Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
March SO, 1950 4—THE MILL C ITY ENTERPRISE SPCRTS PAGE High School Notes IDANHA REGISTRATION TO VOTE CLOSES APRIL 18-IT IS YOUR PRIVILEGI» — FOX VALLEY Miss Naonia Morgan, junior at Ore By REBA SNYDER Mr. and Mrs. Smith and two small gon State college in Corvallis spoke Dick Haseman spent the past week children from Monmouth were week to Mill City high school girls on here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. end business visitors here Mr. Smith Monday of this week. Her topics in R. C. Haseman and his sister Nancy. has been elected as 6th grade teacher cluded life on the campus, the school Dick is attending college in Eugene. in the Mari-Linn school for the com for all your 1 of home economics, and other liberal A no-host dinner will be held at the ing year. < arts fields. Idanha community church at 6 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Knox are Plumbing and Following Miss Morgans’ speech April 2, followed by the showing of having several thousand turkey eggs (the floor was throw open to a ques two films. The event is the second incubated for their turkey farm this Members of the Mill City grade tion and answer time. At a recent meeting of the Mill Heating Needs 'season. The Knox's have purchased City high student body the following school basketball team were honored The high school girls physical edu anniversary of the Sunday school. All Interested In entering the ama day-old turkeys heretofore but they Thursday evening at a banquet in the boys were given athletic awards by cation class had their final game here Coach Burton Boroughs. Football high school recreation room spon last Tuesday. The "Silly Sockers" teur contest sponsored by the Idanha (decided to try buying the eggs and Little Theatre Group, please register having them hatched this year. They and basketball letters were given to sored by team mothers. ! were the winners with only one lose. LeRoy Podrabsky, freshman; Thad Each team member was introduced ¡Team members were Jo Roy, captain; at Van’s in Idanha or Baldwin’s In i will be ready around the middle of Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Roberts, Dennis Martalla, Bob Balti by coach Vernon Todd. The boys Wanda Vandermier, Paula Van Bus- Detroit. Contestants will be heard April. Stayton May 6th in the auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Kintz of Sub more, sophomores, Lawrence Thorn responded with a speech. 1 kirt, Betty Lou Cree, Delores Poole, Elbert Brown spent the weekend limity were recent visitors in this ley, Lawrence Poole, Leo Poole, and The banquet was furnished and pre Hazel Neal, and Jo Ann Kunkle. Before you buy-see the SPARK in Salem visiting his wife who is locality. pared by mesdames Eugene Gregory, Ernie Podrabsky, seniors. Second place xvinners were the GAS-MAXING DEMONSTRATION* hospitalized there. He returned Sun Mrs. O. C. Downing and Mrs. Hugh Those receiving football awards Alfred Ward, Jack Carey and Louis | "Nifty Netters" captained by Sue only were Ramon Peterson, Norman i Verbeck. Delicious roles were fur- Mikkelsen; "Spify Spikers” third, and day afternoon reporting Mrs. Brown Johnston were In Albany for the improving. meeting of the ladies extension club Martalla, seniors; Harlan Gibson, ' nished by Mrs. Louis Rada and ice the "Stinkeroos”, fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Evenson and instructors the 24th. They learned George Neal, juniors; Bob Shelton, 'cream by Stewarts grocery. family, Salem, were in Idanha Sun how to construct and re-decorate Bill Dean, sophomores; Lyle Fleet The table was decorated with daf day visiting relatives and friends. lamp shades and will show the other fodils, with the second place trophy Students Perfect Attendance wood, freshman. Receiving basketball awards only won by the team serving as center With report cards issued this week Dick Woodward was host to a women how to do the work at the were Ollie Mulse, senior; Verl Mo piece. Place cards shaped like small many youngsters approached home group of teen-agers Friday night, next club meeting here. basketballs were made by Miss Mar with mixed emotions of both fear and The evening was spent dancing and Denny Gray of Darby, Mont., left berg, junior. playing games. Mrs. Woodward for his home last Monday morning John Nelson and Phillip Goble re- lene Verbeck. . Joy- Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ver Among the happier of the grade served jello, cake and cocoa to Eva after spending a two-week visit at ceived manager awards. non Todd, Richard Verbeck, Alfred ¡school youngsters were the 32 pupils New, Joyce Watkins, Edna Golden, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. BASEBALL SCHEDULE Ward, Elton Gregory, Vernon Chris (who were honored with perfect at Ernestene Morris, Arlene Woodward, Cruson of Fox Valley. Mr. Gray ex CHANGES WERE: tenson, Phillip Carey, LeRoy Emer tendance and a perfect record of Don and Richard Hansen, Stanley pects to return and spend the sum- Timms, Fred Davis and the host mer with the Cruson brothers. Turner—there this Friday. son, Tommy Stewart, Kenny An being on time. Expert work. ------------------------- St. Paul—here. drews, Charles Golden, Arnold Webb First grade honors were given to Dick. Finest mate Nine members of the North San- FIRST .AID CLASSES May 18— Stay ton undetermined site and Dick Crook. James Fencl, Dennis Jenkins; second rials. Work done promptly..; grade honors to Dorman Gregory, tiam Willing Workers club were en- j First Aid classes will begin April KMnnnnnMnnnnnnnxnonouKnffnv»«» and guaranteed. Let us give I tertained by Elsie Girod in her home ! 8th for the Mill City Boy Scout troop Allen Jensen, Larry Moberg; third Two Day Spring Vacation you a free estimate. afternoon. Honored between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 Because school was started a week grade, Garry Gevier, Tom Fencl, Don Wednesday guests were Mabie Barney, Mary Gul- noon. WATCHES later than usual last fall spring vaca Howe, Alan Tuers; fourth grade, liford and Opal White, whose birth- ! Their Instructor will be Earl L. David Golden, Cleo Jose, Lahny Po DIAMONDS tion will be limited to two days in JEWELRY the Mill City schools this year. The drabsky, Newel Roten, Ronald Wil days came the first quarter of the Cox, R.N. Mr. Cox is at present a vacation time will be on April 3rd liams; fifth grade, Loren Dart, Shar year. Ida Hansen and Edna Gordon 1 member of the O.P.S. first aid station FOSTORIA and on Gibson, Frances Ward; sixth also had birthdays this quarter but at the Detroit dam. and 4th. On April 9th local firemen and were unable to attend. No vacation for the poor teachers, grade, Richard Crook, Norman Dow Baker s police will begin first aid training at however, they will attend Oregon ner, Bob Howe, Charles Kuhlman. | Games and contests were the en the fire hall between 10 a.m. and 12 tertainment of the day. Opal White, Educational association in Portland Darrell Williams; seventh grade, Phil noon. while the students vacation. Both Carey, Jim Candle, Hazel Candle. Mary Gulliford and Reba Snyder j were winner^ of prizes. The Mill City grade and high school faculty mem Yvonne Dart, LeRoy Emerson; eigth grade, Richard Lovel, Wayne Morris, ! large living room was decorated in REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 bers will attend the meeting Dan Roten, and Mary Jo Wolverton green and white streamers and a | large birthday cake, beautifully dec- (orated was served, with ice cream VOLLEYBALL CONTEST 1 and coffee by the hostess, assisted » AT GRADE SCHOOL The grade school faculty played by Betty Pittam. I BYRON DAVIS, Prop. the 7th and 8th grade girls In a In the Hamilton Fur "Hidden I Squirrel ” contest, Mrs. Ed Hansen volleyball game last week and won “At the Bottom of the Hill” by a narrow margin of 31-27, after a won a $50 cash certificate good for that amount on the purchase of a OREGON MILL CITY five minute overtime play. The young girls played excellent fur coat at Hamilton's store in Port volleyball keeping faculty opponents land. Mrs. Hansen found either 46 j or 47 squirrels. on their toes throughout the game The normal game time ended with a While Mrs. Athol Savage and two 22-22 tie which necessitated the (children were at the home of her . parents, the Clarence Golden's De- Construction Co five minute overtime play. I Faculty team members were Sletto, troit, Wednesday morning, Tiny, their GENERAL CONTRACTORS Swartz, Hollyman, Grimstead, Smith, j one and a half year old daughter I threw a salt shaker which struck the McCoy, and Todd. (bottle from which 3-month-old Ter- COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS AUTO SUPPLY OPEN SATURDAY I ry was feeding, shattering the glass The public is invited to the grand over him. He was rushed to Dr. Will Expert Bulldozing opening of the Mill City Auto Supply cut who removed glass particles from Road Building on Saturday in the 8-Ball building. the baby's body. No ill effects re They will feature a complete line of sulted. Clearing, Grading and Leveling The first official census of Idanha auto and truck accessories. Masonry and Concrete Work John Ray, census The former recreation hall will con is completed. taker, reported the population to be tinue to operate in the back 444. Ray received his appointment We Always Guarantee Our Work as enumerator for the Idanha area Ml'NICIPLE COURT Marshall Bon Harrison, Mill City. last week. He will attend four days Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 violation of basic rule, no operator’s of school in Macleay the last of March and start with the census the license. Bail $15 William Arthur Kangas. Mill City. first of April. The Red Cross drive is on so when Drunk on a public street. ¿25 bail. Robert August Burman, Detroit that knock comes at your door, open your heart and your purse and join no muffler. Bail $5 00 millions all over the world to a good REGISTR XI ION l<> X on t LOS! s cause. On April 11, at the Detroit APRIL 18—IT IS YOl’R PRIVILEGE theatre the movie “Ladies Let's 0 Dance" will be shown free to all who o have joined and their families. Ct Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, who have 0 •i * 0 lived in Idanha in their trailer house, s MOBILE and CRAWLERS and been employed by Idanha Lum ber Co. moved to Milwaukee Tuesday FRID XX and S X II RD XX morning By Hour or Month See Us High School Awards Grade School Cagers Honored at Banquet Given Athletes — Hand Made Caulked Boots 12 Inch Work Boots DICK’S SUDE SERVICE Mill City’Jewelry ! MILL CITY TAVERN ! YODER-MARTIN FOR RENT Friday & Saturday Specials Shovels or Cranes TOMANS HILL TOP STORE FREE 1 Do/. Eggs and 1 Lb. Swift’s Sliced Bacon i Always Leave Them •> for It. X XX HOLE Kl RM I. ( It. X < XXL IMI X| XII I >X III r It. X I Milt 111 II I I OI R It) |tw. It. X S »UVD ORI "l\G, pt. » LSINORE M’KK OTs. 4M»»-»'».»'. Any Brand. 1 lb I.’ or tin «ire tin SUNDAY unit MONDAY MILTON BERLE and x iig . ixi x M xx <> In for It. X CORN» I» B» » I IMENI Fighting Man of the Plains In Color WITH $10 00 OR MORE ORDER GROCEIO DEP RANDOLPH SCOTT In .23 .29 .35 .85 .25 .20 .75 .39 .33 First and second grade youngsters enjoyed a birthday party in their room in honor of Dick Dyhrman. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Harrv Dyhrman and games followed. Phone Gervais 3333 > * , T^e quality ,P Wo UKÊ OuO FOU* used to DR i N k UKE W ê * ram / '’e0,’UErH|NK. e A5 iee to l 0TS°F <* J) J~ TUESDAX an<l XVEDXESDXX VAN JOHNSON and GLORI X Dell XX » X In Scene of the Crime THURSDAY — Merchant«' Quit — BOX XI D III X(. XX X IKl.lX M XVO and EDDI» HR \( Kt X in a a a LEMONS. largì site, tlosen a a a | o Q C o o ALBERT TOMAN. Prop. O MI1J <TTV W E DF.IJVER Door* open at 7 :ÎO P.M. o o > Complete «how can be «een any □ time up to 8:90 a ____________________________________________________________ s ODOQOOOOOnnonor.nCOnOOOQOOC'OOOOQOnoOOr.QODOQQD llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HILL TOP GENERAL STORE WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS GRADE SCHOOL PARTY The Girl From Jones Beach w JUST TELL THE W rtANT IMPERMt, M.35 «J nrra Imperial it made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey 86pr< —oof °» gram neutral spirits Hiram Walk« & Sons Inc . Pesxu. I|| ¡mon ln M) 10 C MST