Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
Wants and Sales FLEA.SE LIST all available rooms, FOR SALE — Lots, in Linn county, between Mill City and Gates, 50x room and board, houses and apts. 100 for $150.00 R. L. Stafford, Write, telephone or visit Personnel Route 1. Box 102, Lyons, Ore. 13-5p Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf FOR SALE Stroller $2 50. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 17-lt FOR SALE—Ladies dresses 50c Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 17-lt «XPERT AUTO and home raaio service, 20 years experience, all FOR RENT—3-rm. furnished apart ment, modern, garage. E. D makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf Cooke. 5tf FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, $35.00 de FOR RENT Furnished apartments by the day, week or month. Apple posit, and $15.00 per month places Tree Court, Lyons, Ore. 15-3t a fine instrument in your home. Can be seen locally. Write Stone Nice building lot on Plano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, FOR SALE paved road in Gates. Can build if 16tf Salem. desired, terms. Inquire at Garrison Variety Store, Gates. 15-3p FOR SALE— 2nd growth fir piling. Call Mrs. Joseph E. Manolis, ph. 4144 at Silverton. 16-3t FOR SALE Rain coats $1 00 Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 17-lt FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi FOR SALE — 2-bedroom house on lot tioned and recently refinished ma 50x200 feet deep. Good business hogany baby grand. Guaranteed site on new highway. Contact Rev. perfect. $775.00 cash, terms, or Watkins or Phone 634. 15-3p rented with purchase option. Stone Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, FOR SALE — White enamel trash Salem. 16tf burner, good condition. Also rooms for rent See Mrs. Corbin across WANTED- Used sinks, toilets, and from Christian church. 16-3p tools. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. FOR SALE—25-ft. house Trailer, '47 FOR SALE—Modem 5-r. home, all white enamel Monarch range goes, model, $1,250.00. Mill City Cabinet large wood shed, store room, fruit Shop. 15-3p room, also 2-room cabin on 4-acre wooded tract, adjacent Gates school Red’s FOR SALE—Davano $9.95. See or write J. J. Butler, 1674 N. 17-lt Hill Top Trading Post. Liberty, Salem or ph. 2-3839. 17-3p LIST "YOUR homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, WANTED TO TRADE — Equity in 2-bedroom house for late model Gates, Detroit, Lyons. David M car. House 2t£ years old. Inquire Reid, Real Estate. 3tf at Stiffler’s Radio. 17-3p FOR SALE 7-room two-story mod em house and two acres, on high WOOD FOR SALE -16-inch second growth fir, $10 00 per cord deliv way and school bus route. Good ered. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. garage. Ideal for rooming house, 17-3t only 30 miles from Detroit dam $6,500.00. Write box 159, Mill City FOR SALE Two 50x100 lots on high for further information. 15-4t ground, good soil, fruit trees cov-1 ering one lot. See Paul Mason, two WORK WANTED - - Waitress wants blocks east of Red's Trading Post. I steady or part time work Phone 17-3p 3424. 17-lt I 1 >11 SALE — Complete household FOR SALE One small Frigidaire in furnishings excellent quality, used I good condition and one bus suitable only 2 months. Enquire Hathaway j for trailer house. >4 mile east of Garage. 17-3p West Stayton. 17-3p FOR SALE Deluxe steromatic baby, buggy. Up 1st street to Kingwood, | turn left, then first lane right Mrs. Roy Kelrsey. 17-3p — DAVIS Electric & Tavern Supply FOR RENT 27-ft. Universal 3-room trailer Apple Tree Court. Lyons, Ore. 15-3t Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service • MIKE'S Septic Service : I Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned j I Phone SAI.EH 3-9468, COLLECT | 1079 Elm st., iv Satan 2134 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-7193 Salem, Ore. MILL CITY Service Station FISHING TACKLE Directory HARLOW L WEINR1CK PHYSICIAN X- SURGEONL Mill City i II.IIIHIIH IMlUmNMRRIMMMM LIPPOLD - BRENNER Accountanta Bookkeeping Service Auditing Fayroll Reports Income Tax Phones: liill City 207 Salem 3-7615 Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery• Lingerie-Drr««»e« Smocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves. Dishes Clothing, Housewares MAC’S MS 8 Church, next to Salem Parkin» 2nd * Broatlu ay Mill city Hours: 10 to 7 WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS UNOI I.if READV TO-W1 IK HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS RALEIGH HAROLD FLORIST and XI RSEKY 319 W. Wash. Street li> Mocks on IV. Stayton HI«« nv Phone 3684 FLOWERS GOODE’S FLOW ER SHOP Phon,- Blue 64B were visitors on the Little North I T Fork —« i. O.. —nnllincr nt tha nnraa zif Sunday calling at the home of Steve Dark and Ike Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall were Salem visitors Wednesday. Jackie Bickett attended the dance given by the Mill City 7th and Sth grades Friday night. Ike Myers and Bill Bickett attended the meeting of the Farmers and Labor organization in Salem Monday night. Mr. Hanson told of the forma tion and operation of Co-ops in Sweden. Lyle Thomas, state secre tary of the Farmers Union, explained the Brannon plan to the labor or A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum ganizations. The next meeting will be held on yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. May the 29th. Ilrndricsori s Store In the liswr, Hl<lg Stavton Hardware and Furniture Stayton, Oregon By EVA BRESSLER Anyone from Lyons wishing to take advantage of the chest X-ray to be and held in Scio, May 3, 4, and 5, may get their appointment cards at the Lyons telephone office, Alta Bodeker is in charge. FAMI I. Y STYLE MEALS Mrs. Earl Helemn was hostess for the afternoon card club, with her Under New Management party held at the Rebekah hall. Sev eral tables of 500 followed a one thirty dessert luncheon. High score was held by Mabel Bass, I low by Alma Olmstead, and Eulalia 1 Lyons drew the traveling prize. Those attending the party were Alma Olm stead, Mabel Downing, Bee Hiatt, ; Garnett Bassett, Thelma Nydegger, Berneice Bridges, Wilma Free, Ber MILL CITY tha Allen, Eulalia Lyons, Carrie Naue, Dorothy Helemn, Ida Free, A FRIENDLY Mabel Bass, Eva Bressler, and FAMILY hostess Mrs. Helemn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jungwirth ATMOSPHERE Gervais were Sunday guests at PREVAILS home of his brother Mr and Mrs. John Jungwirth. Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the weekend in Salem, Mrs. Lyon who is a teacher in the grade school at Mill City, lives at the home of her sister Mrs. Minnie Smith of Lyons. A Friendly Place Mr. Audrain of Redmond spent sev- | eral days at the home of Mr. and To While Away Mrs. Albert Julian. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and Your Idle Hours sons Donald and Walter spent the weekend at the home of her parents at Burnt Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore visited various points along the coast Sun day. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring were Grove White of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Croitz and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask GATES of Albany. Michael, seven-yearo-ld son of Mr. i and Mrs. Leonard Cruson is in the Salem Memorial hospital suffering with a broken arm. Saturday evening a group of the Santiani lodge members gathered at [the Olin Spiva home in Turner to | help them celebrate their 30th wed- • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • 7 ding anniversary. LAND SURVEYOR J Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn of I Portland spent the weekend at the Farms, Subdivisions, City Lots, | home of his brother Fred I aughn. City Maps and Water Rights B. F. “Sparky" CUSHING J i They also called at the Albert Ring 641'2 N. High St., Salem, Ore. 1 home Ph. 2-6041 Eve.: 2-1669 A district meeting of the Cascade area of the Boy Scouts was held one ••♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•B 1 evening last week Plans were made for Camp Ore which will be held some time in May. Expert Repairing SHELL OIL PRODUCTS Idanha Scout Executives U. S. ROYAL TIRES « Detroit P. E. Fry, Mgr. j Served Turkey Dinner The Spar cafe was the setting for the Troop 43 scout executive turkey ♦ f dinner Friday night. Those being served were Eric Sod- ♦ erburg, Cascade Area council scout and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETROIT supervisor and Mrs Soderburg; Scout STI I J. FIRST IN DETROIT Master Don Striggow and Mrs. Strig- Re«! Ryncarxon Otto Russell gow. Mr and Mrs. John Weisgerber. Glen Dryden Mr. and Mrs S. T. Moore, Mr and Mrs Quincy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert. Mr and Mrs Ray Overhalser and Mr. and Mrs V. arren On rd. TAVERN One Mill East of Detroit JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. Headquarters for Garden Seeds (Packet or Bulk Pack) ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS LYONS Mill City Hotel Various Types of Garden Tools, Etc SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON, OREGON Boarding House I nomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE Les’s Tavern YODEILMARTIN Construction Co GENERAL CONTRACTORS i Detroit Tavern ♦ ri ion BRUCE Stavton. Ore. WF.DDLF. FUNERAL HOME I) AVID M. REID Modern Funeral Service ST VITON OREGON Real Estate Mill City B JUST ARRIVED— l4i<ll>x i»n,l < hlMrrn’o I mbrrlln« Hath Towel« — Aprons llnndkerchlrf« Sheet« — Emhrol.Irrel Cnara Tnbterloth« Private Dining Room Notice is hereby given by the Board ... — —■ of Directors of the Gates Rural Fire Protection District that at 10 a.m., May 5th, 1950 or thereafter, that general obligation bonds will be sold to the highest bidder in the amount of $5,000, and bearing 4% interest. Said bonds shall be sold for cash and shall not be sold for less than par value thereof. Place of sale, Mill City State Bank. Said bonds will be redeemed by a 10 mill special levy voted by the patrons of said district on April 17, 1950. OSWALD K. HIRTE, President W. M. PENNICK, Sec.-Treas. Publication dates April 20, 27, 1950. Canyon Garage VER\I7S BARBER SHOP y HOWARD CORSET SHOP CAFE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS Expert Bulldozing Road Building Tearing, Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work We Always Guarantee Our Work Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 II u Professional I Albany Mom & Pop s TAVERN SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES Attorney at law NOTICE The County Board of Equalization By ELSIE MYERS will convene on Monday, May 8th, 1950, at the Court House in Albany, ELKHORN CENSUS Kenneth Randall who has been tak Linn County, Oregon, and remain in session three weeks or until the ex ing the census from Howell to the amination, correction and equaliza mines, eleven miles above the Elk tion of the assessment rolls have been horn Guest Ranch, completed his ter completed. Application for reduction ritory the middle of this week. of assessment shall be in writing, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and fotir verified as by law required, and filed with the board within the first week small grand children were guests of it is by law required to be in session. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett and family at a weiner roast Sunday. JOHN W. SHEPPARD. Assessor of Linn County. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark and boys Publication April 20, 27, May 4, 1950 • attended the pie social Friday night ZZ”Z “ Z sDonsored by the Jordan Farmers NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF SK? ms"wc«r ™ and Mrs Joh" N!a‘,of RICH ARD'S C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. 318 Broadalbin ELKHORN April 27, 1950 < LEGAL ADVERTISING »-THE MILL CJTY ENTERPRISE ♦ Don't Borrow—Subm-rib«* Today! I I I I I I I I It’s New! It’s Smart! MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter NEW LOW PRICES for the Remington Rand ADDING MACHINE See this speedy...compact portable today. It’s the biggest dollar value you can get. Has the amazing 10-key simplified you automatic column selection. Just enter figures as you would write them. Has total • . . sub-total . . . multiply . . . release and correction keys. Full 5' carriage. ADDS • MULTIPLIES • LISTS AND TOTALS TO $99,999.99 MILL CITY DISPOS || SEBI ICE Kcal Estate Siile Milt CHy I ISTIXGS II IXTI D 0/ I, Roen Typewriter Exchange 156 Court St. SALEM. ( », I I I I I I i i