Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
I»—THF. MIIJ. CITY ENTERPRISE__________ _______________ April 27, I »50 Lyons Driver Sentenced For Drunk Driving the pot-luck dinner and meeting to follow. A 30-day jail sentence was imposed Here This Sunday During the evening service at the Tuesday in Marion county district The district meeting of the Linn First Christian Church Mr. Ed. Eld- court on a repeat offender charged county Churches of Christ will be ! ridge, field representative from the with driving while intoxicated. held in Mill City this Sunday after Eugene school and the college quartet Standley B Hybart, Lyons, pleaded will be in charge. noon. guilty of the charge and was com special «peaker during the after mitted to the county jail. He also noon will be Prof. Wm. Slefke, prof- was fined $250 and costs. eaeor at Northwest Christian college Judge Joseph B. Felton said Hybart In Eugene Churches from all of | had been convicted in his court in Unn county will be represented at 1948 on the same charge. First of By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT The T. and H. Logging Co. expect fenders usually are fined and receive to start operations on their clearing suspended jail sentences. contract above Breitenbush Hot Springs about the first of May. Mrs. E. W. Bray and daughter Mrs. Harvey Nelson and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Ruth Witt and A. R. Tohl Stanley Whits were shopping In drove to see the annual boat parade Salem on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Holbert and on the McKenzie river last Sunday. Sweden Soft Freeze sons Butch and Johnny, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman Sr., wife of Mrs. Henry Manasco, called on Mr. Mill City's mayor, has returned to OPEN SEVEN DAYS and Mrs. Joe Wright at the Marion i her home from the Salem Memorial A WEEK Motel on Saturday where Joe is con hospital and is reported to be im ('buck Fay lor and Ham Engle valescing following an operation at proving. Owner» Salem Memorial hospital on April 4. Mr. and Mrs Frank Rada plan to He is improving slowly leave Friday to visit their son and family in Pendleton. They plan to ' Btay 3 or 4 days and will also stay overnight in Portland with friends. Mrs. McDonna and Mr. and Mrs. Caughman of Los Angeles. Calif., were recent visitors at the Dick Tur pin home. Miss Frances Caraway of Portland spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caraway. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carlile of Me- o o ; hama have purchased the house Mr. I and Mrs Melbourne recently vacated s Mrs Zeta Chambers and Mary- o Ellen and Martin Craig of Newberg I spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig. and Mrs. Don Roy of Salem O are Mr. announcing the birth of a son s Joseph, born April 18 at the Salem s Memorial hospital. 0 Mr and Mrs Charley Day announce 0 the engagement of their niece, Betty Jean Class to James Lyle Staley, son of Mr and Mrs J M. Staley of Har lowton. Montana. No date has been I set for the wedding. Church Convention Scheduled DETROIT VIVS Steak House MILL CITY Meals - Fountain Photo Finishing - 24 hour service Lending Library Housewares Toys Gift Items Socks Underwear Notions MILL CITY VARIETY Jim O’l^eary Irene O’Iæary Unemployment Caused By Private Power Says Flegel The opposition of private power companies to the constuation of mul tiple purpose dams on the Columbia and transmission lines to load centers has contributed largely to Oregon's present unemployment problem, as serted Austin F. Flegel, candidate for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor, in an address before the Wood bum. Oregon, central labor council tonight. ■ Manufacturing jobs are the real basis for all employment", stated Flegel, "and the answer to our pre sent problem is low cost Columbia River power widely distributed and made immediately available to the numerous industries which are now seeking to locate in Oregon, but which are denied that opportunity because we do not have the firm power to take care of their require ments. The reason we have not developed the power resources of the Columbia faster than we have is due in large exteitf to the opposition of selfish in terests, such as the power companies, which have opposed every major step taken toward the development of this great power resources,” Flegel said. He went on to point out that the private power companies opposed construction of Bonneville and Grand Coulee dams, unless they could buy up at the bus bar all the power gen erated. He asserted that certain .of these utilities are now fighting the construction of the Bonneville trans mission loop from McNary dam, to Klamath Falls. Medford. Grants Pass and Roseburg, "to take care of those districts which have sufferd so much because of the power shortage and resultant unemployment. Flegel stated that during the past decade. Oregon's manufacturing jobs increased only 35,000, despite the fact that during that time our total popu lation increased between 600,000 and 700 000 Boxing Control Needed Says Medic Committee You will commit the fewest faults in judging if you are faultless in your That boxing in all its ramifications MMnuanHHaiaQQHnnQHnnnannnunEinnnn aasnnBHMHnnnnHBHnetH | own life. demands the closest kind of supervi sion and control, was stated in an editorial this week in the Journal of the American Medical association. The article said any activity in which the head is often the target of blows carries an inherent risk. It continued. "There is a resultant poten tial of permanent injury to the cen tral nervous system, particularly the Ht VI T» Kt '1 X DrrMM .>< • Maître»*—you that lu»- urial lag Urrp. ,kal healthful. wtudeMiue real you cun to hr w BUY ON OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS ¿ SHEET HOME U >MILL C/TY Ml'NKIPAL OOl'RT Put out your campfire before you For violation basic rule, speeding: leave the woods. Pete Ellis Elision, Forest Grove, bail $12.50; Donald Erwin Greer, Mill City, fine $12 50; Priscilla Wiltsey, Salem, fine $10; Harold Lee Rude. Seattle, GUARANTEED bail $10; Gordon T. Pipkin, Portland, bail $10; Dale Eugene Beck. Stayton, WATCH fine $10; Merle Stewart. Mill City, fine $12.50; Raleigh R Aplin, Port REPAIRING land. bail $10; Donald Earle Woodry, Salem, bail $15; Gerald Ross Lewin. Stayton. fine $17; and Arthur Kern Shirk, Delano, Calif , bail $12.50. Drunk driving: William Arthur Kangas, Gates, fine $250, operator s license revoked tor one year; Hollis Expert work. Sampson McMinds, Mill City, fine Finest mate- $250, operator’s license revoked for rials. Work done promptly... one year. and guaranteed. Let us give Illegal parking: Harold Turner. Mill you a free estimate. City, fine $2 50; and George Hall, Mill City, fine $2.50. WATCHES Drunk on public street: Norman DIAMONDS Lee Fry. Gates, fine $19.50 brain, that may eventuate in a loss of mental power and physical co-ordina They stressed the need for tion. safety precautions and exacting health standards. Few schools it was believed, are in position to provide the proper super vision. JEWELRY FOSTORIA Baker's Mill City Jewelry Superb Cooking Atmosphere SIMPLE SECRET: Fine food, prepared by a careful chef. Women love our colorful atmosphere— Men like our fine food.