Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April IS. 1950 FEMME I A< I High School Prom Committees Chosen Mrs. Burton Celebrates 80th Birthday HOPKINS SHOWER HELD LAST WEEK A stork shower honoring Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Cree enter- Claude Hopkins, was given by Mrs. Hop- Plans for the Junior-Senior Prom DU“ed informally at their home Sun- Ruth Kerr at the home of Mrs FRIDA 5 and SATURDAY to be held Saturday, April 15, in thj da-v afternoon for Mrs. Cree's mother. kins. played with refresh- Bingo was PRESTON FOSTER and Lyons Organizes I high school auditorium are nearing Mrs. ”” Alice Burton, of Scio. Mrs. ments served after the opening of BARBARA BRITTON Burton celebrated her 80th birthday completion. Girl Scout Troop I lovely gifts Dancing will be from 8:30 to 12. March 28. Celebrating birthdays Attending the shower were Pat Dorothy Wilson, regional super- Music will be furnished by George with Mrs. Burton were two of her Kerr. Bessie Lyons, Dorothy I^irson, At the Rebekah meeting Wednes visor for Girl Scouts, will be in Lyons Timmons and his six-piece orchestra sons. Warren and Lawrence Burton Jo Fernaid, Delores Stewart, Wilma of Scio and her grandson Donald Monday, April 17 to help with the day night, Mrs. Wilma Stewart was of Albany. Miss Hope Baney is Jun Ragsdale, Mrs. S. W. Stewart. Lois elected district deputy president for organization of several Girl Scout ior class advisor. Working on the Burton of Stayton. Gosche, Jo Ann Cruson. Alice Jetton, troops in this community. a one year term. Birthday cakes, punch and coffee and Mary Ann Stewart. Those send committees are: refreshments, Anna SUNDAY and MONDAY were served by the hostess assisted Elected as delegate to the Rebekah She will be at the Mari-Linn school Mae Nelson and Jo Roye; decorations ing gifts were Alice Farmen, Martha M VRGARET O BRIEN assembly of Oregon to be held in in the afternoon to explain the Scout Sue Mikkelsen, Marlene Tickle, and by Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Paul Cruson and Marie Stewart. HERBERT MARSHALL DEAN STOCKWELL Astoria May 16 were Mrs. John Hen- program to all the girls. In the eve-: Marlene Verbeck; invitations, Pat Cree and Mrs. Lowell Cree. Present were Mrs. Alice Burton, Mr. In derson. Alternates, Mrs. Walter ning she will be present at a meet- . West and Wanda Vandermeer; music, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR RALLY Brisbin, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and ing at the Lyons school at 8. This La Vetta Powelson; and cleanup: and Mrs. Lawrence Burton, James meeting is for the leaders, for the* Harlan Gibson, Verl Moberg, Jerry Kenneth and Rosemary,Warren Bur The Disti-ict Christian Endeavor Mrs. Melbourne Rambo. Rally will be held at Holly, April 16. Following the meeting refresh Scout committee and for all parents Swan and George Neal, Admission ton all of Scio, Donald and Marlene at 2:30 p.m. Dick Hake of Lebanon Part Technicolor Burton of Stayton.Mrs. Lillie Lake, ments were served with Mrs. John and townspeople who would like to will be $1.00 per couple will be the guest speaker. His topic T. Henness. Alex Scott all of Gates Nelson in charge. Mrs. Rachel Olm know more about Girl Scouts. TUESDAY, APRIL 18th and from Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. will be “Personal Enrichment.” En Y stead decorated the tables using the tries for the state contest will be pre JENNIFER JONES and Three Links Meet Tuesday Floyd Johnson, Joan and Frances, under . . Easter motif. JOSEPH COTTON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree, Patricia, sented. Donna Plymale of Lebanon Refreshment committee for the A committee composed of Helen The 3 Links club met Tuesday eve Betty Lou and Donald, Mrs. Eldie is president of the group. in next meeting will be Mrs. C. A. Johnston, Gertrude Jungwirth, Nell ning at the home of Mrs Walter Turnidge, Hazel and Bunny Caudle, Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Hoffman had Bruder, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Earl Moore and Beth Prideaux has been Brisbin. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Pietrok, Plymale, Mrs. Mel Robinson and Mrs. working for several months on the During the business meeting, Mrs. Michael and Gerry of Stayton and Mr. as their guests Easter Sunday, Mr. details of organization. Anyone in W. W. Henderson, president presided. and Mrs. E. D. Andrews and sons. Cecil Lake. I and Mrs. George Cree. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th terested should contact one of these Jack and Dick of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Horner of Palo Alto, committee members or attend the The group voted to purchase table cloths for use in the lodge dining Mrs. Earl Flinn and daughter Nancy Calif., was a guest. meeting Monday night. room. A benefit dinner to be held Toman Shower Friday from Sylvan. Sponsored by The lodge members brought kitchen later in the spring was discussed. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mrs. Vern Shaw entertained for the shower gifts for the lodge kitchen. REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 Following a social time the hostess pleasure of Mrs. Albert Toman, Jr. REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 8 P.M. served refreshments to Mrs. W. W. at her home Friday evening. THURSDAY, APRIL 20th Henderson, Mrs. Bert Morriss, Mrs. Following an informal evening Mrs. ! — Final Quiz Night — Fred Duffy, Mrs. Mel Robinson, Mrs. Toman received a shower of lovely For Guaranteed Cleaning I Arnold Syverson, Mrs. Cecil Lake, gifts. The hostess served refresh ALEXIS SMITH and ZACIIARY SCOTT Mrs. John Nelson, Mrs. Lester Hatha- ments to Mrs. Albert Toman, Jr., :: it ’ s the In X ' way, Mrs. Bernice Taylor, Mrs. Jennie Miss Mildred Toman, Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Pearly Cribbs, Mrs. Bessie WE HAVE A COMPLETE STAFF OF SCHOOL | Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. George Veteto, ! Bassett, Mrs. Keith Grimes, Mrs. Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, Mrs. Rachel Jack Duggan, Mrs. Wm. McCoy and TRAINED MEN WHO SAY AND MEAN, “WE Doors open at 7:20 P.M. | Olmstead and Mrs. Ruby Horner of Mrs. Bob Carleton. Sending gifts TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR.” Complete show can be seen any Palo Alto, Calif., a former member but unable to attend were Mrs. Fred 24-HOUR SERVICE time up to 8:30 was a guest. Grimes, Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Mrs. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Mill City Joe Ragsdale, Mrs. Frances Bodeker and Mrs. Carl Chance. REGISTRATION CUISES APRIL I» Lions Auxiliary Plan ♦ ♦ I Shot ♦ Jesse James ♦ ♦ The Secret Garden ♦ ♦ Rebekahs Choosen For Astoria Meet Portrait of Jennie WRESTLING Friendly Courteous Service One Last Fling NU-METHOD Dick Al If you can’t come, call 2402 ALLEN KEITH Photo Finishing - 24 hour service 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I s a â I ? 0 o °0 0 o o 0 Library Toys Gift Items Notions Housewares Socks Underwear MILL CITY VARIETY Jim O’I>eary ♦ Jun Irene O’Leary Benefit Card Party A benefit card party will be spon sored by the Lions Auxiliary Satur day evening, April 22. The benefit will be held at <ne I.O.O.F. hall in MUI City and will begin at 8:30 p.m. Pinochle and can asta will be in play during the even ing. Door prizes are scheduled to be given and free refreshments will be served. Tickets on sale for 50 cents may be purchased from any Auxiliary mem ber or may be purchased at the door the evening of the 22nd. The funds received from the benefit will be used to advance civic development. The Auxiliary group will hold their next meting at the home of Mrs. Lee Ross on April 26th. Serv!ce Society Meets \nna Johnston was hostess . 'he meeting of the Women's So ciety of Christian Service with the SERVING THE CANYON AREA meeting held at the community club house. PICKUPS AT Mrs. Laurence Walworth presided Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton over the business meeting and Mrs. Laundry and Dry Cleaning— George Clipfell lead the devotions. Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry. Detroit Reports of various committees were heard and plans were completed for 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9126 the Tamale sale to be held at th» w i «ras club house Wednesday evening April 12. A report from those attending the conference meeting in Albany was also given. At the close of the 0 meeting Mrs. Johnson served refresh » ments to Mesdames George Huff man, Lyle Kinzer, O. A. Jewell, Clin ? ton Hubbard, Willard Hartnell, Lau » « Julian, . George . , rence Walworth, ------------ Glen --------- _---- ---- g SCHOOL ASSEMBLY WEDNESDAY ciipfell, Clyde Bressler, Albert Julian, » I I " ---------- School ~ ’ Assemblies ------------- Earl Wagner. Jim ‘ Lande and Mrs. “ The National I g programs presented a puppet pro- Minnie Smith. i ® gram in the high school auditorium o g Wednesday afternoon. o K St The Bushe Marionettes are among I § Americas finest puppeteers and have I § been in many motion pictures They Mr. and Mrs Pearlie Cribbs of 1 « § ] were graciously received by students Mill City have moved into the Joe S St I and adults alike j Cribbs house vacated by the Orlin I» Phone 6103 2nd and Broadway ' Elwood family. RAINBOW GIRLS THURSDAY Easter dinner guests at the home Accacia Assembly Order of Rain of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington bow for Girls will meet Thursday, were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Gruggett of April 13 at 8 p.m., at the I.O.O.F. Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard hall. All Rainbow Girls, Eastern Berry of Salem. Additional afternoon Stars and Masons are most cordially quests were Levi Garrison and Mr. invited to attend. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison and children. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker pur chase the house vacated by the Wal ter Hiltons and moved in the last of the week. and Mrs Clyde Oliver, Jackie Mr. and Mrs. Art Olmstead and and Donalee spent Easter Sunday at sons Donald and Walter were guests Corvallis with their sons; Bob, Bill, at the home of his parents Mr. and and Ed. Keith; also daughter Jean Mrs. Walter Olmstead at Mill City. from Salem and Mrs. Bob Oliver of Miss Carroll Sletto student at the Corvallis. The three boys are attend Lutheran College at Parkland, Wash., spent her Easter vacation at the ing O. S. C. home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver at Corvallis, Oregon i Lloyd Sletto. on April 10th. The baby is the first ovanunnnnanvxinnKimnwwiiwvw’o grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver of Gates, and was bom on their 24th wedding anniversary. SALEM Visit Us in Our New Location LYONS Shirley’s Beauty Shop This Good NEWS! GATES PENNEY’S of Salem, Oregon IFEP/ (on Hardware md Furniture Stayton, Oregon MASTER km will be open every Friday night until 9 p.m.