3—THE MIEI. CITY ENTERPRISE A good laugh is supshine in the house. May 11. 1950 Chief Police Attends State Meeting MEHAMA GATES THE AMERICAN WA Y By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis and baby Iva Olsen from Portland has Police officers from over the State daughter were Sunday dinner guests started to work at the Riverview of Oregon attended the annual con in Stayton at the home of Mr and cafe to help with the morning shift. ference of the Oregon Association of Mrs Edmund Kleeker. Definition of fortitude: Jean Rob Police Officers in Salem May 2 Mrs. Don Reeves and daughter _ erts doing her own housework in a 3. Mill City Chief of Police J. Linda Sue spent the past week in full body cast. To think of staying King was in attendance at the Salem with Mr. Reeves who is em home with a headache once. meeting. ployed there. John Allen is home making a slow Outstanding at the program was Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and recovery from a serious operation. the banquet address by Police Chief their nephew, who is their guest spent Art Landers is home recuperating John D. Holstrom of Berkley. Calif. the weekend at the coast. from an operation. Halstrom is nationally known for his Mr and Mrs. Elmer Cooper and Not to be outdone, Doris Kelly is work in criminology and traffic granddaughter of Lakeview have home recuperating from two opera safety, Other speakers included Gov- been visiting at the home of their tions. Imagine what the topic Of ernor Douglas McKay and Judge son-in-law and daughter, Mr and conversation will be when they all James T. Brand. Mrs. Joe Joaquin for the past week. meet. Claiming special interest during the The Coopers were former residents of yoj WITH AN Linda Caffman is still residing at conference was the panel discussion Gates. the Shriners hospital. on fugitives and their methods of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Varcoe had operation. The panel members con as their guests over the weekend, her Clean-up Planned For Fox sisted of officers from Seattle, Calif mother, Mrs. Rose Stewart and Mr. Valley Cemetary May 28 ornia and Idaho as well as men from and Mrs. Charles Wilcox, all from Mrs. Lester Mason of Mill City, the Oregon departments and the Portland. Recent guests from Seattle at the I president of the Fox Valley cemetery FBI. Complete spring check ! association has announced that there The convention closed with a tour home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen were up to take winter creaks will be a cleanup day at the cemetery of the Oregon State Penitentiary and Mr. and Mrs. Phil L. Green, out of your car, put it in Sunday dinner guests at the home Sunday, May 28, with an all day a pistol shoot. The design of the con meeting. Everyone is urged to bring vention gave promise of making more of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke were top condition! a basket lunch, and be prepared to effecient police officers for every here parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hud gins from Stay ton, her grand parents, Q An expert chassis lubrication i stay all day. She asks that if you community in the state. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kirkland of Me — haven't your graves cleaned and can Crankcase drained, flushed, hama and Jess Mitchell and two | not be present please try and have refilled with RPM Motor Oil daughters of Seattle. | some one there to clean them, that Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Parker, who 1 there must be co-operation if this is Oil filter serviced have resided in Gates for some time, I to be a better cemetery. left this week for Dexter, Ore., near Transmission and differential It is in general more profitable to The Gates PTA, which was organ Eugene, where Mr. Parker is em- drained, flushed and refilled reckon up our defects than to boast ized last month, met Thursday eve ployed. of our attainments. Automatic transmission ning, in the recreation rooms of the Guests this week at the home of EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED local high school, with Norman Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole were Mr. serviced | rison presiding. Thirty-nine parents and Mrs. Lester Cole of Berkeley, □ Front wheel bearings in were in attendance. Dr. Ferguson of Calif., who were enroute to their new spected and re packed 1 Mill City was present and spoke in hime in Portland, also Mr. and Mrs. favor of the "children’s biH”. Oscar Caylor and daughter Margaret □ Battery checked, cleaned AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Reports were given by the mothers Jane of Mollala. Mr. and Mrs. Bur and serviced who were appointed at the April dett Cole are staying at the home Candidate for □ Radiator flushed, inspected, ’ meeting to visit the different grades of his parents for a week or until Republican Nomination refilled I in the school. The second grade will they can get possession of a home For State recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. be given a picnic by the PTA as a □ Tires and spare cross reward for having the largest at Tony Feick, of Mill City. switched, thoroughly in Mrs. Minnie Everton hos returned tendance of parents at this meeting. spected, properly inflated I The next meeting of the association from Portland where she had visited From | will be at the school Thursday eve- for the past week. PLUS: A dozen extra safety Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knutson had as MARION COUNTY ning. June 1st. checks and services! Sers ice Primary election May 19 Refreshments were served at the their guests this week Mrs. Mary An to suit your convenience. close of the meeting by the hostesses. derson, Weaver Clark from Hillsbor “ EQUAL REPRESENTATION Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy PHONE TODAY! Mrs. Rily Champ, Mrs. A. T. Barn- ough and James Reed of Mollala, FOR ALL” | formerly of Mill City. Rag Mop hardt and Mrs. Velma Carey. Mr. and Mrs. George McBride have (Pd Adv. Chadwick for Senator Com., Johnson Rag I as their guests their son-in-law ana John H. Carson, Chairman) Wedding Samba daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Vincent Service Society Hears Quicksilver O'Reilly, from Fort Jackson. S. C., " ™ imswmnmmiaesssaBss'nsiwiis« ¡amanamminniMium n.. a.. namiininniu imuu MirMauauaHaaaaaaastaa iinMininua Come in and see our wide selections Chemawa Speaker following a three weeks visit here of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old The meeting of the Women’s So Lt. and Mrs. O'Reilly will leave for Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical ciety of Christian Service was held New York where they will embark Records. at the parsonage with Mrs. Jewell for Panama. Lt. O'Reilly expects to be tsationed there for the next I hostess. The devotions were lead by Rev. years. TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO INVITE MILL CITY Guests at Windermere farm, home (t Jewell, and Mrs. George Hoffman MOTHERS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE "First with What You Want Most' Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. George Ditto, presided over the business meeting OF THE COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE due to the absence of Mrs. Walworth. day were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mat- thews, son Barrey Allen and daughter Radio, Washer, Refrigerator Plans were completed for the Mother Vickie Sue, his parents. Mr. nad Mrs. and Daughters banquet which will •y V and Electrical Appliance be held at the Rebekah hall Tuesday | ¡Mathews, all from Salem; Mr. and Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 evening. May 9. Mrs. Barnett from i Mrs. Raymond Potts and daughters ______________ - ■ ___________________ • the Chemawa Indian school was the Cynthia and Deborah Ann, from speaker of the afternoon. She gave Brooks. The children are all great a very interesting talk on Alaska, great grandchildren of William H. and Mary E Rider, pioneers of the also told of her experience when she canyon. ONE FOR EACH CHILD — NO OBLIGATION with her husband taught in the \ Recent house guests at the home I schools at the Aleutian Islands. (5 weeks through 5 years of age, only) of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon were « Dainty refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowers from THIS REMARKABLE NEW TRUE COLOR CAMERA » i at the close of the meeting. San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs Levon, REPRODUCES A BEAUTIFUL TRUE-COLOR accompanied by her parents, Mr. and I LIKENESS OF YOUR CHILD. I j Mrs. Clarence Johnson visited Sunday 4 jin Lebanon at the home of Mr. and I (Not tinting not oil painting) I Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Mrs. Sherman Johnson. » 3 true-to-llfe color proof« to choose from. I Mrs. Gale Carey, who was ill and 4 Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock at the Salem Memorial hospital for Plea»«' tell your friend«. « 4 several days returned to her home I the last of the week and is reported 4 • to be in much better health. Shove! and Trucks for Hire GET THOSE SI MMER « Mrs. Larry Shelton and daughter 10 A.M. to 4 I’.M. SHOES IN SHAPE ; Barbara were in Salem over the LYONS ' 294 D*y* MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days weekend at the home of her brother I 297 Nights ' Pacific Color Service - Portland, Oiegon and family. Mr and Mrs. Gwyn Gates. EXPERT COLOR I’HOTOGRAPHERS They were joined there by Mr. Shel Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road Mill City ton, who is employed in Salem. *I H?» IL’H i IBTHI'III! IH! IHI'.III,llirilll.lffliB . • !!Wli Wi:W! lili üffiBUliniillll!IMBWWWMI(BWIffllll|iBWim'WIBaU IlfflWOBMOBM® Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Doe of Salem Frank were recent guests at the Saunders home. END O’ WINTER CHECK-UP □ □ □ □ Gates Parent-Teachers Reports Activities W. W. 'BILL’ CHADWICK SENATOR ALLEN I KEITH We take better care of your car MILL CITY VARIETY PORTER & LAL; Äw New Full Color Photographs FREE GAS STATION JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co Spring Is Here! Saturday, May 13 Only DICK’S SHOE SERVICE W. W. STUART YOFR People are of two main kinds, Those who regard mankind as "a little lower than the angels, and those who regard it as little higher than the apes. Republican Nominee for Linn County Commissioner IS A VOTE FOR THE GOOD OF EINN COI NTY BECAUSE HE HAS HAD Practical Experience BI SINESS ADMINISTRATION — Over 23 vk.ar« a* owner and manager of Plumbing. Heating and Sheet Metal bu«ine««, requiring knowledge of purchasing ability and th«- handling of hired help. MAINTENANCE WORK —Over Ml year« in maintenance and repair work which «hould qualify me to «tiperviae thi« phase of the work in county building« where we have well over one-half million dollar« inv«-«ted WELFARE AND RELIEF WORK — Hasing «••rsed on the Child Welfare and Relief Committee of the American l«egion. the Elk* lodge and th«- Shrine H««pital for Cripph-d C hildren. FARMING- —Have owned and op«-rated Ihre«- farm« in the pa«t. «.ENERAL <ON<4TRF<TION — Served M « hairman nf building <omniitt«-e A «socia ted V eternas Building, on hoard of trustee« when Elk« building« was rebuilt. 10 year* a» «hairman of the Ma««>ni> Building A mo - elation. A« t«< BOIDS and actual con«trwtlon of them. I’ll he holW'M with you; until am In a po«ition to make a thorough «tudy of our method«. I »hall lease them in th«- hand« of the engineer« and «upervtsors where they «hould he. But I feel I am qualifi«-d tn work with the other member« of the court in supplying the material an«l «-quip- m>'nt to do the work. IF YOE ARE EXPECTING TO GET YOUR HANDS IN rm HIP l‘<M hH OF I.INN COINTY DONT IOTI FOR Paid advertising by W » Stuart. Albany Lamport for State Senate Committee Charles A. Sprague Chairman • Mod« «Í •l«c*ricolly w«ld«d $»««• • In PUTUIA GtAV-o rqw l.gM «hod« • L«ng«r-la»»ing, boledo* «n«m«l finish • A 2-Drawer letter file on base 14 >A” wide, 1«" deep, 30>A” high. $29 95; with locks. $39 95 B letter file and storage cup board, 14<4” wide 16" deep. 30«^” high, with locks. $29 95. C 2-Drawer letter file on base with 2-drawer card file for 4x6 «arris. 14 >4” wide, 18" deep. 3®" high $37 90; with locks $42 90 Drowort ar« equipped with rollers t and follow blocks D Five 4x6 double card files on base, 181^” wide, 16” deep, 36«4” high, $45 25. E 2-8helf storage cabinet with locks. 24" wide. 16” deep, 36” high, $35 50, Also available, complete stock of card cabinets, 3x6. 5x8, 6x9 cards singles, doubles, triples, in single units or in systems Roen Typewriter Exchang« IM Court St. SALEM. ORE. Phone 3-677°