Should The People Know? T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DI I DOIi ELKHORN GATES IDANHA I am writing this with the belief that a newspaper has a job to per form in the community and when it LYONS becomes supine it might better go « out of existence, than remain as a MM MCA I* drug to the community, always cov MONGOLD ering up the "naughty” doings of those entrusted with the care of pub lic property. I believe in telling the ON Till SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE good side too, but sometimes the nec essity for the truth "no matter who Vol. VI—No. 19 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy is hurt” becomes an obligation of the newspaper. In this issue we publish some of the findings of a group of Mill City residents with regards to affairs ot their local school board during the past two years. I want to say here that it is with reluctance that we find that facts Has the district school board of ; violation of the statutes of the State were found that I felt it was the Mill City (129-J) been violating the of Oregon. According to the state right of the people to know, and it is Oregon law’ which carries a misde . law’ second class districts can not their duty to tend to their business, ' sell the district's land without a ma however distasteful it may prove to meanor penalty for illegal disposition jority vote ot a legally called special be. of school property ? ' school election. We have a duty as citizens of any The question grew from the action 129-J is a second class school dis community,, whether we be new in of board members Donald E. Sheythe, trict by statutory standards, to- that community or not, to fight for Ramon L. Roberts and William Shuey wit: O.C.LA 111 802. Classifica- our democratic rights of free s|>eech when they executed a warranty deed I tion of districts. "All districts with for ourselves or others, and the free to The First Presbyterian Church of more than 200 and less than 1.000 dom of the press to report those facts Mill City, Oregon on June 18, 1949, | children of school age shall be known as districts of the second unham|>er<*d by any threats from any of a portion of the school district | : class. source whatsoever. lands. District 129-J has an enrollment of Some time ago we received photo The execution of the deed, which is 1 approximately 433 which without stats of deeds to property, showing now on record, would have been of : question qualifies it as a second class that such property had been trans routine matter but for the apparent district. ferred from the possession of the lo I Law Transgressed? cal school district (129-J) to individ The procedure to be followed ac ual persons, with the claim that the cording to law (O.C.LA. 111-1014) transfers were illegal and had not in referring to school property and been authorized by the expressed will schoolhouses reads: of the people as required by laws of “They may also sell, lease, or the State of Oregon. otherwise dispose of any property I have investigated these charges belonging to the district, when and searched the minutes of the local AUTHORIZED to do so by a ma school board and searched the back ROD MILL AND CLASSIFIER FOR DETROIT DAM—Machinery now being Installed just above the aggre jority vote at any IJiGALLY called gate storage plant at Detroit dam will function as a rial mill crushing rock into sand and operate as a issues of The Enterprise file copies to school meeting; provided, that the classifier sorting rock of various sizes. Photo Courtesy Capital Journal. find where a notice had been pub call for such meeting shall have lished and an election held, but could stated that such sale, lease or dis position would be one of the ob net find any such evidence. jects of such meeting.” The apparent result is that state Th«’ law clearly points out that any laws governing disposition of school sale or transaction must meet the property have been violated, and vio legal requirements which require that lated by a school board that had an the proposed transaction be adver attorney setting as a member of the Between 1500 and 2000 Salem per tised in advance of the meeting at board that committed the first of The Northwest Regional Negotiat sons are expected to visit the Detroit least 2 weeks. The law further re fense of which .1 have knowledge. ing committee through its chairman, damsite on Sunday May 21st in an quires that such advertisement shall What kind of a defense can a school J. E. Fadling, announced today that Whether this nation finds the diffi inspection tour sponsored by the union members on the job throughout be made in a local publication if such board have that is called upon, to cult path to world peace or plunges Salem Cherians. exist in the community. make an accounting when they had the Northwest voted by a large into a war that can destroy civiliza The day will be highlighted with Has the board from district 129-J an attorney setting on the board and majority, authorizing the Northwest tion may well be determined by the Regional Negotiating committee to speeches from state and army offi violated the law by disposing of the taking part in such a transaction? calibre of men we elect to Congress district’s property without the con We are being accused of dividing | call a strike not later than May 15th. this year, E. C. Sammons, prominent cials. Guest of honor for the day will The figures were not revealed but Republican leader, told a radio audi be the Cherrian Queen and her court. sent of the people? The property the city into factions over “such a The queen and the royal court will be sold to the church and later trans- little offense”. But the opposite is it was known that the Committee ence over KEX Wednesday night. taken on a tour through the excava NEW UNIVERSITY JOURNALISM I ferred to relatives of a school board the truth of the matter. For several sent out more than 40,000 ballots. "National and international events years now the citizens of the com Fadling said, "All locals did a good move with a terrifying pace today, tion while other onlookers will stand MAN—Charles T. Duncan, commu member, was only one of three such munities in this canyon have been job in getting a big vote. The large said Sammons. Answers to problems on the excavation rim to hear con nity newspaper specialist, whose ap I apparent violations. making attempts to get a union high ! vote and the great majority favor- that were adequate in the 1920’s and struction details from Colonel Walsh pointment as associate professor of Penalty for Violation school, whereby Mill (Tty. Gates, j ing strike action, unless our demands '30’s do not now suffice. If we do not of the Army engineers and C. C.Davis journalism iff the University of Ore rias the board's repeated refusal Lyons, and Detroit can combine their are met, means the employers must develop new vision, new understand resident engineer on the construction gon was announced today. The ap- I to be responsible to the taxpayers of resources and build a new union high make a satisfactory offer before ing and new leadership equal to our site. Other speakers will include |M>intnient Is subject to confirmation | the district threatened them with a school Gflk* wouM be « c.tdit t.i the May 15th, or Tie mills, plywood problems of the present, the Ameri Oregj^i's governor, Douglas McKay, by the state board of higher educa | statutory penalty ’ Again according canyon and an advantage t«f the plants, logging operations and other can way of life as we know it will ex-governor and Statesman editor tion. to O.C.LA. lll ’.iW.-, — Charles Sprague, and Senator Wayne young people graduating from such woodworking plants which the com vanish. Violations of school law: “Any Morse. member of any school district board an institution. What has come from mittee represents will have picket “As ex-Governor Charles A Spra Clay Cochran, president of Salem’s or any school clerk who shall vio those efforts and meetings that have lines out Monday morning. May gue expressed in an editorial in his Chamber of Commerce placed Robert late any of the provisions of this 15th.” been held? Apparently nothing. act shall be deemed guilty of a mis When can Mill City and her sister The demands of the International Salem Statesman recently, "Forces, V’eness of Mill City on a committee demeanor, and upon conviction shall communities ever get a union high Woodworkers of America, a CIO af new forces, tremendous forces are with others to complete details for b«’ punished by a fine not leas than loose in the world today. To ignore the tour. school? They can accomplish that in filiate, are: them is to invite the whirlwind bear Information Booth The final meeting of the Mill City $25 nor more than $100, or by im the near future if we make the effort. 1. Six paid holidays. prisonment in the county jail not ing complete destruction to cherished Mill City’s chamber of commerce Parent-Teacher Assn for the school less than Hix months or both such But reports have been coming into 2 A health and welfare plan pro ideas and ideals. The supreme under year will be held at 8 o ’ clock Thurs allotted up to $150 for an information fine and imprisonments; . . . and it this office ever since I came here last viding: $3,000 life insurance with taking is to harness these forces for booth to be placed near the damsite day evening, May 11th, and will fea shall be the duty of the county November that Gates will not join double indemnity for accidental men ’ s uplift. Few men in the United and to serve as a "good Samaritan” ture a special March of Time movie, .superintendent to prosecute and with Mill City, that Lyons will not death and dismemberment; States are as well equipped for this representative for visitors. carry out the provisions of this The "The Fight for Better Schools”. join with Mill City while the present $40 00 per week sick payments job as Wayne Morse. In concluding a very active and section." booth, it was believed, would make school hoard is in power. The point for 26 weeks off the job; The acknowledgment of the war- "This opinion of Mr. Sprague re considerable contribution to good will successful year, Mrs. Robert Veness, I wish to bring to your attention $2000 per week for 26 weeks retiring president and program chair ranty deed in question was taken by flects the judgment of serious Repub for canyon communities. The cham is that the city has been split wide to supplement inadequate woik- licans throughout Oregon. To old- bers industrial committee met with man. will install the five incoming D. B. Hill. Jr., on the 18th day of open long before the present owners man's compensation pay; June, 1949 of The Enterprise had anything to 3. Employer paid hospitalization, timers. the Morse sponsorship by men engineers and officials to complete officers. In an appropriate obaervance of. like Sprague and Paul Wallace of details for a location. The booth will do with this paper. surgical and medical care. National Music Week, the entertain Salem. Herb Cox of Eugene, Huston be completed by May 21st. I think therefore that the charge Walter of Lebanon. Phil Hitchcock of Also to welcome the visiting cara ment will consist of songs presented Don Jenkins Suffers that we have split or are splitting Klamath Falls, ex-Govemor Jay Bow van will be a large sign 8 feet square by the high school girls' glee club the city is false. Flight Instruction Now erman, Bob Dwyer and Jesse Gard of to be placed on the western limits of under the direction of Miss Hope injury in Accident I with another gentleman acted as Portland is all the answer needed. the city. The sign, was painted by Baney. an emissary between this group of Available, Davis Field Don Jenkins, owner of Jenkins Refreshments will be served by the To this list can be added the testi Mrs. Lamphaer and will read "Wel citizens and we delivered to one of Hardware in Mill City narrowly es teachers. Flight instruction is now available mony of outstanding members of the come to Nature's Empire”. A large the members of the present school caped critical injury in an automobile board a copy of a resignation for the at the Davis airport with a competent congress. In the memory of the old picture of the Detroit dam is also accident near Silverton early this ■ instructor in charge, Byron Davis, est members of the senate there never painted on the sign. Committees school hoard to sign. That resigna week. airport manager announced today. Fire Season May 15 has been a previous case in which were sellected to place welcome ban tion was written so as to give the Jenkins was driving at a moderate Ralph Nibbler, instructor and a which senators have violated their ners across the Mill City streets. Fire season in this canyon area will school an opportunity to resign anti speed on his way to Portland where former army flight instructor with traditional neutrality in primary elec In Tuesday nights meeting a pro open May 15th, Arlo Tours, Mill City leave the way open for the next board he was to trade in his present pickup to find agreement with the neighbor over 4000 hours of flight time will be tions. The reason in this case is the posal was made to hold the disburse fire chief announced today. Tours when a car ran through a stop sign ing districts and thus accomplish the on the field every Friday evening and viciousness and unfairness of the op ment office of the state unemployment stated that permits will be necessary at the Mollala junction directly in in Mill City. The state makes no to do any burning and that he will front of Jenkins unionization of school districts. I all day on Sunday. Mure instruction position.” Sammons concludes with the testi provisions for such field offices and issue such permits in his district. showed that member of the board a time will be alloted as the demand Both cars were serious damaged. mony of Mark Trice, secretary of the should it be necessary for workers copy of the story appearing elsewhere grows. The operator of the other car waji Davis stated that rates for both Republican party in the United States to drive to Salem for their checks in this paper discussing the transfers held for reckless driving. of property that were apparently il planes and instructors were among senate and official officer of that merchants would stand to lose. D. B. It was believed that Jenkins suf- the lowest in the state. Students body. Hill, Jr. headed the committee to He quotes Trice as saying, legally made. fered a concussion of the lower left THURSDAY — prices were reduced to $9 an hour "That during his five years in the raise fundi from the merchants to That was last Tuesday (May 2). I mastoid. His condition is improved, PTA Benefit show TONIGHT felt last week that perhaps to hold for instructor and plane and $6 an senate. Senator Morse has voted with pay the operating cost for such a American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. however, and he is resting at home. the Republican majority on a major building in Mill City. the story another week would be just hour for solo flying. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm. ity of the roll calls taken. During Air Show Plan» as well, but I was wrong. Before many days had passed most every our city and people in every way. those five years Senator Cordon and Theatre Group Sponsors Plans for a breakfast for the visit FRIDAY— body in th«' city knew something Th«- dub is a cross section of the Senator Morse have voted together ing pilots at the chamber sponsored Presbyterian Mothers' Day Dinner Amateur Show about it but the people were not be busine»« men and women of the more times than they have voted op airshow July 16th were nearing com 5:30 to 7 p.m. town. We therefore wish to con posite. In the 79th, 80th and 81st pletion The amateur night given by the ing informed fully. Menu for the early flyers I.O.O.F. meeting. This story affects quite a number gratulate the ««chool board for their sessions up to March 1st combined. will be turkey sandwiches, turkey Idanha Theatre group, for the benefit Lyon.v TWA r.'.ee’lng 3rd Friday. of people and I thought that perhaps great work and sacrifice in the last Senators Morse and Cordon voted a gravy, baked potatoes and coffee. Mill City TWA meeting last Friday I of the Idanha church was well at- They were in Between 15 and 20 turkeys will be they could get together and settle the few year». Without pay they have total of 568 times 1 tended. SATURDAY — differences but the only thing accom given freely of work and time and agreement 329 times, or 58%. Up to purchased for the event. The program wim held In the audi- To add plished was to allow friends of the supervised the building of a fine March 1st of this session, both voted flavor to this year's annual Break Legion Dance at Legion hall. torium at Detroit with Mr. Hoyt as Santiara Riders Dance. on 22 occasions and were in agree fast Hop" a committee was selected school board to build a pretty picture new school. master ot ceremonies. First prize in We comnwnd any organization or ment 20 times, or 90 9%." of “only a little crim«- having been the adult class was won by Delphine to determine ways of electing a queen SUNDAY— person that works for the upbuild Tucker and Barbara Denton who sang committ«*d”. ”1 have brought you these state for the airshow Candidates would Mother’s Day. Knowing that the story was being ing and g«><>d of the city. a vocal duet. Sencond prize went to ments. says Sammons, because I wish b»* suggested from each canyon com MONDAY— Unanimous resolution. prepared a m»-mber of the Lions club Johnnie Davis - for his piano solo. you to know the truth about the munity. Lions club meeting. (Hign«-d> CARL KELLY, Pres. vicious, intentional and inexcusable presented th«- following resolution to Also being investigated for the fun First prize in th« children's class was A F. A A M No. 180 stated meet taken by a group of square dancers JACK COLBI KN. Sec. misrepresentations that have been day is the possibility of obtaining a the club and It was passed and copies ing third Monday. sent to the Stayton Mail. Detroit To some this may ap|H-ar as a bou made in recent newspaper advertis- carnival to finish out the day's ac (composed of Mario Vickers, Mary Boy Scouts 7:30 Dam News, and I am informed a quet to the school board, but when mentsing and leaflets by the opposi tivities Sue Palmer Ruth McDaniel, Marilyn Salem paper also received a copy and it follows the publication of our story tion " TUESDAY— Overholser, Stanley Timms. Richard all three published it apparently with- about the negligence of the school ( \R .STRIKES BOY Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues Calkins, Elvin Blan and Jack Weis- board In regard to th«- care of the nut comment. gerber. Second prise went to Eva Lou Richard Morris, son of Ray Morris Sant lam Eagles auxiliary 8 P m. WE SEE BY THE ADS: I herewith puMKh It In full. It septic tank« on high school ground», New for her piano solo Judges were of Detroit, was struck by a car driven Senior Scouts 7:30 p m. needed comment that last week 1 (which even now i» only a makeshift Mrs. R C Ha«« man. Mrs Gordon Coffee. 75c pound by Otto Russell of Detroit late Friday WEDNESDAY— didn't want to be forced to make: repair job, and immediately prior to Skidmore and Mr. Fitzgerald. A Full-Color photographs 'ree afternoon. Wed. Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th the possible publication of this story moving picture f< .lowed the program. Electric clocks $3 95. The boy suffered a broken leg The THE LIONS ( LI B. MILL <TTY Santiam R«-bekah 166 -1st and 3rd on the transfer of property, it begins Kool Aid. 6 pkg 25c. accident occured on the highway near April 24. 1950 Wed at 8 pm. R*-m<'mher to \«>le am May 19th for Free Mattress the old C.C.C. camp Mr Russell was This < lub Is a service club in every to take on an ««dorous aroma, espe- Altar Society meets 2nd Wed Your < andMat«-: (Continued on Page 10) sense of the word. We try and help not held. Has Local School Board Violated School and State Stalutes? C of C Plan Booster /MM Vofes Strike Peace Depends on Shutdown Threatens New Congress, Says At Inspection Tour Morse Committee Final P.T.A. Meeting Will Show Movie (iiniiiny turutfl: