Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
I— TUE MIM^CTTYENTERPRIME MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. I^awrenqe Walworth and Mr and Mrs. Shuey were in Salem Sunday afternoon at the insti tution of Trinity Chapter OE8 One hundred twelve people at- tended the Masonic and Eastern Star banquet Saturday evening at the IOOF hall Dr. David J. Ferguson acted as Toastmaster. Dr. Browning, Pastor of the Silverton Methodist church was the speaker Group singing was also enjoyed. Mrs. Vern Clarke is reported to be improving at her home after an ex- tended illness. Terry Sigfrit was confined to his home last week due to illness, Terry is in the second grade. Mr. and Mrs. James Lundall and page at the grand assembly of Rain bow Girls held in Corvallis last week. family of Silverton were guests Sun Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landro of day of Mr and Mrs George Veteto. Astoria are spending their vacation Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Coville visited at the home of her mother, Mrs, Anna Swift Mrs. Landro is the former with their son in Turner Sunday. Mrs. Mel Robinson has returned Edna Swift. from Dallas where she has been car Mrs. John Nelson, John, Donna and ing for her brother-in-law, Al Cherry Ellena and Betty Cree were in Salem who recently broke his leg and nose shopping Saturday. in a bad fall. He is reported to be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kleiwer have improving. purchased the Floyd Fleetwood home. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Craig were Fleetwoods have purchased an apart in Newberg Friday to attend funeral ment house in Gates. Kleiwers’ services for a friend who died sud plan to move into their home this week. denly, Monday evening. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Burton and Morgan have been confined to their Rosemary of Scio visited Sunday at home with the measles. the home of his brother-in-law and Mrs. Eva Hopkins of Portland was sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Cree. a house guest at the L. E Dike home I Spending Sunday at the Hoodoo Ski over the weekend. Bowl were LaVetta Powelson, Duane Rose Kerber, daughter of Mr. and McFadden of Corvallis, Barbara Bar Mrs. J. C. Kerber of Taft and former ton and Bill Howe. Mill City residents, served as a grand Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman and March SO IBM children were dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Putman in Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey enter tained at a family dinner at their home in Portland Sunday in honor of Mrs. Carey's mother, Mrs. Carl Chance of Mill City on her birthday. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance, Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs, Celia Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Carey and daughter, Kenneth Chance, Don Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Shroeder are receiving congratulations on the birth of their first child, a daughter bom March 25 at the Emmanuel hos pital in Portland. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shroeder of Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilt- sey of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and Bill were in Albany Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Darby. Merchant Quiz Prize Winners Announced I Award winners in the Mill City merchants quiz, conducted every Thursday at the Mill City theatre, have been announced by R P Veness, manager. First week’s award went to Mr. Hickle, who answered nine out of ten questions correctly. He received »36 00 Second week’s award was won by Philip Goble for answer ing correctly, the first seven of the ten questions. He received »30.80 Mrs. Kuhlman received the $5.00 error ^ward prize for being the first to detect a mistake in one of the questions. Contestants this week will answer questions, based on merchandise dis played in leading Mill City stores, to try for a cash award totaling »53.20. BARGAIN! j 4 Truck Tires 7.50x20 with wheels Allen Keith Chevron Station I i 95 50' DOWN A WEEK .il J IUILNII illl.Uil lUiiUii'Ub luliUU'llUiiUilUUiliU iul Ihl.iol uiLlUi Genuine BOLTAFLEX PLASTIC 1 . ..... . I» .... .. Also see our Plastic Chairs, Plastic Davencs and, Plastic Sectionals during this Tremendous Sale! ■ MAIL COUPON TODAY THREE WAYS TO PAY * *dly »«'•d »”• Ploi’ic Platform locker» o! $19 95 in the fo cwinj Q ted C Greoi» C B -e C ®rown. <u I wi»h »o poy in UH by Check Q, M O. m I w-»h to open 30-doy account Q (3) I • 'o poy 50c down c*d 50c per week (or $2 00 A*o ) Q NAMf____ a DDIESS____ RED GREEN GRAY AND BROWN SWEET HOME MILL CITY f 1 color» I