■THE MILL CITY March », 1950 RISE Grade Cagers Play Thursday SPORT* PAGE TIMBERWOLVES INlkIIit.Ab SCORING RECORD Games L, Plav«*d In GV Per Foul % Shots Ml-oosl Aver, Pts. Game Ollie Muise 21 11V 42 13 3 280 56 33 Leo Poole 21 5» 36 7.3 154 49 38 Lawrence Poole 20 60 4 33 7.7 153 49 40 Lawrence Thornley 21 39 \17 4.5 95 48 19 Bob Baltimore 21 19 2.1 46 42 11 Verl Moix-ig 20 8 1.2 23 44 9 ■ Ernie Podrabsky 4 4 20 8 0 2 \ Thad Roberts 5 1 6 3 25 3 k Ramon Peterson 3 0 .33 1 33 2 Roy Podrabsky 5 0 o\ 4 0 0 0 0 \, 1 Denny Marttala 1 0 0 0 0 Tho Timberwolves scored 309 field goals foi Xotal of 618 points for the season, and an average of 36.3 points per game. Vey shot 316 free throws hitting 145, and missing 171 for a team averaglLf 45.8%. “ *"* * told the All Wolves tossed in a total of 763 points for the sea)L as they won „„„ _™„._ second place in the Marion County "B" League The TimML,olve8 wlsh to thank the people of the community for their fine support oVhe squad. Idanha Rod And Gun Club Meet 1950 AnglingVegulations Charles Lockwoai State Game Supervisor, remlndedXn anglers to day that the 1950 anglV regulations The no-host coverer dish dinner of are now in effect, 'nt .February the Rod and Gun club members and issue of the Game Comm»jOn bulle- their wives at the Marion Forks ' tin contains a complete suimary of lodge was attended by a large num all the angling regulations. topies of ber. Thursday night. Several lmfor- 7 — h\TaTe ------ ‘commlsToT'bulle't« ------------------------ i may mal speeches were heard during the | be obtained at any sporting -oods meal. store. The 1950 Oregon angling,yp. Club members retired after the j opsis is now being published and vill meal for their business meeting, with soon be ready for distribution. president Huber Ray presiding. A building to replace the collapsed gun GRADE YOUTH GIVES TO club was discussed but no action was DIMES Ititi! I taken. After the meeting all enjoyed an ( Grade > school youngsters responded evening of dancing. 1 I 1 in a splendid manner in the recent March of Dimes drive contributing LYONS POSTOFFICE CHANGE $57.07. By order of the postoffice inspector, Mrs. Lyon’s tiny first grade young W. T. Andrews, the Lyons postoffice sters led all other grades in making will close its windows at noon on the greatest contribution. Second, Saturdays beginning March 11. Mr. were Mrs. Sletto’s Sth grade and 3rd Andrews made his official call at in giving were Mrs. Prichard’s 2nd the Lyons office Monday, March 8. I grade. Superb Atmosphere SIMPLE SECRET: Fin«* food, prepared by a careful chef. our colorful atiiMMpheri like our fin«» food. SANTIAM CAFE also made for a party dance to be guests Miss Nell Coats of the The held at the hall Saturday evening, Dalles, and Miss Alta Hadley of Brooks The young ladies are all March 11th. 1 students at the Oregon College of By EVA BRESSLER Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux have The home extension unit held their purchased the Donison place on the 1 Education at Monmouth. Friday evening dinner guests at meeting at the home of Mrs. Floyd Grade school eagers will travel to Bassett, with Mrs. Bassett and Alice i hill. Their plans are to build a new the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bas* now house soon. The Prideaux are Aumsville on Thursday night to meet Huber demonstrating "Food for En sett were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lell their opponents from Turner in a tertainment" after which a lovely living on the Gardner place in Fox of Delta, Colorado Valley championship vie for league honors. luncheon was served. Present for the Mrs. Hassner of Sacramento, Calif., Turner is first place winner of their demonstration were Dee Hait, Lola Mr. Blaine Dysinger who has been j is visiting at the home of her daugh portion of the league. Coach Vernon Lambert, Evelyn Julian, Margret seriously ill at the Salem Memorial ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bilyeu. Todd expressed belief that the Mill Kunkle, Helen Salchenberger, Ger hospital was taken to the TB hos ' City boys could leave the game vic- trude Weidman, Helen Johnston, Alta pital for surgery. His condition is reported as fair and has been re I torious if they are determined to win. Bodeker, Betty Johnston, Virgeen Also on the evening’s agenda will Scott, Vivian Walworth, and Mabel turned to the Memorial hospital. Mom & Pop’s be Gates vs. St. Mary’s both of whom Downing. Those taking the Rug The Mari-Linn PT A will hold their ( meeting at the Rebekah hall Friday are second place winners in their making held their meeting Monday evening March 10. Mrs. Virginia league sections. On Saturday night 1 afternoon at the community club Fulkner, Linn county Red Cross! the two winners of Thursday’s con house with Evelyn Julian project test will meet to decide the league chairman of Albany will be the guest j leader. championship. Game time will be at speaker and will show pictures on| Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Nuxall and Mr. Privati* Dining blood plasma. Everyone is urged to 7:00 p.m. and Mrs. Leo Cox of Turner were attend. ■ guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnston spent the weekend Room Marvin Berry. at the home of her parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye visited She has her Sunday afternoon and evening at the Mrs. Paul Johnston. LYONS CAFE Engdahl Funeral Held In Lvons Will Rogers home in Portland. They Requiem Mass was held Monday ' were accompanied by Mrs. Alice morning at the Lyons St. Patrick's Huber who visited at the home of her Catholic church for Mrs. Catherine sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. V. L, Engdahl of Salem, former resident of Mathney. Lyons who passed away at Albany Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mimich of Port- Thursday morning at the age of 62 land spent several days in Lyons, and years, with Father Schneider officiat- attended funeral services for her sister ing and Josephine Brand of Stayton Mrs. Catherine Engdahl held Monday playing the music. | morning. She is survived by two sisters Mrs. Mrs. Walter Bevier was hostess for Mattie Hiatt of Lyons, Mrs. Bessie the afternoon card club with the Minich of Portland, two brothers, Pat party held at her home in Fox Valley, and Bert Lyons of Lyons, also several A one thirty dessert luncheon pre- lieces and nephews. Pallbearers ceeded several tables of 500 which vere Bernard Lyons of Eugene, Wai- Were in play with high score going to te-and Ed Bell of Stayton, Jerry Mrs. Earl Helemn and low to Mrs. Ly»ns of Gates, Percy Hiatt and Ed George Huffman. Present for the Gi4er of Lyons, with interment at party were Mesdames Earl Allen, the Fox Valley cemetery. ' Floyd Bassett, Bert Lyons, Orville 1 Downing, Roy Heineck, Oscar Naue, 1 Kenneth Helemn, George Huffman, Valley Grange Albert Bass, Herman Free, Bob Free, Confers Degrees Earl Helemn, Vem Nydegger, Sam Santiam Valley Grange held their Bridges, Percy Hiatt, and the hostess meeting at the hall Friday evening Mrs. Bevier. with Tony Moravec master and Matt. Mrs. Alice Huber and Mrs. Eva Bievers overseer presiding over the Breessler was hostess for a meeting meeting. Th« outstanding business held at the community club house of the evening was conferring of Thursday evening to make plans for the 1st and 2nd degree upon a class reoganizing the Lyons Womens club. of 13 candidates, Mr. anq Mrs. George 1 A general discussion was the most Nydigger, Mr. and Mr». William favored and an invitation has been Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Down sent to Mrs. Nina Westenhouse of er, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Blum, Mrs Scio, asking her to give a talk on the Alice Huber, Mrs. Clyde Bressler, ways and sneans of organizing a Cecil Bassett, Durwood Dark and garden club. All those Interested are Drury Lane Dark. Plans were made ■ invited to attend. to give up their social meeting March Harold Ayers of Heppner, Oregon 17, for the purpose of conferring the visited one day last week at the home 3rd and 4th degres. Refreshments of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art were served at the close of the eve- Ayers. Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the ning weekend in Portland at the home of ----- F"------ her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Officials Warn Summers. The card party held at the Rebekah Trash Haulers hall Saturday evening was well at- City officials today issued a warn- tended with six tables of pinochle ing to enthusiastic spring cleaners and seven of 500. The party was who haul trash and rubbish over the sponsored by the Three Links club, city streets on the way to the dump and another one will be held Satur- ing grounds. day evening, April 1st. Plans were Numerous compilants have been re- ported to the officials by property owners who have had to clean up I rubbish dropped from over-crowded loads. Citizens were reminded of both city and state ordinances mak ing it unlawful to haul ’’loose loads" that are liable to drop from trailers, trucks, or other vehicles. Don't Borrow—Subtu-rib«- Today ! Faust Ô* Ross MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY, OREGON Choice 333 Buys X « ¿X X '« X X X X X X X « 5 1948 Plymouth Spec. Deluxe 4-Door Sedan $1,495 A beauty throughout. 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaater 4-Door Sedan Like new. $1,495 $1,395 Fluid Drive, Radio, Heater. A dandy, WE NEED USED CARS. COME IN—WE WILL PAY' YOU TOP CASH PRICE. 1947 Dodge Custom 4-Door Sedan .............. ..... Salem Automobile Co CHRYSLER 405 N. Comi St Home of Service 495 N. Comi St. PLYMOUTH 435 N. Court St. PHONE 3-4117 St st » «í ^0PAINT|jy6 o 8 o o o o ii o o o ? EXPERT COLOE MATCHING COMPLETE UPHOLSTERING AND BODY REPAIRING Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Yean» Experience PHONE SH MILL CITY C(HXIBnHnHHHKnOMHH»ööaH«KIi»»CiHßO>JÖOOQOOOööö: RED AND WHITE STORE RED STALLION IN THE ROCKIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS In Color stt UTS SLICED BACON, lb. SWIFT’s BACON ENDS. lb. POTATOES, No. 1 D«*< h hut«s*. ’>5 lb. bag ONIONS, No. 1 Sweet Spanish, per lb. FRESH RIPE TOMATOES, p«*r lb GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, F an« x R 4 W. No. • can MAYONNAISE RED A WHITE pint« APRICXXTS. ROSEDYLE, No. can BETTY CROCKER SOUP MIX M-D TOIIJCT TISSUE LIBBY’S SAUERKRAUT JUICE. No. Î can KING KELLY ORANGE MARMALADE. 1 lb. jar LILI.Y HEEDS .39 .19 .93 .04 .18 2 for .29 .35 .19 .28 3 for .35 J for .23 .14 .20 .20 t I RR4> LOGGER SHOES H I1.1H PAINTS THESE PRODUCTS PRODUCED IN OI R NORTHWEST « SUNDAY and MOND 44 GARY COOPER in TASK FORC E TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY HUMPHREY BlH.iKi In KNOCK ON ANY DOOR THURSDAY Aheee are the "keys” to security. The only sure way to have money is to sate money. Start now with an account here. tn SITTING PRETTY MILL CITY STATE BANK Doors open at 7:70 P.M. Complete St"" can be wn *.J time up to 8:30 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP llllllllllllllllllliltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll