Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
REGISTRATION TO VOTE CLOSES APRIL 18—IT IS YOVR PRIVILEGE snnanöHnHQ»HBn»H)anHDnna»Bö LYONS and A Nelson Glad to report all S—THF MILL CITY ENTERPRISE March SO 1950 the fellows are back on the job. Sorry to report that Lynn John demanding many hours of exacting Butler's Trailer News, Gates By EVA BRESSLER son's father, of Portland, passed work. Dick and Dorothy Long motored away Thursday. A meeting will be held at the home Another ardent hobbyist who sup. to Eugene Sunday. Newcomers to the court are Mr. of Mr and Mrs Clarence Jungwirth plements the family income is Mrs. Bob Chase spent Sunday at Long and Mrs. J. F. Miller and two children, j Wednesday evening. March 29. to Louie Ray. the walking crocheter. view, Washington, visiting friends. and Kenneth Nolan and his mother. i discuss and make plans for organiz- With a ball of thread in her pocket By JEAN ROBERTS ' ing a Girl Scout group, and a Brownie We have been busy redecorating the Harry Richcurk and A. Nelson A hobby, designed for profit as and a needle always handy she cro utility house this week. We appre group. All those interested are urged spent the weekend in Portland. well as pleasure, made an appearance chets any time her hands are idle. to attend if possible, or contact Mrs. The flu made victims of Fred Wil ciate the co-operation of the patrons at the opening of Roy and Hazels Doilies, chair sets, pot holders, Jungwirth. son, Roland Kopp, Ralph Long, Loren while we were painting. edgings, any one, might be the pro Quarterly conference will be held variety store in Mehama this week. and Bernice Johnk, Harry Richcurk REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 18 duct of an afternoon walk Needle Corsages made of wood fiber that at the Lyons Methodist church Wed work of any kind is her hobby, selling nesday evening with Dr. Roy Fedje look and feel like real flowers are surplus pieces and doing custom hand made by Mrs. Carl Longnecker of Salem in charge. Proceeding the fancywork at nominal prices. Her business meeting a pot luck supper I of Elkhorn who has developed this work is also on display at Roy and art to a fine degree. will be held by members and friends Hazel’s new novelty store. of the church. The material, shaved from the rice Mrs. John McClurg entertained tree, is imported from Formosa and Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! with a dinner honoring her daughter- will not mildew or mold. True flower atOM in-law Mrs. Bob Carleton on her scent will be added at a future date. S. Wk,ssWi’. you BET I HAVE !! 1 birthday anniversary. Covers were Orders however, can be placed now HAVE YOU I WOULDN'T PASS A Friendly Place | laid for Mr and Mrs. Bob Carleton. for corsages, hat trimmings or Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing and flowers for any decorative purpose. BOUGHT S UP THIS CHANCE TO Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Addi Several others in the Mehama area OUP HELP THE CRIPPLED To While Away | tional evening guests at the McClurg have turned a side interest into a YET ? CHILDPEN POP ALL home were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bailey source of income. Mr and Mrs. Mel Your Idle Hours of Mehama. THE COPNED BEEP vin Peck manufacture agate jewelry Mrs. Catherine (Grandma) Julian in a home workshop. Their equip- AND CABBAGE DINT/ has returned to the home of her son jnent consists of a diamond saw, ----- COULD COOK !! and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. grinding stones and a polishing buff, Albert Julian, after spending several operated by a gasoline engine. months in California with relatives. They make a yearly trip to Eastern Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and her and Southern Oregon where most of mother. Mrs. White went to Portland their agates are found. A few or Sunday afternoon, Mrs. White who exceptionally high quality however ! GATES has spent the winter at the home of come from Montana. Sets for her daughter will stay at her home in brooches, necklaces and rings are G>pr. 1950, King Fvjturo SynJiutc, Inc., WorlJ rights Portland for a while. sawed, polished and hand mounted XmmmmMmMmammmm Mrs. Dell Westenhouse and daugh ter Charymane of Scio visited rela- j tives and friends in Lyons Friday afternoon. Miss Juanita Downing left Monday for Boise, Idaho, where she will spend a week as a guest of Miss Elaine Evans. The young ladies were stu dents together at Oregon State col lege TASTY PAK CORN, Whole Kernel No. 808 2 for Miss Carroll Johnston student at the Oregon College of Education at TASTY PAK CORN, Cream Style 2 for Monmouth is spending her spring va cation at the home of her parents ELSINORE GRAPE FRIIT J VICE, No. 2 ... 2 for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry of ELSINORE TOMATO JVICE, 46 oz. Salem were Sunday visitors in Lyons. They visited at the George Berry, XltOA. lb. Marvin Berry and Paul Pennington homes. A \Ms | lbs Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer were weekend guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law Mr and Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and family at Co quille. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son Donald of Tillamook They also visited her parents Mr and Mrs. Ed Haynes at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son Cecil visited Mrs. Dean Turner ¡Ct o of Maryville, Missouri, Sunday at the Earl Wilson home in Beaverton. Friends have received word of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knight of Arcata, Calif. The Knights were former residents of Lyons, when he was employed at the box factory. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Oliver who have made their home with Elmer Hiatt for the last two years have moved ¡into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skeels. Mrs. George Berry who has been quite ill at her home is reported to be improving. EXPERT COLOR MATCHING Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Elwood have COMPLETE purchased the house vacated by Mr. VPHOLSTERING AND BODY REPAIRING and Mrs. Art Anderson and expect to move soon. Mr. Elwood is doing ' some repair work before he moves the family in. Mumps seem to be making their appearance in Lyons with several 14 Y’ears Experience cases. The latest victims are Janice MILL CITY PHONE 88 and Janet Huffman and Walter Olm stead. a---------------------------------------------- TRAILER COURTS Mehama Hobbies Prove Profitable EASTER SEALS MASTER nM a Popular - - because it» annnnaaHnnnHaaaaaaaaaaaa»» RICHARD’S TAVERN AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Friday & Saturday Specials Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical Records. PORTER &LAU "First with What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 ft. Stayton 215 »25 .¿a i35 i2w «27 .25 Gates General Store I KLIEWER Mjf o PAi»r/^c Offers EASTER HAMS Ready for Your Table Baked at No Cost to You by MUIR’S BAKERY Order Your Favorite Fraud: Swift’s Premium - Cascade - Nebergall at Any of the Following Stores Red & White Hill Top Gates General or Call 2706 Knowles Body & Fender Repair II Your Opportunity To Help a Boy Scout Go to the World Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa. Beginning on April 1st till June 1st THE BOY M OITM WILL so Lit IT NEW SIRS* RIITIONS TO THE ENTERPRISE H>R EVERY NEW BCIWU RIPTION THEY WILL RECEIVE SI M. — SI BM4TUPT1ON RATE »2 50 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII f