Deanha PTA Held Monday Out of the Woods F. and D. R. . . . Deanha P.T.A. February general meeting, the first of the new year, due to the heavy winter, was held in the grade school Library, Monday night, Feb. 27. At the business meeting with T. S. Moore presiding. ; it was voted to hold a dance for the Social project of the year. Cub Scout sponsorship was discussed and tabled. A program based on Founders Day followed at which 13 grade girls j presented a skit, which demonstraed a good P.T.A. worker. The Mongold Musical Maverics played several num- ' bers with their string orchestra. The meeting was adjourned for re­ freshmens served by the fifth grade mothers. Mrs. Leach’s room won the room attendence prize. ï a I The first sign of the Big Freeze was when Ancient Age Hogan, the bullcook, was seen to button up his vest as he went to hustle stove wood. Somebody looked, and came back to tell that the thermometer said it was a hundred below zero. The freeze went on until it took Hogan and some others. The bodies were froze so hard they were used to make double-bitted axes. "We’ve got a plan,” Double Jaw Murphy, the NAM efficiency expert man said to Paul Bunyan. "Turn me loose on it. and I’ll make the big gest name that was ever made for anything. I call the plan F. and D. R.” "What could F. and D. R. be?’’ Paul asked, with due caution. "Frog and Duck Relief.” Double Jaw said. "You mean,” said Paul Bunyan, and pretty grimly too, “that you are going to give relief to frogs and ducks?” "Oh, no,” Double Jaw hastened to say. "I'll use the frogs and ducks that was caught in the freeze to feed the loggers." "F. and D. R.,” Paul Bunyan mut- tered. "I just don't like the sound of it.” 3—THE MILL (TTV ENTERPRISE Limited Sweets, Adequate Diet Good Teeth Aid - . -..... Mr and Mrs. Jack Toothman were visitors of his sister Theo Asmus the past week. Bernice and Loren Jolmk and Theo and Harry Asmus and son Chuck attended the wrestling matches in Stayton this week. Ada and C. M. Hamm motored to Hillsboro Sunday. Jean Wilson motored to Salem Thursday on business Lynn Johnson has been in Portland the past week, due to his father’s illness we hope he is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of San Francisco visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long and brother and sister-in-law Mr and Mrs. Roland Long. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kopp and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pogue are the proud owners of new cars. Pearl Durham and Ruby Stubbs combined business and pleasure in Salem one day last week. __________________ Start sooner, drive slower, live longer. No Job Too Large and None Too Small o B B Albany Laundry Phone 50 All M 8 H g B» FOR SALE! at Bargain Prices 6 STEEL COTS AND PADS 7 DOUBLE BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES 1 DOUBLE BOX-SPRING Mill City Hotel : [ i I i ♦ I I 11 I | av se I I Repaired The Honeymoon Is Over Excessive speed is a factor in two out of five traffic accidents. A heavy foot on the gas pedal is one foot in the grave. No one can gain In a race with a train. WE HAVE JUST RECENTLY PUT INTO OPERATION A NEW HEAVY DUTY WRECKER WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANY JOB WE HAVE AN 24 HOURS A DAY i Rubber Footwear : g The Last Word In Modern Wrecker Service EXPERIENCED WRECKER DRIVER STANDING BY TWO WRECKERS DAY & NIGHT! The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. DICK’S SHOE SERVICE ! s Ph. 2-7390 J 4 Different Kinds of Service 8 H » A lit atmr ..... —----- ~ 2 for ¿|7C B Mill (Uy OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 AM. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 AM. to 4 P.M. Shop and Residence 4'!6O Macleay Road, SALEM PEACHES 0 Kel loin’s Grocery LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING Friday & Saturday Special I VERY REASONABLE iiiii I mii ^ Quality Meats & Groceries » o g Fresh Meat GREENLY’S I I MILL CITY MEAT MARKET g The music department of the Pacific Lutheran college will be re­ flecting the nation wide attention being focuseel upon the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, when they present a "Bach Festival” on the fifth of March. March 1950 marks the passing of exactly two hundred years since the death of the great composer. Al! over the nation music minded individuals and groups will be' paying homage to the composer. On the program committee is Carol Sletto of Lyons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Slettik M isb Sletto is a Sophmore at the college. Butler’s Trailer Neus, Gates Toy & Hobby Shop 'l Bach Festival” Sunday TRAILER COURTS Evidence that the combination of an adequate diet and a restricted use of candy and soft drinks results in fewer decayed teeth in children is shown in a dental study of 163 boys and girls at the children's farm home by two Oregon State college school of home economics research staff members. Results of the study are published in the December edition of the Journal of dental research. The in­ vestigation. part of the state-federal cooperative research on the relation­ ship of nutrition to tooth decay, was conducted by Dr. Demetrios M. Hadjimarkos and Dr. Clara Storvick. The investigators, both in the O. S. C. foods and nutrition department, found that the children at the W.C. T. U. home, three miles north of Cor­ vallis. had an average of 4.5 de­ cayed. missing, and filled teeth each. Their ages ranged from 6 to 16 years. Previous investigations by Dr. Hadjimarkos and Dr. Storvick showed that the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth for 15year- Use Our Mail Order Service and Order olds in Clatsop county averaged That Winter Game TODAY! 15.1, nearly double the 8.4 caries Meals on Ice. . . But Paul Bunyan was willing to average in the same farm home age try anything, the winters were so group. The average for Coos county SALEM’S ORIGINAL hal'd. Yes, "winters,” for the 15-year-olds was 13.6, for Deschutes trouble was that two winters had 12 and for Klamath 9.6. Similar come at one and the same time. studies for 15-year-olds showed 6.6 They had struck in the first big in Hagerstown, Md; 6.5 in San N. Commercial SALEM Phone 2-158« o 163 Francisco and 6.9 for New York » freeze like lightning. I "That’s how they hit over on Bull­ City. In an effort to explain the wide frog Lake, "Double Jaw Murphy Ì told Paul Bunyan. “There it was, difference in the dental caries at­ sundown of an Indian summer day, tack in farm home children and with frogs croakin’ away all along those in the four Oregon counties, the shores, same time the sky was the researchers turned to an exam­ black with ducks fixin’ to ination of the fluorine content of the down on the lake for the night. water supply and the overall diet Then the freeze struck like sheet pattern of the farm home children. They found that the small amount lightnin’. It caught the frogs when FROZEN FOODS they were half-way under from a of fluorine in the water of the farm jump they all made at once to escape home could not be considered as a the freeze. It caught the ducks factor. After studying the weekly j mostly by the necks as they came allotments of basic foods served in down in their dive. And there they the eight different cottages at the 1 are, ducks and frog legs stickin’ up home, plus the variety of foods like grass all over the lake ice. Just available in almost unlimited a- HALVES AND SEGMENTS, No. 2% can usin’ scythes, all the camp can be mounts from the institution’s own fed through the twin winters, no farm, the researchers concluded that the children's daily food intake con­ matter how they keep froze.” Paul Bunyan thought about it, but stituted an adequate diet. Desserts, such as pie, cake and not so much. He had more logging and timber problems to worry over I pudding are served once or twice | than he could manage, so it seemed [daily and there is no deliberate re­ ! all right to let Double Jaw Murphy striction in the consumption of re get all the glory for staving off star­ fined sugars, it is pointed out, but vation. Nature had supplied the candy bars, carbonated beverages ducks and frogs, and the lake and and sweets in general are not used the woods and the camp belonged often as the sale of these items is DRY CLEANERS 0 0. to Paul Bunyan, but Double Jaw got not allowed at the institution. The authors concluded that "the shel- the credit. tered life of the subjects as well as one Next winter there was only winter but it was a bad one. No the adequacy of refined sugars and BETTER SHIRTS free froglegs and duck drumsticks sweets in general. this time, either. But there had Don’t Borrow—Sirtetcrlbe Today! been a good hay crop, and Double Jaw came up with a program on this. 1— DELUXE FINISH. ’’We'll make hay eaters out of the 2— s/4 FINISH: 10 lbs. $1.25. Each additional pound 15c per pound. loggers,” Double Jaw Murphy told Men’s shirts 15c each. Hanks lc each extra in this Paul Bunyan. service. "By exhaustive and painful re­ 3— FLUFF-DRY: searches we have proved loggers will 10 lbs. 99c. Each additional pound 9c per pound. 4— LINEN SUPPLY: eat hay, if you sprinkle whiskey on Doctors, Dentists. Barber, Beauty Shops, Restaurants, it.” Qrocery and Garage Shop Towels. Again Paul Bunyan gave in. By spring he figured it had cost him PICK UP MONDAY —DELIVER THURSDAY seven times as much to buy whiskey PICK UP THURSDAY —BACK MONDAY Mill City to sprinkle on the hay as ham, beans, LET ONE CALL DO IT ALL and prunes would have cost him. But what did it matter, he could add it to his expenses, and that would only come from the taxes he would have had to pay the government on March 15th Hobby Supplies and Games of All Kinds March 2, 1950 510 North Commercial St. Phone: 3-3175 Day and Night SALEM, OREGON | HOME and STORE OWNERS- ■ CALL US FOR CONSULTATION==r NO OBLIGATION '== at Mill Citv Theatre Complete Supply of All Your Buildiny Needs . . . . Thurs., March 9,1950 Curtain at 8 PM Proceeds Benefit Gates \\ omen s Club Building Fund KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS 00000000000000000000000003 PHONE 1815 RUSSELL KELLY, Manager