Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
No April Fool When Boy Scouts Knock Should a Boy Scout knock on your door this Saturday, April 1st it will be no April fools joke. He will how ever ask for your help in sending one of their number to Valley Forge and other eastern points for an experience of a lifetime this summer. The scouts, to receive aid from the Lions Club will also receive $1.00 out of every $2.50 collected for new subscribers to the Mill City Enter prise. The lucky Scout, to be chosen by scout executives, will entrain for a southern trip and the International Boy Scout jamboree to be held this year at Valley Forge, Penn. The trip, to take a full month will not be con cluded until Mill City's selection has seen the nation’s capital, New York City, Niagara Falls, and the automo bile factories In Detroit, among other points of interest. Gift subscriptions for others were suggested, to old subscribers, as a means to aid the scouts. T he MILL CITY iNTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGOIJ) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEXX AY TO THE HE ART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE Vol. XI—No. 13 MILL CITY. OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Septic Tank Unsanitary; School Soard Scurries Gates Votes on City Incorporation Soon Gates citizens within the proposed J boundries of the city limits will ballot i on April 14th to determine whether or | not Gates will become an incorpor ated city. Should the voters agree upon the incorporation business men and others have expressed the belief the 'community would prosper under the j new organization. Polls will open on Friday, April 14th, at the Gates Furniture store, at 8:00 a.m. Dick Parker, registrar I reminded potential voters they must have registered 30 days prior to the I election. The proposed boundries for the city limits would range from the post office >4 mie north, mile east, one | mile west and to the river on the south. Registered voters within the proposed boundries are urged to make their appearance at the polls ¡on April 14th. Condition That Existed Nearly Two Months Known by Board commissioner after examining the cave-in, stated, "I feel that the situa tion is not only unsanitary and de manding of immediate attention but is also extremely dangerous.” Po drabsky. representing the city will issue a letter to the board demand ing immediate action. When asked for a statement on the condition, P. T. A. president, Mrs. Robert Xreness stated “I have ex amined this situation personally, and in my opinion it is a dreadful health menace and a disgraceful condition.” Two long neglected septic tanks on the high school grounds began to cause action today as the negligence became known by townspeople, and officials denounced the intolerable conditions. The health hazard, existing for about two months, was not unknown to school board members as comment on the need was expressed at a school board meeting some time ago. Shortly after 9 o’clock on Wednesday morning, however, when the Marion county health department called The Enterprise in reference to the sani tation disgrace and the plan to tell Gates parents and property owners the public through the press was discussed: by some strange coinci met at the high school Thursday dence school board members were evening, at a special meeting called notified of their danger and appeared . by the Gates Board of School Direc- on the scene within minutes of the 1 tors. A Parent-Teacher association phone call. They expressed interest was organized and plans for high in tending to the immediate repair. school unionization was urged. The cross fire began to rain on the | Oswald Hirte, board chairman, responsible men as health officials, spoke of the proposed unionization of laymen, and P.T.A. leaders examined the Mill City, Detriot, Gates districts. a septic tank that was exposed to the He advised the group of some prob- playground as a result of a cave-in. [ lcms facing the movement and gave The broken top of the old septic tank opportunity for expression from the has been allowed to go unrepaired floor. Several citizens took advan for several weeks with no apparent tage of the opportunity expressing a effort to remove the hazard. strong desire for the proposed union ization. Only Precaution Noticeable was the attitude of The only step taken to prevent a serious injury to the high school veteran residents who believed the students was the placing of an old welfare of the students should be door over the hole which extended primary and that old prejudices down for several feet to the open should be dropped. Elmer Klutke and Gale Carey, sewage. It was not an uncommon incident to see the young people on members of the school board ex I the way to the gym' run across the pressed themselves as in favor of a union high school but stated they had thin door. been advised to act without haste. Called to the memory of many tax Burl Smith, president of the Lyons payers was a recent incident in the northwest when two workman were P.T.A. explained organization pro overcome and died as a direct result cedure for a parent-teacher associa of coming in contact with the deadly tion The new group was organized sewer gas from a septic tank. In under the name of Gates P.T.A. spectors of the disgraceful condition Meetings were scheduled for the first were not anxious to stand close to Thursday of each month at 8:00 p m. Norman Garrison was elected presi the cave-in and its strong odor. dent, Mrs Gwen Schaer. Vice-presi Also going without attention was dent, William Athey, secretary and the septic tank on the west side of Mrs. Burrel Cole, treasurer. Thirty the high school, which plumbers who nine members were enrolled. have worked on the situation, stated would continue to give trouble until adequate drainage for the overflow is installed The tank has caused recent backups in the high school rest rooms. Such repairs for the Realizing the need for rural-urban latter tank would cost about $30 00 co-operation, the Linn county Pom for the drainage tile plus the cost of ona Grange has organized two panel gravel and labor. discussion boards to. deal with the Officials Comment agricultural and national health pro Arey Podrabsky, city sanitation gram. Gates Organizes PTA Union Hi Favored "Hillbilly Courtship" Plays This Friday The Senior class of Mill City high ¡school will present "Hillbilly Court- (ship," a farce in three acts, Friday LUIS MARTINE-LALLY night, March 31, at 8 p.m. in the . high school auditorium. This will be ! the big event of the year for the seniors. They have been working on | it every day for the past month after ] school and during the evenings. The | seniors promise that the play will Democratic candidates from guber provide all the fun that the name natorial seekers to precinct commit implies. Free refreshments are to be teemen will gather in a pre-victory served between the 2nd and 3rd acts. The Mill City Chamber of Com I cost would amount to only a few dol- rally sponsored by the East Marion All the seniors have worked on the merce met Tuesday evening for a J lars. The economy of such a plan County Democratic district at the play in one way or another. Sunnie dinner-business meeting at the Odd was pointed out in savings on car Manolis Santiam Cafe on April 28, | Hoffman and Ernst Podrabsky play Fellows hall to discuss civic develop ' wear alone. The average citizen is Don Peterson, chairman of the newly the parts of the girl and boy that ment and rapped delinquent members nflw paying more each yexr for tires, organized district reported today. everyone wants to marry. Lawrence who failed to attend. shock absorbers, and other repairs The meeting to include a pot-luck Poole plays the mountain nitwit. The dinner, cooked by Dewey Flat made necessary by street conditions dinner will begin at 7:30 p.m. and all Alice Fortune and John Nelson are man, was said to be one of the finest than he would for the Improved democrats in this area were urged the feudin’ Ma Peppin and Pappy ever served to the chamber group. streets. Chamber members were re by the chairman to attend the rally Stilsby. Other "actors” and "ac Members present expressed regret minded they could take the matter and meet state and county office tresses” are Oliver Muise, Leo Poole, that many members who profess civic in their own hands by having two- seekers. Ethel Skillings. Phyllis Timm, Jua pride and Interest failed to support thirds of the property owners in their In a recent meeting at Mill City, nita Thomas and Lawrence Thornley. I their chamber of commerce In at- block in favor of such a program. Luis Martine-Lally, chairman of the Ronald Ragsdale is production man ,tendance. Marion County Democratic Central ager, and stage managers are Jack The chamber of commerce designed committee, explained the purpose and Stewart, Sonny Nelson and Norman to further community betterment and objectives of the new organization. Marttala. Programs and refresh stabilized economy is open not only He was assisted by members of the ments are being handled by Delores to businessmen but to others who Women's division and their chairman. Brewer and Beverly Barton. share equal ideals. Chamber officials Mrs. Mildred Bateson, and Secretary. A few tickets are still available but stated Tuesday evening that delin An appeal to the people of Oregon Mrs. Eleanor Whitlaw. they have been selling fast. Tickets quent members contributed to re “to stand up and be counted” was Mrs. Winifred Booth, Detroit. Ore may be purchased from any senior tarded community progress. voiced today by Governor Douglas gon, was appointed vice-chairman; or at the door Friday night. In this week's meeting members McKay in a statement in which he Mrs. Loretta J. Ziebert. Mill City, expressed strong dissatisfaction with urged the public to co-operate with secretary, and Mrs. Kenneth Ran Mill City streets and urged some im the 1500 enumerators who will fan dall, Mehama, treasurer. mediate action to alleviate their near out across the state Saturday, open Precinct committeemen and women impassable condition. A paving pro ing day of the 17th decennial federal candidates attending and announcing gram set in action by the city council census. their candidacy in their respective was suggested as the quickest way Governor McKay, noting that the precincts were: When a special PTA committee to have the street improvements. census-takers hoped to complete the Mrs. Frances M. Randall, Mehama Street frontage owners could pay bulk of their work in April, suggested appeared before the Mill City school Precinct No. 182. board on Wednesday of last week for drainage, curbing, and paving that "everyone make them welcome, Walter Bevier, Mehama 182. they sought further information on a over a ten year plan and the yearly answer their questions promptly and Frank Rada. Mill City—184 recent disipline case in the grade otherwise respond in a manner cal Donald C. Peterson. Mill City—184. school and demand that taxpayers be culated to facilitate their efforts”. Loretta J Ziebert. Mill City—184 informed on future school board The governor said that the import Gerald T. Pittan. Idanha—188 activities. ance of the census should not be Mrs. Betty Jo Pittan. Idanha—188. The investigation committee headed underestimated. He pointed out that Winifred Booth. Detroit—188 Police were asked to join the hunt by Mr. Norman Jensen, appeared be basic questions on agriculture, hous Jacob Fisher, Detroit—-188 fore the board in a specially called Monday for D. R. Stevens, 44, of ing and population will elicit millions Nolan P. Rasnick. Detroit—188 and his seven-year-old meeting at the grade school. They Detroit of facts which will be combined into Margaret Rasnick, Detroit—188 asked for further details as to the daughter, Dona Rae Stevens, missing basic tables for use by federal, state, Edison Vickers, Idanha—188. cause of the school board action in for a week from Detroit. county and local governments. State police were told of the mis REGISTRATION TO VOTE < !.<><I S recently expelling a grade school The text of Governor McKay's APRIL 18—IT IS YOUR PRIX II.I GF, youngster. A vocational school was sing pair Monday by Steven's wife. statement follows: suggested as a possible alternative Mrs. Stevens said the pair was last "Enumerators will travel every (fnntiiui Hnri.ifi: and the committee asked the board seen at Detroit March 20 as they left if they would accept the recommen for Bend where Stevens was planning road, street and lane of the state as they gather their share of the mil dation from a competent psychia to seek employment. FRIDAY— Stevens was reported to be driving lions of facts which will be integrated trist. They were reluctant to com I.O.O.F. meeting. • a black 1946 Dodge pickup and may into basic tables of inestimable value mit themselves. Lyons TWA meeting 2nd Friday. The investigation committee also have been carrying a considerable to federal, state and local govern Mill City IWA meeting last Friday With Oregon undergoing inquired as to why the public was sum of money, police said Monday ments. SATURDAY— never notified if the board metings night. Stevens, a carpenter, had sweeping changes in population ana Legion Dance at Legion hall. were open to the public. The board been unemployed since last year when in other characteristics, it is vital to Santiam Riders Dance. countered with the excuse they were he lost a thumb in an accident while our future welfare that the planners MONDAY— be provided with this wealth of statis working people and were unable to working on Detroit dam. Lions club meeting. tical data plan a scheduled meeting night. A F. & A M. No. 180 stated meet "The fact-gatherers are desirous of Jensen and others asked how the FIRE HALL ADDITION ing third Monday. Chamber of Commerce, who were Construction of an addition to the finishing the bulk of their assignment Boy Scouts 7:30 composed of working people, man Mill City fire hall began in earnest in April, so may I suggest that every TUESDAY— aged to meet on a scheduled time. this week as workmen had much of one make them welcome, answer Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues The school board was also reminded the framework completed on the 40 their questions pnrmptly and other Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p.m. wise respond in a manner calculated of the city council. Lions club and by 40 foot, two story structure. WEDNESDAY— other civic organizations who were The building, expected to be com to facilitate their efforts If the citi Altar Society meets 2nd Wed composed of working people, who pleted in about 30 days, will have zens of Oregon make up their minds Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. never-the-less meet on a pre-an room for two trucks and a first aid to stand and be counted if they de Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd nounced time car on the lower floor. The second cide. In short, to co-operate with the Wed. at 8 p m To this one board member re story will be made into one big room enumerators at every opportunity— THURSDAY— marked he did not feel the board res with the present structure, making they will make a material contribu American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. ponsible to the people for everything a dance or recreation hall 40 by 80 tion to the accuracy and complete Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm ness of the census " they did feet. East Marion Demos Plan Victory Meet Dl.IH.UII DAM Chamber of Commerce Urges Civic Pride; Paving Program Need Stressed Census Co-operation Urged by Governor Committee Appears Before Schco! Board Po'ice Secrdi for Detroit Father and Daughter Grange Leans Discussion On National Problems Registration Wee*» The week of March 27 April 1 was set aside by Oregon’s governor Doug las McKay, as Registration Week. Special effort is being made in every Oregon community . to encourage every eligible citizen to register for the coming primary election. Democrats and Republicans alike were reminded they would not count for their party if they failed to regis ter and vote. If the government Is to remain “by the people" the people must vote. The need for registration was em phasized when Mrs Art Kriever, IJnrj county registrar reported recording only 69 new voters and Mrs Curtis Cline, Marion county registrar, re ported only 5 new registrations. Linn county residents may register at the home of Mrs. Art Kriever just east of St. Catherine’s Catholic church and Marion county residents may register at the home of Mrs. Cline, one block south of the Pennick real estate office. POLICE TAKE C HILD TO HOSPITAL The son of Mr and Mrs. Victor Herron was driven to a Salem hos pital early Sunday morning by Pohee Chief J. T. King. The child was suffering from virus pneumonia. Monday morning Herron’s little girl was also taken to the hospital suffering with the same disease Both children are improving. The agricultural panel consists of four members who will give non-par tisan factual accounts to city and town audiences. Alvin Carnegie of Albany is moderator; Leslie Cade of Albany will present the National Grange farm program, Beryl Kizer of Harrisburg will present the farm pro gram as passed by the 1949 congress; and Tony Moravec of Stayton will present the Brannon Program. The National health program dis cussion panel is headed by Earl G. Mason of Albany as moderator; Tom Jackson of Harrisburg who will dis cuss the Truman Programs; and Will White of Crabtree who will discuss the American Medical Assn, program. Robert Schmidt, Linn County Pom ona master announced that all mem bers participating in these discus sions are working farmers "There is no better way of getting together townfolk and farmers in the country than to have a real under standing of each others problems”, Mr Schmidt said Organizations desiring to have these boards appear at their meetings are urged to contact Mr. Robert Schmidt, Rt. 2, Albany. Oregon, for available dates Next appearance of Agricultural program discussion panel will be sponsored jointly by Mehama Far mers Union and Santiam Valley Grange at the Santiam Valley Grange hall Friday evening March 31 at 8:18 p.m. Refreshments will be ser ved. Everyone is welcome, city folks as well as farmers.