May 11, 1950 SPCRTS PAGE Gervais Cougars Win Juniors-Seniors Hold Tuesday s Contest Annual Banquet The annual Junior- Senior banquet By THAD ROBERTS The Timberwolves dropped their was held in the high school recreation Santiam Riders Receive Sportsman Club Say fifth straight baseball game as they room last Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. were defeated Tuesday by the Ger The tables were decorated with red Invitation to Rodeo Santiam Fishing Poor vais Cougars. The final score was 18 to 4 but for the first time this rosebuds, red and white candles and The Santiam Riders and various The North Santiam Sportsman club dinner was served by candlelight. stated few fish are being caught at Salem riding clubs have been invited 1 year Mill City took the lead. ! After the first two innings went Clever place cards were used and this time in the Santiam river be to attend the 3rd annual St. Paul cause of high and muddy water. rodeo buckaroo breakfast and trail . scoreless the Timberwolves scored the seniors had a clever limerick in three times in the third frame. Bill side about themselves. For a part of In Monday night’s meeting, club ride on Sunday, June 4, as a prelimi , Hoffman started things off with a the program these were read by the member L. Myers suggested a com nary feature to the town’s July 1 to walk and after two were out Thad seniors. The dinner was prepared by mittee meet with the game commis 4 wild west show. Roberts singled and Bob Shelton the mothers of the Junior class and It is emphasized that participation 1 walked to load the bases. Leo Poole girls from the Sophmore class served. sion in July to discuss deer hunting and control that will help the sports in this day-long equestrian get-to then drove a long double to right Serving were Donna Cooke, Patricia man and the farmer. Farmers are gether is not limited to members of center to drive in all three runs. Cree, Hazel Neal, Leia Kelly, and now loosing their crops to deer that riding clubs, although many Willam Muise then- popped up to end the inn- Jane Peterson. ette Valley groups have indicated 1 ing. are wintering in the lowlands. The program consisted of: welcome, The club is devoted to the protec that they will have delegations on However, it did not take long for junior class president, Wanda Vander- tion and conservation of wild life for hand. the Cougars to find the range as they meer; response, senior class president the benefit of the sportsman in gen Any horseback hobbiest is invited ' scored seven times in the third and Lawrence Poole; greetings to seniors, eral. All sportsman, club officials to take part in the activities which 1 j six more times in the fourth frame. V. S. Todd; appreciation, senior class stated, are invited to join their group. begin with the family-style breakfast I The Timberwolves got their last run adviser, Mr. Frederic Rugh; class at St. Paul city hall between 8:30 and 1 in the seventh inning without a hit. history, Ethel Skillings; Class his ACCIDENT NEAR DETROIT 10 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is 1 Hoffman again walked, stole second, tory, Phyllis Timm; class will, Mary Mrs. Dottie Mahoney of Mongold the only charge for the day’s enter- and came home when Lawrence Jane Hoffman; class poem, read by was hospitalized at Salem after her talnment. Thornley was safe on an error. Lawrence Thornley and written by car left the highway and overturned Four rodeo queen candidates will Again errors played a big part in Lawrence Poole; reading of limericks, in a deep ditch near the North San- lead the horseback parade through the defeat of the 'Wolves as they seniors; "Swinging on a Star,” Anna tiam tavern Thursday night. Ertent several miles of picturesque trails in made eight miscues in the third inn .Mae Nelson, Jo Roy. Pat West, Sue of her injuries had not been deter the St. Paul area, to a half-way point ing alone. Mill City was limited to Mikkelsen, Marlene Tickle, Marlene mined. Considerable damage was on the trail ride where the group will three hits, the two in the third and Verbeck, Wanda Vandermeer, and La- done to the car. | be served a free lunch. During the Sheltons 'single in the I sixth. Vetta Powelson; group singing of AB H R 1’0 ' rest and refreshment hour, one of the Mill City: "School Days”. 1 1 3 3 Quality iob printing at the Enter princesses will be chosen queen of the Roberts, 2b ...... Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 1 ... 2 coming 15th annual St. Paul rodeo. Shelton, rf prise. Burton Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs. V. 3 1 0 1 | Leo Poole, If Upon their return the ride, eques | Muise, p .......... 3 0 0 1 S. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Rugh, trians may watch or vie for prizes in Law. Poole, ss .. 3 0 0 2 Mrs. Harry Mason, Miss Hope Baney, a series of games, stunts, and contests Baltimore, cf 3 0 0 2 all members of the faculty, Mary . 1 0 2 2 | at rodeo park. An award will be Hoffman, lb Jane Hoffman, Jerry Swan, Jack | 3 0 0 5 I given the club with the largest dele Thornley, c ......... Stewart, Sue Mikkelsen, Lawrence 1 0 0 .. 3 Podrabsky, 3b TRY OUR STEAM RATH AND gation present, and other prizes will Thomly, Marlene Verbeck, Ernie 18 4 3 24 Totals ....... I go to individuals and club teams wln- SWEDISH MASSAGE Podrabsky, Marlene Tickle, John Nel AB II R 1*0 Gervais: I nlng the arena events. son, Lawrence Poole, Wanda Vander-1 0 2 4 1 Nosack, 3b ......... By Appointment meer, Phyllis Timm, Ollie Muise, Bev-! .. 3 1 2 0 Mahoney, 2b A good listener is not only popular Tooley, c-lf Phono 1957 .. 5 3 3 9 erly Barton, Sonny Nelson, Alice everywhere, but after a while he Schott, rf .......... 4 2 2 0 Fortune, Leo Poole, Ethel Skillings, j 0 3 1 .. 4 knows something. McCall, cf ........... George Neal, Jo Roy, Harlin Gibson, 1 1 Belleque, lb ...... .. 3 1 Dolores Brewer, and Anna Mae Nel-| We are very apt to measure our Hupp, If ..._........ . 2 01 01 11 son. . 3 selves by our aspiration instead of Banick, ss-2b Decorating, programs, and nut cups 4 0 1 1 Hall, p-cf ........... our performance. .. 1 1 1 0 were in charge of the junior class, i Moullette, 3b Dunn, ss .... ..... . 1 1 1 1 The senior class books were made! 1 1 0 0 Hoover, p by members of the senior class. The ’ Schmitt, lb ........ . 1 0 0 0 nut cups were made in the shape of 1 0 0 6 Grasman, c caps and the programs were rolled j 1 0 0 1 Rice. 2b like a diploma. A large cap and di-. 1 0 1 0 McCullough, « ploma centered the table. All decor 38 13 18 21 Totals ating was done in red and white. R H 003 000 1— 4 3 Mill City 007 632 x—18 13 Gervais Muise and Thornley. Hall. Hoover (6), and Tooley, Gras- man (5). Mill City Lodge Pride is a .weakness in the char Miss Hope Baney is the junior class adviser and Mr. Rugh is the senior acter; it dries up laughter, wonder, chivalry and energy. class adviser. [Candid Forestry ^^405^1 ,1 ’4 ''1 _ &DLDEN RiPE WHEAT Pl “ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST AS STUBBLE FIELDS ARE UGLY. AAia.ES of commercial totters, , ke wheat ARE BEAUTIFUL BEFORE HARVEST TIME - STUMP LAND AND STUBBLE P i EL-DS ARE THE END OF A CYCLE OF GROWTH — NEXT YEARS STUBBLE FIELDS ARE GROWING WHEAT. NATURE WORKS SLOWER WITH FORESTS - TAKES FROM 5 TO IO YEARS TO RESTOCK. LOGGED LAND - GO TO lOO YEARS TO GROW A FOREST CROP. Lloyd A. Johnson REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION Commissioner, Linn Comity A Present Native Linn of County \ IV’S Steak House Linn Deputy Meals - Fountain County Sheriff SOI’IIMORE CLASS PARTY Last Friday evening the sophomore class had its first party, a progressive dinner. The first stop was at the home of Mrs. Bill Timm. There the class en joyed the first course which was served by Patricia Cree, Paula Van- Buskirk, and Beverly Timm. From there they went to Mrs. Clayton Baltimores' and had their main dish. Mrs. Baltimore was assisted by Dolores Poole, Hazel Neal, Leia Kelly, Donna Cooke, Jane Peterson, and Maxine Scott. Stop number three was at the home of Mrs. Rose Daly where she was assisted by Alona Daly, Elnora Albright, and Arlone Kulhman. The sophomores then went to the local theatre where they en joyed "Buffalo Bill.” Refreshments followed at the home of Mrs. Harry Mason, where the boys served and furnished the refreshments. Those attending were Dick Downer, Donald Ragsdale, Delmer Skillings. Jackie Jackson. Bob Baltimore, Bob Shelton, Daryl Farmen. Gary Peterson, Denny Martella, Patricia Cree, Elnora Al bright. Jane Peterson, June Phillips, Hazel Neal. Beverly Timm. Arlone Kulhman. Alona Daly. Donna Cooke, Leia Kelly. Dolores Poole, Maxine Scott. Paula VanBuskirk. and Mrs. Mason the sophomore class adviser. In spite of the rain and last minute preparations everyone had a good time. NURSERYMAN 4 Years in the State Legislature FORMERLY FARMER and DAIRYMAN Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Let’s Cooperate For Good Roads Chuck Kaylor and Sam Engle Owners PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 19 Pd. Political Advertisement Two guides to o great gin buy $1.90 Pint $3.00 4-5 quart dio — • lhe gin that 's made with O IMPOSED BOTANICAL! Remember to Vote on May 19th for Your Candidate! WALKER’S» GIN Elect a nun Who in a native of Murton County and has your beet Interests at heart. ro proof Di'"rd tram Î00N Arnorkon groin. Hiram Waller & Soni Inc. too'ro. III. FRANK A.| e«» Wr me DOERFLER ™ SM0P ET?. J Republican Candidate foi NOMINATION Kill STATE SENATE M IRION « <»l NT4 Frank Doerfler is obligated to no «peslal Interests and will giie fair rrprvMUtattoa to all cllitens of Marlon County and th. state. OltEGOX \\ \X I S IX COXI.RI SS Let s Work Together to Help Oregon Grow 'e-eUet senator WAYNE MORSE Pd Adv Doerfler for Senator Committee, A E LaBranch, CTrairmar Salem. Oregon MvA •k a c*. o y *1 0« Mat«* I m «*. q >* < JU$T TELL THE MAN YOU WANT IMPERML f Imperial it made by Hiram Walker. Blended wh.skei > ,Pro. t 0. gram neutral spirits H.ram Walker A Sons Inc , Peoria. Illm. „ n 10 L PINT <4.85 J niTH