volun teer Firemen was held Saturday eve ning in the local gymnasium, with a good crowd in attendance. The next dance will be given in two weeks. May 20th. All profit from the dances will be used to purchase fire fighting equipment. One MIU East of Detroit JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hili’’ OREGON MILL CITY Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE G.E.THOMAS, Mill City H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODF.I. AIRPLANES a 9 SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES Use Our Mail Order Service — SALEM'S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop SALEM 163 N. Commercial Phone 2-1588 A gentleman is one who expects much from himself but little from others. LAND SURVEYOR Farms, Subdivisions, City Lot City Maps and Water Right! It. F. ••Sparky" CUSHING 641<2 N. High St.. Salem, Ore Ph. 2 -6041 Eve.: 2-1669 i VEBNE’S BARBER SHOP I TAVERN MILL CITY TAVERN Truck Overturns Near Idanha It’» Smart! MEANDER INN ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « .Accountants Hookki-eplng Service .Auditing Payroll Reports Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3 7615 North Sant ¡ant • '» ' PHYSICIAN A SURGEON 1 LIPPOLD - BRF.NNF.R Room Professiona ? D.W.REID,MD. I Albany CAFE A moments carelessness can undo the work of a lifetime. Les’s Tavern Mill CITY Service Station *' Mom & Pop’s Boarding House FOR RENT — Clean new sleeping rooms for 4 men, new building, 2 blocks west of high school. Also cabin for rent. E. D. Cooke. Phone 3-7193 Gordon Jollener of Mehama has been employed several days at the Ray Peterson place making some re pairs on the sewer and drain systems. Mrs. Hugh Johnston was hostess for a home products demonstration party at her home Wednesday, May 10th at 2 p.m. The Big Star motel is another ad- | dition to the nice places to live iif our vicinity. There are three of these modern motels now in operation which helps to solve the housing shortage to some extent. Several new homes are under construction also. Two of the new houses are lo cated on the highway east of Kings and are very neat small homes being j built of plywood cores, giving them I a sort of "log cabin" look, with the 1 green trees as a perfect background. I Several home sites located on high-I way 222 are offered for sale and no doubt more new houses will be added to the expanding list. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck were Monday evening visitors at the Bill 1 Kergii home in the twin cedars dis- j trict. Mill City Hotel FOR SALE 6-room house, bam, chicken house, orchard, several acres of good garden soil goes with . this place, can all be irrigated, at tractive terms can be had. Phone 742, Royal Johnson, 2 mi. east of Gates in Linn county. 18-6p Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service IDANHA By MRS. FRANK NEW Due to the illness of so many of I the children, the piano recital to be given by the students of Charlene Hanan last Thursday evening was postponed. The recital will be held this Thursday May 11th at the grade school library at 8 p m. The public is invited to attend. The Adult class of the Idanha Sun day school, is having a “chili” party this Saturday evening at the CCC camp in the building formerly used by the Sunday school. Twenty Boy Scouts from Troop 43 WOOD FOR SALE—16-inch second of Idanha and Detroit, took part in growth fir, $10.00 per cord deliv the parade and Circus held at Salem ered Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 17-3p Saturday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert and son Harold Ray went to Dallas Sun day afternoon to visit Mr. Heibert’s who is taking a short leave For Guaranteed Cleaning sister from her missionary work in Ken- tucky. it’s the Mr. and Mrs. Ward Haley drove from Camas, Wash., Sunday morning to attend church at Idanha and visit with their sen Eldon Haley and fam ily. Eldon Haley is student pastor 24-HOUR SERVICE at the Idanha Community church, and comes from Northwest Christian Mill City College in Eugene. Mrs. Hefley and sons Ollie and Closes at 8 P.M. Frank Fox of Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Carl Schaffers. Mrs. Hefley is Mrs. Schaffer's mother. Also at the Schaffers for Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallford and daughter, Bill Bodie who has been visiting at the Albert Snyder home the past I week has left to spend some time in and San Francsico. Reba Snyder returned to her home Tuesday from the Salem General hos pital where she has been recovering FAMILY STYLE MEALS from an operation. Dinner guests at the Athel Savage Under New Management home last Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Sowa, Mr. and Mrs. Willy Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rone and daughter Linda. Frank Ray, who has been in the Salem General hospital for some time ‘ returned to his home last Friday. WE BUY Cascara bark 18c per lb. div Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 19-lt DAVIS Electric & Tavern Supply Saltili. Ore. No. 12841 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my final account in the estate of W. L. Oliver, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 3rd day of June, 1950 at 10 o’clock A M. and the Circuit Court Room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. CLYDE ROGERS. Executor of the Estate of W. L. Oliver, Deceased. Bell & Devers, Stayton, Ore. Attorneys for Executor. First publication May 4. 1950 5t Put out your campfire before you leave the woods. FOX VALLEY Mill City 2nd A Broadway Hollis: 10 to 7 Canyon Garagi Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. & ROT Al TIRI S J !>• troll I’ I Ir» M(f î •r J rd ______ SAFE Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter S taino on curb WA>T «rw ’ go * ktÖHT V. cnk. HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery -1 .Ingrrle- Dresaea Smocks 131 High St Salem Phone 4032 I BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Housewares MAC'S 145 S Church, next to Salem Parkin» RALEIGH HAROLD Detroit I axerii FLORIST and NURSERY 319 W. Wash. Street llj blocks on W. Stayton Hlway Phone 3684 <__________ __ _____________________ z FIRST IN DETROIT STIIA. FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rynearwon Otto Russell Glen Dryden Chevrolet Owners—this is t’he oppor tunity you ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can MIKE'S Septic Service Don’t put off those needed repairs any longer. We have made it pos sible for you to take care of this necessary work by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. and Trailer Court FLOWERS : (iOODF S FLOW ER SHOP Phone Blue 64B Stayton. Ore. • Septic Tank« and < leaned J ♦ Phone SALEM 3-9168. COLLECT ! 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem —miow XXit X'Ji Kix.xx «y. « ■: XSOCXMXIX WOOD’S STORE General Dry (Inode NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO W’F VR HOSIERY I I /Illis < <>"0 l l< S x xoex «OCK n aX xjux >. xjexXJO©®, WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME 1)WIDM. REID Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Real Estate Mill Cltv THIS INCH DES VI.I. THE VBOVE LISTED P VRTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY— ■ ooooprt <. i o«o»o«no«an«n«oB JUST AltRKUk— laidlrs an.l Children's Umbrella« Hath Towels — Aprons Handkerchief» Sheets -— Embroidered ('Mes Tablecloths Hrndricsoii's Stori' In th«* lh**%«*M Bldg Install piston rings Grind valves ( lean and align oil pan Burn out breather pipe All gaskets 5 quarts oil vili I < iti Disposai. SERVICE ashes, trimmings, etc < kups $1 per month »• light hauling. Phone «323 -uunuaaQQQianflUQQ Real Estate Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company West Side Mill Oty Ph 3407 LISTINGS VV ANTED Don’t forget to ask about our budget plan 310 North Commerrial SALEM. OREGON Ph. 3-3175 y