5—THE MH J. (TTY ENTERPRISE May 11, 1950 SENIORS TO BE HONORED Sophomore class president has an nounced the committees for a party Honoring Mrs. Grace Dart on her on May 12 at which the seniors will Adding her name to the list of birthday last Tuesday evening were be honored. Named to serve on the bride-elects is Miss Darlene Isabelle Mrs. Joe Reveal. Mrs. Edith Hall and food committee were Maxine Scott, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Downer, daughter of Mrs Russell three children. Mr and Mrs. Vern Patricia Cree. Paula VanBuskirk. In Moberg to Clyde Hathaway, son of White all of Salem and Verl Moberg. Hazel Neal. Jane Peterson. RANDOLPH SCOTT and Mr. Lester Hathaway, all of Mill City. Attending the dinner given by Ac- charge of getting the records is Thad GLENN FORD in Miss Downer is employed in Salem caeia Assembly order of the Rainbow Roberts. Dick Downer and Donald DESPERADOES and a graduate of Mill City high for Girls last Wednesday evening in Ragsdale will take care of the music, Exchanging vows in a quiet cere school, having graduated in 1948. Stay ton were Mrs. Ed. Cooke and while Ardith Jones, Dolores Poole. — Plus — mony Friday evening were Franklin Mrs. Nell Watkins became the bride Hathaway is employed at the Hatha Donna. Mrs. Russell Moberg and Thad Roberts and Gary Peterson have ABBOTT and COSTELLO In Earl Ragsdale and Marjorie Murray, of Mr. S. G. (Boots) Higdon at a way Garage and during the war Dorothy Downer, Mrs. Lowell Cree, charge of the entertainment. Decor HIT THE KE both of Mill City. ating will be directed by Alona Daly. served in the navy. He, too grad ceremony performed at the Higdon uated from Mill City high school. Patricia and Betty Lou. Mrs. Arthur Leia Kelly, Pauline Mason, Jackie The nuptials took place at the home Kriever and Betsy, Mrs. Louis Ver of the groom’s parents. Attending home on May 6. at 8:00 p.m. Dr. The wedding is set for June 11 at beck and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. j Jackson, Delmar Skillings and Denny SUNDAY and MONDAY Miss Murray was Mrs. W. M. Pen David Ferguson officiated at the the Mill City Presbyterian church. Charles Kelly, Johnnie and Leia, Mrs. Martalla. Everyone is on the clean up committee. The student body Is LUCIIXE BALL nick. The groom’s brother, Ronald nuptials. E Calkins, and Mrs. John Davidson and ■ invited to the party which the seniors E. Ragsdale acted as best man. and Pat. The couple exchanged their vows Missson Society Entertained, WILLIAM HOLDEN Dolores Brewer, Ethel Skillings, Phy The Rev. T. Courtney, Jr. per before a basket of pink snapdragons. } Recent guests at the home of Mr. llis Timm, Juanita Thomas, Mary in formed the ceremony. j The bride wore a dress of navy blue , Election of Officers Follows and Mrs. Roy Keirsey were his par Jane Hoffman, Beverly Barton, Alice Friends and relatives of the couple , with off-white and navy blue acces Mrs. Clyde Golden entertained the ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Keirsey of Fortune. Ollie Mulse, Jack Stewart. smiled approvingly a3 the couple cut sories. Her flowers were pink rose Women's Missionary Society of the West Stayton. Ronald Ragsdale, Leo and Lawerence the lovely wedding cake at the recep buds. Matron of honor for Mrs. First Christian church, Wednesday Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. Poole, Lawrence Thornly, John Nel afternoon, May 10th. Officers for Watkins was Mrs. Higdon’s daughter, tion that followed. and Mrs. Lowell Cree were Mrs. J. M. son, Norman Martalla, Sonny Nelson, Mrs. Ralph Budlong of Detroit. She the ensuing year were elected. Mrs. Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton and Ernie Podrabsky will be honored Let no man think he is loved by wore a dress of black and her acces- E. D. Cooke will serve as president, and TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Dale. Mr and Mrs. John Wehrli guests. Mrs. Mason is class advisor. any when he loves none. — Greek I flowers she carried tulips and nar- and Mrs. Earl Plymale vice president. and Sharon all of Salem and Mr. and JENNIFER JONES and ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • »»»»»• ■* proverb. cissa. Mr. Higdon was attended by Mrs. Elmer Shaw was elected secre Mrs. Tommie Craig and Doris. JOHN GARFIELD The buck privates may not get too his son-in-law, Mr. Ralph Budlong of tary and Mrs. Clyde Golden, treas Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Todd and in urer. Mrs. Essie Specht of Silverton much credit, but they still are the Detroit. J Mr. and Mrs. Burton Burroughs were ones who win the wars. The wedding dinner was held at was present and led an interesting guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Holly- the Manolis Cafe. The bride is from discussion on the missionary work, •»> •»> <♦> -a Ashville, North Carolina and Modeste, she is our district secretary. Mrs. ! man Saturday evening. \ GTE \ ISTICA for County Com California. Attending the ceremony, Golden served a dainty lunch to the For All Your were Mr. Harry Watkins and Barbara, j following ladies: Mrs. White, C. missioner and lower taxes in the 18-3p son and grand-daughter of Mrs. Wat- j Howe, C. Chance, W. L. Peterson, Primary Election. THURSDAY Plumbing and kins, from Modeste, California, Mr. G. Flook, F Caraway, Earl Plymale, Mrs. Frank Caraway was a dinner JAMES OLIVER Cl’RWOOD’S and Mrs. Ralph Budlong and daugh- , Nell Swift, Elmer Shaw, E. D. Cooke, guest Sunday at the home of Mrs. Heating Needs Mrs. M. Burson Anna Swift. Famous Dog Story! ter, Claudia of Detroit, and Dr. and and C. Bruder. formerly of Mill City but now living Frank Caraway is at Gold Beach at Mrs. David J. Ferguson of Mill City. SHIRLEY LAIRD KAZAN Higdon is employed by the Mountain in Silverton accompanied Mrs Specht. , the home of his daughter Mrs. Mur- ! I ray Strawn. States Power company and has been Warner-Pathe News Ruth Higdon left Friday afternoon a resident of Mill City for many j Son Born to Courtney's Phone 2603 Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Vera Vague Comedy by plane for San Francisco after years. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Courtney, Jr. are spending Stayton a thirty-day convalescent Doors open at 7:20 P.M. MII.I. CITY’ Remember to Vote on May 19th for the happy parents of a son, bom May leave with her father, S. G. Higdon. Complete show can be seen any 4 at the Salem Memorial hospital. Y’our Candidate! Harry Watkins and his daughter, Before you buy-see the SPARK time up to 8:30 :♦> :« •:« The baby weighed six pounds and GAS-MAKING DEMONSTRATION nine ounces and has been named | Barbara of Modeste, California, spent IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII Michael Thomas. The grandparents two days last week with his mother, Mrs. S. G. Higdon. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Courtney of Salem and Mrs. and Mrs. Tailman of Mrs. Leland Kaplinger has returned mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiii Hood River. Mr. Courtney is pastor to her home after several weeks visit with her daughter. Mrs. Harold Judge SALEM of the First Christian church. in Salem. The Judges’ are the par Phone 8-4531 141 N. Commercial St. ents of a new son born recently at a GAA MOTHER’S TEA Salem hospital. Committees have been named by Has Everything for Your LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON Joe Podrabsky, Sr. is ill at his home GAA president, Wanda Vandermeer, PLUMBING AND HEATING for the Mother's Tea that will be held but is reported to be improving. His in the high school at 1:30 to 3:30. daughter, Helen of Klamath, Calif, No Job Too Large and None Too Small All mothers, both the boys and the is caring for him. Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SAI.EM Ph. 2-7390 girls, and the faculty and school Mrs. Melvin La Vine is a patient Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies board’s wives are to be invited. It at a Salem hospital. was suggested that a table be pre Pauline Mason, daughter of Mr. and pared with a display of hobbies of Mrs. Paul Mason was operated on last week for appendicitis at the the GAA girls. Named on a committee for such a Salem Memorial hospital. table were Pat Cree, Barbara Smith, Mrs. Stanley Chance entertained in Dorothy Downer, Betsy Kricver, honnor of her mother, Mrs. Una Luella Mason, JoAnne Kunkies, and White on her birthday anniversary SERVING THE CANYON AREA Betty Lou Cree. Other committees Wednesday afternoon. Gifts were PICKUPS AT named were: refreshments, Jo Roy, presented to Mrs. White and refresh Marlene Tickle, and Anna Mae Nel ments were served by Mrs. Chance to Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton son; decorations, Sue Mikkelsen, [Mrs. Una White, Mrs. Clarence Howe, Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Maxine Scott, Beryl Mason, Beverly Mrs. Frank Caraway, Mrs. Joe La- Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Timm, Pauline Mason, and Arlone lack and Monte Rae, Mrs. Clyde Gol Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit Kuhlman; invitations, Alona Daly, den, Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Mrs. W. Phone 3-9125 163 South High SALEM Leia Kelly, Dolores Poole, Donna I Green, Mrs. Carl Chance, Claudia Cooke, and Marlene Tickle; program, Bruder and Christine Chance. Marlene Verbeck, Barbara Barton, Mr. and Mrs. George Cree were in Pat West, Pat Brown, Pat Wolver Salem Sunday at the home of Mr. and ton and Pat Davidson. Everyone will Mrs. Jessie Mathes. The occassion help clean up. Miss Hope Baney is was Mr. Cree’s birthday. the GAA adviser. Among the Mill City people enjoy ing the State Folk Dance Festival MOTHERS HONORED FRIDAY at the Salem Armory Sunday after- Mothers will be honored .guests at I noon were Mr. and Mrs. Arey Po a special program Friday night at the drabsky, Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto, Mill City Presbyterian church recre Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness, Mr. and ation room, with special music honor Mrs. Melvin Case, and Adelbert Allen. ing ’’Mothers”. The 4 th grade Camp Fire Girls and The program will be held after the the 3rd grade Bluebirds wish to thank dinner which is to be from 5:30 to those who donated candy for last 7:00 p.m. Directing the special din Thursday evening, May 4th. ner will be Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, Guests at the McClain home this Mrs. James Swan and Mrs. Lester week were their son and his family Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McClain and Mr. 19c 2 for 37c no ** can ___ _ The program will be in charge of and Mrs. Torgrimson all of Seattle. Mrs. Don Sheythe and tickets will McClains son is an engineer with the 13c 2 for 25c be in charge of Mrs. D. B. Hill. N..« —_____ telephone company. Mr. Walter Prupp from Albany Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan, will show a moving picture entitled a boy weighing 8 pounds and 13 “Spotlight on Alaska”. ounces. FEHHE PAGE Ragsdale-Murray Vows Exchanged Friday Evening Miss Isabelle Downer to Be June Bride MILL CITY Nuptials Saturday For Watkins-Higdon Miss Grant Takes Richmond See Us We Were Strangers SHIRLEYS BEAUTY SHOP Spaniol X Co. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating SALEM LAUNDRY MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special TOMATOES ASPARAGUS Faust & Ross ■ RED AND WHITE STORE i ! • ❖ ❖ I FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS I I 51 «1 9 1 ! F'RYERS “A" GRADE. Colored, each........................ EGGS, Grade “A" I .arg» PI II.SB! ItY S HOT Rol l - doE ---- SNOWDRIFT or SWIFTENING 3 lb. tin j ---- >25 ' «39 | «33 | I SPAGHETTI DINNER. Meat Sauce. Boy-Ar-Dee j KRISTEAZ. PERFECT PIE CRI ST ... s pkg I | LURK A BEANS. STRIPES, large t'2 tin j FRI TT COCKTAIL R * W. No. 1 tall I GRAPH JI KE. < HI-RCH’s • I \II> 23 QU. 6 package | BELMONT PAPER NAPKINS, U.K 2 for j WOODBI RY’S FACIAL SOAP 3 for I ONION SETS No. 1». White or Yellow 2 lbs. I | | » h«M>I WORK & DRESS SHOES BVCKHF.CHT ' 70 1 •»* , MIX I KREMEL LEMON PIE FILLING OQ 1 GIRRJNS LOGGER SHOES .19 .19 .39 .25 .25 .23 .27 X I W I A GIFT TO PLEASE MOM Roses in Snow Cake Her favorite cake from her favor ite pertoa . . . thot i the happy •ituation when you give Mother one of our luscious Roses-in Snow Cakes. We take the finest ingredients money can buy ... use them lav ishly to make this moist downy- light white cake. Smother it with sparkling white icing. Heap on loads of rich, milky coconut. Crown it with a red, red rose. Result: tastiest cake Mom ever »te; prettiest you ever served! Don’t let Mom down. Place your order for a fresh-baked Roses-m-Snow Cake toJjy! M uir’s Bakery MILL CITY Oet of scorsi of lovoly *■ Don CW ó You’ll find th« one that leys jest whot you wont to sey- the wey yeo went to toy it! moke yooe selection toon of... Edward Williams 330 Court St. SALEM, ORE. The legal way to “make money'’ When you have a checking account, you simply fill out the check and sign your name — and there's your “ready made" money. It's so convenient to pay by check. Open an account with us and see for yourself. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.