Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
SOCIETY PAGE Bridal Shower Held For Willis A bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Shirley Willis Friday after noon. at the Harry Willis home. Twenty ladies came with lovely gifts ’ for the bride-elect of Vernon Thom Mr. and Mrs. Glen Willis announce Mrs. Marie Stewart was honored asson. Mrs. Wayne Woodward was the marriage of their daughter Shir with a stork shower given by Mrs. in charge of the entertainment, con ley to Vernon Thomasson, son of Delores Stewart at her home, as- test games were played with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomasson, sisted by Mrs. Alice Jetton. Bingo ¡Lloyd Girod winning pot holders and Satudray, March 4, 1950. was enjoyed by those present with I Mrs. Ben Cherrier winning candle The three o'clock rites were per. prizes for the lucky ones. Mrs. Ste I sticks. formed by Rev. Walter R. Naff, as wart then opened her gifts that were Miss Willis opened her many gifts sociate minister of the First Chris displayed in a cradle. after which refreshments of jello and tian church, High and Center streets, The rooms were decorated with cake were served by the hostess. Mrs. Salem. Attending the couple were early spring flowers. daffodils, Harry Willis. the bride’s sister and brother-in-law, daisies and baby roses, and the tradi Friday night Miss Willis was again Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallford. tional baby colors blue and pink used honored at a surprise shower at the Present at the ceremony were the for the other decorations. James Gordon home. Misses Mary bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Refreshments of chicken salad sand Gordon, Marlene White and Barbara Willis, the groom’s mother, Mrs. Mar wiches and potato salad were enjoyed Denton were hostesses. vin Thomasson and his brother, De by all. Fifteen high school girls were Wain, and Delphine Tucker. Those present were: Mrs. Julia guests. Miss Marlene Denton won The young couple will make their Bassett, Mrs. Joe Fernaid, Mrs. Bill both contest prizes. Miss Willis home in Detroit. | Caswell, Mrs. Majors, Mrs. M. Li- opened her gifts after finding them berty, Mrs. Ed Warner, Mrs. George as they had been hidden about the Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Thomas, Mrs. Steve Nichols, Mrs. house. ’ Joyce Ash, Mrs. Dorothy Lawson, Mrs. Shirley Hopkins, Mrs. Wilma Ragsdale, Mrs. Judy Ragsdale, Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale, Mrs. Bud Bruder, Mrs. Mary Stewart and the hostesses. Those sending gifts were: Mrs. Chuck Longfellow, Mrs. L. Kanoff, SHIRLEY LAIRD Mrs. Leo Crusone, Mrs. Bobby Taylor and Mrs. Burton Burroughs. Willis-Thomasson Cradle Shower Nuptials Saturday For Stewart BEAUTY SHOP Phone 2603 The good driver has a high degree of self-control at all times. MILL CITY March 9. 1960 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Flat man Show er Tuesday Event in Mill City. Worthy Advisor Mar lene Verbeck and several other Mill City girls will be in charge. Mem« A shower complimenting Mrs. Beauford Flatman. was held at the bers of the Masonic lodge and the home of Mrs. Charles Longfellow, The Mill City Woman's club held Eastern Star will be permitted to last Tuesday their regular meeting this week In attend. Games were played during the aft the recreation room of the Presby ernoon. with prizes going to Mrs. terian church. Twenty three ladies Elma Stewart. Mrs. John Coville, were presnt and Mrs. Charles Wol T Bertha Shepherd, and Mrs Bill Ste verton spoke to the group on social 1 wart. work. AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Refreshments were served to Mrs. Mrs. Wolverton, graduate in sociol Beauford Flatman, the honored ogy from Northwestern university, guest. Harriet Devor, Mrs Bill Ste i told of her experiences in case work wart. Mrs. Charley Stewart, Mrs. I in Chicago, Indiana, and New York. Burdet Cole, Mrs Frank Blazek, Mrs. ¡Special emphasis was given to the Leland Kaplinger, Mrs Al Stahlman, study and case histories of children. Bertha Shepherd, Mrs C. Esteson, Mrs. Lee Ross, Woman's club presi Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Mrs. Dewey Flat dent, reported on the meeting of the man. Mrs. Johnny Coville, Mrs. Andy 3rd district of the Federation of Strickler, the hostess, Mrs. Charles Woman's Clubs, held in Portland last Longfellow and Mrs. Donald Flat Friday. man. Special guests present at the meet Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Sending gifts were: Mrs. Ramon ing were Mrs. Lee Knowles and Mrs. Rag Mop Roberts, Miss Daisy Hendricson, Mrs. Bryce Reigle. Johnson Rag Ted Legman. Mrs. John Muir, Mrs. Hostesses were Mesdames Vernon Wedding Samba Delores Stewart. Mrs. Walker Nichol Todd, L. E. Dike, and Fredric Rugh. Quicksilver son, and Mrs. Joe Ragsdale. I Eastern Star District Meet Come in and see our wide selection! of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populara, Old The district meeting of the Eastern Timers. Classical, and Seml-Classlcal Star will be held In Mill City Mon Records. day, March 13th. District chapters include the Marlyn chapter from Mill City. Acacia chapter, Stayton, and "First with What You Want Most” the Victoria chapter from Turner. Mrs. M. McCoy, worthy matron and COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVIOR Mrs. Lawrence Walworth, worthy Radio, Washer, Refrigerator patron, will be in charge. and Electrical Appliance On Tuesday evening the Acacia Stayton 21« Assembly No. 40, Order of Rainbow Mill City 1881 for Girls will meet at the IOOF hall Womans Club Hears Social Talk PORTER &LAU £ Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Headquarters for Garden Seeds (Packet or Bulk Pack) ALSO FIELD AND GRASS SEEDS Various Types of (larden Tool*, Etc STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats G Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special PEACHES HALVES AND SEGMENTS, No. 2^ can 2 for 47c Guaranteed Miles for Your $ ATLAS TIRES A Written Warranty with each tire—38,000 dealers to serve YOU — a warranty against defects for the life of the tire. FIRST GRADE MATERIAL — FIRST GRADE WORKMANSHIP — INSURED MILEAGE. ALLEN KEITH 0 H o o 0 o o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 r CHEVRON , GAS STATION *7 *: *• I • YODER-MARTIN ( 'oust met ion Co 1 he engagement of Miss Lloyd Hinz, to Janies Poole WM announced recently, the wedding to be .April 2. Miss Hinz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. liobert Hinz Jr.. Vancouver, Mr. Poole is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Poole of this city. (Photo Courtesy Capitol Journal) Legion Auxiliary Vote Aid GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS Rebekahs Present Degrees Wed. Expert Bulldozing Hoad Building The American Legion auxiliary Santiam Rebekah Lodge No. 166 met Tuesday night at the home of presented the initiatory degree Wed Mrs. Roselle Vickers with nine mem nesday night of last week with bers present. The president, Berna- Carman Stafford. Noble Grand and dine Stoll, presided at the business Hazel Nelson, Vice Grand, in charge. meeting at which it was voted to help Receiving the degree were Loretta with the Red Cross drive, also to Iverson. Bernice Taylor, Charles give $10 to the Canyon aid fund. Stewart, Marie Stewart and Mildred Baby gowns and six dresses were Stewart. Supplies needed by the 1 turhed in for child welfare. lodge for the organization of a Theta There will be a sewing bee at the Rho Club for girls were ordered, In ' Floy Storey home Thursday to make charge of the organizing of this club more gowns. A taffy-pull was en. are Altura Chance and Carman Staf (joyed after the meeting. Mrs. Eli ford. A new alter for the Rebekah [ Bangs will have the next meeting , is being planned by a committee with in her home. Dean Jackson as chairman. Appoint ed as a refreshment committee for Jensen Shower at Luncheon the next meeting night were Maude Flatman, Julia Bassett, Ida Fleetwood | Mrs. Burrel Cole gave a surprise and Daisy Hendricson. There were stork shower for Mrs. Carl Jensen of about 50 members present. Among Klamath Falls on Tuesday centered j visitors from out of town were mem (around an attractive 1 o’clock lunch- bear from the lodges of Lebanon, Bend 1 eon. Those attending were: and Lyons. Mesdames Dorothy Cole, Lola Hen- ness, Venita Eccleston, Pennick, Two housewives, while waiting ! Barbara Pennick and Patsy and Billy, their turn at the grocer’s, were over, Norma Lee Henness, Mary Eagleston. heard discussing the last depression. Margaret Rush, Hazel Devine, Ruby "It came at such a bad time,” said Brisbin, Bert Tumidge, Orpha Cree. one. "Just when everybody was out 1 and Misses Catherine Tumidge, Car of work men Stafford and Mrs. Burrel Cole, ' hostess. Sending gifts were Eileen Eccles (ton. Carolyn Tumidge, Norma Jean Devine, Mrs. Burnett Cole, and Mrs Chris Knuetson Every 'Bottle of1 M ayflower Albany Laundry DRY CLEANERS Phone 50 GUARANTEED WATCH, REPAIRING C c I a o a ■ a a I o a I ■ 1— DELUXE FINISH. 2— 1« FINISH: 10 lbs. SI.25. Eiuh additional pound 15c per pound. Men's shirts 15c each. Hanks lc each extra in thia service S—FLUFF-DRY: 10 lbs 99c Each additional pound 9c per pound. 4—UNEN SUPPLY: Doctors. Dentists. Barber. Beauty Shops, Restaurants, Grocery and Garage Shop Towels PICK UP MONDAY —DEIJVER THURSDAY FICK UP THURSDAY — BACK MONDAY is Laboratory Tested is Grade A Quality LET ONE CALL DO IT ALI. aa>«RinnHHnDonnnnnnn>nnnonnnnwnB(nBBnBnnnHnnnnannnnBBnnn Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 Settling (a Palmer Chiropractor) has opened a new. modern office at Scio He is now prepared to serve those suffering from condl- tlons of a Chiropractic na- ture, which include Head- aches. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Excessive Gas, and Consti pation, as well as many other complications that are caused by nerve Impingement. The Chiropractic rule is: ‘‘Find the CAUSE and FIX No charge for examination. I I PHONE «2F15 (Closed Thursday) Toys Gift Items Notions WATCHER DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA Mill City Jewelry We Always Guarantee Our Work SITO, OREGON Photo Finishing - 24 hour service Lending Library Expert work. Finest mate rial«. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. Let uà giva you a free estimate. fìùktr's Masonry and Concrete Work •ís Pasteurized BETTER SHIRTS 4 Different Kinds of Service Clearing, Grading and Leveling MILL CITY VARIETY EHOHg: Vt >1M AT YOUR______ STORE ‘°A AT YOUR DOOR Housewares Socks Underwear JIM O’LEARY i IRENE O’LEARY