Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
•THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 13. 1950 SPCKTS PAGE Timberwolves Drop Second Start and two more in the fifth to complete their scoring. Mill City got their last run in the fifth on a wild play. Thad Roberts singled, stole second but Marlatt overthrew second base. Roberts then was trapped between second and third, but in the rundown, third baseman, Morris dropped the ball with Roberts scoring. Mill City— AB h R PO A Gibson, rf ..... 4 1 1 0 0 Roberts, 2b ...... 4 1 1 1 4 Leo Poole, 3b ____ 3 2 0 3 1 Muise, p-ss ..... 3 0 0 0 0 Law. Poole, ss-p .... 3 1 1 1 2 Thornley, c __ .__ 2 0 0 6 0 Baltimore, cf ......... 3 1 0 0 0 Shelton, If ....... 3 1 0 0 0 Hoffman, lb ____ 2 0 0 7 0 Marttala, ph’ ____ 1 0 0 0 0 28 7 3 18 6 • Struck out for Hoffman in 7th. AB H R PO A Jefferson— Morris, 3b ......... 4 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 Blackwell, ss __ Brown 2b _____ .. 4 3 3 0 2 Davidson, lb ...... 4 2 2 8 0 Thomas, p ____ .. 4 1 2 1 0 4 1 2 11 0 Marlatt, c _ ___ Porter, If ........... , 3 8 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 Reeves, cf .......... Wattenbarger, rf .. 3 0 0 0 0 Specht, 3b ___ .. 1 0 0 0 0 Mitchell, rf ........ 1 0 0 0 0 Gilmore, 3b ........ 0 0 0 0 0 Cameron, P ........ . 0 0 0 0 0 36 14 13 21 Errors : Morris, Thomas, Marlatt, Roberts, Gibson, Leo Poole, Law. Poole 3. 100 110 0— 3 7 Mill City 115 420 X—13 14 Jefferson Batteries: Muise, Law. Poole (5), and Thornley. Thomas, Cameron (7),and Marlatt. Mill City high entertains the Sub limity Saints in their third game of the season this Friday. Sublimity has defeated Turner and Jefferson while the Timberwolves have lost to these two teams. BY THAD ROBERTS The Mill City high Timberwolves Camera Fans Called For Meeting dropped their second game of the 1950 A call to all camera fans was issued basebtll season, 13 to 3, to the Jeffer this week by a fellow fan George son Lions. The game was played on Steffy of Mill City. the Jefferson field. Steffy reported a brief survey re Mill City scored first in the opening Sport fans will converge on the Mill City theatre Wednesday night vealed that the canyon has many inning on a single by Harlin Gibson to view an outstanding wrestling persons interested In photography and a double by Leo Poole. However, and that they expressed a desire to the Lions tied it up in their half on card. The card, to be sponsored by the form a club to exchange ideas and the inning with doubles by Morris and Chamber of Commerce, will feature further interest in the field. | Brown. Jefferson jumped into the All persons with an interest in lead in the second frame as Marlatt well known matmen, as well as local talent. Nickovitch, Schnable, Kallio, photography were asked to get in was safe on an error and Porter and and Adoree, will be among the feat touch with George Steffy, P. O. Box i Reeves followed with singles. Jeffer 421. Steffy will in turn notify each son had their beginning in the third as ured muscle men of the evening. The main event will be a tag team person of the date of an organization they scored five runs. Brown was match between August Nickovitch meeting. With the Santiam canyon , safe on an error, Davidson singled, and Otto Schnable vs. Almo Kallio offering some outstanding photogra Thomas was safe on another error, and Andree Adoree. The event will phic scenery, such a new organization Marlatt singled, and Porter and last an hour and half or will go to the would prove to be an Interesting one. Reeves followed with doubles and the five runs were in. best two out of three falls. i Mill City got one run in the fourth Special event of the evening will be GRANGE MEETING The regular meeting of Santiam ' when Lawrence Poole singled, Thorn a match between Herman Vigeland of Valley grange was held at the hall ley walked, and when Thomas tried Silverton vs. The Masked Marvel. Routine business ] to pick Poole off second he threw the Also scheduled for the evening will Friday evening. be local talent. This event will fea was carried out. Ray Gill a member ball into Centerfield with Poole scor ture some of Mill City’s youth in an of the state executive committee was ing the Timberwolves second run. However, Jefferson picked up four exibition boxing bout. The young the guest speaker of the evening. Hector McPherson from Morning more runs in their half of the fourth athletes were not announced this Star grange presented Santiam Val week. ley grange with a pennant for being the outstanding grange in Linn Ninety-seven percent of drivers in county. Several members attended volved In automobile accidents In the Pomona grange held at Crowfoot By EVA BRESSLER U. S. last year had at least one year’s grange Thursday evening, April 6, Easter services held at the Meth driving experience. taking the degree. odist church were well attended. A Male drivers in 1949 were Involved short program was presented at the in more than 90 percent of all U. S. REGISTRATION TO VOTE CLOSES Sunday school hour, followed by the automobile accidents. APRIL 18—IT IS YOUR PRIX II I Gl worship hour at 11 with the sermon cutting the tendons and through the text, "The Cross and You”. The Sun bone. However the doctor has hopes rise services were held at the church of saving the finger. due to the rainy morning, followed Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber at by a 7:30 breakfast held at the Com tended funeral service for her grand munity club house. mother Mulkey held at Silverton Miss Jeanette Nydigger who has Thursday afternoon. been employed in San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. Zander of Seattle is visiting has returned to the home of her par at the home of her daughter and son- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Nydigger. in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens. She has as her guest Miss Lillian Mrs. Zander was met In Portland Searle of Denver, Colo., who was a by Mr. and Mrs Stevens. room-mate of hers while in Califor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and nia. The young ladies will be em- daughters of Coquille visited relatives ployed In Salem. in Lyons. They were guests at the ! Sunday guests at the home of Mr. home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer were Mr. and ! Doc Jungwirth honoring his mother Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and daughters on her birthday anniversary. of Coquille, and Mr. and Mrs. Har Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heineck were old Snell and children of Albany guests at the home of their daughter The two ladies are daughters of the and family at Olympia, Wash. Kinzers. Guests. at the George Huffman *'j. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and home Easter were her parents Mr. Bob and Kenneth Bosanko, spent and Mrs. George Hubbard, also her iter Sunday in Hillsboro. The sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Brassfields visited at the home of his Clarence Decker, Clarence Jr., and sister Mr. and Mrs. E. K. McCoy. Sue Ann of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Minich of Port Mrs. Marvin Berry entertained with land and Mr. and Mrs. Niels Kudson a dinner Sunday honoring her hus of Sacramento, Calif., visited rela band on his birthday anniversary. tives in Lyons, Sunday. Mrs. Min Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. ich is a sister of Pat and Bert Lyons George Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Amos Hiatt. Mrs. Kudson Carr, Gloria, Kathryn and Nadine. is a neice and will be remembered Mr and Mrs. Walter Hilton and as Marguerite Lyons. sons Jerry and Tommy moved to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton and Portland last week. Mr. Hilton is little son left for Pendleton Sunday employed at the Union Pacific depot. § morning after spending a week’s Frank Hessner who has spent the vacation at the home of her parents last three weks at the home of his o Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. o Mrs. George Huffman had the mis Charlie Bilyeu, left for his home at s o fortune of cutting her left hand while San Bernardino. Calif.. Friday morn splitting kindling wood The index ing. • il finger was almost completely cut off, Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of her mother Mrs. Alice Huber. They also visited her brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing were Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bailey and family of Mehama. Juanita and Duane Downing of Portland, and Mr. and With $10.00 or More Order Mrs. Bob Carleton. An Easter party was held at the 3 Lb. IGA SNO-KREEM SHORTENING pre-school house for the little folks Friday afternoon. Mrs. Huber, in structor, was assisted by some of the mothers Grappling Event for Canyon Sport Fans LYONS Friday Ö* Saturday Specials I TOMAN’S HILL TOP STORE FREE REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 Do You Have A Saw? If you own woodworking equipment you may be the person that the indus trial committee of the Mill City Chamber of Commerce is looking for. Committee members are now regis tering all personh who own such things as table, ban, jig saws, shapers, planners dadoing machines etc. Owners of such machines were in the potential profit field, the committee stated. Whether your equipment is now in use or not, if you are a resident of the canyon send your listing to; Industrial Committee, in care of P O. box 421, Mill City. Oregon. Wanted: Work for Rototiller Cheaper, better than spading $3.00 an hour $3.00 mln. charge YOUR GARDEN OR LAWN READY TO PLANT IN REC ORD TLME. W. R. OLMSTEAD Phone 915 •mi hhhm M i (trie & Tavern Supply DAMS BALI, TEAM WANTS COMPETITION J. T. King announced this week his 8th grade sandlotters are in the mar- ket for competition. The young ball players have been holding their own practices and have played practice games among them selves. King stated the boys were anxious for competition and said they would challenge an opponent in either softball or baseball. Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service 2134 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. Phone 3-7193 MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY OREGON Ready Mix Concrete FOR IH-STRENGTH CONCRETE MIXED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS, AT LOWER COST CALL Kimsey’s Ready Mix Phone ll-F-24 Stayton Plant near Mehama « WRESTLING Mill City Theatre Sponsored by MILL CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wednesday, April 19 MAIN EVENT — Tag Team Match Between August Nickovitch and Otto Schnäble vs. Aimo Kallio and Andree Adoree Hour and a Half or Best Two Out of Three SPECIAL EVENT Herman Vigeland rs. The Masked Marvel Î Silverton PLUS SEVERAL GOOD EXHIBITION MATCHES. LOCAL HEROES LN ACTION! ADMISSION: Ringside: $1.50 tax incl.; SEE YOUR Gen. Adm.: $1.20 tax incL GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRYERS "A’’ GR VDE. Colored, each IGA ÑAUAD DRESSING, pt. IGA TINA SOIJ1» PACK IGA 1'1 N \ CHI NR 8TÏU IGA PEANUT BUTTER IGA SUNNY MORN COFFFE. lb IG A SOAP GR YINS, (with Toy Bar) pkg IG V EASE, pkg lit NTs PF M Ht s «i, tin CIGARETTES, carton ONIONS. No. 1. $1.19 .25 .35 .31 .37 .67 .21 .21 KEMGLO IF YOU RE ’HONlNO TRADE MARK 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 o STAY-WHITE Regularly OF M e*B8Ea 5 Qu"*rtr- < Pt. $1.39 UM« May JI, 1950 Try • pint of KFM-GLO, in white that stayi white, at only 98#, TeJty! A pint cover* up to 50 square feet. 10 lovely colors in quarts and gallons. Pints in Stay white only. 2 for »45 »2.39 Qt. »7.98 Gal. 1.45 4 Itw .15 Get your PINT of KEM GLO \tjyu bitt at only Oge, TODAY! Bring this ad to 0 0 HILL TOP GENERAL STORE a a q o I 0 ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. n Mil J. CITY WE DELIVER 0 ”3 0 0 Open Week Day« from 8 A.M. to 7:3« P.M. a _ _______________________________________ ■■ inDanuauaunxinannnanaaanaaaaanciciuaanauawa FRERES Building Supply Mill l it* TELL THE YOU WANT IMPERIALI Imperial is made by Hiram Walker. Blended w hisko 86pn>ot 'OX grain neutral »pint* Hiram Wilker & Son* Inc . Peons. Ilfmoi* 10 PINT j i