Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
7—THE MIIJ. CITY ENTERPRISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS % Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical Records. PORTER & LAL ■•’•First with What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPIJANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 < MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS TRICKS AND PUZZLES MASQUERADE SUPPLIES U m Our Mall Order Service « SALEM'S ORIGINAI. Toy ô- Hobby Shop SALEM 163 N. Commentai 1950 Blanchard program is the boat that you or I or anybody of ordinary income may own and sail. And sail By JIM STEVENS I with safety, let me hasten to add. Cedar For Sailing. . . This is a class of sailing craft with The wood of the great ocean-going iron ballast keel and other safeguards canoes of Northwest Coast Indians, against capsizing and sinking which and the wood of today’s racing shells are commonly found in only the more used by college crews east and west, coatly sailers. It has an over-all is also the mainstay in the amazing length of 20 feet, and its base price increase of small sailing craft of is a thousand dollars. North American waterways. "Such types of pleasure boats for This wood is the Western red cedar. the small family are comers all over /! Summer after summer the large the country," Norman Blanchard lakes and the bays of the country are stoutly predicts ‘ Young and old can blossoming in more white sails, with enjoy such a sailboat in security at reflections dipping and speeding in small expense. Once people realize wind brushed waters. that yachting is not necessarily for The sail of old is still a magnetic the rich only. the market will grow symbol of adventure to the youth of fast. the land. It spells peace and relaxa “The special qualities of red cedar tion and the beauty of life In the out for planking are at the core of this doors to all but the bleakest souls. vital prospect. It is supple, tough, Small-craft builders everywhere are light for its strengith, friendly to awake to the business prospects in tools, a nail-holder, resistant to this universal, age-old appeal of the weather and age, and is a furniture wind-powered small boat of wood. wood in its response to finish, taking One nationally known boatbuilder is i paints and stains handsomely. A banking on a product designed to prize wood for racing shells, it is meet the sailboat wants of everyday i just as excellent for everybody's low- people with everyday incomes. I cost pleasure boat. We are lucky to The Pocock of Sail. . . ! have it.” This is Norman J. Blanchard of Another popular Blanchard sailer Seattle. He has been building a is the “flattie,” which is primarily a i variety of boats and small sailing | training boat for racing. It is not k : I craft for 40 years on Seattle water- I built for comfort or for those who i ways. He is widely recognized as a'worry about capsizing It is a boat I master of the art of designing and I jor t-he young adventurer on the constructing craft for cruising and 1 i water. racing—and for plain and fancy loaf Many builders of boats, North, ing—under sail. South, East, West, share the faith Like George Pocock, renowned as a of Norman Blanchard. When spring designer and builder of racing shells breaks again, wood and canvas will be for college crews, Blanchard swears the holiday means, recreation mater by Western red cedar. He uses it for ials, for more people than ever before, the flesh, muscle and skin of the while the rocket planes flash and boats he builds—that is the planking. roar unnoticed overhead. Sail, water For the fabrication of masts and I and wind yet weave a spell that even spars. Sitka spruce is specified. ¡Superman may not resist. The news-ireterest feature of the Out of the \\ oods H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment MODEL AIRPLANES Phone 2-1583 VOTE FOR ROY L HOUCK Republican for CAPABLE, SINCERE and HONEST WORK AS YOUR SEE JOHN ADAMS For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel A MAN WITH A FINE MARION COUNTY RECORD IN BUSINESS AND CIVIC AFFAIRS, HE WILL BE A CREDIT TO ALL MARION COUNTY VOTERS. Silver Saddle Trailer Camp HARRY W. SCOTT. Chairman * « Basements, Trench and General Excavating HOUCK COMMITTEE rii fi« I GREENLY’S Plnmi>ing& Heating LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING No Job Too I.arge and None Too Small Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM Ph. 2-7380 FOR RENT Shovels or Cranes MOBILE and CRAWLERS By Hour or Month With or Without Operators Phone Gervais 3333 It’s Spelled with a "V” But Everyone Pronounces It "FINE” Flegel Speaks at Lebanon State Representative Mill City, Ore. Phone 003 Ï « i ’ ! .X Austin F. Flegel, State Senator and Democratic candidate for Governor, will address a public meeting of I Democrats, Sunday April 30, in Vet- lerans hall, Lebanon, announces Earl G. Mason, chairman Linn County Democratic Central committee. The affair starts with a pot-luck | dinner at 2.00 p.m. to be followed by the program at 3:00. Coffee will be ¡ served but those attending arc askea to bring their own table service. Flegel, a successful lawyer, busi nessman, and farmer, has a decided majority over his two opponents in the poll recently made by the "Oregon Democrat”. He is considered an authority on CVA and advocates the development of cheap power as a means of bringing new payrolls to every part of Oregon. Local candidates will be present thereby affording Democrats an op portunity to meet the men for whom they may wish to vote at the coming primary election. annHnnHHHnHnHHBHHBnHHWBciae CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION /■ Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs nianding Officer of the Naval Operating Base, Argentia. Newfound land, congratulating Sgt. Ollie Keller, captain of the Greenland Air Force basketball team, which was picked to represent the Air Force North Atlantic Area in the Military Transport Service Tourney held al Great Falls, Mont., in March, while Col. Edward I*. Kern, Command ing Officer of the McAndrew AF Base, in Newfoundland, gives a well done to Robert B. Johnson, aviation machinists' mate, captain of the Navy NOB quintet. The Navy team defeated the Air Force in the Base Command Basketball Championship Playoffs, but participated only for the honors. (Official Navy Photographs) The first Armed Forces Day in American history, to be observed May 20, will emphasiie the unification of the Army. Navy and Air Force in a three-pronged instrument for national security. Unification is already at work in the various far-flung American military posts throughout the world. Photo, left, shows Navy aviation machinist's mate, second class. J. Ritchy, of Swayiee. Ind., and Sgt. J. L. Kuns- man. USA. of Easton. Penna., getting acquainted on police duty at the Naval Base. Norfolk. Va., before embarking on the great combined Army-Navy-Air Force exercises in Puerto Rico, called "Operation Portrex." held in February. Photo, right, Capt. D. G. Donabo. Com- SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT IPEP/ FEATURING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— KELLY LUMBER SALES MASTER 8 J? MP Nohlgren's Alley, off State Street in Salem Oiwn from 11 through noon til 2 daily j