LYONS By EVA BRESSLER The executive board of the Mari- Linn PT A held its meeting at the Kome of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith Friday evening Feb. 1. Many plans were discussed for the coming meet­ ing. For the next one scheduled for THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 Hat Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Albany Laundry Phone 50 BETTER SHIRTS 4 Different Kinds of Service I 1— DELUXE FINISH. 2— A4 FINISH: 10 lbs. $1.25. Each additional pound 15c per pound. Men’s shirts 15c each. Hanks lc each extra in this service. 8—FLUFF-DRY: 10 lbs. 99c. Each additional pound 9c per pound. 4—LINEN SUPPLY: Doctors, Dentists, Barber, Beauty Shops, Restaurants, Grocery and Garage Shop Towels. 0 o PICK UP MONDAY — DELIVER THURSDAY PICK UP THURSDAY — BACK MONDAY LET ONE CALL DO IT ALL HjnraHnnnBnsanHHHHnnHnnnHnHanaaaBaaaaaBHHnHHHnnnHMnnn» IX X x x:x x x x x x x x X1X3X1X FREE High School Notes ATLAS TIRES DRY CLEANERS FREE Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Kogers Seeks Re-election Februar)- 23 1960 to 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Orville Downing and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John County Commission Mill City Shulllboard McClurg of Lyons. Also it is the Marion County Commissioner in- The Mill Ctiy Tavern shuffleboard first great grandchild of Mr. and cumbent, Ed Rogers, announced his team met the Davies Tavern team Mr. Bayless, high school principal, Mrs. Joseph Altgilbers of Portland intentions this week to file for re­ and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze of election to the office from Stayton here Sunday and won announced today that the high school under the Re­ Mehama. The baby is the third great by a 48 point margin. When the commencement program will be held publican ticket. The primary polls grandson of Mr William Downing Mill City Tavern players met Detroit on Tuesday evening, May 25th with at the Detroit Tavern they defeated the baccalaureate service to be held of Merrill. | The Lyons Extension unit held the Detroiters with only a Spoint on the preceding Sunday, May 21st. margin, an all day meeting at the Rebekah Byron and Tally Davis Mr. Bayless pointed out, however, made high scores. hall Friday, February 17, with a that other school classes will not pot-luck lunch at the noon hour. The Mill City boys will go to Stay­ terminate until May 31st. The project leaders were Helen Sal The “Cyclops of Palomai” featur­ ton Sunday to meet Davies Tavern chenberger and Betty Johnston, who and on Tuesday Detroit will come ing Robert T. Edgar will speak and demonstrated materials. give non-technical demonstrations on to Mill City for a game. Billy Ayers is confined to his home the great telescope now located at I with a case of mumps. Billy is a The good driver always maintains Mt. Palomar in California in an as­ his car in such mechanical shape sembly program at the high school ! student at Stayton high school. So far this la the first case of mumps that it responds easily and quickly, auditorium Friday, February 24th, thus assuring control. I in town. at 1:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Thoreson spent : :: X XX X ,x :: :: x x X.X X X X X a X :: X :: X XX a X x X X X X X X X X XX X XX X XX XX x XSXM j the week end in Seattle with rela- 11 tives. Thoreson is superintendent at Mt. Jefferson Lumber Co. mill. Mrs Walter Hilton and little son Tommy spent last week in Portland with Mr. Hilton. Tommy underwent a tonsilectomy while there. Mr. Hil­ ton brought them home Tuesday will be opened on May 19th morning and will spend Tuesday and Mr. Rogers who has lived in the A Written Warranty with each tire—38,000 dealers Willamette valley for over 40 years Wednesday with his family here. to serve YOU— a warranty against defects for the Mrs. Sam Bridges was hostess for is at presene a berry farmer in the the afternoon card club. Several ta­ Salem area. His political back­ life of the tire. bles of 500 were In play following a ground has included a number of one-thirty despert luncheon. High years as a republican committeeman FIRST GRADE MATERIAL — FIRST GRADE WORKMANSHIP scores were held by Thelma Nydeg- and ten years with the county high- j ger, Garnett Bassett and Alice Hu­ way department. — INSURED MILEAGE. ber, low score went to Frances Mul­ Mr. Rogers has completed his first lins. Present for the party were term as county commissioner. Mesdames Vern Nydegger, Floyd Bassett, Walter Bevier, George Huff­ Alex Bodeker attended an officers man, Herman Free, Percy Hiatt, Pat meeting of the Womens’ Society of Lyons, Merrill Brassfield, Eerl Allen, Christian Service and tea held at Albert Bass, Oscar N a u e, Donald the First Methodist church in jkilem Naue, Earl Helemn, Kenneth Hel. Thursday. emn, Francis Mullins, and Mrs. Frank Hoffman of Evanston, Wyo- 5 ming, who was a guest of the after­ .« a a j C kxj CXX a.rfia.a .a:«!:a; noon. Cheta Lande, assisted by her mother, entertained with a luncheon held at the Lande home for the Sth grade girls and their teacher Mrs. Leora Stevens. Classmates present were Donna Peabody, Lavera Wil­ son, Betty Nydegger, Nova Ann — . Gerath. Jean Pietroke, Jean Walker, March 10 with Mis. Virginia Folk, er, Linn County Red Cross chairman, ' will be the guest speaker and will show pictures on blood plasma. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton are are announcing the arrival of their first child, a boy, bom Feb. 14 at the Salem Memorial Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and has been named Larry Robert, • rf X X M g ALLEN KEITH CHEVRON GAS STATION FRONT END INSPECTION I !I i Porter, Carol Kuiken, Mrs. Stevens. X x Mrs iJinde and Cheta I^ande. x j Rev. A J. Quirin of Salem was a g I Friday evening dinner guest at the $ j home of Mr and Mrs. Jim Lande. x x Weekend guests at the Lande home X X were her brother and family Mr. and X X Mrs. Gus Denna. Gus Jr.. Irvin and 11 Glen of Susanville, Calif., and her s xI aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Melvin a. .. g I Henderson of St. Helens. $ I Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiatt of Rose- DUE TO HIGHWAY CONDITIONS AT Till. PRESENT ________ TIME NUMEROUS CAR OWNERS ARE DRIVING THEIR « I burg visited relatives in Lyons Fri- AUTOMOBH. es UNAWARE THAT THEY HIT A SMALL x ■ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Mrs. Charlie Bilyeu and son Mickie M M returned home Saturday evening M N from a visit with her parents in X X I Sacramento. Calif. Mrs. Laurence Walworth and Mrs Drive in and let a Factory Trained Expert check your Front End for tire wear, steering gear, and all front end parts Stavton Hardware and Furniture Stayton, Oregon s New ! s Smart! MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George ‘Sparky’ Ditter 3 The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. We Make Our Own Quality ICE CREAM VII VI Ml I! Will I Miti LOWER BRICK Special Friday & Saturday & Tavern Supph Commercial Refrigeration Sales x x a x x x x « a a a œ x x and Service 21.34 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-7193 XXJOCX m o r « * t e n jo r r x t r m n t s o f xsorx x >rx x x x x x x a * t x Salem. Orc. FAVORI t E Pts. 2(k Expert nor Finest mate- rial». NA ork Jone promptly ... and guaranteed. 1 et 11« give vou a tree estimate. W ITCHES DI \MO\Ds JFW El.RI Our lie » ream Product« M- « t «»tale Requirement«. I «.• No »thin> Milk <>r Sub-Standard Dairy P tih I ih I«. FORTORI\ iïaktr s w FURMTUPE^fc