Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
Council Turns 8 Ball Down On Petition The city council held its regular meeting Wednesday night and wire faced with request to legalize for juveniles a place of business in which the state law forbids minors to enter. The business in question is an establishment known as the “8” Ball which caters to customers of the teen age class. City officials upon the advise of their attorney rejected the petition for legalizing the busi ness for the youth on the ground that it would be useless for the city to pass any law in opposition with the state of Oregon. It would be ob- viously invalidated. The state law, which forbids any minor from enter ing a recreational establishment de signed for the playing of pool, snooker, or billiards, is not new and has been in effect for some time. It has not been enforced for lack of better recreational facilities for the teen agers. Also in Wednesday’s council meet ing, Ray Rich, recent city patrolman gave the city council a petition stat ing: We, the undersigned wish to see Mr. Rich re-instated as a police patrol officer for the City of Mill City. We would also like to state that we believe that he has con ducted himself in an excellent man- ner while he was on the force. The petition was signed by numer ous high school youths. Mr. Rich who recently resigned from the force was hired some six months ago on a trial basis. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving; MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN a \ m 11» tMI \ LYONS MEHAMA mongold ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEW AY TO THE HEART OF N \TI RE’S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 10 MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH ». 1M4 Mehama Passes School Budget $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy Teachers Chosen Discipline Ordered The school budget for the coming year was passed by a unanimous vote at the Mehama school house Monday night. Also under discussion was the In a school board meeting held pay increase The system now pro proposed consolidation of the Meha Tuesday night at the Mill City grade vides for an automatic pay increase ma and Stayton schools. I school the board unanimously ac- Petitions were circulated for this | cepted the recommendation of Supt. of about $1 00 a week with each year of service. ¡purpose acquiring more than the nec- Vernon Todd in renewing 14 new Further Building Needed p essary number of signatures. j contracts, and letting three others With increasing attendance the Those opposing the consolidation 1 expire at the end of this school year. board contemplated an addition of movement point out that the added The board also ordered a crack down j two rooms on the new grade school. mileage would cause an excessively on a loose discipline program, and Heating and wiring facilities were long day for small youngsters. was faced with teacher’s requests for blocked off at the end of the present School board members however, pay increases. structure iq anticipation of such an counter with the proopsal of continu Grade school contract renewals will addition. Other suggestions included ing school for the primary grades in the present Mehama school building. place Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Prichard, the use of the lower portion of the I The consolidation measure will be Mrs. Sletto, Mrs. McCoy, Miss Grint- old grade school for a junior high ! voted on at a public election, date of stead, Miss Smith, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. until the emergency was over. There which will be announced by the dis- Hollyman, Miss Shattuck, and Miss was also a possibility, were the high Schwartz on next year’s teaching schools to unionize and new building , trict boundary board. contract. constructed that the old high school Next year’s high school contracts might make a permanent junior high were given to Mrs. Mason, Mr. Rugh, school. Mr. Burroughs and Miss Baney. Unionization Favored Upon recommendation contracts School board members Sheythe, were not given to Mrs. Feeley and Roberts, and Shuey, stated unani Every Oregon youngster between the ages of 9 and 21 is eligible to While a special council meeting Mrs. Stafford of the grade school and mously their desire for a high school belong to a 4-H dub, and be a member of the world's largest volunteer was called for 5 p.m. Thursday eve Mr. Bayless, high school principal. youth organization. Project work includes about 25 different subjects unionization. They further stated ning to take action on the matter, from which the young club member may choose. As always, 4-H club Discipline Nwdwf they had no prejudice on a location members strive to live up to their motto, “Make the Best Better”. it has always been the prerogative The board expressed their belief if such a plan were to materialize. The fourth annual Easter Seal sale of the city council to hire or fire as that discipline had reached a new low It was erpressed however that Fox of the Oregon Society for Crippled they saw best. at the high school and should be cor Valley, Detroit and other Interested i Children and Adults will get under Dave Reid, local real estate broker, rected as soon as possible. State districts should be invited to join to way Thursday, March 9, in Marlon and representative of the highway ments were made to the effect, that make one good high school available county and the rest of the state. committee of the chamber of com high school students come and go for students in this area. The sale is under the direction of merce requested the council to com Marion county democrats are called Bruce Spaulding of Salem in Marion almost at will and that unexcused plete installation of six arc lights of absenses are frequently allowed to to meet with their county central county, and D. W. Eyre, Salem, is the type located at each end of the committee on Sunday afternoon, pass unnoticed. Other discipline com serving as county treasurer. inter-county bridge to be installed on plaints included students smoking on March 12, at the Mayflower hall in Spaulding urged the people of With housing continuing to become north Salem, according to word re the highway in the east district of school grounds, and chasing around Marion county to give the Easter Mill City. Installation would be more critical in the canyon area a ceived here from Luis A. Martin- in cars during school hours. Some Seal sale their all-out support, assert made by the Mountain States Power major relief was in sight today with Lally, chairman. teachers have had to get “some stu ing that “hundreds of crippled chil- company and the rental charge of IFHA loans becoming available in the State Senator Austin F. Flegel of The meeting,'which will begin with dents from a local recreation center | dren and adults are Vitally in need $4.25 per month would be paid by Mill City area. The Commonwealth, a pot-luck dinner at one p.m., is Multnomah county, native Oregonian, during class hours. Inc. of Salem, will make the loans. planned in honor of candidates filed {of the services which Easter Seals lawyer and business man, today an the city. Teacher» Ask Raise I make possible.” * Council members agreed to co-op While FHA never operates on a di- for the primary election on the demo nounced that he would be a candidate school high The majority of the The chairman explained there are erate with the. Marion county sher- , rcct loan basis they do insure banks cratic ticket. Walter J. Pearson, faculty also appeared before Tues I more than 200 types of crippling di- ff’s office to '«Mwlng, vkiunty Dep uid investment houses on loans made Austin Flegel, and Lew Wallace, all day night’s «neeti. g to ask for piy Heretofore local candidates for the democratic nomi (senses and that the victims of only a uty Edgar Scott to use the city hall under their code. increases. Faculty members ex | few of these diseases are eligible for for his headquarters. Scott, who has (banks were unable to make such ‘ nation for governor, will be present. pressed the opinion with increased support from either public or private been patroling this canyon area for i loans because of limited facilities, ¡Others expected are Roy R. Hewitt, j agencies. teaching loads and rising living costs nearly a year out of the Salem office > and banks outside of the canyon area Howard Morgan, all candidates for some salary increase would be neces The Easter Seal agency, it was will move to Mill City. His location I were not interested. county offices, and for precinct com explained, does not duplicate the ser sary. In a previous meeting when Realizing the need for more ade mittee men and women. here promises to bring more efficient the budget had been prepared the vices of any other agency, offering police control to the canyon. Inas quate housing, Pennick-Pennick, local assistance only to those physically board had voted against any special much as Scott will be stationed in realtors closed the contract with the handicapped persons who connot re the center of his field rather than Commonwealth. Inc. of Salem. Loans ceive help from any other organiza can be obtained on a 5% down basis at the extreme end. tion. either public or private. if the borrower has a satisfactory The Easter Seal agency operates building site. the Children’s hospital school at Loans may be obtained up to $6,000 Eugene, where crippled children from More than 26,000 Oregon 4-H and special arrangements may be Deadline for acceptance of tree every part of the state receive spec members are joining the nation made for greater sums. week in celebrating National 4 H I club While special chamber of commerce orders from farmers by the state ial care, education and guidance. The O.S.C. food technology depart, committeemen were investigating board of forestry, Salem, is March It also operates the Craft Shop for week, according to L. J. Allen, i state ment, in co-operation with the Oregon I some possible means of bringing the 20, Charles R. Ross, O,S,C. extension the handicapped in Portland, which 4-H club leader. Frozen Food Locker association, will ’ FHA into this area the news of the forestry specialist, has been advised serves as a merchandising center for Oregon club members last year sponsor a frozen food locker school i Pennick - Commonwealth contract by the state forester. Trees pur- articles made by physically handi. participated In 35.488 projects, They at O.S.C. March 20 and 21. It is es I came with surprise and welcome. It I chased from the state board of for capped persons. Many homebound completed 81 percent of them, This for Governor in the Democratic pri timated that there are about 1200 was believed the plan would not only estry must be used for windbreaks, persons are sustaining themselves for percentage compares favorably with maries. In the State Senate, Flegel had locker plants in Oregon and Wash | alleviate current housing problems shelter belts or woodland plantings. the first time through sales of their the 1948 club year when 77 percent of ington. Trees available for planting in articles at the shop. the projects were carried through to one of the heaviest committee assign- I but would make available more de Packaging techniques and mater sirable homes for this city. western Oregon include Douglas fir, i The agency also provides surgical completion. The project total also j merits of any senator. He waa a ials. retail credits, customer relations cascara. and maritime pine. Those and medical care for individual cases shows a gain compared with the 1948 {member of the Ways and Means and services and similar topics will be recommended and available for and shares costs of other projects in club year when slightly more than committee of Assessment and Tax considered in panel discussion groups. planting in eastern Oregon include the state. 31,000 were carried by youngsters ation, of Railroad and Utilities, Chair man of committee on Medicine, Phar A. W. Oliver, of the O.S.C. animal Rocky mountain type Douglas fir, enrolled. husbandry department, will demon Scotch pine, lodgepole pine. Russian STOLEN CAR FOUND The Oregon club program also macy and Dentistry and Vice-Chair, strate meat cutting methods. olive, caragana, and gree ash. A 1940 Ford automobile stolen reached a new all-time high in 1949 man of the committee on Alcoholic All logging or similiar operations / A luncheon meeting of the Oregon from Lawrence Sawyer in Salem was in terms of club members There Traffic. He was rated among the top Ponderosa pine, black locust, Rus Frozen Food Locker association is 1 within the forest areas of the State sian mulberry, and Chinese elm are discovered this week in Gates by Mr. were 3,206 clubs in 1949 as compared ten senators by the A F of L and CIO scheduled for Monday. March 20. and of Oregon where any type of power available and are suited for planting F Völkel and reported to police. with 2.675 for the year preceding. on labor issues and by the Oregon a general banquet will be held that | driven equipment is used, or where in both eastern and western Oregon- The car, which had been involved The club year runs from November 1 State Grange on farm issues. night. Representatives of the Na I timber is harvested for commercial Port Orford cedar is not available, in a hit-run accident, was abandoned through to October 31 the following The Multnomah County Senator is tional Locker association will also i purposes, are required to obtain a the specialist states. and there were no clews. one of the leading spokesman for the year. | permit for such operation from the attend Mill City police judge fined Fred Columbia Valley Administration, and Success of Oregon 4-H club pro State trees obtained may not be 1 stae forester, according to Mr Elmer used legally for ornamental purposes Schmick $14 50 in Tuesday night’s gram is due largely to the work of has advocated CVA throughout Ore. ‘ Taylor, forest inspector court for a charge of drunkness. 3,000 volunteer 4-H club leaders who gon as a benefit to agriculture, labor, Mr. Taylor states that apparently or in urban areas. give their time and "know-how" in and business. Available conifers or evergreens, many operators are delinquent in this instructing their youthful charges. two years of age, range in height Flegel’s announcement said: respect and calls attention to the The leaders conduct club meetings "Oregon urgently needs industrial fact that closure of the operation from 4 to 12 inches. The hardwood and provide inspiration and leader- expansion and more payrolls to meet State Senator Richard L. (Dick) j for non-compliance, as well as a fine, seedlings are one year of age, and are FRIDAY— ship. Neuberger and Dave Shaw Demo may result from failure to secure from 6 to 18 inches tall. Cost is $5 its growing unemployment problem. I.O O F. meeting. Allen said Oregon is one of the Bonneville low coat power delivered per thousand and no order will be ac cratic candidate for Congress will such permit Lyons TWA meeting 2nd Friday. speak at a public meeting in the (Continued on Page 8) Mill City 1WA meeting last Friday leading 4-H club states in terms of Application for this permit may cepted for fewer than 25 trees of a enrollment as compared to the num- Lebanon City hall. Sunday March 12 be obtained from Mr. Taylor's rest- single variety. Minimum charge is SATl RDAY— ber of elilgible rural younsters. He at 7:30 PM. announced Earl C. dence. the Forest Protection office 50 cents. Legion Dance at Legion hall estimates that 16 000 of the 63.000 Orders are handled by the state Mason, chairman Linn county Demo in Mehama, or by writing the State Santiam Riders Dance. Oregon rural homes are represented board of forestry, Salem. County cratic Central committee. Forester in Salem. Ore SUNDAY— by 4 H club members Neuberger, internationally known These permtis issued by the State extension agents, however, will assist Folk dance group meets. 2 p m. Club work, however, is not res writer, has served in both houses of Forester are valid for only the year farmers in placing orders They Councilman of the ne wlyincorpor- MONDAY— tricted to rural youth. The 4-H pro the Oregon legislature and was se in which issued and for the specific have full information as well as order ated town of Idanha met Friday Lions club meeting. gram has been active within the City lected by the Portland Ad club re area indicated to be logged in the blanks Freight charges are payable A F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet of Portland for more than 25 years, morning in the fire ah I Charlea T. by the person ordering the trees. cently as the "most discussed politi permit ing third Monday. and during the past year a fulltime Haaeman was elected t he first city Ross says that seedlings may be cian in Oregon”. He was chairman mayor. Boy Scouts 7:30 county extension agent has been em planted in western Oregon now. of the committee which developed the TUESDAY — The first city ordinar .■ to pay $25 Car Smashed Near Niagra ployed to foster club work in Salem. 1-ater planting dates are recomended state platform for the Democratic Tues Women's club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd bounty on all cougars id $5 on all At the present time, there are ap An automobile, driven by Dave in eastern Oregon. Trees In this party Neuberger is well known as Santiam Eagles auxiliary 8 p m. city limit« proximately 2,000.000 4-H club mem bob cats killed within I Crowshaw. plunged over an embank latter area may be stored by “heeling an able and forceful speaker. bers in the United States During was passed Tl.ia law v is prompted Shaw, attorney practicing at Gold ment just west of Niagra Saturday them in,” or the state forester will WEDNESDAY— ■beats just P.T.A. Dad’s Night, 8 p m the 35 years that the 4-H club pro by the killing of thre< Beach and Eugene, is a former Assis evening, injuring the driver and de hold ordered trees in refrigeration Altar Society meets 2nd Wed. gram has been earned on as a work east of Idanha last we k by Keith tant General council for the National molishing the car. While there was no at the nursery. Lions club auxiliary 8 30. 4th Wed. of the U 8. Department of Agricul Moore of Detroit. It is impractical to attempt to Labor Relations Board During apparent road hazard or mechanical ture, more than 14 000 000 club boys James B Gordon w elected by World II he headed a branch of the defect Crowshaws car went out of move trees from the nursery after THURSDAY— the councilmen as city r< «'order. American Legion 2d and 4th Thur». and girls have participated * famous Office of Strategic Services. control and left the road on a turn. they have their annual spring growth. Easter Seals For Crippled Children F.H.A. Now Possible In Mill City Democrats Meet in Marion County Flegel Joins Race for Gov. March 20 LMst Date To Order Trees For Farm Locker Owners Hold Meeting Loggers Need Harvest Permit Demo Candidates Speak in Lebanon dinning ixurnta: Haseman Mayor Of Idanha