The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 27, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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Thursday from Grants Pass were her
uncle George Griffin, who Mrs. Cole
had not seen for 14 years and his
daughter-in-law from Dallas, Mrs.
Mrs. Glen Hearing was compli­ Dale Griffin. Sunday guests at the
mented, Tuesday evening, April 18th, Cole home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray­
when a group of her friends gathered mond Reif and Mr. and Mrs. Clay
at her home to surprise her on her Engle from Mollala. Mr. and Mrs.
birthday anniversary. The evening Burrell Cole motored to Salem Sun­
was spent informally. Mrs. Hearing day to bring their small grand-daugh­
was presented with several lovely ter, Sharlene home from the hospital
gifts and a beautifully decorated and where she had been for several days.
Mrs. Minnie Everton is spending
lighted birthday cake. Refreshments
were served to the honored guest, the week in Portland at the home of
Mrs. Hearing, Mr. Hearing, Mr. and relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Cole and
Mrs. Frank Saunders, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Völkel and Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ daughter Joanne were at Wilhoit
Springs over Sunday.
man Garrison.
Overnight guests at the home of News of the death of Louis Stoffel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, Thurs­ was received by relatives here Sun­
day and Friday were Mr. and Mrs. day. He was stricken with a heart
Harry Downey from Drew, Oregon, attack at his home in Portland, Sat­
near Crater Lake. Sunday visitors urday, which proved fatal. Mr. Stof­
at the Saunders’ home were Mr. and fel and his family were former resi­
dents of Gates. Surviving him ari-
Mrs. Claude Murphy of Salem.
Mrs. Howard Taylor, formerly Miss his wife, Julia Nystrum Stoffel, a
Louise Graffe, was a Gates visitor daughter, Verna Hunziker and grand­
Sunday, while here she called on son Wayne. Also sisters and rela­
Mrs. Lula Collins. Mrs. Taylor was tives in the East.
a former Gates girl and has many old Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison and
son Gedald were Sunday guests ait
friends here.
the home of Mrs. Garrison’s brother.
Guests at the Burrell Cole home Herman Zeller in Scio.
Mr. and Mrs E. V. Collins of Esta­
cada arrived at the home of his
mother Mrs. Lula Collins, last Sun­
day in a new car. The family drove
to the dam and on to Detroit before
returning home.
Ernest Chlttick and Lyle Rush,
both of Salem spent Sunday at the
Clarence Rush home. Chittick Is
Mrs. Rush’s brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver and new
baby, Bill and Ed. Keith Oliver all
from Corvallis and Miss Jean Oliver
of Salem were weekend guests at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Clyde Oliver. Mrs. Oliver, who had
been in Corvallis since the birth of her
first grand-child returned home with
the boys.
Mr and Mrs. Floyd Völkel were
called out of town Saturday by the
serious illness of her brother. It is
reported that her father is also ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sitewart spent
Complete spring check­
a week in Portland where Stewart
was under observation and under­
up to take winter creaks
going numerous tests to determine
out of your car, put it in
the extent of injuries received in an
top condition!
accident in Oregon City two weeks
ago, when the Stewart car was struck
□ An ««pert chassis lubrication
by a truck.
Mrs. Nettie Glover who has been at
n Crankcase drained, flushed,
the home of her daughter and son-in-
refilled with RPM Motor Oil
law. Mr and Mrs Paul Davis, since
□ Oil filter serviced
early fall left for her home in Carbon
Hill. Alabama, Saturday. Word re­
□ Transmission and differential
ceived of the serious illness and hos­
drained, flushed and refilled
pitalization of another daughter
caused her sudden departure
□ Automatic transmission
Mrs Fount Paul was quite ill and
under a doctor's care at her home this
□ Front wheel bearings In-
week with the flu Mrs Paul had
been in Portland at the bedside of her
‘ spected and re packed
mother, who was in a hospital there
□ Battery checked, cleaned
when she was called to Eugene by the
and serviced
news that her brother, had suffered
a heart attack.
□ Radiator flushed, Inspected,
Mrs. Walter Brisbin accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyons to Portland
one day last week While there Mrs.
□ Tires and spare cross­
Brisbin visited Orvill Hayward, her
switched, thoroughly in­
son who has been confined to a hos­
spected. properly inflated
pital there since last October. She
PLUS: A doien extra safety
reports he is much better. He was
injured in a car accident.
checks and services! Service
Mr and Mrs. Albert Millsap spent
to suit your convenience.
Sunday at the home of their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­
mund Klecker In Stayton.
Mrs. Wilson Park, accompanied by
Mrs Larry Shelton were among those
shopping in Salem Friday.
The annual Junior-Senior banquet
of the Gates high school was held in
Salem. Friday evening at the Marion
hotel. Mr and Mrs. T. R. Burton,
Mr. and Mrs Hall. Mrs. Bowling and
| Mrs. Velma Carey accompanied the
We take better care of your car
classes and their guests.
Jean Oliver from Salem and Bill,
Ed Keith. Mr and Mrs Bob Oliver
| and new baby daughter. Sheryl Louise
, from Corvallis visited over the week­
end at their parents home They
brought Mrs. Clyde Oliver and Don-
| alee home from Corvallis where they
i had been the past week caring for the
new grand-daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Cruson, and
The Detroit Womans civic club met Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson and
Wednesday evening, April 19th. at the Bonnie of Fox Volley motored to
home of Mrs. Zeda Rynearson New Medford and Ashland Saturday, April
officers for the ensuing year were 15, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
elected. They are: President, Mrs. Cruson and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Skidmore: Vice President. Gordon Hudson. They were called
Mrs. S. T. Moore; Secretary,Mrs. Earl home Sunday because of an accident.
Parker and Treasurer, Mrs. Eldon Micheál, small son of Lenard, fell and
White. The retiring ofifeers acted as fractured his elbow. He Is in Salem
hostesses. Mrs. Roy Johnson an­ General hospital, and will be there
nounced that the T. B. Mobile Unit, on for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs Al Johnson, and
which the members worked last year,
will not visit the Detroit area again grand-daughter, Pat Woods, all of
until 1952, due to a change of zoning Seaside, were visitors at the home of
for the Unit. Anyone wishing a chest Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson of Fox
X-ray, however, may go to the Mobile Valley last week-end. Mrs. Johnson
Unit and receive this free service. ! is Leo’s aunt.
The next meeting of the club will be
at the home of Betty Dean with Mrs. GATES FIREMAN DANC E
S. T. Moore as co-hostesa on May 3rd. The Gates Firemen sponsored a
The Eastern Star club met at the benefit dance in the high school
C.C.C. Camp on Tuesday, April 18th, 1 gymnasium, Saturday evening. It is
and entertained their husbands with reported that $150.00 was cleared
a Canasta party. The committee in , above expenses, the money raised to
charge was, Mrs. Vem Alvin. Mrs. be used to purchase equipment. An­
Earl Parker and Mrs. George Davis. other dance will be given in two
Hostesses were Mrs. Bob Steele and weeks
Mrs. John Ray. High score was won
Quality iob printing at the Enter­
by Vern Alvin. There were 21 pre­
sent. The next meeting will be at prise.
the C.C.C. Camp the first Tuesday
afternoon in May.
The Amatuer show which is being
prepared by the Idanha Theatre
group, for the benefit of the Idanha
Community church, will be given at
the auditorium on May 5, instead of
the 6th as had been previously an­
One Day or
nounced. The change of date is to
remove the conflict with the B t
While You Wait
Scout circus in Salem on the 0th.
Amateurs may enter the competition
by registering at Baldwin's store in
Detroit or Gillespie’s store in Idanha.
Mill City
Prizes will be given for the best
Work Boots
Repaired in
Crankshaft Grinding
Mill City Auto Supply
1st and Broadway
Myron’s Packaged Meats
Phone 1652
Mill City, Or®
Sand and Gravel Co.
Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road
Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock
Kellom's Grocery
8 A M. to 7 P.M.
9 A M. to 4 P.M.
Shovel and Trucks for Hire
I 297 Nights
MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days
Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road
Feather-bedding scheme of Firemen’s Union to put an additional
fireman on diesel locomotives has been
Fact Finding Boards appointed by Presidents Roosevelt and Truman
have said these demands were "devoid of merit" and they were
Now the Firemen’s leaders seek to paralyze railroad transportation
to compel the railroads to employ a wholly unnecessary additional
fireman to ride on diesel locomotives. This scheme is plain
PENNSYLVANIA sooxisispiw
Buy tied at reduced pelea of
Got flrat quality tube
Total Price
Plu» to« •• t*re oRd tube
650 X 16
Pennsylvania tire $16 95 . . , tube 1<
Totol cost $16 96
plue toe an tiro
and tube
I 2-Monfh Guarantee
Against All Road Hazards
The»» Penn«vl»*nta Tire» «nd
Tube» are hrtt quality
pruet imlu-te allowance on old
tires regardless ol condition
. .
Wbethe' »ou need tire» immedi-
ately or in the near future, thia
it your oopottumrv to e” oy reol
»«'innv Cowe ig today •
iMill City Service Station
L eaders or the Firemen's union have
called a nationwide strike starting with
four great railroads on April 26. These
railroads are the New York Central. Penn­
sylvania, Santa Fe. and Southern.
Tlie union claim that a second fireman
is needed on grounds of safety is sheer
hvp-H-risy. Safety has been dragged into
this dispute only m an unsuccessful effort
to give a cloak of respectability to vicious
feather-bedding demands.
After a careful study of the first de­
mands of this union, a Presidential Fact
Finding Board on May 21, 1943, reported
to President Roosevelt that there was no
need for an extra fireman on diesel
Again, on September 19, 1949. after a
second hearing on the union leaders’ de­
mands. a second Board reported to Presi­
dent Truman that ' there presently exists
no need for an additional fireman ... upon
either the ground of safety or that of
efficiency and economy of operation.”
Safety Record of Dieeels is
Outstandingly Good
Although the railroads accepted the ftoard
findings, the union leaden have brasenly
rejected them They represent that an
extra fireman is needed for safety” rea­
sons. Here’s what the Board had to say
on that point:
"The safety and on-time performance
of diesel electric locomotives operated
under current rules have been notably
good ...
“Upon careful analysis of the data sub­
mitted on safety, we have concluded
that no valid reasons have been shown
as a support for the Brotherhood pro­
posal under which a fireman would be
required to be at all times continuously
in the cab of road diesels. The proposal
must be rejected.”
The renf reason behind these demands is
that the union leaders are trying to make
jobs where there is no work. In other
words, a plain case of "feather-I•cdding."
The railroads have no intention of yield­
ing to these wasteful make-work demand«.
Th« Safety Record of Diesels
is Outstandingly Good ..
P sbsidsntial F act F inding B oard R bport
Read these excerpts from official reports
of Presidential Fact Finding Board»:
The safety record of Diesels is out­
standingly good, and it follows that
the safety rule» now applicable have
produced good results.’’
The safety and on tune performance
of Diesel-electric locomotives operated
under current rules indicate that
Diesel electric operation has been safer
than steam locomotive operation ...”
Remember* These are not statements of
the railroads. They are just a few of ths
many similar conclusions reached by Preal-
dent Truman's Fact Finding Board which
spent months Investigating the claims of
the union leaders.
R ailroad
publishing thia and other advertiarmeate to talk to you
at «rat hand ooflt matters which are important to everybody