Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
Easter Party Treats for Small Fry Birthday Dance for Teen-Agers Held 5— THE Local Enumerators Chosen for Census March 80. IBM MILL CITY ENTERPRISE FEMME PACE As the day of the big count ap One of the most enjoyable dancing MELSONS ENTERTAIN parties of the season was held Friday proaches, the persons appointed as Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Butler of Kansas night at the Bohemian hall when ' enumerators are busy receiving their Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky entertained a final training and instructions before City. Kansas have been visiting for group of the teen-agers. The party embarking upon their duties as of the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Nielson. Mrs. Nielson Is was in honor of LeRoy Podrabsky 12:01 am, April 1st The instruc who was celebrating his 16th birth tion school for this district is being Mrs. Lyle Kinzer was hostess for their daughter and Mrs. W. G Stover held at the McCleay Grange hall in the Women's Society of Christian i their grand daughter. day. Following an evening of dancing, conjunction with the group of Service with the meeting held at her Mr. Nielson took Mr. Butler to visit refreshments consisting of sand trainees from the S. W. Marion home with a large attendance, Mrs. the Masonic lodge Monday night. It wiches, punch and birthday cake were county district. The trainees from . Laurene Walworth presided over the was their first trip to the West coast. served by the hostess assisted by the S E. district, which includes Sil business meeting, and the devotions Sight seeing trips were taken to Mrs. Lee Kuhlman and Mrs. John verton. Silverton Hills, N. Silverton, were lead by Mrs. George Clipfell. Bonneville Dam, Detroit Damsite, S, Silverton, Union Hills, Sublimity, Many plans were made and commit- Salem and to the beaches. Davidson. Present were LeRoy Podrabsky, West Stayton, Stayton. Mehama. Mill I tees appointed. It was decided to Mr. and Mrs. W. G Stover enter Barbara Barton, Dorothy Downer, ■City, Gates, Horeb, Niagara. Detroit, have clean-up at the church and com tained with a family dinner last Sun Pat Brown, Pat Wolverton, Pat Dav i and Idanha precincts are under In munity club house, Monday and Tues day evening for for Mr. and Mrs. O. struction and supervision of Tony day, March 27 and 28. and the trip An Easter party for the youngsters is fun for everybody, with saucy idson, Barbara Smith, Arlone Kuhl Moravec of Stayton. The enumera was outlined for the district meeting L. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Nielson man. Carol Jane Blazek, Eddie Rob Easter bunnies, gay candy baskets and brilliantly colored Easter eggs to set tors will attend five (6) half day to be held in Albany Wednesday, and son Larry. a festive scene. For refreshment, birds’ nest cakes made of meringue are a erts. Denny Maritala, Lawrence delicious accompaniment to the sparkling fruity strawberry orange punch Thornly, Ernie Podrabsky, Don Fl- sessions while the urban enumerators March 29. Plans were made to have REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 served in a tall pitcher or punch bowl. This flavorful punch is inexpensive will be required to attend three (3» a tamale sale April 11 with Alice « 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¡0 © 0.00 0 0 0¡0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 and easy to prepare with the new concentrated orange base which comes in cek, Tommie Kanoff, Bill Shepherd, y er j Huber, Eva Bressler, Elsie Lande, i — - half day sessions. handy-sized cans you can keep on your shelf. With water added, each small Phillip Goble, Dick Downer, The following appointees are can of fruit base makes a full quart, and you get all the tangy, fresh fruit Moberg. Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, Mrs. , i Vivian Walworth and Anna B. Julian j flavor without the fuss of straining or squeezing. John Davidson, and Mrs. Ernest ‘hose receiving training in as the cooks. Minnie Wagner, Evelyn EASTER STRAWBERRY ORANGE PUNCH enumeration work: Julian, Eva Bressler and Vivian Wal drabsky. Two small cans orange base Jessica Z. Cooper; Stanley B. Mat worth, the publicity committee; Alta Fresh or frozen strawberries, sliced his; Agnes J. Haugen; Eleanor M. Bodeker, Ethel Huffman and Mis. Water To each small can of concentrated orange base, add five cans of water. Three Links Give Honors ! Meland; Ella L. Oehler and Helen M. Hartnell «’ere appointed the nominat Stir and add sliced strawberries. No sugar is needed. Makes 2 quarts. Zetterberg all of Silverton. Lora E. ing committee for officers for the Rand, West Stayton; Patricia A. Ben coming year. The next meeting will On Members Birthdays I by the hostess, Mrs. Saunders to Mrs. der, Betty G. Emery, Delila M. be held at the community club house Clubhouse Plans Okayed I Steve Champ, Turner and Miss Janet The Three Links club met Thurs Champ, all of Stayton; Ramon L. Tuesday afternoon, April 4, with Mrs. Klecker, Stayton. visitors, Mrs. A. D. day at the home of Mrs. Clayton Rauscher. of Sublimity; Kenneth Anna Johnson hostess. Each mem By Gates Women Johnson, Mrs. Theodore Burton, Mrs. Baltimore for a no-host luncheon. Randall and Dorothy Draper of Me ber is to bring a toy new or old for Mrs. Frank Saunders opened her j Elmer Stewart, Mrs Lincoln Hen- The group honored Mrs. Fred Duffy | hama; Grace E. Cooke, Kathryn a child under six years of age to be home to members of the Gates ' ness, Mrs. Wilson Park, Mrs. Glen and Mrs. Lee Bassett on their birth Colburn, Isabel Mason, Callie Thomas sent to the children's hospital. At Womans club Thursday afternoon for Hearing, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. day and were presented gifts from all of Mill City; and John Ray of the close of the meeting Mrs. Kinzer Mrs. Joe Liberty Idanha. the social meeting. The blue print Kay McCarty, Mrs. Larry Shelton those attending. ' served refreshments to Mesdames was presented a “going away" gift of the club house was studied and and Mrs. Albert Millsap. “Since these enumerators are your Jim Lande .Willard Hartnell, Loren from the club and Mrs. Marie Stew approved. A vote of thanks was fellow citizens and neighbors,.’’ Mr The Silver tea sponsored by the art was given a baby blanket from Moravec says, “I urge all of you Chamberlain, Laurence Walworth, given Tex Allen, engineer for the Glen Julian, Albert Julian, Clinton the club. C.B.I. who drew up and donated the Women's Society of Christian Service people to-co-operate with your enum Hubbard, Wallace Power, Albert Following the luncheon the group held at the Lyons community club plans to the club. erator, and to you farmers who have J Ring, Oral Toland, Earl Wagner, Plans were discussed for the Easter was well attended with guests pres made rosettes for the Theta Rho not filled out an Agriculture Ques George Clipfell, George Huffman, dance, sponsored by the club, to be ent from Mill City and Mehama. The girls. tionnaire, I urge you to do so and help ; Clyde Bressler, Alex Kuiken, Mrs. Present were; Mrs. Lee Bassett, held Saturday evening, April 8th, room was beautifully decorated with expedite the work of the enumerators. ■ Alice Huber, Mis. Catherine Julian, in the school gymnasium, proceeds to spring flowers and the dainty re- Mrs. Fred Duffy, Mrs. Joe Liberty, Let’s make this 17th big count the Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. Calloway, i freshments carried out the Chinese j Mrs. Marie Stewart, Mrs. W. W. most accurate of all.” be added to the building fund. Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Jewell. Henderson, Mrs. Arnold Syverson, motif. The speaker of the afternoon The next regular meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. was Mei Ling Wu, an exchange stu . Mrs. Alma Thomas, Mrs. Mel Robin birthday party in honor of Mrs. Elmer Stewart, a no-host luncheon, dent at Oregon State college who son, Mrs. Rachel Olmstead. Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher Leaves April 13th. Election of officers will gave a very interesting talk on the I Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. Howard Kan Mrs. Robert L. Ash, kindergarten Cree's mother, Mrs. J. M. Dickinson. I a«« off, Mrs. George Veteto, Mrs. Frank teacher, is planning to Join her be held. Refreshments were served living conditions in China. Merrill, Mrs. Frances Bodeker, Mrs. husband in Tacoma, April 1st, where Bertha Shepherd, Mrs. Wilma Stew- they will make their home. It is with I | art, Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. much regret that the children and j John Nelson, Mrs. Jennie Davis, Mrs. their mothers see her leave, as she Ì I John Swan, Mrs. Lester Hathaway had endeared herself to all. Mrs. SERVING THE CANYON AREA . and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Martin Jepsen will take over the PICKUPS AT kindergarten, as of April 3rd, and continue through May 26th. Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Lyons Rebekah Choose Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Astoria Delegates Dry Cleaning— Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit DEANHA PTA MONDAY NIGHT The regular meeting of Faith Re- The grade school library was the 163 South High SALEM Phone S-912S j bekah lodge of Lyons was held at scene of the general meeting of De- the hall Wednesday evening with a anha PTA Monday night with a large j large attendance, and the following attendance in spite of the blizzard officers in the chairs, Blanche Wag weather. At the business meeting ner, noble grand; Beulah Lewis, vice with T. S. Moore presiding, the basic j HALVES AND SEGMENTS, No. 2ft can grand; Garnett Bassett, secretary, or children’s school law was explained and Celene Taylor, treasurer. The by Mrs. G. Bangs and Mr. White gave 2 for regular routine of business was car-1 a very clear talk on the rural school ! FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES ried out and delegates elected to law. attend the Rebekah Assembly of Ore Moore named Ida Hansen, chair 'S- < X X X X'X»®äaß®I»i«lX«IkX.a X X X X X X X X X’X K X X x.X'x gon which will be held at Astoria man with Elsie Girod and Roselle some time in May. Delegates elected Vicker the nominating committee for MILL CITY were Hazel Lewis and Effie Heineck next year’s officers. 1 Alternates were Alta Bodeker and Delegates to the PTA convention SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS OPEN WEEK DAYS « !Garnett Bassett. At the social hour 9 A M. to 4 P.M. 8 A.M. to 7 PM in Portland April 25. 26. 27 were Ì: X i refreshments were served by Zona elected with Edison Vickers, Mr. Has- VI; 9 Sischo, Frances Randall, Lois Myers nick, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Snyder ' and Alta Bodeker. voted delegates with Mrs. Girod, Mrs. Following the lodge meeting a Overhaulser, Mrs. Weisgerber and short business meeting was held by Mrs. Gordon as alternates. o the Three Links club with Beulah A very interesting program was 0 Lewis president in charge. Plans provided, Stanley Wipple being the were completed for the card party speaker of the evening, who spoke which will be held at the Rebekah on sports and hobbies. Mrs. Russell MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES hall Saturday evening April 1st, with Hoyt displayed her many bells and TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS 500 and pinochle in play, and the told a few things about them. The MASQUERADE SEPPI JES TRICKS AND PUZZLES | party dance to be held Saturday eve grade school children demonstrated ning April 15th, instead of April Sth two experiments pertaining to air e Use Our Mall Order Service pressure. Eight Junior high boys o and girls did three dances, very aptly performed. SALEM'S ORIGINAL • Mrs. Leach’s room again won the V as qay as a Springtime attendance prise. Refreshments were served by the sixth grade mothers. mommo-as lovely a$ Lyons Service Society Plan Tamale Sale SALEM LAUNDRY MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special PEACHES Myron's Packaged Meats LF7C Kellom’s Grocery Friendly Service Check the Stock in Our Windows for the Merchants Quiz H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment KEITH b™™ Toy & Hobby Shop Lastertime itself x x x x x XX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x X x x x x x x x x.3 Photo Finishing - 24 hour service Lending Library Toys Gift Items Notions Housewares Socks Underwear MILL CITY VARIER JIM O'LEARY IRENE O’l-EARY ■ 0 O I o 0 o I O o 0 o 0 8 0 0 0 o I 0 0 0 0 0 ■ o 0 o I 0 0 0 0 I I We Invite You To meet the newest member of our staff Mary Gilbert Lee Easter Cards Specialist in Hair Cutting MRS. LEE HAS TRAINED WITH MR. PEBOLA AND DARWIN JONES, NOTED ARTISTS IN THE BEAUTY FIELD. Shirley's Beauty Shop 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and family were in Salem Sunday to a Edward Williams «3.30 Court St. SALEM, ORE. Complete Line of Dermetics Phone 6102 • 2nd & Broadway