Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
SPECIAL SERVICES ANNOUNCED The Mill City Community church announced special services for this weekend. Rev. Clarence Harms from Belle- flower, California will conduct the special services on Friday night and on Sunday, Rev Wayne Watkins, pastor of the church announced. IDANHA STAMP PROGRAM FOR TH! REMAINDER OF 1050 9—THE MILI, CITY ENTERPRISE April 37, iaa> The Postmaster General has announced the following list of new postage stamps approved for issue during the remainder of 1950, together with the place and date of first day sale of each DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH By REBA SNYDER 3-cent Freedom. National Capital Washington. DC Sunday school at 10 a.m. April 20 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Evenson and Sesquicentennial Series Morning worship 11 a.m. family, Salem, were weekend Idanha I 3-cent Jackson, Tenn. Railroad Engineers of April 29 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. • visitors. Eddie celebrated his birth America North MUI City Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. day with dinner in the home of Mr. 3-cent Gateway to the West— Kansas City, Mo June 3 Sunday school at 10 a.m. Midwest Centenary and Mrs Kenny Clark and family, Warren Knape, Pastor I 3-cent Executive, National Capital Washington. D.C Morning worship 11 a m. • • • ..........June 12 on Sunday. Sesquicentennial Series Junior church 11:00 a.m. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Lierman and ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Valley Forge. Pa June 30 baby of Stayton were Sunday guests 3-cent Boy Scouts of America Evening service 7:30 p.m. ( Hl'RCH, HILI. CITY Vincennes. Ind I 3-cent Indiana Territory Sesqui July 4 of Mr and Mrs. Vernon Hallford and Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p Mass at 9 A.M. centennial baby. Phone 1906 Washington, D.C Judicial. National Capital August 2 Confessions heard before Mass. Arnold R. Snyder, of the Gen. H B. 3-cetU Sesquicentennial Series Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Freeman, flew home from Seattle 3-cent California Statehood Sacramento, Calif. ....... . Sept 9 • • » Father C. Mai, Pastor Friday night to spend a couple days 3-cent Legislative, National Capital Washington, D.C. Nov 22 COMMUNITY CHURCH • • • with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. R Sesquicentennial Series Full Gospel Preaching L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Snvder and his brothers. Donald and Sunday school 10 A M. Detroit Leonard Low Income Form Loans Morning worship 11 A M. Mrs. Anna Girod. Salem is visiting ; Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. Loans to low income farmers arc Evangelistic service 8 P.M. in the home of her son. Lloyd Girod in high school building, Detroit. available at the Farmers Home Ad and family. Girod returned home Butler's Trailer News, Gates Preaching services Wednesday and Priethood meeting 11 a.m. ministration, United States Depart Friday 8 P.M. Friday, from a week campaign in the Zealand Fryer, Presiding Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson spent ment of Agriculture, at 4 percent valley. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor • • • The Baldwin car caught fire Mon the weekend in Portland visiting interest for periods up to 33 years • • • These loans are for people who can day noon due to faulty wiring, with friends. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Ora and Connie Hauser came down not get financed elsewhere, and whose FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH little damage. OF CHRIST Dude Renner is improving nicely. from Carson, Wash., over the week farming and other income show that Morning worship 11 a.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m. A pick used to remove rubbish from end, and got their trailer. They are they can pay off the loan as sched Music by choir. Morning worship 11 a.m. uled. Dr. David J Ferguson. Preaching the school grounds was run through returning to Carson. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Joanna Nolan and sons spent There is no money for refinancing Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs his finger, just nicking the bone, while Evening worship 7:30 p.m. present obligations, as all money is Arthur Kreiver, leader. clearing the grounds last week. He the weekend in Woodburn. Bob Chase motored to the coast appropriated for new houses, barns, Walter Smith, Pastor was treated by the local physician. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Brown went Saturday evening, to do some trout etc., and for repair or remodeling of IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH present structures. by bus Friday evening to Bend, where fishing. Sunday School 10 A M. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson and Applications are now being taken they spent a couple days with Brown's Morning Service 11 A.M laughter, Mrs. O. G. Nichols and son Dennis have been transferred to for Linn, Lincoln and Benton counties Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. Empire. Mr. Johnson is concerned at the Farmers Home Administration family. office in Room 222, Post Office Build Evening Service 7 P.M. Darlene Storey has for the past with the Gates Construction Co. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M week been suffering from Trench Johnny Esch spent a pleasant day ing in Albany. VETERINARIAN The County Supervisor, Martin H. Eldon Haley, Pastor mouth, her condition is much im-j Sunday, when his wife and friends came up from Portland to see him. Baker, is In the office only on Tues • • • proved. She is being treated by our STAYTON local physician. Dr. Willcut. Other Walter Thompson and John Ham days, but the office is open daily, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH mond spent the weekend m Portland Monday through Friday. PHONE 4148 cases have been reported. Services every Lord's day with their families. The applicant must have a deed Mrs. Homer Shaw and daughter, Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Dick and Dorothy Long motored to to the land on which the construction Opposite Grants Pass, Oregon, came Friday to Portland Sunday. or remodeling is to be done. How Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Claude lewis’ Service Station visit her sister. Mrs. Harold Perton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hershfelt were ever, in many instances a second Evening worship 7:30 P.M. who is quite ill in the Salem Memor guests at Pearl and Art Durhams mortgage will be accepted by the T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor ial hospital, and her mother and an Sunday. Farmers Home Administration as se other sister, Mrs. Nina Tucker and curity for the loan, said Baker. Delphine and two brothers R. L. and CARE HEADQUARTERS If the applicant can bring in tenta Frank Tucker. CARE food and textile orders for tive plans, or a rough sketch, show Jack Ward and wife, agents from persons in Europe and Asia can again ing the type of construction, esti Salem for the Miracle Maid alumin be forwarded through Portland head mated cost, along with title evidence ium ware cookery company of Chi quarters, according to Mr. Edward such as a deed or mortgage, a great cago, served at the home of Mr. and Flynn, west coast director of CARE, deal of time will be saved. Mrs. Even Evenson, Friday night a the Co-operative American Remit ham dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Athol tances to Europe. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Frank New, Arrangements have just been com FROZEN FOODS Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon and the pleted with the Oregon Council of | hosts. Mrs. New drew a prize of a Churches to handle all orders for frying pan and the hostess was given ! CARE coming from Oregon. Full in a larger one. formation on the many varieties of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perton are the CARE packages may be obtained by GENERAL AUTO and parents of a 7 and a half pound boy, writing CARE, 215 SE Ninth Ave., TRUCK REPAIR bom in the Salem Memorial hospital, Portland 14, Oregon, or by telephon HALVES AND SEGMENTS, No. <an Thursday, April 20. Mrs. Perton's [ ing EAst 3544. Arc and Acetylene condition was not good Friday and Saturday but is much improved and He who has health has hope, and Welding he who has hope has everything. able to return home Tuesday. Phone 3452 No one is rich enough to do with SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagles out a neighbor.—Danish proverb. 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Church Activities TRAILER COURTS MASTER it's HMP Popular - - beca A»*«/ um SPECIAL A.p|NT”OiftR I A STM J. W. GOIN MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries A1GLO TRADE MARK STAY-WHITE Regularly $1.39 Until Moy 31, 1950 Try a pint of KEM-GLO, in white that stays white, at only 98f, Today! A pint covers up to 50 square feet. • 10 lovely colors in quarts and gallons. Pints in Stay* white only. SANTIAM GARAGE PEACHES FRERES Building Supply Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.O.O.F. meets every Friday night. Visiting brothers welcome. Open Friday Afternoons PHOTO SHOP Phone 2243 MILL CITY itfinHiim mi Hiniii.iiMAiHiii muwiiiiiiin'B DR. MARK I AHHI L ICI M > REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST i Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 8 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY I X ■ Drive in and let a Factory Trained Expert check your Front End for a K X Tire Wear, Stearin^ Gear, and all Front End Parts » » FREE FRONT END INSPECTION DI E TO HIGHWAY CONDITIONS AT THE PRESENT TIME NUMEROUS CAR OWNERS ARE DRIVING THEIR AUTOMOBILES UNAWARE THAT THEY HIT A SMALL CHUCK HOLE WHICH SEEMED TRIVIAL AT THE TIME, BUT STILL HARD ENOUGH TO KNOCK THEIR FRONT WE CAN F SAVE YOU END OUT OF ALIGNMENT. THE MONEY IF ME CAN CATCH VOIR CAR BEFORE 1 TIRES ARE WORN. THE MAKE SURE YOUR C AR IS SAFE TO DRIVE. NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN SALEM DRIVE IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Tins FREE OFFER. X 1 X X 2 r a x x XX Phone 3-3175 anybody with foreign “isms” to tell them how to lead their lives from the cradle to the grave. Were they “yokels,” Gene? Maybe there’s a reason why the boys on the big city dailies arc poking fun at “Deadwood Dave.” They all be long to the Newspaper Guild which is affiliated with the CIO. Have you seen the issue of the CIO News for Jan uary 2, 1950 which lists Wayne Morse as the only "Repub lican" senator with a perfect record of voting for CIO- sponsored measures? Gene, we know you take your orders, from the labor bosses, is that where Morse gets his orders? Well, Gene we know the spot you are in. Oregon is on the spot, too. It will be six years before the people of Oregon will get another chance to vote on the office Morse now occupies in the U. S. Senate. Maybe this is the last chance the rest of us “yokels” will have to wake up before the labor bosses and the bur eaucrats put a yoke around our necks for good! After all, if only a pinko college professor who has never had to meet payroll, who has never worn his coun try's uniform in time of war and who has fed at the public trough since he got his college diploma in Wisconsin is the only type of man qualified to hold public office in this country all we can say is GOD HELP AMERICA! Dear Gene:—It is common knowledge that no-one in the state of Oregon thinks less of .Wayne Morse than you do. Time and again Joe Battaglia, Heinie Detloff and the others around the table at Hilaire’s have heard you de nounce Morse as a “commie” sympathizer and political racketeer. Why, then have you used the old, familiar "commie" smear technique in the last two issues of the Oregon Labor Press calling Dave Hoover an illiterate and unintelligent "yokel?" You know better, Gene. You know that Hoover has had three years of law training and is well informed on world DAVE HOOVER: Born in 189H on a farm in Wayne and domestic problems. He takes short-hand fluently and County, Indiana, of Quaker parentage. After leaving the is an expert typist. "little red schoolhouse” attended Richmond, Indiana high We know why the Labor Press called Hoover a “yokel Gene. Because, like most the rest of us, you have to work school, immediately following graduation, enlisted in the for a living. Your bosses at the Labor Temple have had U. S. Army on May 6, 1917. Following war service, was employed by cotton exporting firm at Ardmore, Oklahoma. their orders from the big labor bosses in the East. When our advertising man tried to buy space in the Moved to Los Angeles in 1923. Employed in law enforce Labor Press to answer the scurrilous and unfounded at ment by Los Angeies county. Attended Southwestern I ni- tacks on Hoover you told him "nothing doing." You had versity Law School 1930-1932. Resigned from his Los your orders on that. too. NN hat about Ereedom of the Press, Angeles County law enforcement possition in 1942 after Gene? And what about Ereedom itself? Will America making outstanding record and returned to farming at continue to be free when the labor bo^es and bureau Deadwood, Lane county, Oregon. Member Dairy Herd crats take over? Right now the labor bosses are tapping Improvement association and deeply interested in the ad the rank and file of union labor $2 per head nationally to vancement of agriculture and the dairy industry. Long a put up a slush fund for their pals like Morse an estimated student and supporter of good government. $15 million dollars. We never heard of the membership of a union being given a chance to vote on such things. The labor bosses pick who they want to throw their support and the mem bership's money to. Do they regard their own Union mem bers as “yokels?” Are you calling Hoover a “yokel” in the Labor Press, Gene, because he owns and works a 4<M> acre farm in Lane county? According to "Who’s Who,” Jim Marr, execu tive-secretary of the Oregon State Federation of Labor "began as a farm laborer.” From the same source we learn. Gene, that your first job out of college was with a farm implement concern. Kelley Loe, political “brain” at the labor temple was bom on a farm. Charles L. McNary and Abraham Lincoln were also bom on the farm. Would you say they were “yokels?” Have you forgotten. Gene, that America was built by | men like Dave Hoover who were not afraid to go out into . the country and work with their hands? Those pioneers | \r f \ TZ T? I r J Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoover attend a who came to Oregon in covered wagons carried an axe in I I f IV i\ I j o • Clackamaa Republican Rally accompan one hand and a Bible in the other and they didn't need ied by Walter R. May, Co-Publi»her Oregon City Er.terpriae-Courier Take the State of Oregon Away From the Federal Government—Give It Back to the People. ELECT \ REAL REPUBLICAN—A RE A L AMERICAN . . . I he Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. SALEM, OREGON 510 No. Commercial Street WHO CALLS HOOVER A ‘YOKEL’ and Why! An Open Letter to S. Eugene Allen Editor of the Oregon Labor Press McEWAN Mill City FREE 2ft 2 For 47c »2.39 Qt. »7.98 Gal. Get your PINT of KEM- / GLO Stay-white at only 98f, I TODAY! Bring this ad to I Friday & Saturday Special I » « » Teooacx XX XOK DAVE HOOVER FOR U. S. SENATOR HOOVER for U. S. SENATOR Committee, James A. Rodman. General Chairman, 203 Broadway-Oak Building, Portland 5, Oregon