Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
Wants and Sales FOR SALE Pansy plants. Call Mrs FOR SALE — Daveno $9 95. Red's Hill Top Trading Poat. 15-lt John Trask 15-lp FOR SAL® — Trailer house, 26 foot, CASH PAID For used pistols and dual wheels 5 extra good tires and rifles. See Dick Paynter, Martin’s kerosene range, $350. cash. Worth Trailer Court, 1st trailer on left. more R. L. Stafford, Route 1, Box 13-3p 102, Lyons, Ore. 13-3p .WANTED AT ONCE 3 bedrooms and bath, apartment or house. See FOR SALE — Lots, in Linn county, between Mill City and Gates, 50x new owner of Viv’s Steak House. 100 for $150.00 R. L. Stafford, 13-3t Route 1. Box 102, Lyons, Ore. 13-5p WANTED — Flowers and vegetable plants when you do your thinning FOR SALE — 27-foot. Alma trailer house 6 ft. Frigidaire, hot water, Call Geo. Steffy and he'll come and dollies, awning and painted ply get ’em. 14tf wood porch, 15-gal. oil tank built in body, floor heat. Everything FOR SALE Clean trailer house with excellent condition. $2,200, can be $400 00. Mr. Bain, Martin’s financed. Box 91, Woodburn, Ore. - Court. 15-lt or phone Gervais 3333 days. 13-3p FOR SALE Striking clock. See at FOR RENT — Housekeeping rooms Mill City Jewelry. 15-lt for men, good beds, everything fur LIST YOUR homes and farms with nished. $1 a night. Rates if two me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, men in one room. West end of Gates, Detroit, Lyons. David M. Broadway, south side of RR cross Reid, Real Estate. 3tf ing under the fir trees. 13tf FOR SALE — Montag stove, good FOR RENT—3-rm. furnished apart condition, $25.00. See Mrs. Geo. ment, modern, garage. E. D. Crook, out West Broadway, Mill Cooke. 5tf City. 14-3p FOR SALE—New double constructed ’ PLEASE LIST all available rooms, stucco duplex. For sale by owner, room and board, houses and apts. call The Enterprise. 49tf ; Write, telephone or visit Personnel FOR RENT — Furnished apartments Dept. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated by the day, week or month. Apple Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Tree Court, Lyons, Ore. 15-3t FOR RENT Duplex, partly furnish ed, inquire at Manolis Santiam FOR SALE — Marshall strawberry plants $12 per M. Cheaper if you Cafe. 13-3t dig. On hill W. of hi school. 14-3p FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue berry plants. Grown in west for FOR SALE—7-room two-story mod em house and two acres, on high western planting. Write to Tony way and school bus route. Good Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm garage. Ideal for rooming house, for price list. Route 1, Box 242, only 30 miles from Detroit dam. Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 $6 500 00. Write box 159, Mill City EXPERT AUTO and home radio for further information. 15-4t service, 20 years experience, all FOR SALE — Nice building lot on makes. Guaranteed service. paved road in Gates. Can build if Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf desired, terms. Inquire at Garrison FOR LEASE — Richfield Oil Corp, Variety Store, Gates. 15-3p offers lease, station at Mill City to reliable party at inventory. For FOR SALE- Cas ranges $18.75, na tural gas converted to butane, details call 5265 at Stayton for Mr. tested and set up in your house. Morgan or Mr. Holden at Salem Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 15-lt 2-0761 evening*. 14-3p FOR SALE One Guel y cow, to FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean ing equipment call your Fuller freshen soon. See Otto Witt near Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. Martin’s Trailer Court. 13-3p 1, Box 229, Aumsville, Ore. 3tf JIOR RENT 6-room house, 3 bed rooms in Mehama. Call Stayton FOR SALE 2-bedrooni house on lot Good business 3224, or .347 Ida St., Stayton. 13-3p I 50x200 feet deep. site on new highway. Contact Rev. A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Watkin* or Phone 634. 15-3p yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per FOR SALE 6-year crib and mat sq yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. tress, and baby car seat Good WANTED Day work, house clean condition. All for 310. See Mrs. ing. washing, etc. Mrs. Bertha Rambo back of Hathaways garage. Shepherd, phone 2107, Shepherd's 15-lt addition. 14-3p FOR SALE 25-ft. house Trailer, '47 FOR SALE 6-rooni house, barn, model. $1,250 00. Mill City Cabinet chicken house, orchard, several , Shop 15-3p I acres of good garden soil goes with this place, can all be irrigated, at-1 tractive terms can be had. Phone 742, Royal Johnson, 2 mi. each of Gates in Linn county. 12-5p , MILL CITY Service Station C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKLE Mill City Hotel and Boarding House FAMILY STYLE MEALS Under New Management Les’s Tavern MILL CITY A Friendy Family Atmosphere Prevails See Us For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs Spaniol & Co. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work* Stayton Before you buy-tee the SPARK GAS-MAKING DEMONSTRATION A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours 'loin & Pop’s FOR SALE I^awn mower $8 95. good condition. Red’s Hill Top, Trading Post. 15-lt FOR RENT 27-ft. Universal 3-room trailer Apple Tree Court. Lyons, Ore 15-31 FOR SALE 18-ft. Trailer house, $750.00, portable washing machine $15.00 C. L. Fritts, first house west Clarence Estenson res on NW Alder St. Call after 6 p in 15-lp CAFE Privale I)ining TAVERN Room GATES Directory Mill City Accountant* Bookkeeping Service Auditing rnyroll Report* Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 VERNE'S RARBER SHOP 2nd A Broadway Hour*: 10 to 7 Farms, Subdivisions. City Lots, Citv Maps and Water Rights B. F. • Sparky" CUSHING Hili., N. High St., Salem, Ore. Ph 2-6041 Eve.: 2-1669 »a rag< Expert Repairing SHELL Oil. PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAl. TIRES Detroit P. E. Fry. Mgr. »mi!" HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garment* Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery - Lingerie-l>rc«*c* Smock* 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 BARGAINS In Furniture. Stoves. Dishes Clothing, Houaewaree MAC'S K AI UGH HAROLD Detroit laiern Fl .OKI ST and NURSERY’ FIRST IN DETROIT STIIJ. FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden 319 W. Wash. Street 1** block* oil W. Stay ton Illway Phone 3684 *___________ ____ > FLOWERS : By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Willard (Fitz) Good man and son Bobbie Reed of Estacada were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cal. Schlador on Saturday night, and that evening Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and Mr. and Mrs Ray John son were dinner guests at the Schla dor home in honor of the birthday of Mrs Goodman. On Sunday evening the Goodmans and Bob stayed over night at the Earl Parker home. and Mrs. David Laughren have J as Mr. their house guests their daughter, : Mrs. R. G. Braydon and - children Judith, David and Kathleen of De troit, Michigan. Mrs. Willia Vealy had a bridge party on Wednesday afternoon. There were two tables of bridge with Mrs. Ron Bellwig winning the prize. Mr. and Mrs. Otis White spent sev eral days in Portland this week where I Mr. White attended the O. E. A. The other three high school teachers, Mrs. Ed Hanan, Miss Arcola Pettit and Stanley Whipple also attended the educational association. The en- i tire school had a weeks Easter vaca- I tion. John Davis went to Bend during vacation to get some dental work done. Jean Chrisman rode down from 1 Portland, Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin when they returned home and will spend the remainder of the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chrisman. Nine members were present when the Womens Civic club met at the home of Mrs. Major Baughn on Wednesday evening. One guest, Mrs. Pat Crawford joined the club during the evening. Five delegates were elected to at tend the Federation of Womens clubs to be in Silverton, April 28. They were Mrs. Earl Parker, Mrs. S. T. Moore, Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, Mrs. Gordon Skidmore, and Mrs. William Vealy. The president Mrs. Ray John son expects to attend, and also Mrs. J. Cal Schaldor who is a member of the legislative committee of the county federation. A nominating committee consist ing of Zetta Schaldor chairman and Janet Nelson and Opal White was appointed by the president. The club voted not to send a girl to Girls State this year as they have not been able to have a dance or anyway of raising money this year. There was a report from the Librarian that there are nearly 900 volumes in the library now and in spite of bad weather many people have used the library this winter. Visiting was enjoyed after the busi- ness meeting and late refreshments served by the hostesses Mrs. Baughn and Mrs Delmar Nelson. The next meeting of the club will be on April 18, at the new home of Mrs, L. L. Rynearson Earl Stahlman will return home this week from Oak Ridge where he has been several weeks scaling logs for the forest service. Their son Jimmy spent a few days this week ¡with his father. I Mr. tnd Mrs. John Estey spent the ¡weekend in Salem, attending the dog show on Saturday. Joseph Wright who had an opera- I tion on his spine Tuesday at Salem Memorial hospital is making satis- factory recovery and expects to re- < turn home on Saturday. Mrs. Lee Howland who had major : surgery at Salem Memorial hospital recently has been taken to her sister* home in Springfield where she will remain while convalescing. Peter George Peacock who has been ill for sometime was found critically ill at his home here on Tuesday morn ing and was rushed by ambulance to Salem, but died on the way down. He is survived by a daughter Bertha. 16 years of age. and a mother, sister and brother all of Newaygo. Mich. Professional LAM) SURVEYOR LIPPOl.D - BRENNER DETROIT April 13, 1950 f THE MILI. CJTY ENTERPRISE and Trailer Court REG I STR \T1ON TO VOTE CIA1SES \PR1I 18-IT IS YOl’B PRIVILEGI GATES TRAILER PARK By FLORENCE BUTLER Ora and Coonie Hansen came in over the weekend from Carson, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson took several children to Easter services Sunday. Dick and Dorothy Long, Jean and Fred Wilson, Roland and Joanne Long, and Fred and Florence Butler attended the Woman's club benefit dance in Gates Saturday evening. A good time was had by all. Freddie Butler is coming along fine after his illness. D. Wilson has been ill the past week with the flu. Verma and Bill Butler, and Fay and Chuck Kerr and son, were guests at Fred Butler’s Sunday. Pearl and Art Durham visited in Salem Sunday at their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hersh- felt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan has moved to McNary dam. We will miss them. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sharp are with us again in the court. Mr. Sharp is employed with Gates Con struction Co. john ’ adams For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel Basements. Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Phone 903 MUI City, Ore. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE G. E. THOMAS, Mill City ì ODE R-VI Mil IN ( ’oust met ion Co GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS Expert Bulldozing Road Building haring, Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work We Always Guarantee Our Work Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 iu.mimniini.iiii nn mi uiiiiiii immuniu.iniiiiii.iiuiiiiiinuii nt hi ii iu: inrun intuiHiPiiMiiannanM _________ MB sb ’; It s Smart! Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter I lie Last Word In Modern Wrecker Service Gin von (.lull GOODK’S FLOWER SHOI Phone Blue 64B 145 B. Church, next to Salem Parkin* •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• TRAILER COURTS Stayton. Ore. WE HAVE JUST RECENTLY PUT INTO OPERATION WOOD’S STORE Geaeral Dry Good* NOTIONS LINGERIE RKAIH TO-WEAR HOSIERY I I Z.IF.K.S OOSMETMW WEDDLE FUNERAL HOMI I) WIDM. Hl.ll) Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Real Estate Mill Citv IT rittl I Mil l CITY DIMPONAL SKRYTCE tarbage. nahes, trimmings, «te «eekly pickup* 31 per month Also light hauling Real Estate Qawornnflmnnim WE ARE NOW WE HAVE AN EXPERIENCED WRECKER DRIVER STANDING BY LICENSED 24 HOURS A DAY GARBXGE SERA ICE TWO WRECKERS DAY & NIGHT! MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2332 LEONARD HERMAN * - U A NEW HEAVY DUTY WRECKER EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANY JOB The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co 510 North < Phone: $-317$ Day SALAM. ORE<K»