March 2, 1950 •—TUE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DETROIT GATES ELKHORN LEGAL ADYERTISING NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal By MRS J. A. WRIGH1 By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP By ELSIE MYERS voters of School District No. 129j. During the early part of the winter Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dinsmore from Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark, Bill of Linn-Marion counties, State of that a School Meeting of the FOR SALE - Guaranteed fresh eggs FOR SALE Large new home with the young people had many good Anchorage. Alaska and their daugh­ ' Bickett and Ike Myers attended the Oregon, said district will be held at the High Ideal for times at their youth meetings on Sat­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Farmers Union state convention in School at my residence near Gates school. or without acreage. the 13th day of March, T. Lincoln Hennes. 7-3tp boarding or rooming house or urday nights. Also during the winter Harley Elkins and daughter Shannon Salem this week. National president 1950, at on eight o’clock p.m., for the made into 2 apts. Inquire Enter­ a missionary society and Womans Fel­ of Portland were the guests of Mrs. James Patton was one of the princi- purpose of discussing budget for WANTED — Cattle, hogs and sheep. prise. 8-3tp lowship was organized which meets Lula Collins over Sunday. Mr. and ! pal speakers. Ronald E. Jones of the fiscal school year, the beginning July Licensed and bonded buyer. Will call at farm. Write Harold E. FOR RENT 3-rm. furnished apart­ each Thursday evening, and is gain­ Mrs. Dinsmore expect to remain at ! Brooks was reelected state president. 1, 1950, and ending June 30, 1951. Signed, CHARLES C. KELLY, Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, ment, modem, garage E. D. ing in membership. Their next meet­ the home of her mother, Mrs. Collins Among other measures of the con­ Clefk. Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf Cooke. 5tf ing will be on February 2, at tne for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. vention went on record as being in First publication Feb. 23, 1950—3t FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue­ FOR SALE — 3 Acres and 6-room home of Mrs. Leach, with all women Elkins returned to Portland Sunday, favor of increased aid to public berry plants. Grown in west for house, barn, chicken house, or- welcome. NOTICE Mrs. Walter Brisbin spent several I schools the Brannan plan of farm western planting. Write to Tony chard, good garden soil. Royal Personal property taxpayers are 1 price supports and a prepaid health Beginning on March 5, two weeks da y® Iaat weck in Portland visiting Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm Johnson, Telephone 742, 2 mi. east required to file an invoice as of for price list. Route 1, Box 242, of Gates in Linn county. 8-4tp revival services have been planned ber son’ GrvUle Hayward, who is 1 program. January 1st, 1950, with the Asses­ Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 and an able evangelist has been hospitalized there. She was also the Mrs. A. N. Baylay of Oakridge, sor for an assessment base. Assess­ FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean­ . secured for these meetings. He is ¡Tiest of other Portland relatives. formerly an Elkhorn resident, is in ment must be filed on or before CBI NEEDS accommodations: Single ing equipment call your Fuller March 2, 1950. Penalty provided and double rooms in private homes, Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. Dallas Meserve of Portland, who will Mrs Gilbert Brosig served as post- the hospital for minor surgery and after due date. or houses to rent. Please list your 1, Box 229, Aumsville, Ore. 3tf be assisted by his wife Leeanna Mes- , rnas^er during her mother’s absence, I observation. Trucks and automobiles carrying available space with CBI. Call Mrs. Louie Ray was a Portland state license plates and furniture in Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rhames who erve as pianist and childrens worker. LIST YOUR homes and farms with Personnel Office, 4202. . 3tf private homes are exempt. me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, There will be "The Children's Hour”, I have resided in and managed the visitor Friday. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments CASH PAID For used pistols and Gates, Detroit, Lyons David M. 'Tuesday thru Saturday (right after J Oak Park Motel for several months, Word has been received from John rifles. See Dick Paynter, Martin’s Reid, Real Estate. 3tf school) "New songs to sing” Exciting left Friday for their home in Calif­ Payton that his ship left Norfork on and Rooming Houses are subject to taxation. Trailer Court, 1st trailer on left. ornia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaHaye the 10th on maneuvers in the Carra- If you have not received an as­ 9-3tp FOR SALE — New Hampshire and stories to hear, ages 6—12. Parmenter Red chicks from 300 Attending the Eagles lodge zone will be the new managers of the bean. He will also visit San Fran- sessment blank, please notify the HELP WANTED — Waitress See Assessor's Office. Motel. They took possession Satur cisco, San Diego and Panama. egg foundation stock, also Hamps JOHN W. SHEPPARD, Don or George at Manolis Santiam Cornish fryer chicks, all straight meeting on Sunday from the Santiam day. Mrs. Ike Myers who spent a week Linn County Assessor. Cafe. 9tf run chicks are $15 per 100. Send Aerie 2745 were Ed. Debolt,president; for circular. Gehring Hatchery A ' Curtis Howard, secretary; Keith Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montag of in the Salem Memorial hospital, tak­ First publication Feb. 2, 1950—6t EXPERT AUTO and home radio Poultry Farm, Phone Black 193, ¡White, Wilbur White, Lester White, Portland were business visitors in ing treatments for a heart aliment, •ervlce, 20 years experience, all Silverton, Ore. 2tf Oliver Johnson and Willis Ward. Gates Friday. They are the owners has returned home. She is being makes. Guaranteed service. cared for by Mrs. Paul Payton of I Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf FOR SALE-One kitchen wood range Auxiliary guests attending the lnitia. of the Oak Park motel. and cabinet sink. See Wendell tion services for the women were Recent guests at the home of Mr. Stayton as it is necessary for her to I A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Heller, back Santiam Garage. 7-3tp Mrs. Ed. Debolt, Miss Fay Cooper, and Mrs. Barney Ryal were Mr. and remain in bed at least a week. yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett and Mr. ( Mrs. Buster Burgon of Prineville, aq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. FOR RENT—Modem furnished apts. and Mrs. Curtis Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Wagum and and Mrs. Carl Longnecker attended [ by week. Lyons Motel, Lyons. 8-3t Wilbur White and James O. Lynch daughter and Mr and Mrs. Ernest the folk and square dance classes in I FOR RENT—One three-room apart­ I Blacksmithing ment furnished, for couple only. FOR SALE — 28-ft. 3-room Trailer were initiated into the Eagles , all from Mill City Sunday. Beebe Apts. 51tf house, with ref., water heater, Bu­ here on February 21. Welding Salem. Steve Myers and Phil Dooley spent tane cook stove. George Cornwell, Logging and Saw 8-3tp Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Debolt attended Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Rains and several days in southern Oregon this | WANTED—Barkle Douglas Fir poles Box 108A, Silverton, Ore. Mill Repairing pr stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany FOR RENT — Two deluxe furnished the dance given at the lodge hall in Ison Tilman accompanied by Mr. and week. McMinnville on Saturday evening. or write Standard Pole & Piling apartments, new, clean and com­ Mrs. Arthur Blackburn, motored to The four children of Mrs. and Mrs. BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE Co., Inc. 7-4t fortably furnished. Gas cooking Mrs. Myrtle Manning has returned Sweet Home to attend a family din- Lyle Ray are just recovering from a and heat, large electric refrigerat­ FOR SALE — Rabbits, 40 does. 9 ors and hardwood floors. Bendix to her home in Boulder Creek, Calif, ner in celebration of the birthday seige of chicken pox. Ike Myers went to Sandy Saturday „r____ „________ __________ anniversaries of Mrs. Rains’ son, bucks and hutches. See Dan Mor automatic laundry privileges. Half after spending some time here at the rUon, Gates. 9-3tp where he attended the 39th annivers­ home of her son Robert Manning'Leon Cline and her daughter, Mrs. block from post office. Phone 2652, 8tf while recovering from an operation. Joe Toepfer (Marie Cline). The af- ary of the Clackamas county Bank. A Friendly Place They also opened their new bank FOR SALE - New double constructed The Ladies Auxiliary of the Eagles fair was held at he home of Mr. and building lodge met Wednesday evening for i Mrs Leon Cline. Mr. Joe Toepfer and stucco duplex. For sale by owner, To While Away For Guaranteed Cleaning call The Enterprise. 49tf their business meeting. They plan a three children were also present. Among those calling on Mrs. Ned on box social at the C.C.C. camp FOR SALE — Modern wood cook Your Idle Hours it’s the range with hot water coils, reason­ March 4th. All ladies are urged to Richards, this week, who is confined to her home with injuries sustained able. See A. M. Knox, 1 mile east present a box for the auctioning. then 14 mile south of Lyons. Phone in a fall, were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tay­ 1184 Lyons. 9-3t lor of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were FOR SALE 1929 Ford coupe, recon ditioned motor, new 16-in. Mercury Sunday dinner guests at the home C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. 24-HOUR SERVICE wheels, 5 new recap tires. Lot of of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. model A parts $125.00 cash. Joe SHELL PRODUCTS and Mrs. Edmund Klecker in Stayton. Mill City Walter, Box 221, Mill City. 9-3tp AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES Mrs. Riley Champ was hostess at ZENITH TIRES Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! her home to members of the auxiliary GATES of the V.F.W. At eight o’clock in FISHING TACKLE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED the evening a no-host dinner was ser ved to the seven members present. Tanka priced $12 50 and up. The ladies of the auxiliary have Electric Rotary Sewer Machine chosen as their project this year the with razor sharp knives cuts making of afghans for a veterans roots, and grease from newer». and %» hospital in southern Oregon. MILL CITY Electric Nlard (leans sink Mrs. Lincoln Henness, Mrs. Frank Saunders. Mrs. Laura Joaquin. Mrs. drain«, lavatories, bat ht ul«. Larry Shelton. Mrs. Joe Joaquin, A Friendy Family FAMILY STYLE MEALS Phone SALEM 3-9468, COLLECT Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mrs. Albert, 1079 Um st., YY. Salem ITnder New Management Millsap, members of the Gates Atmosphere Prevails Womans club and a guest. Mrs. c Robert Cooper, of Ashland were en­ tertained. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Theodore Burton, afternoon was spent informally, freshments were served by s New ! s Smart ! hostess at the close of the afternoon ■nnnn n o » h r n » a o « a a n n st a a st st st st to those present. The next regular MILL CITY DISPOSAL meeting af the club will be at the SERY K I Where Friends Meet school house, March Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Expert Repairing o'clock. On Highway 222, Linn County Side weekly pickups $1 per month. SHELL OIL PRODUCTS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toepfer and three Also light hauling MILL CITY U. S. ROYAL TIRES Mill City children of Fern Rodge and Tilman Leonard Herman I'lione 2325 Tony Ziebert P. E. Fry, Manager George ‘Sparky’ Ditter ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ nranHnannnHHnnBBUbnnMaunHn Rains spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Tilman r~ UMKMt Rains. The Toepfers are sporting a brand new Dodge. HOWARD CORSET SHOP VEKXES Wants and Sales H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop NU-METHOD Service Station MIKE’S TAVERN Septic & Sewer Service Mill Citv Hotel RICHARD'S 1 cxs Tavern Boarding House Directory Business Professional MEANDER INN Canyon Garage Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie Dressex smocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 10.12 ■w. « 2nd A BARBER SHOP Broadway Mill City Hoars: lo to 7 r ' HARLOW L. WEINRICK I Attorney at Law 318 Broadalbin Albanv 'UMI LIPPOLD - BRENNER Aecaontants Bookkeeping Service inditing Payroll Ke|»ort* Income Tax Dishe ares Hcndrirson s Sion Balcony Epp'« Store .11 YY El FLOWERS Hie M U’LES GOODE’S I 1.0 W ER SIKH l*hon>- Blue (¡111 J ii M Ea»t of Gates stai ton, < WEDDLE FONERAI. HOME Funeral Service OREGON ®Cx « » r WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods hmmir NOTIONS I INGI RII RE ADY-TO-Yt I AR HOSIERY LI Zll RS COSMI l ies DWIDM.RI’ID ( anion I hih Real Estate Mill Citv ¿TAX I, Better Used Cars RS. Ater. BUICK ipr Sedanet 18 R< mdmaster Sedan Dynaflow 47 R< >adma«ter Sedan 47 Sc■per Sedan 47 Sf►eeial Sedanet »eeial Sedanet CADILLAC 1" Sedan ( HEY ROI.ET 47 Fl etmaater Sedan < HRY SI.ER 47 YY ind«or Sedan FRAZER 49 Scdan ___ FORD 18 D*■luxe 2-door Hl DSON ■mmodorr Fleht Sedan 18 Suiper Six Chib Coupe MERCURY 49 C— laidles nn<1 ( hlldren'x I tubri llax Hath lowrl* —- Aprons I Imiilkrrrhlefw Sheet* — l.iuhrohleroil ( * Tiible