Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1950)
Gates Chamber Urges City Incorpoation The Gates Chamber of Commerce met this week at the Gates Furniture store to formulate plans for civic development and urged unity in the forth coming election for incorpora tion. The election to be held April 14th, was believed by the chamber to be the influencing factor in Gates potential development. The chamber endorsed the incorporation as one of the best ways to encourage economic stability of the community. The chamber discussed the proposal of the Southern Pacific railroad to build a spur through the middle of town long enough for 40 cars. The spur w’ould be used for car storage and would present an unsightly con dition in front of the business estab lishments. Members have directed a strong objection to the head office in San Francisco. New members accepted were Don Walker, George Melke, Floyd Fleet wood, and Percy Mulligan. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATI ■ IDANHA urotia ME1IAM \ MONGOL!) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY’ — GATE« \Y TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VoL VI— No. 14 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 6. 1950 Septic Tanks Still Unsanitary! I.W.A. Conference Asks Strike Ballot A recommendation for a strike ballot to back up the demands of 40,000 Pacific Northwest Wood workers for a health and welfare Pictured above is the scene on the high school grounds just north of the program and six paid holidays by gym door which alarmed citizens last week when offic ials had neglect«! the 200 delegates to the IWA—CIO’s to repair them. The picture looking west from the gym door shows the wage and contract conference was broken corner on the lid of the old septic tank and the thin door which made in Portland Saturday. The covered another section that had caved in over the open sewage. strike proposal sets a deadline for strike action not later than May 15th, unless an agreement is reached with the lumber operators that the Union committee is willing to submit to the membership for ratification. Strike ballots will be sent out immediately from the International Union’s head quarters here. Balloting in the local unions in the five Northwest states is to be completed by April 30th. The 700 lumber operators, repre sented in the negotiation started February 20th, have so far refused to grant any concessions on the Union’s proposals. Sentiment of the dele gates who voted unanimously for the strike vote was summed up in a state ment made by one delegate who said, "There is more security for the work ing man in the health and welfare program we have proposed than any thing we have ever gone after.” The Conference was equally vehe ment in re-affirming the demand for six paid ho,iua>s. The Union’s negotiating proposals were first adopted at a conference held here early in January. In a brief covering the market prospects \bove left (see arrow) is the cavc-in large enough for a child to fall and production figures of the indus through, which was left unattended with the exception of the old door try the Northwest Regional Negotiat (upper photo). It was this scene (facing east) that health officials ing committee reported to the dele called dangerous, unsanitary, and demanding immediate attention. It gates: "We have thoroughly explored became evident that the concrete had lost its life and that the entire the position of the industry in rela length, approximat ly it) feet, should be recovered. While the city sani tion to prices, demand and stocks and tation officers demanded that repairs In- made, the only repairs at press have pointed out to both the Concili time was tile construction of a small frame and another thin door over ation Service and the employer's com tile danger area. mittees the exceedingly high lumber Above right is the septic tank lid on the west side of the high school and plywood demand needed for hous next to the tennis court that the janitor has had to remove on several ing and other construction activity occasions to «ci.i|s- sewage from the intake pipe to prevent the re< ur- in 1950. to continue through most of rence ot "Lack ups” in the rest room of the high school building. 1951; the reduced prices on stumpage «hen the school principal was questioned this week as to whether effected when lumber prices were he had bc'ii aware of the condition he stated that hi- had been and had reduced in 1949; and also the in report«! it als.iit two months ago to the school officials. Action has not creased productivity of the workers y et Is n t k n on < loaning out this tank and installing proper drainage. in the industry, especially in logging, in 1949 over 1948 which further I_ai k of to care for the healfli of the students was claimed as the widened the employers profit mar cause for the delay. It is the opinion of this paper that the school laiard has unlimited credit for any emergency needing attention such as this gin." The health and welfare plan as occasion p: ■ n s. The above photos were taken early in March after outlined by the Union committee pro the condition had existed for some time. vides for an employer paid life insur ance policy of $3,000 with double in demnity in case of dismemberment or accidental death; payments of $40.00 per week for sickness and accident off the job; $20 00 per week The Mill City Lions club met Mon payments to supplement workmen’s day evening at the Presbyterian compensation for on the job injuries Cha; iber of Commerce members and the payment of hospital, surgical should enroll Paul and Phyllis Cam church recreation room for a pot-luck and medical care. mack as two of their star boosters in dinner sponsored by the club auxili South America, according to a recent ary Burton W Dunn, district gover nor of Lions club from Corvallis was PORTER CLEARED OF ASSAULT letter from the former residents. guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Cammack, now pro The case of David V. Porter Lions members stated they have testant missionaries in La Paz. charged with assault with a deadly had fine auditions for their amatuer weapon early this year was thrown Bolivia, live on a large ranch which is show scheduled in the near future. out of court this week as the grand located on a 13,000-ft. plateau, where They reminded potential candidates they conduct a Bible school. jury returned a no true bill. that April 24th will be the last night Porter was charged by Les Mullen. A portion of their letter reads; in which they may audition. Any "We often think of Mill City and Monday evening preceeding and in Gates where we lived and get a little cluding the above date will be open homesick. We say to each other that for auditioning. Interested persons when we are home on furlough we FRIDAY— should contact Lions club members are going to camp out up there some I.O.O F. meeting. for details place and just feast our eyes on the Lyons IWA meeting 2nd Friday. Corvallis recently celebrated their Mill City IWA meeting last Friday green trees and mountains all around. 25th anniversary in Lions Inter We have lots of mountains here tow national. Attending the meeting at SATURDAY— ering up above us, but we don't see Corvallis were Mr and Mrs Carl Legion Dance at Legion hail a nice green forest anywhere we Kelly and Mr and Mrs. Shields Re Santiara Riders Dance look It is quite bare, since it is mine from Mill City. MONDAY— above the tree line. It is hard to Lions club meeting. grow flowers or other green things A F & AM No. ISO stated meet because of the frost and hail " ing third Monday. The Cammacks letter would remind Boy Scouts 7:30 The Mill City P T A will hold its adventureous citizens of the virtues TUESDAY— regular meeting in the high school of the beautiful Santiam canyon. Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st 3rd Tues. Thursday evening April 13th. at LOY ETT URGES REGISTRATION 8 00 p m. Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. Charles M Lovett. Salem attorney, WEDNESDAY— Speaker of the evening will be T Liens club auxiliary 8:30. 4th Wed. was in Mill City earlier this week to Courtney Jr. who will speak on Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd enr ■urage local organization to spon "The Environmental Relationship of Wed. at 8 p m sor a registration drive the Pre- and Early-Adolescent”. The Altar Society meets 2nd Wed Lovett stated that were all clubs program will feature dances of differ- ' and organizations to urge registra ent countries entitled "Waltzes ot the Till RSDAY— American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. tion. the community would know a Nation.” Also scheduled for the meet more complete voting representation ing will be election of officers. Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm M.C. Boosted In South Amenta Lions Ciub Meeting Shows Three Auditions Lett Community Sunrise Service on Easter $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Citizens* Demands Ignored by Board A community sunrise service spon sored by the ministers of Mill City will be held in front of the high school Public demands for allevation of Mill City this week and they are not building early Sunday morning. Eas- unsanitary conditions on the high faced with delay in filling their j ter day. The early morning service school grounds were ignored this orders. will begin at 6:45 a m. week as taxpayers and city commis Mr. Ramon Roberts, schoolboard Should inclement weather make an sioners were called sentamentalists member, told The Enterprise “their outdoor meeting impossible the sun and cranks was nothing pressing about the situ rise service will be held in the Pres Board members stated they would ation." He continued, "the public is byterian church. fix the situation as soon as they making a mountain out of a mole Rev. Gould of the Free Methodist could. There was no assurance, hill”. church will bring the Invocation and however, of when it would be. Only Another board member stated he call to worship. Dr. David Fergu steps taken this week to comply with did not know whether any action had son of the Presbyterian church will the city’s demand was the construc been taken or not as the board had read the scripture and Rev. T. Court tion of a small form approximately 2 not had a meeting but thought that ney, Jr., pastor First Christian by 3 feet and another thin door over something was being done. church, will bring the sunrise address. that. Board members stated they One member, in refcring to the Rev. Watkins of the Community had been unable to obtain concrete sanitation commissioner's letter, church will offer the benediction. for the repair. A local agency which made personal aspersions upon his Worshipers of all faiths are invited handles ready-mix cement stated name and believed his action unfair. to join in the morning devotion. they have ben hauling concrete in Numerous calls and letters have Special music will also aid the early lieen received in the office of The risers in their worship service. Enterprise this week asking for recall Mill City churches are planning action upon the present school board. special Easter Season services. The General consensus in the correspond Presbyterian church is planning a ence expressed the belief that the Good Friday communion services with 1 public was not represented. It was special music by the choir. Sunday Oregon needs Democrats in Con generally expressed that the senti i services will include a Sunday school gress who want to work for the ful ments of the people should be res program at 10:00 o’clock and regular lest development of the state. How ponded to, irrcgardless of the boards ¡church services at 11:00. The church ard F. Latourette of Portland, de personal opinions. will receive several into the fellow clared in onnouncing his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for ship. The First Christian church is plan U. S. senator. We have Republicans in Washing ning a special candlelight commun- ton, two senators and four represen 1 ion service on Thursday evening. tatives, who simply don't want to get Following the community sunrise ser along with the administration,” La- vice, members of the church will An examination for probational ap tourette said. “President Truman attend a sunrise breakfast with the wants to help us if we'll let him in pointment to the position of substi program to be in charge of the young stead of constantly rebuffing every tute Clerk at an entrance pay rate people. There will be special music offer.” of $1 065 an hour has been announced at each service through the eleven Latourette. who was elected Demo by the Director of the Eleventh U. S. o’clock hour. cratic national committeeman; for Civil Service Region to fill existing Other churches while not reporting Oregon in 1938 and served until 1944, and future vacancies in the Post special services are emphazing the said he believes his contacts in Wash Office Service at Detroit, Oregon. ington would he especially valuable Easter theme. Applicants must actually reside with- as stator, ingaining the henefits lii the delivery the Detroit Post waiting for Oregon whs. > 'welcomed Office or be bona fide patrons of that by a Democratic senator. Latourette, a native of Oregon City office. Persons employed in the De is a practicing attorney in Portland. troit Post Offoce will be considered He long has been a leader in Demo bona fide patrons of the office. Further information and application Dave C. Shaw, candidate for Con cratic affairs in Oregon, serving as from Multnomah form for applying may be obtained gress on the Democratic ticket, will representative spearhead a non-partisan registration ' county and later speaker of the from the Secretary. Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners at any first- rally sponsored by the Albany Cen House of Representatives As Democratic national committee or second-class post office, or from tral Labor council in co-operation man for Oregon, he attended all the Director, Eleventh U. S. Civil with other groups. The rally, to be national conventions of the party and held at Veterans Memorial hall, Al became intimately acquainted with Service Region, Room 302, Federal Office Building, Seattle 4, Wash bany at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday. April national leaders. Application should be filed with the 8 is open to everyone. Director. Eleventh U. S. Civil Service All local candidates have been in Region. 302 Federal Office Building, vited and those who attend will be Mill City Theatre Redecorated introduced. Other speakers will be The latest in interior decorating Seattle 4. Washington, immediately. Jim Marr, executive secretary A F L., have dictated the colors used in the Portland and Walter Dodd. Eugene redecoration of the lobby at the Mill field executive for the reapportion City theatre. ment measure. The walls have been finished in soft The meeting, to be chairmaned by shades of slate red and jade green. R. F Lueck, is designed to give the Slate red has been one of the modern citizens of Linn county an opportun colors that has been leading in south The Riders of the Santiam met ity to see their candidates. It is in ern California styling. ! Tuesday evening to formulate plans accord with the non-partisan move The front of the building has also j for their new clubhouse and dance ment endorsed by Governor McKay, been I epainted as well as the entrance i hall to be constructed in the immed- to increase registration for voting in way. The lobby floor is finished in i late future. the coming elections. modem asphalt tile. Members plan to begin construction Latouratte Joins In Senatorial Race Postal Clerk Exam Open at Detroit Shaw Heads Drive For Registration Riders of Santiam Members to Hawaii early next week of as soon as the weather will permit. In the Tuesday meeting a cast was selected for a play "Arizona Cowboy” which will be presented in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson of Gates and members of the Riders of the Santiam, have been chosen to represent Oregon at several rodeos in California The Hutchinson's will leave California with a delegation from other western states for Hawaii where they will attend rodeos and ; other ceremonies Hutchinsons will take the flag owned by the local club ' for use in a ceremony to be held at , the National cemetary of Pacific | Heroes in Hawaii. (Cnniiiiii fcuriitB: Republican Club to Rally At Albany Monday P.T.A. Meeting Scheduled 4 Mias Bemeice Smith of Enterprise. Ore., received from Gov. Dcaiglas McKay, left, a citation from the Easter Seal agency, saluting her as the nation’s outstanding crippled person. Jesse Rosenbaum of LaGrande. right, president of the Easter Seal agency in Oregon, witnessed the presenta tion ceremony The Linn County Republican club will hold a special meeting next Mon- day, April 3rd in the Circuit Court room at the Albany court house. Lawson McCall secretary to Governor Douglas McKay will be the »peaker. The meeting will begin at 8 00 p m. and all precinct candidates are urged to be present. Candidates for local offices will be introduced The meet ing will be open to the public and a rapacity crowd is expected to be in , attendance Club members expressed belief they would again be victorious j in their continued policy of serving : the people.