Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
TRAILER COURTS Senatorial Pace Butler’s Trailer News, Gates Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson have returned from their two week trip to Pullman, Washington. We have Mr. and Mrs. Ray Byer and two children also Mr. R. B. Brig, ham, as new patrons to the court. Ada and C. M. Hamm and Fred Butler motored to Salem on Monday on business. Entered bv Shelby DETROIT By MRS J. A WRIGHT Houck Enters GOP Contest March 9. 1950 5—THE MIIX CITY ENTERPRISE Hale Enters Race for Legislature precir No 20 "e is treasurer of the illywood Lions club in Salem. an,U director of the North Salem I,,, less association. W Hale has been in the jewelry P. W. Hale. Salem jeweler, has announced his candidacy for repre- isiness in Salem for twelve years. and one half years ago he estab- senative of Marion county on the, ?wo , . lished a store in the Hollywood busi- Democratic ticket. He is treasurer of Marion coup . ness district. This is the first time Mr. Hale has ever run for political office, but many friends, both Republican and Democrat, have expressed confidence that he can give honest and intelli. gent representation to the people of Marion county and the State of Ore gon. He firmly believes the legisla ture should be re-apportioned. Walter Shelby, prominent Linn i Pete Roid who moved here recently Roy L. Houck. 1585 North 20th county farmer and dairyman, today ■ from Bend is starting Taxi service announced his candidacy for the state i here this week. His stand will be Street, Salem announced his formal legislature as Senator from Linn located at the Canyon club where he candidacy for Republican nomination for state representative for Marion county on the democratic ticket. has a phone. county this week. Shelby, a 40 year old native of Linn A miscellaneous shower was given county has not previously tried for at the Ladies Auxiliary hall on Fri public office. He was graduated day afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Vern from Albany college and was a grad Franse who lost all of their house Mrs. Ralph Long has been on the uate student at the University of hold goods in a recent fire. Ann sick list this past week hope this Oregon. He is in partnership with Anderson and Audrey Layman were week finds her improving. his father and brother and has helped the hostesses. About fifteen women Theo Asmus has also been sick and develop an outstanding Jersey dairy attended bringing many useful gifts. under doctors ctre this week. herd and grows certified seed crops. Many others sent gifts. Dainty re Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henahfelt, Shelby is Master of Morning Star freshments were served. daughter and son-in-law of Pearl Grange and Vice President of the There was a very small crowd at and Art Durham, were visiting her Grange oil company. He is a former the basket dinner at the ladies aux parents here Sunday, and very proud president of the LinnBenton Jersey iliary hall. There were only 14 bas of their new baby son. Cattle club and former director of kets and just a few men to bid on Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wilson and son the Oregon State Jersey Cattle club. them. A sum of $7.00 was taken in. One inch of new snow fell on Sun Robert motored to Salem Sunday. He is a member of the Oregon Seed Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan have Growers League, serving as chairman day night. VERY Iti XNONABI.E The Detroit school will lose two returned from their rush trip to the of the field crops seed committee in pupils this week when Peggy Goodeve state of Washington. 1948. He is an active 4 H club leader, Glad to see Jean Wilson coming presently leading the Model Dairy a sophomore in high school and Dixie Mill City along so nicely since her trip to the club, the oldest active 4 H club in the Goodeve in the eigth grade moved with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred f U. S. Houck, a native Oregonian hospital. OPEN WEEK DAYS l A. In announcing his candidacy Shel Goodeve to Tillamook where Mr. born on a farm near McMinnville, 8 A M. to 7 P.M. by pledges full support to the Demo Goodeve will be employed in the Oregon 54 years ago. He is a grad- SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 AM to 4 P.M. cratic party platform in Oregon. shingle mill. j uate electrical engineer of Oregon Democ/Uc Central committee and precii^ committeeman of Salem Registration for the election closes He favors perfecting the Unemploy 1 State college. For Guaranteed Cleaning ment Compensation Law; in roving April 18. and the election will be held For a number of years Mr. Houck I».: /' !« the standard of living for the working May 19. The person in Detroit with has been active in civic affairs of Ma- it’s the farmer; eliminating the old age pen- ’ whom you should register is Mrs. . rion county and the state. A past sion lien law; and preserving the Earl Parker (Mabel Parker) chairman of a school board, clerk of r r The Canyon Star club which is a election board, past Marion county initiative and referendum. newly organized club made up of chairman and State Vice-Chairman LET VS FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON The courteous driver may be the Eastern Star members met Tuesday PLUMBING AND HEATING of the Advisary board of the National I 24-HOUR SERVICE victim of an accident, but never the at the home of Mrs. Ray Johnson, Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, No Job Too Large and None Too Snudi cause of one. He must often go out with Mrs. Wilbur Chestnut of Idanha and now chairman of the Salem Air' Mill City Shop and Residence 4’160 Macleay Itoad, SALEM Ph. 2-7390 of his way to compensate for an- and Mrs. Winifred Booth of Detroit Port, Zoning board. He has serve! other's carelessness. »« miM mi mi un «in«" mi miii«iiMiwiiini*imiiimiin<.iiiw*i "u iwiwiimnMiniMm lanini iiiiiw«,i«niMm<naaaBi as hostesses. on community Chest. Red Cr<es, The Eagles lodge is having a St. Polio, and Bond drives. He V a r. I Patrick’s Day dance at the new audi member of the Chamber of Com torium for which the ladies auxiliary merce. Kiwanis, Order of Elks No. are selling shamrock buttons. The 336, a Mason, and a Shriner. music that evening will be old-fash Factory Prices — I-urge Selection of Motorists turnover in ca-s these ioned dance music. MODEL AIRPLANES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS 100% VIRGIN WOOL WORSTED On St. Patrick’s Day there will be 1 ' days is on the streets and highways. I - f r ^- " ' ■ 11. O. MODEL RAILROADING EQUIPMENT a library party to which the public . cactnHMnnn»nnHHnnB)9*KHaBHHnH is invited. It will be held in the J TRICKS AND PUZZLES MASQUERADE SUPPLIES home economics room of the high ( • HAND KNITTING WORSTED YARNS SPECIALTY CARDS o TOYS AND DOLLS school. There will be a program ap- ' * BEAUTIFUL LOFTY BABY YARNS » STAPLE AND NOVELTY YARNS propriate to the day and refresh-' I’ m - Our Mail Order Service FINE FABRICS INCLUDING — GABARDINES TWILLS — ments will be served. Many people or FINE LADIES SITTING AND SHIRTING IN have said they have books, some one AN ARRAY OF COLORS. .some more, which they would* like to SALEM’S ORIGINAL donate to the library. Our library is steadily growing, make It your. li 8300 N.E. McLoughlin Blvd. brary. Come to the party. East Side Highway Entering PORTLAND, ORE. Keith Moore killed three bobcats SALEM 163 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 2-1588 Mill City Write Our Mall Order Dept, for FREE Samples one day last week. Two were caught in traps and the other one shot. ctnnnafinMEtnitn»annHK(nnHHHHnH Fresh Kelloms Grocery : GREENLY’S P» unìbili"X tiratili" NU-METHOD MILL ENDS SALE Hobby Supplies YARNS & FABRICS One Day Service While You Wait Toy 6* Hobby Shop OREGON WORSTED CO DICK’S SHOE SERVICE -I s * ,t. di I Saturday, March 11th / FREE FREE Gardenias for the Ladies Coffee and Doughnuts for Everybody Triton pennybanks for the Kiddies f fit 1W «s V i I 9 * 3 FEATURING It Fast Courteous Minute-Man Service — Stop Wear Lubrication Firestone Tires i * ar Geo. Mielke Union Oil Dealer Gates, Oregon The finest in Petroleum Products with 76-7600 Gasolines Triton and Royal Triton Motor Oils