Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
March 3« IBM annannnHnnnnHHnnsoaBnnnHcm »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Call George Out of the Woods ELKHORN LEGAL .ADVERTISING NOTICE By JIM STEVENS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: By ELSIE MYERS Forester» Say The school board of District 29J, Spring may have officially arrived The whole woodland harvest—thin- Linn and Marion counties. Lyons, but there has been little evidence of 3403 or 38, for ' ntngs plus final crop—will bring more Ore., do hereby solicit sealed bids on CASH PAID- For used pistols and FOR SALE—Trailer house, 26 foot,! dual wheels 5 extra good tires and I rifles See Dick Paynter, Martin's money from thinned than from un it in Elkhorn. Snow has fallen the following school properties: kerosene range. $350. cash. Worth 1. Twin Cedar school house and Trailer Court, 1st trailer on left. thinned woods, and in a shorter time. everyday the past week and several more. R. L. Stafford, Route 1, Box 13-3p grounds approximately 2 acres In mornings the ground has been cov Thinning makes lumber. 102, Lyons, Ore. 13-3p Linn county; ered with an inch of fresh snow. JVANTED AT ONCE 3 bedrooms Fox Valley school house and fix 2 The last crop may not be as large and bath, apartment or house See FOR SALE — Lots, in Linn county, The Mehama local Farmers Union tures in Linn county; from a thinned forest but it will have between Mill City and Gates. 50x now owner of Viv’s Steak House. met for their regular session Friday 3. Fox Valley school building only; 100 for $150.00 R. L. Stafford, wood of higher lumber grades in it, 13-3t 4 Furniture, (any item separate), night at the Woman ’ s club. Due to Route 1. Box 102, Lyons, Ore. 13-5p bringing better prices. water heater, kitchen cabinets, BLEEPING ROOMS by week or mo. weather conditions there was not a electric pump, furnace, kitchen In thinning harvests "crown thin large attendance but those attending New beds, box springs and inner- FOR SALE — 27-foot Alma trailer range. MILL CITY, OREGON house 6 ft. Frigidaire, hot water, spring mattresses, $1 day. Peter ning" will produce best lumber quality I enjoyed a very instructive meeting. Board reserves the right to reject dollies, awning and painted ply son duplex, Kingwood st., Swift’s and best prices. Lyle Thomas, State Secretary, from all bids. Bids close at 8 o’clock p.m., wood porch. 15-gal. oil tank built nnaaaanuunniiianunniaiamunwinn addition. 12 “Crown thinning,” which means Salem was the speaker for the even April 6th. 1950. in body, floor heat. Everything ioj VERNON JAMES, Chairman ROOMS AND BOARD New, clean, excellent condition {2,200, can be taking out small trees from among ing His subject being the Brannan ALICE HUBER. Clerk. quiet, with family - style meals. financed. Box »1, Woodburn, Ore. tall trees, calls for heavier logging plan. A general discussion on differ ■ First publication March 16, 1950—3t Reasonable. Don Marshall's east or phone Gervais 3333 days. 13-3p j and risk of considerable damage to ent subjects of interest followed. on Kingwood road to 4th St., to end ■ Of street Phone 3751. 10-4tp FOR SALE Maytag washing ma the trees that are left. This should Refreshments were served by the chine, 1942, enamel tub, excellent | be calculated when amount of timber ladies. ROOM & BOARD See Annie Hahn condition, quick sale $30.00 Phone to be cut is decided. across from ? Cafe, Lyons 12-3tp Mrs.Henry Pfoff of Portland, Mrs. 3771 or at old Slater place 13-lp i Crown thinning at a profit can be Bessie Dixon, Mrs. Rose Metzger and j O. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. LIST YOUR homes and farms with FOR RENT — Housekeeping rooms ¡started sooner than "low thinning” Robert Exley, all of Gresham were , me. Have cash buyers. MUI City, for men. good beds, everything fur SHELL PRODUCTS Gates, Detroit, Lyons. David M recent dinner guests at the home of in the stand. nished. $1 a night Rates if two AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES Reid, Real Estate. 3tf GENERAL AUTO and men in one room. West end of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers. Low thinnings are more simple and ZENITH TIRES Broadway, south side of RR cross TRUCK REPAIR PLEASE LIST all available rooms, Mrs. Dixon remained to take over j easy to carry through, they do not ing under the fir trees. 13tf room and board, houses and apts call for so much technical knowledge the care of Mrs. Myers, replacing FISHING TACKLE Arc and Acetylene Write, telephone or visit Personnel FOR RENT My home, five rooms as crown thinnings do, and they have Mrs. Paul Payton. The Paytons have [ Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated fully furnished, everything electric, Welding moved into the Gardner residence in [ | less risk of expensive mistakes. Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Beautyrest mattress, etc. Please I Thinnings do not only provide for Stayton where they will assume the inquire at Enterprise office. 13tf Phone 3452 FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue better growth but they lower the care of Mr. Gardner who has been j berry plants. Grown In west for FOR RENT—3-rm. furnished apart confined to his bed for some time. i death rate among the best woodland western planting. Write to Tony ment, modern, garage. E. D. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dooley, Mr. and Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm trees, bringing more of them through Cooke. 5tf for price list. Route 1, Box 242, to a ripe age for lumber harvest than Mrs. Leo Russell and Steve Myers Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 FOR SALE—New double constructed SEE in nature's way of letting the trees moved to Day Creek last week where stucco duplex. For sale by owner, they will be engaged in logging oper EXPERT AUTO and home radio fight it out. call The Enterprise. 49tf service, 20 years experience, all I ations during the summer. Fann Forest Mainstay Blacksmithing makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE- Baled oats straw. Etzel Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ray and family The sawlog is the main product of Welding For your excavating Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Bros.. Stayton, Ore., R. 1, Box 234. long-range have moved from the Ferris and[ the farm woodland in the Logging and Saw Ph. 14F71 or 16F84 12-3p and dump truck work FOR SALE—One Guernsey cow, to harvest, as it is the first product of Frank mill to the Heighburger mill Mill Repairing 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel freshen soon. See Otto Witt near FOR SALE — Marshall strawberry were Mr. Ray is now employed. I the industrial forest. Martin's Trailer Court. 13-3p plants $12 per M. Cheaper if you Basements, Trench and BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE Sunday dinner guests at the home This rule will surely hold good for dig. S. E. Ogden, west end of General Excavating FOR RENT — 6-room house, 3 bed i many years to come. The plywood of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers were Mr. Evergreen Street. ll-3tp rooms in Mehama. Call Stayton peeler log, the pulp log, the shingle and Mrs. Frank Metzger, Mrs. Eva I Silver Saddle Trailer Camp 3224, or 347 Ida St., Stayton. 13-3p FOR SALE — Telephone, Ellie Hill. MUI City, Ore. Phone »03 bolt, the fuel log, are side products. Metzger, Mrs. Bessie Dixon and A. W. Call ph. 1934. 12-3p A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Since the 1820s the railroad tie has Metzger Jr., all of Gresham. yardage, 6 and 9 ft widths, 69c per FOR SALE - Santizor vacuum with (provided a market for the American sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. attachments, also portable ward | farmer with a woodland, and has robe, fruit Jars, etc. Mrs Joe helped pay for forestry. FOR SALE — 6-room house, bam, Liberty, Broadway and 4th street, chicken house, orchard, several across from Red Thomas. Phone Hewn ties were the rule through and acres of good garden soil goes with 2006 12-3t j most of the history of the railroads, this place, can all be irrigated, at (Packet or Bulk Pack) a time when the farmer was as skilled I tractive terms can be had. Phone FOR SALE—Grey oats, cleaned or the ax. Now as with ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS with the adze 742, Royal Johnson, 2 mi. each of field run. Also oats and wheat mixed. Etzel Bros., Stayton, Ore., I Gates In Linn county. 12-5p practically all ties are made in the FAMILY STYLE MEALS Various Types of Garden Tools, Etc Route 1, Box 234. Ph. 14F71 or j sawmill. FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean 16F84 12-3p the main thing, is I ’ nder New Management But lumber ing equipment call your Fuller Most of the wood used in everyday Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. FOR RENT Duplex, inquire at Man- [ 1, Box 229. Aumsville, Ore. 3tf oils Santiam Cafe. 13-3t building is lumber from sawlogs. Such building is to logging and STAYTON, OREGON | tree-growing what bread baking is to wheat harvesting and wheatgrow For Guaranteed Cleaning ing. | The “tie mill” that specializes in it’s the [this market is one for the farmer with saw timber on his land to look into. MILL CITY Everyday building, the light con struction industry, is the meal ticket Privato Dining A Friendy Family i of lumberman and forester, and the 24-HOUR SERVICE i main hope for the farmer who wants Room Atmosphere Prevails to see money growing on his trees. Mill City Timber Threshing Foresters think of timber in terms of wheat or corn. It takes a tree crop longer to ripen, of course. Time aside, wheat and | wood are both soil crops and both crops are harvested by cutting, ► ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ■ annnnHnnnHnnHnHnnnbiiansnnau | Then the logs of the tree are run MILL (TTY DISPOSAL (through the sawmill just as the stems SERVICE and heads of wheat are run through Expert Repairing Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. the threshing machine. weekly pickups $1 per month. SHELL OIL PRODUCTS As wheat is made into flour, bread Also light hauling. U. S. ROYAL TIRES | and other food products, so are saw- Detroit P. E. Fry, Mgr. Leonard Herman Phone 2325 | logs made into lumber which is uosran ¡a w a on n w a n h »: » bi a w n » m « k o j worked up into houses and farm — buildings Then, in an ideal state, new food crops are grown on wheat VEKNF/S HOWARD CORSET SHOP HARLOW L. WEINR1CK ¡land and new building crops on tree Foundation Garments BARBER SHOP (land. Attorney at Law Special Attention Given to Fittings 2nd * Broadway Mill City Floods may erode the wheat land. It s Smart! Hoslcry-I.lngerle-Dresscs-Smocka 318 Broadalbin Albany Hours: 10 to 7 Fire may bum the tree land Poor 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 management in both cases can rob iMbdtlllin I /* ■s the soil. Where Friends Meet There are leftovers from the thresh LIPPOLD - BRENNER BARGAINS ing and milling of wheat, and there On Highway 222, Linn County Side Accountants In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes are leftovers from the logging and FLORIST and M KSEKY Bookkeeping Service Auditing MILL CITY Clothing, Housewares milling of trees. Wheat straw and Payroll Reports Income Tax 31» W. W ash. Street I blocks on George ‘Sparky’ Ditter Phones : tree branches are left in the woods. W. stayton Hlway Phone .3684 MAC'S Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 Chaff compares to sawdust. 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parkin» Bread from wheat and houses from trees have a future Lumber is Cliff Ambers a permanent fixture in the American JUST ARRIVED— scene And the sawlog will remain ladle« and Children'« I nibrella« the best crop of the farm woodland. Bath Towel« — Apron« GOODE'S FLOWER SHOP Handkerchief« .lust F.a«t of Gut.-« 1‘tione Bln«' t'llt Stayton, Ore. Sheets — F.nihrolilered Case« Tablecloth« Wants and Sales Towing Service MILL CITY SANTIAM GARAGE IL A. Schroeder JOHN ADAMS Mill City Hotel ! Headquarters for Garden Seeds Boarding House SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Mom X Pops NU-METHOD Business CAFE Directory Texs Tavern Professional Canyon Garage MEANDER INN RALEIGH HAROLD FLOWERS Hendricsoifs Ston Balcony Epp's Store ■ax » « X »ucnMXMDo; x •< « « « ictocxu® WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Fun, ral Service STAYTON OREGON WOOD’S STORE FIRST IN DETROIT STILL FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rynearson Otto Ruaoell Glen Dryden TAVERN One Mill East of Detroit General Dry Geoda NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO WF VR HOSIERY I I ZIERS <X»SMF 1R S JEWEL MYERS. Mrr !) u II) il. Ill'll) Real Estate MUI City Real Estate West MMe Mill (My IJSTINGS W 4NTED I >rcgon Mutual Eire liiMirauot See Ed L. Davis Lyons. R.F.D. I) \\ IS Electric & Tavern Supph Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service 2134 Fairgrounds Road Salem. Ore. Phone 3-71*3 X.