Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1950)
GATES By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Recent overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards were his neice and husband. Mr. and Mrs George Richardson from Cum- Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars. Old Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical Records. PORTER & LAU “First with What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 berland, Wash , and his nephew, Jack Stonebridge of Enumclaw. Wash. The party was enroute to San Fran cisco, Calif., where they were to be guests of other relatives, Additional guests at the Richards home were Robert Shelly and Ralph Green both from Portland. Easter Services were held at the Gates Christian church Sunday morn ing, special music was furnished by Tony Baker, soloist. Mrs. Ruby Homer, resident of Gates for many years is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin while she looks after her pro perty here. Mrs. Homer was form erly of the A. B. Horner grocery store, now the Gates General store. Mrs Homer is now a resident of Palo Alto, Calif. Mrs. Melvin Boyer and daughter Carol of San Francisco were visitors here the past week at the homes of relatives and old friends. Mrs. Boyer was formerly Eliott Knutson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knutson, now of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul were called to Portland Saturday by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Margaret McClain who is hospitalized there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards of Salem were Saturday visitors at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison. Miss Marjorie Murray of Mill City has been engaged to work at the fountain at the Garrison cafe. Miss Mun ay will reside in Gates after the first of the week. Mrs. Theodore Burton accompanied We Aim To Please FOR FREE ESTIMATES SEE MARTIN J. HANSEN PHONE 503 by Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. Frank Saunders motored to Salem one day this week on a combined BY MRS. SCO shopping and pleasure trip. Recent visitors at IT terç*' ’ k ! Mrs. Larry Shelton and Barbara Gordon Gilmore, Boy S b / e? tk ' drove to Salem Friday. There they from Salem and son SnA > ISF.».*. met Mr. Shelton and visited at the Higby a member of the s' Mkfc I *• ‘oML* c. a* .. M home of Mr. and Mrs. Gw’en Gates Marion Forks can still bo* « * * eq' and took in a show before returning lot of snow yet. The snow s:»Qfc?.»ie» JY a* * home. the government reads 4 feet il ♦Cad hr«-.’es», tf, A New comers to Gates are Mr. and ' inches on the level. It is fast di.««* i*£W Siiu «4 ’ , vo.-» fumy* / 2 Mrs. Claude Sullens of Salem. Mrs. pearing though as the depth was / 'toCNi' Sullens will operate a beauty shop in , feet 10 inches. Forty and on« ■» > i ? »» Xkri-' the new building next to the Gates I quarter inches fell in March which is I CzUMM ; ««r, Furniture store. Equipment was 1 very unusual. Total snow falling this jf j. ■ x* being moved in Saturday and it Is season twenty four feet and eight Gii«i «a* ;-•*» » jzw * -f rn v.r- ~ » reported the place will be open soon. inches to April 1st. We had a freak Dick Mrs. Walter Thomas, census enum snow fall, Friday night, with flakes Classen -< dk erator for this precinct states that measuring nearly two inches light las spent \ > tk' r* z she is “turning over the leaves" to and fluffy, Two inches fell in a very Heibert t'wi.y fr.;*' find every one here. She has covered short time making it hard for travel- the Easter ** Wti«| a large part of the area in her ter lers on the highway. J Community li . ritory. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sowa and son Mr and Mi» Robert Levon was complimented on V- C his birthday anniversary, Sunday Frankie and daughter Rita Kay were family went Fi «1/1 TA»-' 423. •> Grove to spend life w »;jf- ’• MU '*» with a dinner at the home of his visitors here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alvin spent the brother-in-law an % •’>*. Vr parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson. At the table were Mr. and evening Sunday at Marion Forks Mrs P. L. ThwecM» Mrs. R. Z. Tucker tqA Me* Mrs. Levon, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and visiting with the Scott Youngs and Reese of O'Brien, Oregol^ »•*- | Morgans. family, Royal Johnson and the hosts, day night with the R. ?» 7» ( Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brantner of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were the Santiam Junction spent Monday »«► ’ «RM Mr. and Mrs, Gunner Isac«R WW hosts at Easter morning breakfast, evening at Marion Forks. They were w» »W ■ e living with the John SunquisYfti I !' Sunday at their home. Overnight former residents here. present. I* Mrs. Isacson is SunquMx.4, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morgan of Burns. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mill » Mj r mm «*. .X4 sap and two children, from Portland, Oregon visited with his relatives here neice and Isacson is employed at t^A.u m. W, f X -U Miss Janet Klecker of Stayton. Mr. at Marion Forks. He is the brother Idanha Lumber Co. mill. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and three of Vern Morgan. REGISTRATION < LOSES APRIL 18 ttT . 5. 4 Mr. Leonard Bullard and Mrs. Car sons of Mill City, Mr. Edmund Klec ker and family of Stayton joined the rie Clester were visitors here recently. group at breakfast. Mrs. Klecker They both are of Detroit. and daughter Miss Carol were unable to be present because of Easter serv- ices in which they took part in Stay- ton churches. Mrs. Tex Allen returned home the By REBA SNYDER last of the week after spending a Easter day dinner guests of Mr. and FRYERS “A" GRADE, Colored, each week in Spokane, Washington, at the Mrs. Orval Lady and family were her mother, Mrs Alice C. Vondedieth and home of her mother. SOAP POWDER, Regular ’’lie Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Raines and their daughter Mrs. George Canr^pn family attended the funeral services and family of Willamina, Mr. and Mrs. SALTED < RA( KEILS, 2 U m . for her sister, Mrs Susie McKillican, Chester Storey and family and Mr. of Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Mc and Mrs. Fred Martin and daughter. SCOT TISSUE 2 for Killican, 77years of age, had been ill Mrs. Vonderlieth will remain for a and hospitalized for only two weeks longer visit. Sunday guests of the Frank New SUDAK, 10 lbs. before her death. She was a former resident of Gates and will be remem family were his sister, Mrs. Roy Wil POTATOES, 10 lbs. bered by many of the older members son, her husband and children of Eugene. of the community. Deanha P. T. A. officers for the REGISTRATION TO VOTE CLOSES year 1950-1951 will be elected at the APRIL IS—IT IS YOUR PRIVILEGE regular meeting April 24, at the grade school library. Mrs. Delia Allen, Mrs. Kenneth Allen and son Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Roycroft all of Portland were ¡weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam i Palmerton and children. Easter weekend guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Even Evenson and Mary were i Mr. Evenson’s son-in-law and daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs. Norman Friswold and children of Merrill, Oregon and his son, David of Tulelake, Calif. Mrs. Nora Ivie, Portland, and her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Rindflesch, Oregon City, visited at the George i Humphreys Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Humphreys is daughter and J , sister of her guests. Becky Stoll underwent a tonsil- i ectomy Wednesday at the Salem Memorial hospital. She returned 1 home Thursday noon doing nicely. Idanha City council met Tuesday night with all members present. It was voted to hold their meeting the i second Tuesday in the month here- , after. Judy Haseman was the guest of her aunt. Mrs. J. C. Raines in Lebanon for five days the first of the week. The Red Cross quota of $250 for the upper canyon was exceeded in the first day of soliciting by the Ameri- Marion ÌfOàoìì 'Vii au Ir. o ¡DANHA Friday & Saturday Spechz II -1 4. 21C 89c 39c Gates General Store FOR PAINTER-UPPERS! rig wonsover WONSO VER Genuine oil-base wall finish. One coat covers old paint, wallpaper, even kalsomine. Washable. Your choice of 12 colors plus white. *8.10 now YOU GET BOTH HOME and STORE 0 FOR ONLY l*tNT Special Wonsover Q CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION BRUSH reg for quick and eoiy bruihing of "Dutch Boy" Worn- Over. Width, 4H inch«». Be»t quality, mode of 100% pur* Chine»« Brittle. 0 Hurry! Special Offer Expires Aprii 29 Jenkins Hardware Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs . . . . ❖ FI j OOR SANDERS FOR RENT Wallpapers ❖ THE PAINT WITH THE HA.NI> FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES Felts six us for painters FEATURING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— V MILL CITY. OREGON Paste SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT OPEN SATURDAYS phone mas z