May 11, 1950 IS—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE GETTING IN TRIM Linn County Demos Enjoy Victory Rally The Linn County Democratic Cen tral Committee held a lively victory rally last Friday evening at the Bo hemian club hall west of town. Dr. David Ferguson acted as toast master for the occasion. Fred Mespelt, candidate for county commissioner spoke in his behalf and made a good down to earth appeal for votes. Mr Walter Shelby of Albany, can didate for state senator spoke in his own behalf and made many friends by his friendly approach. Mr. Earl Mason, candidate for the state representative spoke in his own behalf and on behalf of the party In his campaign appeal. Mr. Mason is chairman of the central committee of Linn county. Dave Epps made his usual homely appeal and won the acclaim of all present. Mr. Howard Maple of Salem spoke in behalf of candidate Flegel for governor. Mr. Art Davis, candidate for state senator in Marion county spoke in behalf of State Treasurer Walter J. Pearson for governor and was well received. Mrs. Jack Carey won a lamp do nated by the Epps Furniture and given away as a door prize. Donuts and coffee were served and j MHHnHunH¡aHHHnHHHanH»íana»»aia¡aM»!«ntKtnnnHannnnaHnHian everyone had an enjoyable and en lightening meeting. r Photo Finishing - 24 hour service Lending Library Housewares Toys Gift Items Socks Underwear Notions MILL CITY VARIETY Irene OTx?ary Jim O’Leary ■ B « B 0 o B 0 o ■ o B s Should the People- Girod Enters GOP (Continued from Page 1)- since the proposer's family 1» Representative Race cially directly connected with the transac With a background of education, military and civilian leadership, Lloyd Girod, Idanha merchant announced his candidacy for state representative on the republican ticket. Girod, a graduate from Willamette tions. And don't all school boards in the state of Oregon serve without pay? .1 think you will find hundreds of boards all over the state doing the same thing working and serving without pay, so I don't think .Mill City lias anything unusual! In fact the state law specifically forebids it! This transaction involves many more than just the present school board and I believe could have been satisfactorily settled, but it appears that certain individuals have been “running Mill City for many years’’ and they refuse to allow that anyone else could possibly do It. The reluctance of the board to meet with anyone and try to settle the dis pute has only lead some to believe that a new school board may find something far more important than the “little crime’’ already discovered. Could that be true? I hope not. My editor,, who works in a technical capacity has l>een falsely attacked by malicious stories and accused of starting this story, and of causing dissension over school matters. I University has had an outstanding think that Mill City is most fortunate record in teaching in schools In Au- ' to have as one of its citizens a man rora, Salem, and Gates and left the , of his sterling character and ability. profession only because he wanted a : Perhaps It is time that a bouquet be small business of his own. He ’ handed to one who has earned the coached the Gates grade school to j right of the respect of everyone. I have heard the story going around Marion county track and basketball championships. Norm Carey, now ' that to attack the school board Is nationally known basketball star was “communist” tactics, and I am sure among the students in Girod’s Gates that many of you have heard it by this time, but any taxpayer has a team. Girod, who is now a store owner right to know what is going on with and city councilman in Idanha stated public business. I have been threatened with the he was the only republican candidate outside of the Salem area. His vision of canyon development, it was be lieved would draw the support of the canyon residents. The candidate is strongly opposed to the seasonality clause. loss of advertising, or the starting of another newspaper in this community Itecause I have persisted in telling the truth. That is about the only way a newspaper can be silenced. That is the only way this newspaper can be silenced while I control It. I believe my advertisers expect just that kind of a job. DON PETERSON, Publisher a a 0 0 0 0 B HALF PRICE OFFER ON Readers Digest 8 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 81 1 I I B B I MHHHnnnnfiKnnnHHH)»99(n»>an»£to:0QnHnnna»ia«nnnnanHnfin»KiQa New Subscribers Only LAWRENCE J. ’Larry’ KOCH Democrat Other Elgin, 01 low oi *19.73 Kl SH VOI R ORDER TO (andidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Marion County Duedall-Potts VOTE FOR i aHH»ooo>5.oaö>ä0öflBOöan0öBin»r> ROY L. HOUCK P. W. HALE Democrat Baker's Stationers Mill City Jewelry "Headquarters for School and Office Supplies” *31 BROADALBIN ST. AIJiANY (Opposite Hamilton’s) Mill City ( andidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Marion County VOTE FOR Wayne E. Downing Republican for * CAPABLE, * SINCERE and Republican Candidate * HONEST WORK FOR AS YOUR Commissioner, Linn County PRESENT COUNTY COMMISSIONER State Representative Pay as you go, no county indebtedness * MAN Will. \ FINI MANION COÜNTI RECORD IN BUSINESS XND i m< xi i UM hi WHI Ml \ < la IH I l<> \ll MARION COVNT1 VOTERS HOI ( K COMMITTEE HARRY W. SCOTT Chairman Paid Advertising i Popular MASTER -. U<auM it A AIA IX N. XV H ITI Democrat ( andidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Marion County Trade ici th M ayflower CHOCOLATE DRINK Your whole family w... enjoy this delightful I < *<- /JH HOME M/LL C/TY I chocolate bracer. Serve it hot as chocolate, cold as a warm weaiher treat. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR LLOYD GIROD of Idanha