♦—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE March 2, 19.50 Amity Five Eliminate SPORTS PAGE Timberwolves Airport News Timberwolves Drop Sheridan MILL CITY Marion Lake Halts Plane Landings mitted only upon compliance with reasonable conditions looking to the promotion of public health, wel­ fare, safety, or convenience.” Notice of the regulation will be posted on the lake shores and tn public places in that area, Bruckart said. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson Jr. and daughter Judy of Astoria were Seaplane landings on Marion lake, weekend guests of their parents Mr j located approximately seven miles and Mrs. Mattie Murdock and Mr. from the Marion forks new fish and Mrs. Frank Jackson, Sr. j hatchery will be prohibited effective The Mill City Timberwolves lost Arther Davis was in Tillimook; I June 1st of this year, Forest Super- The good driver regulates his speed Sat. and Sun. with friends. ' visor J. R. Bruckart of the Wiliam- Flying will begin at the Davis air- to Amity, Thursday, on the Oregon in accordance with the conditions of Mr and Mrs. Robert Nicolas ana port by March 15th, Byron Davis and College of Education floor at Mon­ children, residents here for the past ette National Forest announced this the road over which he is traveling. mouth, by a score of 42 to 34. This week. Ted Galbraith reported today, A The Mill City Timberwolves de­ contract for G. I. flight training has loss ruined the ’Wolves opportunity year, are moving to Stayton. The lake which is relatively small feated the Sheridan eagers of the been applied for. AVhile the results to go to the state championship meet Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holderbaum of has been the scene of plane landings SEE Yamhill county league on the oppon­ from the application will not be at Astoria. Only the winner of the Springfield spent Sunday at home in the past and has at times proved ” ents floor Monday night with a 43 known until the last of this month district tournament goes to Astoria, of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. Mrs. to be hazardous to those fishing on to 31 margin. It was the 15th win it is belived the contract will be ac- The 1088 meant the last basketball Holderbaum was a former surveyor the lake. in 19 starts for the Timberwolves. cepted in as much as the field meets 8ame ot the season for the Timber on the Detroit dam and is now em- Forest service roads come within ployed at Meridian dam. For your excavating Scoring honors were given to Tim­ all requirements. i wolves. two miles of the favorite fishing Mrs. W. B. Shuey has left for and dump truck work berwolf Ollie Muise, with 18 points The second annual Mill City Avia- The Amity Warriors went into the grounds and the rest of the journey 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel his quota for the evening, of which j tion Day will be held again in July - • r. ' lead early in the game and were Astoria where she will spend several must be made on foot. weeks with her daughter and son in- 13 made in the second half. Mill An air show will be the feature of the never tied as they took the first Basements, Trench and Regulation U-6 under authority of General Excavating City also saw half time victory when afternoon. The date for the break- Quarter 15 to 4. During the second ( law, Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines. reads as which this action is taken the score rested at 21 to 18. Silver Saddle Trailer Camp fast hop has not yet been announced. . Quarter Amity scored 11 points to Mrs. Carl Lake was called to Bil­ follows: 1 11 City’s 3 Q ♦ to rx mabn half Hrvio In the preliminary game, the Sher­ Mill make fhn the half time lings, Mont., Thursday on account of Mill City, Ore. Phone 903 "Occupancy and use of the na­ the serious illness of her father. idan "B” squad beat the jayvees of Ted Galbraith flew in from Scap- score 26 to 7. be per. tional forest lands shall pose on Monday. Mill City by a score of 49 to 27. The After the halftime Intermission, Visitors at Mill City Lodge Sunday Sheridanites calmly built up an im­ Byron Davis had his plane up for Mill City bounced back and out- evening were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. posing lead in the first half when the first time since the winter scored Amity in the serond half, but Weddell of Salem. the score read 26 to 11. The local weather made flying nearly impos­ the Warriors lead was too great to j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Etzel and . daughter; Walter and Rita Etzel ’B” boys could find nothing to •top sible He reported the field to be over come. in good shape. J Amity Coach Matland Anderson's from Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. Tony their opponents attacks. BYRON DAVIS, Prop. Wayne Kerr was the first local wards have won 11 and lost 3. Amity Ziebert and family of Mill City were flier to take off from Davis field will now play the winners of one all dinner guests at the Ed Miotke TAVERN .SHFFFLEBOAKD “At the Bottom of the Hili’’ of the other three games played home in Mill City Sunday. Mr. P. J. The shuffleboard team from Jerry's since the heavy snows. Etzel is Mrs. Ziebert's father. OREGON MILL CITY, Tavern played the Meander Inn team Al and Inez Haun plan to open Thursday afternoon and evening, I Georgia Palmer spent Thursday on Sunday night. The Meander Inn the "Air Roost” as soon as flying ’ Line-ups were: Amity (42) I evening and Friday with Lucille MUI City (34) starts in earnest. team took the victory. Thornley Jerry Case Ziebert. F Jack Enbow and Floyd Yarbrough Leo Poole Jack Williams Mr. and Mrs. William Norris of F held high score for the winning team Record Size Cougar N. Nueman Cottage Grove spent Sunday at the Ollie Muise C and Bud LaNeabe and Lola Helness Russ Taylor W. B. Shuey home. Law. Poole G were the high point players from Shot Near Detroit Arvy Nelson Mr. W. H. Nelson who is now Bob Baltimore G S Buck Dale Jerry’s. A return match was sched­ One of the biggest cougars to be Verl Moberg located at Mill City Lodge is visit­ uled for next Sunday at Jerry's. killed in the canyon area was shot Officials: Howell and Bob Cody. ing in Portland this week. on Monday by cougar hunter Walter Mill City representatives in Salem Ball of Detroit. The cat measured Trophy On Display to attend the county I. O. O. F. and 9 feet 3 inches in length and weighed The trophy won by the Mill City iRebekah leader’s council meeting 180 pounds. Rockets will be on display in the were Lowell Stiffler, noble grand; The hunt which took place near the window of the Baker jewelry store |Vem Thomas, vice grand; Marvin Breltenbush river culminated about Dart, district deputy president; Hazel in the near future. 5% miles up that stream when the Yonr Home When You're The trophy twice won by the Nelson, vice grand, and Allura big cat was cornered but refused to Away from Home. Rockets will be sent to an engraver Chance, district deputy president. be treed. As Ball's dogs moved in on to again place their name upon it. The next meeting of the newly or­ the query the battle started and Should the Rockets win the league ganized leader’s council for lodges Ball's lead dog "Sailor’’ was serious- championship next year the trophy will be held in Stayton March 18. ly slashed, The dog is expected to will become their permanent posses­ Mr. and Mrs. Olstead and Mr. and recover. Mrs. Ott from Canby were Sunday sion. guests at the Geo. Veteto home. The kill is the 5th of this season. I Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine have SOFTBALL FOR SANDLOT returned to Mill City after an ex­ PLAYERS tended vacation and business trip. Chief of Police J. T. King an­ nounced the sponsorship of a soft- They are driving a new automobile. ball team for 7th and 8th grade boys. Mrs. W. Leonard Peterson and Mrs. The young enthusiasts turned out in Charles Dahlen drove to Portland good number on last Saturday on the this week on a business trip. | The George Vetetos are driving a j high school diamond. King stated his intentions to also I new station wagon. start a team for the young girls if A. E. Armstrong, local Southern enough interest was shown. He ¡Pacific station agent will leave soon challenged other citizens to organize I ■ for a Kansas vacation. Mr and Mrs. Glen Shelton recently such teams for opposition. celebrated their 31st wedding anni- They will meet again this Satur- versa ry. JOHN ADAMS MILL CITY TAVERN Mill City Lodge Meals--Home Cooked fcUTO PAINHjte Let's Go to Manolis’ M.C. Shutileboard Mill City Tavern shuffleboard Held At Lvons a players came home with winning honors when they played the Davies tavern team in Stayton. Sunday. Mill City won with a 28 point margin, with Tex Blazek and Thuril Shipley high point men. The Davies team will come to Mill City this Sunday for a return bout. FIRST (LASS STEAKS ... A SPECIALTY AT MANOLIS* . . . EXPERTLY SERVED IN ALL THEIR MOITH-WATERING, SIZZLING GOODNESS. I'.AMILA r VIC rii <- 55 I homi : Ma nolis SANTIAM CAFE Faust & Ross The Boy Scouts held their court honor meeting at the Rebekah Friday evening with nine of scouts receiving awards. Three ceived their first class, six their ond class awards and 13 cub scouts received their Bear, Wolf and Lion badges. It was also uniform inspec­ tion for the cub scouts. Several also The good driver respects the safety received their gold and silver star of the pedestrian as a primary consid. acheivements. A pot-luck supper for eration. the scouts and their parents was held proceeding the meeting followed by motion pictures for the kiddies, scouts are doing wonderful work need backing of all the parents friends. Lets all get together help the scouts, "den" mothers I RID 5 5 and S A II RII \5 scout masters. f ( '^=*_ ’ EXI’ERT COLOR M ATCHINt COMPLETE I I’HOLSTERING AND BODY REP AIRING Knowles Body & Fender Repair l Years Experience PHONE «8 MILL CITY The driver who yields the right of way will live to drive another day. ••• YANKEES si \l> AA and MONI» 55 TYRONE TOWER and VA ANI» 5 lit NDlilX FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS .93 IT. Fresh and Juicy, 5c or « for .29 ICI PI 01.15 IS. PHI lM\r. 9 or. till .22 PI INI I Bl HI 1C .34 3 for .19 API’I F. 111 rrt It ol<| Fashion. .’ lb. jar .30 < RE Ul OF TOM ATI» sol P. < row .1 Bla< knell. l .M . or, 2 for .25 .25 KRAFT niNNIR. C omplet. Meal ' for «25 SOFTAMI-K t Ihl F1.OI 1C. I.ar«e 2*t lb .36 •J.5 II». POT \TOI S. No. 1 » | § G ARA < DOIT R RED AND WHITE STORE I I I I I I I I Scouts Court of Honor « I) \\ IS Electric & Tavern Supph .mJ 55 I 115 I S|» 55 KATHRYN I.RA1SON IOSE ITI RBI. MARIO LANZ. 5 in THAT MIDNIGHT KISS In Technicolor rill RSDAA ON THF STAGE G ATES PI. A5 HOI SE CHECK ANY ONE Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service 2134 Fairgn ri HI) 55 IF YOU CAN «•olein. Ore. Road Phone 3-7193 OF THESE BOXES □ □ □ □ I don't like to carry too much cash. I lose receipted bills. YOU CAN USE A CHECKING ACCOUNT Present« THE HONEYMOON IS OVER A < omesly In 3 Act» Regular Price»—I urtaln at .8 Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllll CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP