GATES PLAYHOUSE Flegel Joins- MILL ein Oregon Mother For ’50 to be Selected 8—THE MILI. (TTY ENTERPRISE March ». 1950 vin Goode of AJbany, present district (Continued from Page 1) Meryl Stewart, older son of the attorney for Linn county, who has to every part of the state affords the George Stewarts, who has been in the announced intention of running for best answer. j U. S. Army the past year is home state representative; Courtney Johns, Our state government requires re- now. He spent the last 8 months current deputy district attorney from A state-wide program for the organization in the interests of econ- service in Japan. choice of the "1950 Oregon Mother” Lebanon, March 7—Joe Hrdina, Al Albany, and Merle Long of Albany, omy and efficiency, and more controls The Woman’s Missionary society - was launched this week at a meeting bany realtor, was elected president both to run for district attorney. on wasteful spending Our inequit-! of the First Christian Church met , of the Governor’s state committee for of the Linn County Republican club able tax structure has remained un- ' Wednesday afternoon at the home of the selection of the mother to be at Monday night's organizational MILL CITY NEWCOMERS changed for many years. Reforms Mrs. Ed Cooke. Hostesses were honored this week. meeting in Lebanon, and March 20th A son was born Friday to Mr. and are urgently needed. I am not in Mrs. Walter Peterson and Mrs. Chas The activity is carried on each year was set for the next meeting of the Mrs Carl Kelly of Mill City. Grand, favor of a sales tax. I sat in the Dahlen. as a part of the nationwide program group in Sweet Home. parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason committee that adopted our demo- ] Mr. and Mrs. B. E Cole visited ' of the Golden Rule Foundation of The club'voted to avoid affiliation and Mrs. Wilms. cratic party state platform, I approve Harrisburg over the weekend at his New York City, which asks the gov- with the state republican club until To Mr. and Mrs. Beauford Flat of it and will be bound by it. ! brother’s home, Ben Cole. AT T1IE i ernor of each state to appoint a a study of advantages and disadvan man of Mill City, a daughter, Feb. I will try to restore the office of| Friends of Postmaster and Mrs. | committee to choose a woman from tages of such a move could be 27th in a Salem hospital. Grand, Governor to its original and rightful Charles Kelly were pleased to see weighed. Lebanon Attorney Frank parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dewey the names submitted in the state and position as head of the executive them driving their new automobile in turn submit her name and qualifi Mayer was named to investigate the Flatman. this week. branch of our state government. question. cations to the national committee. To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelton, a Mi-, and Mrs. Ralph Jetton have A request for $200 from the central daughter Tuesday, March 6th. Grand The Oregon committee, appointed | moved from Marion county to the committee was okayed by the group, i Linn county side of town on prop- by Governor McKay consists of the and Max Landon of Sweet Home was parents are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shel ton. |erty near the American Legion hall heads of more than 20 state-wide named chairman of a registration organizations of women. Mrs. Wil. Jetton works with Mountain States committee to consider means of get | and Mrs. Jetton is employed with liam B. Chandlee, president of the ting potential voters out to the polls. Oregon Federation of Women’s clubs, Stewart’s grocery. Ralph Mason of Albany was elected A party was given by Marlene Hillsboro, is chairman. treasurer and Mrs. Justin Miller of Walker at her home Saturday after The choice of the "Oregon Mother Albany was elected secretary, Vice noon for a group of seventh and 1950” will be made by April 1 and presidents elected were: Joe Mc- eighth grade girls, The time was the Golden Rule Foundation will Henry, Lebanon, mortician; Ken spent playing volley ball and refresh- announce the "American Mother Grove, Sweet Home druggist; Dick 1950” by May 1. ments were served. Davis. Lebanon lumberman; Carl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson and The choice of "Oregon Mother" for Farmer, Scio banker; and Catherine daughter of Astoria spent the week- 1950 will be based on the following Bain, Albany realtor. end in Mill City with relatives—his requirements: Bess Scharffenberg of Albany was I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jack, First:—She must be a successful named precinct captain co-ordinator, son Sr., and at the home of her mother, as evidenced by the charac and Mason Buck, Lebanon reporter, ter achievements and maturity of her was appointed public relations chair mother, Mrs. Mattie Murdock. individual children. Mr. and Mrs. ’’Spuds” Prouty and man. The registration committee of j Darlene of Eugene were Sunday Second:—She must embody those Landon includes Frank Mayer, Al- I guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. traits most highly regarded in bany mayor, Jess Savage, Al Trimble j cheerfulness, mothers; courage, Roy E. Walker. and Glenn Holmes of Albany. spiritual and moral strength, pa- Rep. Warren Gill, Lebanon, candi Mrs. Cora Webb was taken by tience, affection, kindness, under- date for state senator from Linn ambulance to the Salem hospital the standing, homemaking. latter part of the week. Mrs. Webb Third:—She must have a sense of county, was introduced to the group | WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO BUILD VOU has been staying with her son and i social and world relationships: and as one of five republican candidates j A HOME ON YOUR LOT THAT IS VERY NEAT, MODERN family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Webb. must have been active for her own who will be running for office this Stayton, Oregon AND ATTRACTIVE. AUTOMATIC OIL FURNACE, 780 She is also the mother of Mrs. Marie community betterment or in some year. Others were: Angus Gibson i FEET OF FLOOR SPACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, SPA I of Junction City, candidate for the Flicker, Mrs. Lester Warner and Mrs. other service for public benefit. CIOUS CEDAR LINED CLOSETS IN BOTH BED ROOMS, Joint Linn-Lane county senator; Mel-1 George Dickie. Fourth:—She should be equipped STORAGE SPACE UPSTAIRS, PLATE GLASS FRONT Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Knight by nature to make friends readily WINDOWS. A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN. of Mill City Lodge have returned and to meet people easily in connec from a week's visit with their daugh tion with her duties as The American STATE AND FEDERAL COME IN FOR DETAILS. TOTAL PRICE !R1,85O. MONTH ter and family Mr. and Mrs. Ward Mother. I.Y PAYMENTS *42. Quinn of Bend, Ore. The Oregon committee has an Sunday visitors at Mill City Lodge nounced that nomination blanks may NOTE: This is not a pre-fab home, it Is new frame construction. SOCIAL SECURITY REFUNDS were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter and be obtained from Harriet P. Krause, NOTARY PUBLIC family, and Mr. and Mrs. Blume all editor of the Voice of American Women, 220 Southwest Alder Street, of Salem. Art Knight of Roseburg and Rich Portland 4. Oregon, and must be ard Nelson of Salem spent the week submitted by March 15th. r -««»ri..- EVENINGS 7M end at the Mill City lodge. PHONE. 3108 MILL COTY The right or way may be yours, but Northwest Corner 5th and Cedar it Isn’t worth dying for Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Presents The 'Honeymoon Is Over’ Hrdina, Linn GOP Head TONIGHT Mill City Theatre $350 DOWN Stavton Hardware and Furniture SPECIAL Income Tax Returns Penniclc-Penniclc USED Val C. White Refrigerators Gibson Electric Stove Perfect Shape Wood Cook Stove Davenos Oil Heaters and many other items at bargain prices SWEET HOME M/LL C/TY