Marc h ». I960 0—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales anannaaanannnnnnunmixmtnmi Call George ELKHORN GATES LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP voters of School District No. 129j. By ELSIE MYERS Recent guests at the home of Mr. of Linn-Marion counties, State of The Elkhorn children were very i and Mrs. Glen Hearing were her Oregon, that a School Meeting of the much elated Thursday by a visit to 3103 or 88, for said district will be held at the High ROOMS AND BOARD New, clean, FOR SALE Large new home with, the school by Mr. Vernon Todd of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kemp School on the 13th day of March. or without acreage. Ideal for quiet, with family - style meats Mill City. He presented them with . of Pasco, Washington. Their visit 1950, at eight o’clock p.m., for the boarding or rooming house or Reasonable. Don Marshall’s east made into 2 apts. Inquire Enter-1 on Kingwood road to 4th St., to end was cut short by the news of the purpose of discussing the budget for both a volley ball and a soft ball. prise. 8-3tp Of street. Phone 3751. 10-4tp Steve Dark. Bill Bickett and Ike death of Mrs. Kemp’s mother, Mrs. the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1950, and ending June 30, 1951. Muers met with Ben Little of the Lucy Beebe in Summerville, Kansas. FOR SALE — 2«-ft. 3-room Trailer FOR RENT 3-rin. furnished apart- ' Signed. CHARLES C KELLY. ment, modern, garage. E. D. house, with ref., water heater, Bu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards who Ben ton-Lincoln Electric Co-operative Clel-k tane cook stove. George Cornwell, Cooke. 5tf. at Corvallis Tuesday in regard to get left early last fall on an extended First publication Feb. 23, 1950—3t Box 108A, Silverton, Ore. 8-3tp ting power up as far as the Elkhorn trip by auto, through California and FOR SALE — 3 Acres and 6-room NOTICE house, barn, chicken house, or FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue I Guest Ranch. ■ Arizona have returned to the state. Personal property taxpayers are berry plants. Grown in west for chard, good garden soil. Royal They received a promise that a [ For the present they are making required to file an invoice as of western planting. Write to Tony Johnson, Telephone 742, 2 mi. east January 1st, 1950, with the Asses Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm of Gates in Linn county. 8-4tp HHB»p:»öÄH«aieac»HÄ»»»HH«H»Kja survey for a line extension would be : their home in Salem. Mrs. Edwards sor for an assessment base. Assess made soon. I is the mother of Norman Garrison. for price list. Route 1, Box 242, ment must be filed on or before Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark attended Stayton, Ore. 51-17H5 FOR FULL! : BRI 1SHES and < lean Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moses, formerly March 2, 1950. Penalty provided ing equipment call your Fuller the funeral of Grandma Coleman in i of Mehama have moved to Gates after due date. CBI NEEDS accommodations: Single Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. Portland last week. Mis. Coleman and are occupying an apartment in Trucks and automobiles carrying 3tf and double rooms in private homes, 1, Box 229, Aujiisvllle, Ore. had lived with her husband for a the Oak Park motel. Moses is em state license plates and furniture In or houses to rent, Please list your homes are exempt. Call LIST YOUR home and farms with available space with CBI. ■short time in a little cabin on the ployed as a heavy equipment me- i private me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Furniture in Hotels, Apartments 3tf Personnel Office, 4202. banks of the Little North Fork, more chanic with the C.B.I. David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. and Rooming Houses are subject to 3tf 'commonly known an ’’The Miner's Other new comers to Gates are taxation. CASH PAID For used pistols and Reid, Real Estate. C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. rifles. See Dick Paynter, Martin’s If you have not received an as shack.” Mr, and Mrs George Meilkie of Stay- Trailer Court, 1st trailer on left. FOR SALE — New Hampshire and SHELL PRODUCTS sessment blank, please notify the Mr. and Mis. Carl Longnecker and i ton. They will reside in the Oak Parmenter Red chicks from 300 9-3tp Assessor’s Office. AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES egg foundation stock, also Hamps Billie spent the weekend in Silverton Park motel, it is reported until they JOHN W. SHEPPARD, ZENITH TIRES Cornish fryer chicks, all straight HELP WANTED — Waitress. See at the home of Mr. Longnecker’s 1 can erect a new home on property Linn County Assessor. run chicks are $15 per 100. Send Don or George at Manolis Santiam mother. recently purchased. Meilkie will First publication Feb. 2, 1950—6t for circular. Gehring Hatchery & Cafe. 9tf FISHING TACKLE Mr. Bill Bickett received word re (operate the new Union Oil station Poultry Farm, Phone Black 193, PUBLIC HEARING FOR RENT—Cabin. Write Ted Ja Silverton, Ore. 2tf cently of the death of his grandson, . when it is open for business. Public hearing will be held at the coby, Route 1, Box 162, Stayton, Alvin Dean, in Texas. The child had Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchel and Marion County Court House on 10-3tp FOR RENT Modern furnished apts. Orc. by week. Lyons Motel, Lyons. 8-3t been stricken with meningitis and family were Portland visitors over March 15, 1950, at 10:30 A.M. on EXPERT AUTO and home radio while he had immediately been placed | the weekend. They attended the petitions to establish county wide weed control area for control of service, 20 years experience, all A ANTED - Cattle, hogs and sheep. in an iron lung, only lived three days. wedding there, Saturday evening of Tansy Ragwort and Gorse weeds. Licensed and bonded buyer. Will makes. Guaranteed service. call at farm. Write Harold E. Mrs. Mary Patrick spent the week one of their sons. Anyone interested for or against Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, end in Mehama and Silverton with i Mrs. Frank Saunders went to the establishing of the proposed dis A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf trict may be heard at that time. friends. Salem Thursday where she was the yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Mrs. Steve Dark and Durwood were FOR SALE Power working tools: guest of friends, returning home sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. When driving, make left turns from Blacksmithing table saw, jig saw, lathe, drill callers at the Ike Myers home Satur- Sunday. * Welding the inside lane. Hand signals do not FOR RENT—One three-room apart press, sander and accessories, day. Sunday guests at the Myers Logging and Saw A. D. Scott, accompanied by his justify an illegal turn or lane change. ment furnished, for couple only. cheap. Dick's Shoe Service. 10-lt home were Mr. and Mrs. John Neal of Beebe Apts. 51 tf Mill Repairing daughter Mrs. Larry Shelton drove FOR SALE New double constructed Lyons. Mr. Lawrence Worley of to Salem last Friday for a combined WANTED Barkie Douglas Fir poles stucco duplex. For sale by owner, BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE Molalla and Mr. and Mrs. Steve business and shopping trip. or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany call The Enterprise. 49tf Myers of Oswego. or write Standard Pole & Piling Recent guests at the home of Mr. /—<—■----- ---------------- Co., Inc. 7-4t FOR SALE — Modern wood cook and Mrs. Wilson Park from Portland range with hot water coils, reason able. See A. M. Knox, 1 mile east, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, FOR SALE — Rabbits, 40 does, 9 then V* mile south of Lyons. Phone 1 bucks and hutches. See Dan Mor. former residents of Gates. 1184 Lyons. 9-3t rison, Gates. 9-3tp Mrs. Lula Collins was surprised Miss Caroll Johnston with two of SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED FOR SALE 1929 Ford coupe, recon FOR SALE Boy’s 26 Inch bicycle, in her school friends were over the Monday when Mrs. Theodore Burton, ditioned motor, new 16-in. Mercury good condition $20. Can be seen , weekend visitors at Caroll's home Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Laura Tanks priced $12.50 and up. wheels, 5 new recap tires. Lot of I at Peterson residence in Swift's and here. Saturday afternoon the girls Joaquin, Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs. Joe model A parts $125.00 cash. Joe I addition. 101^ Electric Rotary Sewer Machine Walter, Box 221, Mill City. 9-3tp enjoyed bicycle rides sightseing. Joaquin. Mrs. Frank Saunders and with razor sharp knivea cuts Mrs. Albert Millsap called to spend Those visiting at the Johnston home Don’t Borrow—Bubncribe Today! roots, and grease from sewers. j with Caroll’s folks with Nell Coats the afternoon. A no-host luncheon SILVERTON OPPORTUNITIES FAMILY STYI.E MEALS and Alta Hadley, with Caroil, Shirley was served by the ladies, assisted by Electric Niard cleans sink BEAUTIFUL creek location. 9 acres 1 and George Johnston. They rode Mrs. Dan Dinsmore of Anchorage drains, lavatories, bathtubs. very good bottom land. Suitable Under New Management their bikes to Taylor’s grove, east of Alaska who was a visitor at her for hops, berries, fruit or nuts. On A Friendly Place Phone SALEM 3-946«, COLLECT mail, milk and school routes. On Mehama and hiked from there to bald mother's home Mrs. Collins has phone and electric lines Good road, I 1079 Elm St., W. Salem cliff above the river and enjoyed a been closely confined to her home for To While Away city water on fine fishing stream, j several months as the result of in i good view of the valley. Two homes, out buildings $7.000 Your Idle Hours Robert Thrailkill of Lyons was a juries sustained in a fall at her home. DUPLEX, modern, furnished Ideal | Fox Valley business caller the first of business location. Renting for $75 rw per month. Price including fur the week. The Thrailkill family re nishings . $5,500 cash cently moved here from Albany. 6 CABIN COURT, modern, furnished. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cunningham of I Renting for $200 per month. Price Canyonville visited her sister Jaunita including furniture $9,000 MILL CITY Thomas. Sunday, and also with SERVING THE CANYON AREA 1 (possible trade) friends in Mill City. «0 ACRES hill land, some timber. PICKUPS AT A Friendy Family Mrs. Floyd Bassett entertained the $2,500 Laundry- Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton county extension club women of this i THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Laundry and Dry Cleaning— GATES Atmosphere Prevails locality at her home Tuesday. A Worden Building Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha luncheon was enjoyed. Mrs. Huber SILVERTON. OREGON Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit tUllltlllllUllllUiil UILUill Ilin :un and Mrs. Bassett demonstrated 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-91M luncheons and serving. The two ladies were leaders for the project. The weather prevented them from ; going to Albany earlier for instruc- ' tions on the subject but their demon- I stration was interesting. Fifteen MILI. CITY DISPOSAL ladies attended the Tuesday meeting. SKR% KMC The next meeting will be held at the Expert Repairing Garbage ashes, trimmings, etc. Lyons community hall .the 2nd Fri weekly pickups $1 per month. HHEIX OH. PRODUCT'S PHYSICIAN & SURGEON day in March. Australia will be Also light hauling U. R. ROYAL TIRES Mill City P. E. Fry, Manager ■ featured on a talk by the county Lmoaard Herman Phone 2925 agent, along with other items. Towing Service MILL CH Y Sen ice Station IL A.Schroeder •S Septic & Sewer Service FOX VALLEY Mill City Hotel Boarding House Tex ’s RICHARDS Tavern SALEM LAUNDRY TAVERN Business Directory I). Vi. REID. Ml). HOWARD CORSET SHOP HARLOW L. WEINRICK Foundation Garments Hoel* ry - IJngerle- Drees«-« Smocks 331 High St. Salem Phone 4032 I 318 Broadalbin Accountants Bookkeeping .Service Auditing Payroll Reports Income Tax In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares Mill City 207 140 8 Church, neat to Salem Parking fr Hendricsons Store Balcony Epp's atore It • Smart ! North Santiam MEANDER INN TAVERN Where Friend* Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George ‘Sparky* Ditter Salem 3-7615 JEWEL MYERS. Mgr. (FLOWERS Cliff Ambers' Chevrolet Owners—this is the oppor tunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can GOODE'S FLOWER SHOI Phone Blue 64B Stayton. Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON DAVID M. REID Real Estate Don’t put off those needed repairs any longer. We have made it poo- aibla for you to take care of thio necessary «-ark by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. Detroit Tavern and Trailer Court FIRST IN DETHOIT RTiiJ. murr in détroit ♦ Red Rynoareon Otto Rnimell ’ Glee Dry (aiivon Club MIU <lty WE CAN GIVE YOU ONE DAY SERVICE—in at POI out at 5 p.m. 1PEP/ Install piston rings (rfind vslvoo (lean and align oil pan Bum out breather pips All gaskets $ quart« oil I THIS INCH DES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY— nnnnnnnnnna tinnii nnn Real Estate Weet Side Mill CHy LISTINGS W $NTI II |>||OM 11 I < I I > njsBoatBtanennnBBiionnam i One M1U East of Detroit Phones : MAC’S Ladite and Children's Viubrelias Bath Towels — Aproas HaadkrrWiW* Hbr<U — Embroidered Twbie« loth« i • * o. Albany LIPPOLD - BRENNER BARGAINS JUST ARRIVED— Be sure your match is out before you toss It into wooded areas Attorney at Uw Special Attention Given to Fittings » I Canyon Garage Oregon Mutual In-ii rance See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R.F.D. PHONE 731 Mil ! < ITI Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Don't forget to a»k about our budget plan S10 North Commercial SALEM. OREGON Ph. 3-3175 y